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Korg Customer Support

Mr. Nightime

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My Korg N364 died recently, and I've been trying to figure out how to get her back operational. The power supply went bad.

I called several Korg service centers, including the designated parts distributer, and was told that the part was no longer available.


This to me was unacceptable, so I went to the Korg forum and voiced my displeasure. I received a personal message from Jerry, a member of the Korg family, that the part was in fact on order. He suggested that I email support@korgusa.com. I got an automated response with a phone number to call. I found out that the part had indeed been sent, and was due to be delivered to KorgUSA tomorrow. They then put me in touch with the distribution center, and the part is on it's way.


It's nice to find people that care enough about their customer's needs to go the extra bit. Now I don't have to buy something new :(;)

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Yeah, I have to agree that Jerry Kovarsky, Product Manager, Korg USA, is a good guy. I've always liked Korg keyboards, and getting Jerry's help just solidified my belief in the company.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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I met Jerry when he was with Ensoniq and I have to say that he was just as dedicated to "customer service" then as he is now! Keep 'em crankin' Jerry! You da man!

: MODX7 | Korg: Kronos 88, Wavestate | ASM: Hydrasynth Deluxe | Roland: Jupiter-Xm, Cloud Pro, TD-9K V-Drums | Alesis: StrikePad Pro|
Behringer: Crave, Poly D, XR-18, RX1602 | CPS: SpaceStation SSv2 | 
Controllers: ROLI RISE 49 | Arturia KeyLab Essentials 88, KeyLab 61, MiniLab | M-Audio KeyStation 88 & 49 | Akai EWI USB |
Novation LaunchPad Mini, |
Guitars & Such: Line 6 Variax, Helix LT, POD X3 Live, Martin Acoustic, DG Strat Copy, LP Sunburst Copy, Natural Tele Copy|
Squier Precision 5-String Bass | Mandolin | Banjo | Ukulele

: MacBook Pro | Mac Mini | Logic Pro X | Mainstage | Cubase Pro 12 | Ableton Live 11 | Monitors: M-Audio BX8 | Presonus Eris 3.5BT Monitors | Slate Digital VSX Headphones & ML-1 Mic | Behringer XR-18 & RX1602 Mixers | Beyerdynamics DT-770 & DT-240
Arturia: V-Collection 9 | Native Instruments: Komplete 1 Standard | Spectrasonics: Omnisphere 2, Keyscape, Trilian | Korg: Legacy Collection 4 | Roland: Cloud Pro | GForce: Most all of their plugins | u-he: Diva, Hive 2, Repro, Zebra Legacy | AAS: Most of their VSTs |
IK Multimedia: SampleTank 4 Max, Sonik Synth, MODO Drums & Bass | Cherry Audio: Most of their VSTs |





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Korg's presence on this forum is reassuring and Jerry is KC's go-to guy for all things Korg related.


Then there is C.J. for all things Kurzweil related. :cry: And Yamaha has apparently appointed no replacement for Mike's past official Yamaha representation on this forum with Yamaha opting to take a 'burying their head in the sand' type approach in my opinion. And the same goes for Roland it seems.


I think what has happened in the case of Yamaha is they have decided to only participate and be active on their own "official" Yamaha sponsored sites. Case in point is Motifator.com, Arrangerworkstation.com, Keyfax.com, etc. They will answer your Yamaha related questions there but are quieter than a church mouse on places like Keyboard Corner or other "non-official" Yamaha related sites. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and I think what has turned them in the other direction is their not being able to stand the heat in the kitchen. As the old adage goes: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". And Yamaha in my opinion can't stand the heat and have consequently left us here at KC high and dry plus the many other non-officially sponsored Yamaha keyboard forums on the net. :mad: Roland on the other hand has apparently always shied away from participation on public forums for whatever reason and maybe it's the same reason Yamaha chose to opt out. They have thin skins and feel their somehow preceived precious image may get tarnished if they "get involved" with the very people who they are ultimately hoping to extract money from. :rolleyes: >> Btw, I'm not saying "extract" in a bad way just matter of factly. They want your business and naturally the money that goes along with it.


It wouldn't be so bad if the User Manuals they write were up to snuff and were comprehensively coherent and complete. But sadly to say they aren't in many cases, leaving the customer or potential customer many times befuddled and scratching their heads in bewilderment. Case in point is the Motif ES manual that had index pages that incorrectly stated the location of a certain section. And also the less than comprehensive detailed instructions of some how-to sections that Yamaha apparently deemed unnecessary for the reader's benefit even though the material that was missing or lacking in depth would and could be considered 'vital' content to the user of the Motif ES.


