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Noise in S90ES "Bright S"?


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I'm hearing some noticable hiss in my S90ES "Bright S" piano (at higher velocity levels) that's not there in, say, the Natural S, and I'd like to determine if it's the nature of that sound or if my unit might be defective. Can anyone with an S90ES please confirm?
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I saw 'Bright S' and I was thinking , what the heck is this guy thinking, the S90ES doesnt even have a patch called Bright S. Then I looked at the Voice list and no shxt, its right there front and center.


Ive had my S90ES for several months and have been using 'Natural S' and 'Intimate' so much I never even seen Bright S,... and I'm not even kidding :)


Anyways, I just played with 'Bright S' through the headphones a bit and didnt hear any 'hissing' with it, a tiny bit of 'ringing' at hard strike but I pretty much hear that with all of them.


MUCH less of a 'ringing' then what I heard with the 700sx, although I did really like the 'character ?' of the 700sx piano.

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Originally posted by delirium:

nothing wrong with your board.

Listen to acoustic piano, you'll find more then one

imperfection which is just perfect.

I agree. What is perfect???? At some point just play and forget about all this silliness. If this was a huge problem like the Fusion, it would posted all over the net.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

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Well, I don't consider it "silliness" if it's a problem with my particular board. I definitely hear it, and it definitely bothers me, so forgive me for asking if it's something that might be correctable. I've had these types of "sonic artifact" problems twice before in keyboards (and modules) I've owned in the past, and both times the problem has been correctable.


aditunes.com, I checked that site, and I couldn't find any past discussion of this issue. That forum seemed to be more of a Motif forum besides (although I did see there was also some discussion of the S90ES). Maybe I was using the wrong search terms?


HomeAmateur, are you playing the Bright S patch at high velocity? Try playing some two fisted sustained chords (I first noticed it playing the intro to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road).

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Originally posted by dongna:

Try playing some two fisted sustained chords (I first noticed it playing the intro to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road).

Could this be the problem? ;)


Play + 2 fisted sounds like an oxymoron.


How long have you had the S90ES?


Is it possible for you to head back to the local music store and bang on, er, I mean play their S90ES (Bright S)?


I would PLAY another S90ES to see if the same issue pops.


Hopefully, there is nothing wrong with your board. Good luck and welcome to the forum. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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ProfD, I've had my S90ES for about 5 months. I've not noticed this until now because, like HomeAmateur, I hadn't played the Bright S patch hardly at all. I came at the piano sounds on this board from a Kurzweil piano, and at first even the Natural S sounded way too bright for my ears. I could hardly believe Yamaha actually included a piano brighter than that in the Bright S. But as my ears have grown more accustomed to the S90ES sound, I started using the Bright S more and more on rock tunes, and that's when I first noticed the noise.


Yes, I could head to a local music store to play another S90ES. But I don't know that I'd necessarily hear it in a noisy store environment. And since I know there are a lot of S90ES owners here, I thought it easier (at least from my standpoint :) ) to ask here if any others had noticed it.


I suspect there's nothing wrong with my board. And it's not ruining my enjoyment of it or anything. The noise is subtle. But it is there. I realize not every sound on a keyboard is going to be perfect. But I remember the first Kurzweil 1000PX I purchased had a very subtle clicking sound as the piano decayed, and that turned out to be a problem unique to that unit. The store from which I bought it exchanged it once I demonstrated the noise to them.


Oh, and thanks for the welcome. Although I haven't posted much, I don't feel as though I'm new here. I've been reading this forum for quite a while, and the posts here were very helpful in making my S90ES purchase decision.

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Originally posted by dongna:

Yes, I could head to a local music store to play another S90ES. But I don't know that I'd necessarily hear it in a noisy store environment. And since I know there are a lot of S90ES owners here, I thought it easier (at least from my standpoint :) ) to ask here if any others had noticed it.

All things aside, you definitely came to the right place for info. :)


Check all of the parameters on the patch to see if anything odd is affecting the overall sound.


Still, for the sake of your own sanity, check out another S90ES. Use headphones or catch the store when it is not too crowded.


Depending on how much pull you have, it is not inconceivable that you could get the place to quiet down for a few minutes. ;):cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Yes, even at high velocity I dont hear any 'hissing' on the 'Bright S'. Though I dont know 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road', I do mess around with 'Your Song'.


