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Superman Returns: Bleccchhhhhh (Spoiler alert!)

Dave Bryce

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Thanks for the warning dB. I'll probably pass on this one. I saw "Click" last evening with my boyz and was pleasantly surprised - it really was quite a larf.


BTW, why do you guys spend so much to see the movies? I buy AMC Theatre "Golden" tickets from Costco at $7.50 each - gets us in to see any film at any time, no restrictions. :)



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Has anyone heard about the FLASH movie with Ryan Reynolds? He's kind of morphing from Van Wilder to an action-hero kind of player.


Yo, meccajay! Think that BLADE series on (was it FX or SPIKE?) will be worth a damn? I agree with you'nz on the Blade and Punisher analysis.


I thought HELLBOY was cool. What say you?


And Edgar Summers...I saw Syriana last May. I don't know. Gonna have to get that dvd and watch it 30 or 40 more times. Maybe it's like Napolean Dynamite and gets better with repeated viewings. Syriana was like an Asian massage without the happy ending. It looked good and had style but I walked away unfulfilled. I still like Clooney, 'cuz he proves you can be from Kentucky and be cool. Sort of.

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The sequel to Batman Begins is tenatively scheduled to be released in the Summer of 2008


Spiderman 3: May 4, 2007


They are also making a movies about Iron Man and Shazam.


Xfiles 2 is also going to happen but it won't follow the Alien Conspiracy story line.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by captainmri:

Maybe it's like Napolean Dynamite and gets better with repeated viewings.

You sat through Napolean Dynamite more than once??? :eek:


What was it exactly that inspired you to do that?


I hated that film. :mad:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I too am a major Marvel fan, still have a few thousand comics (90% Marvel) boxed at home. Spiderman, FF were always faves. I think the hit and miss ratio with superhero movies is similar to Stephen King movies - they tend to be either excellent or absolutely terrible.


DB - I found Napoleon Dynamite to be one of the funniest movies in a long time. The inanity of it appeals. "Hey, do you think I could throw this football over that mountain?"


I just ordered the DVD of it I liked it that much ;)

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Originally posted by David Holloway:

DB - I found Napoleon Dynamite to be one of the funniest movies in a long time. The inanity of it appeals. "Hey, do you think I could throw this football over that mountain?"


I just ordered the DVD of it I liked it that much ;)



Glad it worked for you, Dave. I guess a bunch of other people thought it was pretty great, too...


I didn't get it at all. I actually found the inanity irritating.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by David Holloway:

DB - I found Napoleon Dynamite to be one of the funniest movies in a long time. The inanity of it appeals. "Hey, do you think I could throw this football over that mountain?"


I just ordered the DVD of it I liked it that much ;)

I've got to agree. Every scene with Kip and or Uncle Rico was just hilarious. "You're just jealous because I've been on-line chatting with hot babes all day."
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Well, superhero films are almost always rather 2-dimensional entertainment, and often 1 dimensional! In other words, not something to see over and over again to appreciate the subtleties.


That doesn't mean they're not good Saturday afternoon entertainment.


Were the Fantastic Four film and the latest X-men film worth seeing again? Well, not to spend MONEY on. Neither was anything close to a great film, but they had their moments, and it was a way to relax on a Saturday afternoon!

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Originally posted by Bill H.:

Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

Just checked user review sections at Yahoo. Over 4000 user reviews with an Average grade of B+ and most critics really like it alot.

But there are also a few notable critics, like Roger Ebert, who didn't care for it at all.


I wasn't planning to see it anyway. Just not my thing. The only remaining summer movie I'm seeing for sure is "Snakes On A Plane". :cool:

Regarding Roger Ebert, you'll notice that pretty much he likes any movie with full-frontal nudity, so I'm guessing the Superman movie has none of that! :)

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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I was pretty disappointed with Superman, and yeah, the picking up the island of kryptonite was so ridiculous you wonder how that director ever got the job... But then Oliver Stone is suppose to be good and look what he did with Alexander, :eek:


My wife enjoyed so guess it was ok. (must be because of all those lovey dovey shit throughout the film) :love:

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Originally posted by Sergievsky:

I was pretty disappointed with Superman, and yeah, the picking up the island of kryptonite was so ridiculous you wonder how that director ever got the job...



I mean, the stuff was jutting out of the island right next to him, fer chrissakes. As previously mentioned, even my nine year old son stood up on his chair and yelled foul.