So now we have both the badly written Manuals AND Yamaha's lack of resolve to actively participate on pulbic keyboard forums to help and guide the very people who may either be interested in purchasing their product or who actually own one or more of their products already and are needing assistance. Sorry... :( you apparently now have to go to their "officially" sponsored sites that are, in my opinion, going to have a tendency to be 'biased' and heavily bent toward Yamaha's indoctrinal way of thinking and of doing things, instead of Yamaha meeting people on their own turf and reaching out to them there in an open and unbiased setting, where not only the "groupies" on their officially sponsored sites are the ones getting enlightened, but the many more masses of people on non-sponsored pubic forums that could be also.


That is their prerogative of course and it is better than Roland's 'non-existent' participation, but in so doing both Yamaha and Roland are losing that all important interaction with the public that can build a cohesive relationship with not only their customer base but others who may be considering their products and who in seeing the caring and helpful assistance they provide are swayed into purchasing their gear as a result.


As it stands now both Yamaha and Roland are losing that 'touch' in my opinion and it could make the difference between staying a leader in the marketplace or losing ground to the competition.


Long live Korg, Kurzweil, and GEM! :D


PS: Some members are trying to extract info from Mike Martin about Yamaha's latest dealings but Mike has most likely signed a waiver that keeps him from divulging any of Yamaha's recent activities regarding their products for a specified period of time. Even though Mike may want to shout it from the rooftop, his lips are unfortunaetly sealed and there is no use in prodding him with questions however many and varied they may be. ;)

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with Yamaha opting to take a 'burying their head in the sand' type approach in my opinion.



This is really an unfair statment. Mike made this announcement under one week ago. Secondly there are alot of people here who feel Yamaha has been incredibly supportive with their customer service. I have had nothing but positive experiences with Yamaha and I think we need to give them more time to see if someone will come on these forums. If we do have issues, we always know we can head over to motifator.com to get support.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by Edgar Summers:

Good to hear! Since I also have a N364 I've been hoping you'd find a fix for it. It's a good board and I've gotten a lot of use out of it.

What kind of problem are you having?

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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... there is now no more Mike Martin. :cry: ...
WHAT?!? So the rumors are true? Mike was just sitting on the couch and Whoooosh. :o


Spontaneous combustion claims another unsuspecting person. The government said this went away in the early 80s. I urge everyone to drink lots of water, sit under sprinklers, and avoid watching reruns of Saturday Night Live. :confused:



This post edited for speling.

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Originally posted by Mike Martin:

WHAT?!? So the rumors are true? Mike was just sitting on the couch and Whoooosh.
Is there something I need to know? ;)
Ha Ha.. lol.. :D


Come on guys you know what I mean. :)


He is here but he is not here. Get it? :D As a Yammie representative... There you go. Takes a minute to sink in I know. :idea:


Mike, I can't wait till you can give us a generous scoop of what Yamaha is up to but I suppose we will have to wait until after the new Motif ES successor and other behind the scene products that Yammie is currently working on are released to the public. If that is the case then I guess your forthcoming generous scoop of info will have then taken on the air of obsolescence. :D Oh well... One way or the other the whole truth will come out. Unless Yammie decides to withhold pertinent info from their new products like they did with the WAV ROM on their latest high-end Arranger the Tyros2.


I think people will start to get suspicious though if the Motif ES has a Sampler but they choose not to mention in their Manual or on their web site that it only supports DDR memory and/or how much sample RAM can be added to it. :rolleyes: When they start to get sloppy or neglect the small things who knows what it could lead to... God forbid right?


Btw, congratulations on your new position with TC Electronic. As already stated: Yammie's loss TC's gain. :thu:

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Originally posted by Edgar Summers:

What kind of problem are you having?
No problems. Like you I just enjoy using it, and from reading about your recent problems with it, was hoping you'd find a solution.
Last report it will be around 4 weeks for the part. In the mean time I've been using a little Yamaha PSR for some of the sounds. It's doing an admirable job for the cost, but I want my Korg back.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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I'm not sure what to say. Yamaha puts a lot of effort into directing customers to their product specific sites and DOES support them very well on those sites.


While I was DMI Marketing Manager, I did my best to watch this forum and Harmony Central because the product specific sites were already so well covered.


Keynote, obviously you want staff to be HERE. Believe it or not there are a few guys that I know read the forum daily. "Support Guy" Avery Burdette, reads all the time. But since its rare that a question doesn't get answered, there is little reason for him to post.


