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Who's gigging this weekend?

Joe P

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Three of the mambers of my regular band are out of town on vacation, so no gigs with them. I am playing tomorrow night at the Dog & Bone in downtown Cocoa Village with the Funky Monkeys. Classic Motown and Blues, left hand bass all night.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Our lead singer has a family vacation planned so we are off. It's actually refreshing to have an entire 4 days off with no work of any type. I have no demands to be anywhere at any time. Guess its sad when you feel that 4 days of no committments is so enjoyable.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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We played last night in a nice family restaurant; they have a bar on the side. Very clean non-smoking atmosphere, great food, you only have to play 8-11. We will be there again tonight. The only gripe would be the place is empty this time of year. Everyone is outside at the little celebrations every town in the area is having. The people that were there did like the tunes at least. Monday afternoon we have a slot at the local band shell; there should be a couple thousand people there. Right now Im heading down to http://www.hambonebluesjam.com/HBJ.html before my pre-gig nap. I finagled a spot for us in next years blues jam even though were not a blues band, Ill throw in some 7ths.
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Poolside with friends at sunset. Friend Billy playing acoustic guitar and singing. I'm playing split keys w/bass in the bottom.


Very nice. :)

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by stepay:

Man some of you play A LOT!

I'm near the middle of 12 days ....errrr......nights straight, then I'll have a night or 2 off, 6 straight, night off, 13 straight with a few of those being 12+ hour sessions. Normally it's only 5-6 gigs a week. I could still use more though.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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I'm looking forward to July 4. My wife and I are going to my mother-in-law's beach front condo in Satellite Beach and spending the day is the swimming pool, right on the beach.


Works out great. When I got a little testy in some posts recently I had just lost my job. Well, I'm starting a new job with a better company July 5, so the day at the beach will be very welcome.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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I'm just finishing a night off, celebrating Canada Day (our version of the 4th of July, for those of you in the U.S. of A. :thu: ).


Gigs tomorrow night ("New Country" gig, copping Steve Nathan riffs ;) ) and Monday (pub duo, LH bass and Rhodes/Wurli sounds on the Motif, with vocals :thu: ), then heading off to sunny South Carolina to party with (hopefully) some forum friends at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach on the 7th! :cool:

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Originally posted by Sven Golly:

I'm just finishing a night off, celebrating Canada Day (our version of the 4th of July, for those of you in the U.S. of A. :thu: ).


Gigs tomorrow night ("New Country" gig, copping Steve Nathan riffs ;) ) and Monday (pub duo, LH bass and Rhodes/Wurli sounds on the Motif, with vocals :thu;), then heading off to sunny South Carolina to party with (hopefully) some forum friends at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach on the 7th! :cool:

I've spent enough time in Canada to know about Canada Day. I even know what the Grey Cup is.


I was playing a gig just north of Calgary during the Grey Cup game, and they had shooter specials every time a team scored. It was a high scoring game, so everybody in the place was trashed, including us.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Originally posted by Joe P:


You're busy player. It must be pretty cool to play on a boat, any players ever have any physical issues that required strategically placed buckets, etc.?



Don't know about buckets, but I was with Henry Butler here in Portland when he did a gig on a boat. When we arrive, Henry goes and sits at a table and I check out the PA, which is humming loudly. The operator unplugs it and inserts a two pin power outlet adapter to lift the ground. When I ask him "is that a good idea" he remarks "this is a boat - you should hold a mike and then touch that (metal) pole over there!"


My first thought was; I wish I had revised my CPR recently.


In fact, the only untoward thing that happened on that cruise was when Henry took over the wheel ... :cool:

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Posted earlier and said I wasn't going to gig. Got a call from a cover band I jam with and they need a keyboardist for a party tonight. Looks like I'm giggin after all. The funny thing is I rarely gig anymore but in this case, its a favor for a good friend.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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We headlined at an overseas US Naval facility which hosted the official 4th of July party for the local American community (and was open to the public). It was an all-day affair with six bands, fireworks, BBQ, and that traditional American beer, Moosehead Lager (I'm still trying to figure that one out... but they were a sponsor!).