I guess we're supposed to believe that even though a small sliver of Kryptonite stuck in his body was enough to pretty much completely incapacitate him just moments earlier in the film, his will was strong enough to completely ignore what appeared to be the biggest concentration of the stuff I've ever seen in any Superman tale . :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Maybe I'm missing sopmething though...is he able to just ignore the Kryptonite thing whever he wants? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Phred:

Haven't seen the movie... BUT, did the island contain lead? :)

I don't think so.


As a matter of fact, the island had just contributed to him taking a pretty severe beating moments before in the film.


...and, even if it did (which there was no mention of at all)...as he's carrying the island into space, they made a point of showing the raw Kryponite jutting out all around him...


No way, man. Sorry. I'm flabbergasted that anyone could see that and give them a pass on it. In my book, that's a major foul.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Guys, there's one hell of an argument over at Rotten Tomatoes.. It starts off touching on the very problems db had with the film, and then it grows from there. Lots of good theories, counterpoints and fireworks. Cause it's friday I'll post the link-


Wow. "Superman Returns" was a silly, self-inflated, ridiculous MESS. (SPOILER ALERT!)

TROLL . . . ish.
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I don't know about superman, and now i'm probably not gonna see it at all, but i thought it was kind of odd they're making a sequel to Batman Begins. Granted it was in my opinion the best of all the Batman movies so far, but trying to out-do Jack Nicholson's Joker? That's just one of those things you don't mess with, and if you do, you're asking for trouble. Of course, I haven't seen that movie since I was like 11, so maybe my memory of it is a bit skewed.



"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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Fell asleep about 20 times during Syriana. After getting through it, I realized it was worth the watch, but not repeat viewings.


Superman was blah. It's about middle of the pack in the world of movies based on comic books. It wasn't as near as forgettable as Stuff like Elektra. It's a bit better than Hulk, but it suffers from the same thing that and every other movie nowadays suffers from: being WAY, WAY too long.


Hulk would've actually been kinda cool with about 35 minutes taken out. Same with Supes. And like V, when all the action that takes place is seen in the trailer, it's more of a drama than a "superhero" film.


Oh, and the Spidey 3 trailer is sinfully fantastic!


If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed!
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I am probably a rare exception amongst comic book fans in that I usually detest superhero movies. I liked "Batman Begins" OK, and the first Superman movie as well as the one where Supes is essentially the "straight man" for Richard Pryor (was that III?). Only saw snippets of the others and thought they were boring and/or action-oriented.


I had planned on seeing Superman Returns with a comic collecting friend, but now I've read too many reviews :-(. I'm curious how the simultaneous disapperance and return of Clark kent is handled, or if they conveniently ignored that coincidence.


If not for the ads in recent comic books, I doubt I would even know about this movie, as I never look at the listings except for Landmark Theatres as I lost interest in Hollywood almost fifteen years ago. Independent and foreign films have rarely been better than these past three years.


Too bad they recycled John Williams' score. Also it seems tacky that they used some leftover footage of Marlon Brando. That's kind of creepy.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

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Nothing wrong with Kentucky -- my brother was born there while my parents were in college, and I was conceived there :-). Johnny Depp was born there and grew up there as well, and in fact was a friend of a close family friend so I got to hear lots of stories about his childhood pranks :-). Contrary to popular belief, every state in the country is capable of producing talented and intelligent individuals.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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Originally posted by Mark Schmieder:

I'm curious how the simultaneous disapperance and return of Clark kent is handled, or if they conveniently ignored that coincidence.

That would be the latter - another one of my problems with the film.


...and the New Guy didn't even bother to switch which side of his head his hair was parted on when he changed identities! What the HECK is up with THAT? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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The other thing about the film that did not make sense to me (besides the kryptonite island) is how was Mike Tyson able to hit Superman hard enough to make him stagger backwards like that? Granted, he wasn't wearing boxing gloves and caught Superman blindsided but I would think that the bones in his hand would shatter immediately upon impact. There is no kryptonite anywhere in the scene, and obviously we can assume that the MGM Grand is not built of kryptonite. Also, regardless of how good of a boxer Mike is (or used to be) there is absolutely NO WAY he's fast enough to evade the uppercuts Superman was throwing. Plus, did superman just conveniently FORGET that he could easily use heat vision or his super breath to blow Mike out of the ring??? In the other forum, some people said that we're supposed to assume Superman promised not to use heat vision before the fight, but come on...... Oh yeah, are we supposed to assume that Iron Mike survived the volcano?
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