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Is Jordan using a Fantom X8?

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Originally posted by dp2:

I suspect a Kurzweil is probably there too; after all, they somehow appear from time to time in some of his videos (on Youtube).

JR's earlier works involved Korg Triton hardware, then (post-head-shaving, from what I can tell ;) ) Kurzweil boards. Those are the videos you're seeing on YouTube (until such time as those copyrighted materials are yanked... enjoy'em while you can).
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No serious musician uses just one brand of anything. I deal with musician endorsement deals all the time (and have for the past 15+ years). Don't ever think that just because you see a guy with a product in an ad means that that's the only thing he uses, be it a guitar, a synth, a drumkit, or whatever.


I'd think it was really weird if I didn't see something other than Korg in Jordan's setup. Why wouldn't he want a wider palette of sounds?


- Jeff

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IDK what the big deal is anyways?


If you're a DT fan (as you should be) the you want Jordan to get all the best sounds he can. And if that means using a Fantom-x, so what?


And my I point out that he's also using the new SH-201 (top teer in back)

What's really going to bake you noodle later is, if i hadn't said anything, would you still have broken it?
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Ummm.... welcome to the forum, dankap... but do us a favour, and try to follow the rules for avatars, at least somewhat. 600 x 450 isn't quite within the ballpark of the 64x64 suggested guidelines. :rolleyes:


Also, not sure why we "should be" DT fans?


I dig the HHGTTG quote in your .sig though... ;):thu:

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I think these type of idol threads are sad.


Forgive my ignorance but....


who the hell is this guy...never heard of him so don't care what he uses,endorses or smokes. :confused:


if a tree falls in the forest...then let it rot.


His and all other idols' backsides point to the ground like ours so why make a song and dance about what he uses.

I think feedback from the individuals on this site far more influential than some star I know nothing about.

The people on this site are here now making observations about thier gear,gigs and whatever.Far more useful than a rich stars ability to buy anything that takes thier fancy.Viva keyboard corner participants,.


Now shoot me down because I dont know of him and many others......but this johnny come lately idol worship stuff leaves me cold.

Well at least the constant does he or doesnt he...does it really matter.Are you gonna' buy one because he uses one...i guess so.


Yes I know I dont have to read it but I was following all Fantom X8 threads...

for all I knew Jordan was some basketball player?


sorry had my hissy fit now. tee hee :D

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Originally posted by mate_stubb:

Err Aussie, Jordan IS a peep on this site. :eek:

cool....I presume that means he is on this forum if so that's good...forum users good


but I still wouldnt know who he is such is the irregularities of fame.....its all relative.....

you're only famous to those who know of you.The rest couldn't care less.


If I told you who was one of Australia's top windsurfers could you or anyone careless ...its all relative.


just lightheartedly having a go at all the name dropping/idol worship on this forum.read lightheartedly

Not against the person as I know nothing about him and therefore have nothing against him.

read lightheartedly .


But great if he shares forum information anonymously with us as we all do...thats cool.

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Originally posted by Sven Golly:

It takes a board with some pretty serious performance capabilities to give up a fully loaded Kurzweil K2600XS and a pair of K2600RS's...

AFAIK, JR's still got a couple of K2600RS's that he tours with (or maybe they're just in the studio). Either way, if I had as much money as Jordan, I'd have probably every keyboard in the world, too. The D-beam is fairly cool - maybe that's the reason he's got one... :D



Main stuff: Yamaha CP88 | Korg Kronos 2 73 | Kurzweil Forte 7 | 1898 Steinway I

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Originally posted by AUSSIEKEYS:

Now shoot me down because I dont know of him and many others......but this johnny come lately idol worship stuff leaves me cold.


sorry had my hissy fit now. tee hee :D

OK, targeting... :D Jordan entered Juilliard at the age of 9...I wouldn't exactly call him a 'johnny come lately idol'. We're not talking about Hanson here...the guy's been around. I'm not saying you have to agree with what his fans think, but c'mon dude - the guy was voted the 2nd best keyboard player of all time next to Keith Emerson...that should count for something, huh?



Main stuff: Yamaha CP88 | Korg Kronos 2 73 | Kurzweil Forte 7 | 1898 Steinway I

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[[/qb]OK, targeting... :D Jordan entered Juilliard at the age of 9...I wouldn't exactly call him a 'johnny come lately idol'. We're not talking about Hanson here...the guy's been around. I'm not saying you have to agree with what his fans think, but c'mon dude - the guy was voted the 2nd best keyboard player of all time next to Keith Emerson...that should count for something, huh? [/QB]
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yes cj

i suppose you are right in that respect except I wasnt targeting the person [as said i dont know anything about him and fame is relative]

...hey I live on an island floating around in the pacific.


But i was jokingly and fair dinkumly at the same time having a go at the idol worship or name dropping that seems common place on this forum...and probably every forum too I guess.