Good fun, full dance floor for our sets, but as the "headline" slot was 10:30pm-1am you can imagine that Moosehead was fueling the party ;) .


EDIT: To change Moosehead Ale to Moosehead Lager. Many... Green... Bottles...

"More tools than talent"

Motif ES7:Kurzweil PC1x:Electro 2 73:Nord Lead 3:MKS-80:Matrix 1000:Microwave XT

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Ok, all done and it's cocktail time. Just played in the 90 degree sun, yuck. I'm fed up with this RD-700SX too. All I hear is "nice sounding keyboard" or "I like that one sound your keyboard makes"....I'm starting to get jealouse.
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Yep Gig alot. Plus I now work 40 hours a week at a day gig that involves keyboards. From 1993-March 1, 2006 I did only music. I haven't dropped any gigs since March, I am working with three bands. One of those bands had an every Sunday gig but unfortunately that got cancelled and I now only gig with that band a couple of times a month or less. My Wed-Thurs gig is moving towards its' conclusion and will either be removed or cut back to Wed only. The only reason I want to drop the Wed-Thurs gig is it's the only venue that has smoke. Horrible. My weekend band dosnt gig like it used to so that gives me a breather now and then. A week ago I think I set a record, five gigs with four different bands, and I sat in on one set for fun with a fifth band after the Friday gig. The toughest days are Thurs and Fri, I have a routine that works for me, involving, naps, coffee and Red Bull. I could never do all these gigs if I hadn't already been working at them for months and years and know all the songs. There would be no time to learn all this material again.

The day gig has made all the band gigs alot more enjoyable. I still need the money from the gigs, but now they aren't the only thing paying the rent.



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Nuthin' like variety:


July 4 - one hour freebe morning gig in a 4th of July parade, with the whole 5 piece band, amps and all, on a 7' by 14' haywagon. I assume that it will not be pulled by horses.


July 8 - Taste of Chicago. We squeaked in with a 12:00 noon spot.




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Originally posted by DirtyRubberDuck:

I'm playing Greektown Casino tonight in Detroit with my cover band - I'm afraid lots of people are leaving town this evening for the 4th vacations, but Firday night in the casinos is usually pretty fun. Then I'm off on MY vacation . . . .



Maybe it's just Colorado, but the few casino gigs I've done were fairly weird. It was like the band was playing behind a one-way mirror. Unless the volume got up there on the obtrusive level, no one even knew we were there (and it was a hot band, too)


Gigs? Mostly fly dates with one band -- Tunica, MS, Texarkana, KC, Dallas twice, and Gillette, WY - 6 out of 8 weekends. Pretty cool gig, fly Saturday morning, do a show either Saturday night or cowboy church on Sunday morning, back Sunday afternoon. We're in Louisburg, OH this weekend, and have break until late August (woo hoo!)


Just finished up some session work with a new artist named Kate Laurel Smith (www.katelaurelsmith.com) @ Bridge Studios here in Colorad (the guy's got a mint B3/147, Stage 88/Twin Reverb, and a C7 in his perfectly vibey room. :rolleyes:


I also have a weekly recording project with my best friend on a Coldplay/Keane/rock project we're trying to finish -- it's nice to be musically relevant :D


Not doing a lot of solo gigs anymore, a couple a year -- too busy with bands / studio stuff.


Live Rig: Kurzweil Forte 7 driving MacBook Pro M1Max w/64GB RAM | Korg Kronos 2 73 | Roland RD-64

Studio Rig: Yamaha CP88 driving same MBP | Roland D-70 | Synth Spa Roland Juno-106 | Yamaha DX7IIFD

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Originally posted by Mr. Nightime:

recently I had just lost my job. Well, I'm starting a new job with a better company July 5, so the day at the beach will be very welcome.

Great to hear you got a new and improved day gig. :thu:


I went through the same thing last year. I took a bunch of hired gun gigs to pay the bills. It sucks when you are out of work. You can't even enjoy the time off because you don't know when you will work again.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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