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Cubase LE any good?


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I am looking at the Yamaha small mixers with USB. Yamaha MW-12 I think.




The only problem I have is it comes bundled with Cubase LE. I have been running n-tracks recording software and will need to upgrade which cost a few dollars. If the Cubase will offer the same as the upgraded n-tracks I might buy the MW-12/Cubase LE.


n-tracks link



If the LE is too lite I may end up trying the Alesis mixer with USB, and sticking with n-tracks.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by BluesKeys: [QB] The only problem I have is it comes bundled with Cubase LE. I have been running n-tracks recording software and will need to upgrade which cost a few dollars. If the Cubase will offer the same as the upgraded n-tracks I might buy the MW-12/Cubase LE.
Haven't' really heard much of this software. But surface scan from the link you provided suggests Cubase would facilitate your needs. However, if you are adept with your present software and feel

comfortable and same covers your needs I think that alone is worth that little extra spending.


Then again, if you are limited and looking to path new software, then you might consider this Cubase addition.


Does the USB play some instrumental significance in this mixer of your choice?

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I would only say that bundled software shouldn't necessarily determine your next move. Take it or leave it.


oh that's helpful.


I tried to love Cubase LE, I really did. It sounds so "engineered" already. I'm sure it is, but I just didn't get it.

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Here's what Cubase LE can do:


- 48 audio tracks and 64 MIDI tracks

- Professional 24-bit/96 kHz audio resolution

- Supports up to 8 VST instruments

- 2 insert effects and 4 send effects per channel

- VST System Link and ReWire 2 compatible

- Includes complete set of audio and midi effect plugins

- Fully upwards compatible to Cubase SL, SX


Again, I just use it to location record (16 tracks) and then I load that project into Cubase 4 at home and mix.

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Thanks for the responses on the LE. But as I dig deeper I find that the USB boards only send a stereo signal.


B3r, What are you using as an interface for live 16 track recording?


My ultimate goal is to record my bands live, and I would only need 10 track if I use 3 for drums. I could get by with 8 if I send the drums pre-mixed. But 16 would be awesome, and I bet expensive.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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daBowsa, I have been looking at a Firepod. It will certainly handle the live recording as well as studio stuff I want to do.


ER... I hate GAS just HATE it


It all started when I.... well long story short. I was hoping to get a small mixing board to run my rig (now with EON G2's) and use with my computer. I know I couldn't use it to record live if I am using the mixer for my rig.


I need an extra say $1000 to $2000 to get what I want to record live and run my gear. Then after I get all that stuff, I'll need another $2000 for what ever else I don't have but want.


Somebody help I feel like I am sinking here.

Stinking GAS.


Hey Tom





Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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All those firewire boards, if I'm not mistaken, just give you a stereo signal instead of a multi-track signal.


Jim, I'm using two Firepods and an HP 1Ghz Ahtlon 64-bit based laptop to get my 16 channels. I finally got everything to work flawlessly (had the setup for about a year). I kept getting weird digital distortion artifacts on any tracks recorded beyond 8. It turned out to be a simple checkbox in Cubase LE that solved the problem. This after buying a PCMIA Firewire card (thinking that having the Firepods and the harddrive on the same bus was not a good idea) putting in more RAM, etc.


Anyway, besides that little snafu, which was operator error, the system is incredibly stable and the pre-amps on the Presonus are very clean and give plenty of gain. For live situations I usually use a bank of 16 splitters so the soundman can have his own signal without mucking up mine.

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Originally posted by BluesKeys:

Stinking GAS.


Hey Tom



:cry: And I thought we were friends.



Jimmy, here's the scoop.


Go to Mackie's web site and read everything you can on their ONYX mixers and the Firewire interface. Yes, they're expensive, but they will record 16 channels out and send 2 back. This would be perfect for your needs - especially since you recently purchased that external hard drive.


Klonkity-Klonk Heah


Did I mention that they're not inexpensive?


They're also made in China. Some reviewers had a problem with the build quality.


Nevertheless, there's a buncho' good information there if you'll take the time to read through it.


Perhaps there's a better solution that I don't know about, but this is as close as I've seen.


How'd your gig at 42nd Street Saturday night go?





"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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The Mackie, although I'm sure it's nice, seems rather expensive. To get 16 actual mic preamps, you'd have to get the Onyx 1640, which is around $1200. Then you'd have to ad the firewire card, which is another $400.


The Firepod is $500. Two of them, for 16 channels, would be $1000. You can regularly find them on eBay, new, for $400.

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Originally posted by B3-er:

All those firewire boards, if I'm not mistaken, just give you a stereo signal instead of a multi-track signal.

The MultiMix USB boards give you a stereo signal.


As for the MultiMix Firewire boards...

"The Firewire port sends every individual mixer channel as well as the MultiMixs MAIN OUT/2-TRACK OUT left and right signals to the computer. This means that, for the MultiMix 12 FireWire, 12 individual channels are sent to the computer along with the MAIN stereo pair (14 channels in total.) For the MultiMix 16 FireWire, 16 individual channels are sent to the computer along with the MAIN stereo pair (18 channels in total.)"
--Source: http://alesis.com/downloads/manuals/MMFW12_16Manual.pdf


Alesis also has the new io|14 and io|26 that give you 4 and 8 mic inputs, respectively, also individualy sent via firewire. $299 and $399.

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Originally posted by daBowsa:

Originally posted by B3-er:

All those firewire boards, if I'm not mistaken, just give you a stereo signal instead of a multi-track signal.

The MultiMix USB boards give you a stereo signal.


As for the MultiMix Firewire boards...

"The Firewire port sends every individual mixer channel as well as the MultiMixs MAIN OUT/2-TRACK OUT left and right signals to the computer. This means that, for the MultiMix 12 FireWire, 12 individual channels are sent to the computer along with the MAIN stereo pair (14 channels in total.) For the MultiMix 16 FireWire, 16 individual channels are sent to the computer along with the MAIN stereo pair (18 channels in total.)"
--Source: http://alesis.com/downloads/manuals/MMFW12_16Manual.pdf


Alesis also has the new io|14 and io|26 that give you 4 and 8 mic inputs, respectively, also individualy sent via firewire. $299 and $399.

That's pretty slick. But again, Jim needs 16 mic pre's. That gonna get expensive. But the Alesis looks pretty cool.
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I second the double firepod suggestion. Those preamps sound pretty damn good for the cost and two firepods will weigh in at a little less than $1,000. I recorded a jazz trio demo in my living room this past August and I was amazed with the sound of that little box. Justify your GAS with the fact that you can use these puppies at home for recording as well, or sell them at a later date if they become insufficient for you needs. They are also very light and will fill up a single rack space each for a very portable solution.

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Like the Buddist monk said to the hot dog vendor. "Make me one with everything." Then after waiting, then monk asks for his change and the vendor says "It comes from within."


I like both avenues, the Alesis can cover my imediate needs of a mixer for my live work and home recording. Then as $$$ permit I go for the Firepod to up my live recording quotient.


Then I can buy ...... and....... then another.....


Damn, I am going to have to get a day job to support my night job.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Just make sure you do some homework on the software drivers for the Alesis.


The MultiMix boards have been around for a while and have been reviewed as having nice, clean preamps. However, this is Alesis' first foray into the computer IO/Firewire world, so they've had some bugs to iron out.


The fact that they have the io|14 and |26 makes me more comfortable because they now have more than one product that uses their Firewire drivers.


I'd just hate to throw a recommendation out there that gives your headaches. :cool:

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