It was no slur on mr jordan...the johnny comelately reference was a generic term to encompass many idols.


just that it gets me how many seem to think if Idol [A] has a Rolakorgaha M6100 then that is this months.. flavour of the month.


I get so much information from fellow forumites who are anonymous that I trust many of thier critiques and ideas on much gear and respect thier differences on many subjects also....


these people are the real deal when it comes to gear and gigging...many slogging it for a living, many learning, many having been in the industry a long time as I have.

These people I respect and have gotten to know over a period of time and still anonymous.

and I guess some of them are very well known dudes too...but that doesnt matter when your anonymous.


And yes i do try to avoid all these type of threads as I do all the Off Topic threads such as football and basketball....[strange on a keyboard forum]..as It doesnt affect me if I avoid them...

but sometimes you get attracted to a thread and in this case the tittle made me think some forumite whose first name or nickname was jordan..and as I was interested in Fantom threads I thought great.


I was really trying to make people think how easy it is to fall into the trap of gear lust because a "great" has one is not really a good idea.


As always you should investigate one in person ,read keyboard mag reviews, ask forumites and then go play one again.Making the decision from investigation..not blind following...


but I guess thats why manufacturers love dudes endorsing products because consumers are really only lemmings falling over the cliff of consumerism.


and yes I never know who is hot in music...even with my favourite bands I was lucky to know the names of the players...names and profiles never mattered to me..it was the end product of the music not each individuals showcase that made the music for me..You could call me very under informed on dudes...but hey that proves that fame is only relative.


and Ive been on this forum too long without having an outburst...

i think its my turn.. tee hee.


viva the forumites,thier ideas,thier critiques,thier wackiness and thier willingness to help others against blind consumerism


so endeth the second reading..copies of this speach can be obtained from the foyer.

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Not only is Rudess a great player but he's a good programmer and he's great at doing fantastic live setups. Check out this video for instance:




Many people are interested in getting the same sounds as Rudess, there is even a patch or two named after him on the current K26xx Kurzweils. So it is only natural that what gear he uses would be of interest as well.


To me treating someone is an "idol" means that you listen to everything they say and adopt their views, right or wrong, and consider them as some sort of "faultless" person. On the other hand, I think treating someone as an inspiration and learning from them is fine. Rudess has videos and a book out, and an online 'conservatory' as well as an active fanbase who have created MIDIs of various Rudess parts (posted on his site, some of them are from Dream Theater tracks etc.) and there's a whole section in his forum for transcriptions/"tabs" etc. (I haven't really checked that out yet though) and you'll find quite a few video (on YouTube, etc.) of people playing Rudess tracks... including Rudess himself.



So there is a real opportunity to learn and grow, as well as enjoy the music and performance of Rudess, not just run around with drool hanging out of your mouth at the "idol."

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Originally posted by AUSSIEKEYS:

but I guess thats why manufacturers love dudes endorsing products because consumers are really only lemmings falling over the cliff of consumerism.

Marketing is marketing. It is slimy at times and a roadblock to proper engineering efforts at other times. Nevertheless, most new products are actually failures (I mean across a range of industries--no-one expects the successor to the Triton or whatever to be a failure), and it should not be underestimated how difficult it is to persuade someone to part with their money.


I don't think most around here would buy something just because of an endorsement. However, marketing is also about getting the edge. If you hear so-and-so and you see he's playing so-and-so keyboard, now you just heard of that company and their product. You'll probably at least have some sort of mental association, even if you don't realize it, between success and that product.


But I'd evaluate the products themselves, rather than get annoyed with the marketing. When I see that ridiculous banner advert on this site for "Analysis Plus" cables with the player from Sheryl Crow's band saying "Mean, clean, fat and responsive... The tone comes alive! So quiet you can hear your amp breathe." I don't run out and buy that cable, I laugh my a** off. :D


OTOH, who's arguing with this?



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Originally posted by RABid:

What is interesting is to see what he really uses as opposed to what he is paid to promote and be seen with on stage.

Jordan has maintained a listing of his gear over at his website for a long time. His gear list (both "Live Gear" and "Studio Gear") is NOT any big secret. Using the link below:

-- select the "Jordan" tab

-- select the "Endorsements and Gear" item



Yes, he clearly lists that he has a Fantom X8 in his studio (along with a Korg OASYS 88 [he has 2], Kurzweil K2600 X, V-Synth, etc.).


P.S. -- Also please note that Jordan states he is an endorser of Roland (in addition to Korg and other companies). What was that comment again regarding "uses versus endorses"?

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ah! the good old martin hines korg rep! Welcome here (too)! As usual, you've started to spam our threads with your oaysys talk. Please do continue. It is entertaining to pull you leg now and then. :D JFYI, you're the only one, but dont get disheartened. I'm sure Korg will get you something ;)


Oh, and i dont have a Fantom X8. Neener Neener. :P

Dont follow me....i'm lost too....
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Originally posted by keyman_sam:

ah! the good old martin hines korg rep!