Like I said, I never even really play with 'Bright S', 'Natural S' is bright enough, which is why I usually use 'Intimate', or 'Elegant S' which as you know are a 'tad' softer.


In fact, among my 'few/minor' dissapointments on the S90ES, (a board that Yamaha boast about its piano - which is nice ) is that I think they could of put a better assortment of 'variations' of it in it.


I think 'A08-A15' pianos are a waiste of space. Does 'anyone' even use these ones?


Though I agree with your theory of checking here first, I also agree with the others that have suggested for you to check out anohter S90ES just to make sure. Everyone 'hears' differently.


Also, in case you dont know, there is another forum on Sninety.com http://www.sninety.com/forums/index.php?Cat=1,3


which is a great resource of info, specific to Yamaha/Motif/S90/es

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Originally posted by dongna:

Well, I don't consider it "silliness" if it's a problem with my particular board. I definitely hear it, and it definitely bothers me, so forgive me for asking if it's something that might be correctable. I've had these types of "sonic artifact" problems twice before in keyboards (and modules) I've owned in the past, and both times the problem has been correctable.

If it truly is a problem with your board, it could very likely be an issue with your setup in terms of cables, monitors, other electronic proximity ect. Can you give more detail about your set up? There are many possibilities which may be the cause of this.


The reason for my silliness comment is I've seen these type of comments before and in many instances you have to go to extremes that you'd never use in a gig or recording to hear these types of issues. There was a similiar thread that went on forever about the original S90 that was this way. I also own a S90ES and didn't hear this on my board.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

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The noise is audible through headphones (Sony MDR-V600's)-- no cabling or other electronics involved.


At this point, I'm not going to worry about it. It's not that big an issue. When I get a chance, I'll try to get some phones on a store floor unit just to make sure it's not just my board.

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I don't think it's your board. I'm a bit delayed responding, because I was between rehearsals when I first read your post and I just reconnected my S90ES at home.


Anyway, yes, there is a noticeable hiss (listening through headphones) on the "Bright S" voice, and it's clearly an artifact of some sort because the hiss audibly dies out over time. (Just play one chord at decent velocity, and you can hear the hiss die after a couple seconds. In the absence of it dying off, I could've attributed it to my headphones or some other aspect of the setup, but not with a noticeable "end" to the hiss.)


Like others here, I almost never use that patch, so I hadn't noticed it before, but it's definitely there on my board.


I'm quite certain that this isn't anything that would be heard in a live setting, and you can tame it a bit if you like by attenuating the treble either through the S90ES's EQ or an external mixer or amplifier.


Also, for what it's worth, I notice the same issue, albeit dramatically less pronounced, on the other S90ES piano voices, including my favorite, the acclaimed "Natural S." That is a patch I use all the time, however, and, although I notice a little extra noise listening through headphones, I can assure you that it's completely lost in a live setting.


Enjoy your board.



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+1 on Noah's comment above.


Yesterday, I heard a hiss on the tail end of the piano sounds in the MotifES8.


I didn't consider this thread while playing it. I'll check it out on the S90ES too. With and without headphones.


FWIW, I did not hear a single artifact in the OASYS piano. The fact is, I'm having 2nd thoughts about that particular piece of art. ;)


Ok, but we are talking about the Yamaha ES hissing like a snake through headphones. Yes, it does. More to follow... :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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I can't hear any hiss. But I hear the string resonance effect (which sounds natural to me). So turn off the reverb and see what happens. With reverb off I just hear a very clean sound.

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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I just purchased a brand new S90ES on the weekend, and first off I have to say its a beautiful board.


However after a short time playing with it I noticed a hiss sound following many of the notes. So I searched the net and came across this thread.


I first noticed this hiss problem on the 'Natural S'. It is the most pronounced on the mid to high key range and only present at high velocities. It reduces a lot when I bypass the effects but still remains there. It is quite noticeable on single key hits as well as chords.

I also came across this sound on the other piano sounds and on some of the Chromatic Percussion sounds as well.


The hiss sounds like tape noise, or like a sample is being over-amplified to the point of revealing the electronic noise present in the recording.


Hopefully this is an isolated case on a few boards and that this can be repaired.

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