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Steve Force

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Everything posted by Steve Force

  1. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful and very helpful replies! Any others care to chime in?
  2. Hi all, My first post here since the incredible transformation!!! I am seeking sage advice/insight on where I should consider renting in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. I am selling my Detroit-area home and relocating to Noth Carolina. My wife passed away early last year and it is time to make a change, and since I love sailing my great lakes sailboat I want to use it year-round rather than for 6 short months. I still want to work and know there are are great opportunities in the Research Triangle, while berthing my sailboat in Morehead City. So here is my ask: where is a good area for me to check out for living? Initially, I will rent, as I do not want to buy just yet. That will come later. I want to live where the action is or at least a thriving music/arts community as I am now single with kids all grown. Any info you can provide will be deeply appreciated! Rock and Roll. Thanks, Steve
  3. Not at the moment...but I'm not sure we need it right now. The idea is to keep the forums looking and acting like they always have. I'm thinking a single banner at the top with rotating advertisers will cover the expense of the forums as well as - gasp - paying moderators. The plan is for there to eventually be another separate area with editorial content (run by Steve Fortner) along with a marketplace where people can buy and sell music (sellers keep 100% of the revenue), services and goods. Think Keyboard mag, but with better ads and offerings. There are other folks who will come in to help with the other forums, some of which will probably get pruned. We have a few other ideas....but the first goal is to get the forums preserved, migrated and upgraded. With who moderating...? dB You..?
  4. Very happy to see this dB! it is very good hands. Now bring back SWEAT???
  5. I am listening to Larry Fast/Synergy "Metropolitan Suite." [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube] and more.
  6. Welcome aboard, Mike! No worries--we don't bite (well, except for Sven Golly that is.. )
  7. Android phone Camera shots--apologies they aren't super clear. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/418959_3364743594699_1152409139_3594320_310147949_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/418621_3401326549250_1152409139_3607583_683398848_n.jpg Keys: DSI Monoevolver, Korg Kronos Rack: Moog Slim Phatty, Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08 (PE mod), Ashly 1U line mixer, Furman, Dave Smith Instruments PolyEvolver, TC Helicon vocal processor, Shure IEM and wireless (that I sometimes use for electric violin), ART tube preamp that I sometimes use for harp, MultiDirector 4 DI rack unit.
  8. what is that round drum throne-looking thingie in your pic? Tell us you are not now a ..gulp..sitter...
  9. I'll accept "leading proponent of Yacht Rock" or "the guy that ruined The Doobie Brothers" but not "intense groove machine". Hmm... tis funny that Steely Dan, Little Feat (Lowell George-era), etc all recorded some fantastic music with Michael McDonald's vocal greatly enhancing the tuneage...
  10. Hey! Mukker! Welcome. "Guid gear comes in sma' bulk" (and...thats the end of my googling abilities.. )
  11. I'm gonna paint my Hammond XK-3c Red so that I can call it a Nord wannabe. What paint should I use?
  12. Tattoo from "Fantasy Island" was a drummer? (RIP Hervé.... )
  13. Cool! Is that the 'stick through the flanger? If so sweet! If not, still cool! Are you using the PEK in the bridge?
  14. And here is Robert'sreply: Hi Paul, What polish do you use on your Stealth TT? I want my maintenance people to start polishing my Viper, now that the weather is improving. I am really looking forward to getting our band started as soon as possible! As you can see I am really into making it happen! My last band, the Jaded Boners, took 5 years to get the first rehearsal in! So you should be happy I am giving you so many opportunities for my valuable time! Unlike bass wankers, we keyboard playa's don't grow on trees. (lol, I am SO funny!) Your bandleader and superstar, Robert
  15. I really dig your website design! Nice tunes as well!
  16. I really liked the song Blade of green. Nice harmonies! I agree! Next time I am in Pittsburgh I want to catch your show..
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