Oh, and i dont have a Fantom X8.

Yes, I realize you have a Fantom S, which is why I stated "...he found out that you have a FANTOM".

You should notice I did not say "Fantom X" or "Fantom S", just "Fantom".


Perhaps you might read a little more carefully next time.


Again, to help your understanding, while I am a Korg "fan", I do not work for Korg, and am therefore not a Korg "rep". The word "rep" is short for "representative", and that title is normally reserved for someone who works at a company, usually in a marketing or sales capacity. Jerry Kovarsky of Korg USA would be an example of a "Korg Rep".


To reiterate:

-- Jerry Kovarsky -- Korg "Rep"

-- Martin Hines -- Korg "Fan"



P.S. -- I am glad I was able to clear that up for you, at least for now. I expect you to become "confused" again in the future, given I have clarified this point with you many times in the past.

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Originally posted by Martin Hines:

Originally posted by RABid:

What is interesting is to see what he really uses as opposed to what he is paid to promote and be seen with on stage.

Jordan has maintained a listing of his gear over at his website for a long time. His gear list (both "Live Gear" and "Studio Gear") is NOT any big secret. Using the link below:

-- select the "Jordan" tab

-- select the "Endorsements and Gear" item



Yes, he clearly lists that he has a Fantom X8 in his studio (along with a Korg OASYS 88 [he has 2], Kurzweil K2600 X, V-Synth, etc.).


P.S. -- Also please note that Jordan states he is an endorser of Roland (in addition to Korg and other companies). What was that comment again regarding "uses versus endorses"?

I don't know. What WAS that comment again regarding "uses versus endorses?"


Edit I am not going to get pulled into a useless argument with someone who cannot even quote me correctly?





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Originally posted by RABid:

I don't know. What WAS that comment again regarding "uses versus endorses?"

Given the title of this thread, your commment "What is interesting is to see what he really uses as opposed to what he is paid to promote and be seen with on stage" clearly implies:

-- he doesn't "really use" what he has on-stage

-- he only has those items on stage because he is "paid to promote" them

-- his studio gear list is somehow some type of "secret"


I was simply pointing out that:

-- Jordan is ALSO a Roland endorsee (but I doubt that is why he uses a V-Synth on-stage)

-- Jordan appears to use what works for him, both on-stage and in the studio


As for a "useless argument", I was challenging your assertion/implication that the ONLY reason Jordan uses what he does on-stage is because he is paid to use it. I would assert he uses his gear because it works for him, and he likes it.

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Originally posted by Martin Hines:

... clearly implies:

-- he doesn't "really use" what he has on-stage

-- he only has those items on stage because he is "paid to promote" them

-- his studio gear list is somehow some type of "secret"


And that statement "clearly implies" that you have no clue about how I think. 30 years ago I started reading LP liners to see what drummers and keyboardists were using on stage and in studio. That curiosity continues today. I'm sorry if a touch of paronia distorts the meaning of my statement.

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Originally posted by RABid:

And that statement "clearly implies" that you have no clue about how I think.

Your statement "What is interesting is to see what he really uses as opposed to what he is paid to promote and be seen with on stage" isn't really subject to interpretation; your statement was"clear as a bell".


I belive the "touch of paranoia" is yours when you assume someone like Jordan ONLY uses the stage gear he does because he is being "paid" to do so.

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Originally posted by Martin Hines:

Your statement "What is interesting is to see what he really uses as opposed to what he is paid to promote and be seen with on stage" isn't really subject to interpretation; your statement was"clear as a bell".

The irony of that statement coming from you has put quite a smile on my face. That has many in the office worried. I usually only smile like this when I am pulling a prank. :D



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Everyone else seems to know what Jordan "uses" based on a photo. I'm still confused. In the studio, does he record using an acoustic piano? If so which one? Or maybe he uses Ivory? If so, which piano? Or Akoustik Piano? Or any of the other giga-size pianos? Or maybe the OASYS piano? Again, which one? Or maybe the Fantom X? Does he have an SRX-12 board installed?


Bottomline is no one except Jordan really knows. The photo hints, but nothing more. Live, it might appear he's playing sounds from the OASYS or the X8, but he might be triggering something from the rack. In the studio, his computers might produce the majority of his sounds. Who knows.


I think it's kind of pathetic that people don't have enough confidence in their own ears and that they have to take solace in the fact that a pro owns the same piece of equipment that they do.



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Originally posted by burningbusch:

Everyone else seems to know what Jordan "uses" based on a photo. I'm still confused.

I assume Jordan uses the gear he lists on his website. Using the link below:

-- select the "Jordan" tab

-- select the "Endorsements and Gear" item



He seems to be very honest and straightforward on his website about "Endorsements", "Live Gear" and "Studio Gear". Given his gear list is pretty extensive, I don't believe he has any reason to lie or misrepresent what he actually uses.


I would love to have his entire list of gear, both hardware and software.

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