The "inside information" that many people want on future products is nothing that I will not reveal nor would I expect anyone at Yamaha to do either.


Obviously if there are Yamaha questions I'll do my best to answer them, just as I would with any products that I'm very familiar with.

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Mike Martin wrote:

"Support Guy" Avery Burdette, reads all the time.
Well Avery.... say hello next time you drop by (I've known Avery since his days at A.B.Stephens in Huntsville, Al).

To those who don't know him, Avery Burdette is a great guy and very knowledgable on a range of topics near and dear to us gearheads. We can consider ourselves lucky if he ends up being the unofficial "Yamaha guy" around here.

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P.S. As this is a Korg Customer Support thread, I should have first weighed in on the original topic.

The folks at Korg have been super to me for many many years, often bending over backwards to accomadate my needs. I can't say enough good things about them. :thu:

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Originally posted by Mike Martin:



While I was DMI Marketing Manager, I did my best to watch this forum and Harmony Central because the product specific sites were already so well covered.


Keynote, obviously you want staff to be HERE. Believe it or not there are a few guys that I know read the forum daily. "Support Guy" Avery Burdette, reads all the time. But since its rare that a question doesn't get answered, there is little reason for him to post.


The "inside information" that many people want on future products is nothing that I will not reveal nor would I expect anyone at Yamaha to do either.


Mike, how well I know that you 'were' here. You gave KC a personal touch with prompt and informative info and answers on Yamaha keyboards that you were familiar with. And if you weren't all that familiar with a specific Board you asked around yours or other departments for the solution or answers that the person was asking of you. Mike, I believe Yamaha lost a gem when you decided to leave. Your kind and easy going demeanor on KC was and is very evident and it showed ever so well when you were trying to help people out here at KC. Before Yamaha made a change in policy(??) and decided to pull back from supporting non-sponsored keyboard forums around the net (my opinion of course but that's what I believe has happened) we counted on you to deliver the goods, so to speak, about our Yamaha keyboard products. The same goes for Steve Deming over at SynthZone.


I know I am taking all of this rather seriously but to me pulling back support from non-sponsored sites sends the message that Yamaha is turning their backs on the very people that ultimately help keep them afloat. And besides, I have ventured over to Arrangerworkstation.com and the participation on the Forum there is almost nil. So even the supposed 'sponsored' site seems ineffective. Plus questions posted 'rarely' get an answer from a Yamaha rep like Steve or Phil.


So what I am saying is why not reach out to the masses where 'they' hang out? Why has Yamaha pulled back from doing so? Wouldn't it make sense for a company trying to sell keyboards to market themselves to the ones they ultimately would love to reach to buy their products, i.e. keyboardists? I think it would be a win win situation for Yamaha, where they would not only be helping more people out, but also showing to people that they really care and want their business.


Korg has it right, as does Kurzweil and GEM in my opinion.


Yamaha for whatever reason has decided to take a different path it seems and I hope it doesn't eventually turn around and bite them in the keister because of it.


Mike, you and I know that when people find a good forum or portal or newsgroup, etc., they usually stick with it and seldom venture around looking elsewhere when they are satisfied with what they have. Yamaha in its attempt to draw people to their sponsored sites, although a valiant effort, is a lot like bobbing for apples. It takes much effort and in my opinion, attains only modest results. ;)

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Mike Martin left Yamaha? :eek:



Ha ha ha ha ha ha...


Congrats, Mr. Martin. See you next week.


Live Rig: Kurzweil Forte 7 driving MacBook Pro M1Max w/64GB RAM | Korg Kronos 2 73 | Roland RD-64

Studio Rig: Yamaha CP88 driving same MBP | Roland D-70 | Synth Spa Roland Juno-106 | Yamaha DX7IIFD

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Aw, shucks... It's never just one person, but we who choose to "live on the front lines" get to take all the glory, huh?




Anyway - enough about Mike Martin and Yamaha, this thread is about me!!


oops - I mean Korg.




Thanks all.


Jerry Kovarsky


Korg Guy

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Originally posted by jerrythek:

Aw, shucks... It's never just one person, but we who choose to "live on the front lines" get to take all the glory, huh?




Anyway - enough about Mike Martin and Yamaha, this thread is about me!!


oops - I mean Korg.




Thanks all.


Jerry Kovarsky


Korg Guy

No, Thank you, Jerry. Thanks to you my baby will be back up and running soon.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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