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Signing off: Good-Bye Guys!

Compact Diss

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Going away for a while from the site. I know people hate these good-bye posts like anyone cares but I like everyone here so I'm saying see ya.


Seriously though I'm going to Harvard in September(job is paying the tuition, didn't hit it rich)-this is a lifelong dream and I need to put everything into it in order to get the grades I want.


33 years old and starting on my Bachelor's Degree, it's never too late!


I read this somewhere:


A young kid said, "if I go to college now I will be 30 before I get my degree"


The older guy said "would you like to be 30 and have no degree?"


I said those same words about law school when I was younger-I'll be too old, yeah right! The knowledge that comes with age...


I will be around for a couple more days but after that I'm hitting the books.


Everyone--dreams can come true, do good things and good things happen!





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Good luck with the grades 'n' stuff, Diss!! We'll miss you around here. Hopefully you'll be able to drop by from time to time to let us know how things are going.

I wish you all the best!


May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Originally posted by Compact Diss:

[QB]Going away for a while from the site ... I will be around for a couple more days but after that I'm hitting the books..QB]

What a great opportunity and challenge! Best of luck to you Compact D. :thu:
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well on the one hand it's great news and kudos to you for taking the plunge now. :cry: You will be missed, but like the others said please do stop by every now and then and let us know how you're doing. Whatever you do don't forget to take time off from studying to play guitar occasionally.


So what is your course of action??? Always good to have a friend on the other side of the law... just in case :evil::D

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Hey do real good in college but try and have some fun too

i know how much you contribute to the forums here, and im one of those guys that do a lot more reading than posting and i can tell you that you have made a damned good contribution here

i know i'll see you back here sometime in the future

good luck, :wave:


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Good reason to leave CD. One hell of a lot better than because you're going to the hoosgow. :D

Good Luck & Y'all come on back now, ya heah?


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Later 'Diss :wave:


with any luck you'll grad with a low C average after being a Cheerleader, then maybe get into the oil business and become guv'ner of Texas and .... oh wait, that's the other guy ... :rolleyes::D


just kiddin'


best of luck to ya :thu:

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Very cool.

I know three people that have gone back to school recently. One is 40, one is 48, and one is 50.

All are going back for something they always wanted to be. So far, all are doing well, and enjoying it. It's never too late.

Good luck. :thu:

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Congrats! :thu: You'll be missed. We all need to take a break from time to time to focus. This is your time for that break. Don't feel pressured to visit us. Just focus on what needs to be accomplished in the here-n-now for your future without becoming distracted or side-tracked.


I wish you the best.


God Bless :)

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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As someone who didn't get his bachelor's degree till age 35 I wish you all the best. I've never regretted the time, money and effort I put in to do it. You won't believe how much just your age and experience helps with school.


But never fear, you're safe with me... Well maybe. - Les
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congrats and good luck man, take it easy. yeah, i'm looking at the whole college thing myself these days. going on visits in a week, that should be interesting...
Then you'll never hear surf music again...
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Good Luck, Harvard, wow thats gotta be tough, Im currently in college right now in a UC and havent really been paying much attention to school, i think i should do the same and keep my grades up, but stopping by once in awhile wont hurt! :)
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Best of luck to you, Diss. You've been a great contributor and you'll be missed.


On the bright side, maybe after a few years at Harvard you'll see the light and come back with a Kerry/Edwards button for an avatar :D;):P:wave:

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'Diss! Harvard!! That's friggin' incredible! I mean, amazing!


Best of luck to you; drop us a note now and then in the future, when you can. But in the mean time, bust yer @$$ workin' there!


Man, that's unbelievable! Congratulations.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Damn! You guys are so great! Thank you for all of your help over the last years. I will think of you often. The internet has become my best friend and biggest enemy--so much time wasted surfing online when I could have been doing other things. It hasn't been all bad but I need to get myself in school mode starting now. So it's good-bye.


I appreciate all the kind words--I will check in after I get my first graded paper back.


Let me make myself more clear--yes it is Harvard but it is the Extension School, basically the school for people who work and cannot attend full time days. I will graduate the same along with everyone and 13 out of my 16 mandatory courses must be with Harvard professors so it's the same thing to me. Just didn't want to give the impression that I'd be hanging out in Harvard Square playing the acoustic between classes.


Good-bye to you all--

Thank You! :thu:



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Harvard is still Harvard! Congrats and God bless!



BTW, I was 35 when I got my Master's at University of Memphis, my sister graduated from law school at 35. Go for it! :thu:

...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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