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Superman Returns: Bleccchhhhhh (Spoiler alert!)

Dave Bryce

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I cannot believe I just blew $27 taking my wife and son to see the new Superman movie.


I don't want to go into detail for fear of making the bile in my stomach that has finally settled to stay down...but suffice it to say that this was easily one of the worst movies that I've aeen in a long time.


The story was horrid, the screenplay was nauseating, the acting was non-existant, the casting terrible (hell, even Kevin Spacey was terrible...but I do have to say that he didn't have much to work with)...and the decision to use the same music as the Superman films from the 70s just pissed me off completely. :freak:


I couldn't wait for it to be over. I think Cat In The Hat may have been a better film... :eek:




WARNING: Spoilers below...



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by joeyd4329:

does anyone know if they are making a sequel for Batman Begins? I'm not gonna lie, THAT was a good movie...

Yeah, it was - I thought Batman Begins was excellent.


I had hoped for the same sort of thing from the new Superman flick. It's not even close. :(





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Just checked user review sections at Yahoo. Over 4000 user reviews with an Average grade of B+ and most critics really like it alot.


I am sorry you didn't like it. It sucks spending money on something you don't like. I think this is something we can all agree on.

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

Just checked user review sections at Yahoo. Over 4000 user reviews with an Average grade of B+ and most critics really like it alot.

But there are also a few notable critics, like Roger Ebert, who didn't care for it at all.


I wasn't planning to see it anyway. Just not my thing. The only remaining summer movie I'm seeing for sure is "Snakes On A Plane". :cool:

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

I think your wrong about Superman Returns, it was awesome!!!!

You did???? Really? :eek:


Caution: Spoiler ahead...


So, when he picked up the big island made of Kryptonite and carried it into space, you had no problem with that? Really? C'mooooon man - he shouldn't have been able to even get near it, let alone lift it!!!


When he somehow just knew the kid was his...when Lex Luthor just knew how to work the Fortress...when Lois, her boyfriend and the kid just knew where to find Superman in the water...I could go on. Did you notice that the city was being pretty much destroyed at one point, but that was totally forgotten about? Uggghhh.


Dude - even my nine year old son was crying foul... ;)


...and the guy playing Superman was basically doing a bad Chris Reeve imitation...right down to the facial expressions! I hated that.


I am glad that you enjoyed it, though...different strokes for different folks, right? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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But there are also a few notable critics, like Roger Ebert, who didn't care for it at all


But looking at this in a ratio, for his one negative review there are 8 other noteable critics who enjoyed it.

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

looking at this in a ratio, for his one negative review there are 8 other noteable critics who enjoyed it.

Yeah, and billions of people eat at McDonald's too...that doesn't mean it's good. ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

I think your wrong about Superman Returns, it was awesome!!!!

You did???? Really? :eek:


Caution: Spoiler ahead...


So, when he picked up the big island made of Kryptonite and carried it into spac e, you had no problem with that? Really? C'mooooon man - he shouldn't have been able to even get near it, let alone lift it!!!


When he somehow just knew the kid was his...when Lex Luthor just knew how to work the Fortress...when Lois, her boyfriend and the kid just knew where to find Superman in the water...I could go on. Did you notice that the city was being pretty much destroyed at one point, but that was totally forgotten about? Uggghhh.


Dude - even my nine year old son was crying foul... ;)


...and the guy playing Superman was basically doing a bad Chris Reeve imitation...right down to the facial expressions! I hated that.


I am glad that you enjoyed it, though...different strokes for different folks, right? ;)



That was one the funniest posts I have have read in a while.


My whole family was laughing out loud.

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Originally posted by 09:

Originally posted by joeyd4329:

This is a really random question, but does anyone know if they are making a sequel for Batman Begins?

Yes, you know?
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

...and the guy playing Superman was basically doing a bad Chris Reeve imitation...right down to the facial expressions! I hated that.

Shoot, I was afraid of that. Ever since the hype started, this dude looked like a copy, and I was really hoping my gut instinct wasn't right. The producers' intention was obviously to garner new fans while recalling those of the original Superman movies, but that's a fine line they were tinkering with (forgive my mixing of expressions :D ) ... just hope it's not all bad, as I'm going to see it at the weekend.


Oh and Dave, thanks for revealing all the goshdarn highlights - now, there's even less to look forward to! ;):D

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I wonder who'll they'll get to play Richard Pryor's character in the remake of the 3rd. Ha, instead of a "super computer" that fits into a huge cave, he'll have a PDA.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

DB, I know you mentioned Batman Begins, which I also liked a lot, but are there any other comicbook films you've enjoyed?

Sure...I liked the Spidey films and the first two X-Men films. Didn't dig Hulk. So-so on Fantastic Four and Daredevil. Unimpressed by Punisher and Electra.


Why do you ask?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well, I'm a movie buff, and I asked just as a reference. Although I do trust your taste in things, with some folks superhero's become very personal, based on how we grew up with them etc. I find that some fans expect loyalty that certain concepts remain classic, and end up disliking films when things are done outside the classic format, things like that.


Needless to say, I DON'T see that with regard to your critique of the movie. You just didn't like the movie, and there seems to be good reason you didn't. I had to be sure cause it was a part of my weekend plan...but not now.


Thanks for saving me $20 db!

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Well, I'm a movie buff

Yeah, me too. :thu:



and I asked just as a reference.
Understood. What are your takes on the other comic book films?


Although I do trust your taste in things, with some folks superhero's become very personal, based on how we grew up with them etc. I find that some fans expect loyalty that certain concepts remain classic, and end up disliking films when things are done outside the classic format, things like that.
Agreed. As someone who used to be way into comics (especially Marvel), I can totally understand where you're coming from.


Needless to say, I DON'T see that with regard to your critique of the movie. You just didn't like the movie, and there seems to be good reason you didn't.
Several good reasons. I don't dig plot holes, and I just hate it when movies do in directions that make no sense. For Superman to be able to pick up an island that the moviemakers have gone out of their way to let us know has Kryptonite as a major source of it's construction is not only dopey...it's insulting, IMO.


Thanks for saving me $20 db!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'm a rabid fanboy, so I thought Superman Returns was excellent, epecially since it was a continuation of the Donner films.


Is it the Superman movie I would have written? No - I would have done things much differently. But, I don't make films - I sell keyboards - so I appreciate someone else taking on the material, and - for better or worse - I'm glad Superman is back in the public consciousness.


America needs its superheroes, fictional or otherwise - I think they serve as inspiration, especially Superman.


And I'm excited that there's going to be another Batman film with Christian Bale. He's very interested in making it a franchise, and given the success of Batman Begins I am hopeful that Christopher Nolan might return to direct, and that they'll get a screenplay comparable in quality.


(Even though I'm a Superman fan, Batman is definitely my favorite hero - nothing supernatural, alien, genetic or otherwise special in his favor; he's just a guy who uses his mind and abilities to fight evil and corruption.)

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

What are your takes on the other comic book films? [/QB]

Going back, I loved the 1st Batman, but at the time, I didn't understand why certain things still bugged me about the movie. Long story short, it turns out I'm not a Tim Burton fan, but give credit where it's due...overall it was a good job. Especially considering it was batman begins before I'd like anothe Batman movie.


Spawn left much to be desired. Ok it sucked!There's so much that could have been done to better that movie, based on the comic. Overall it had bad support casting, scripting brain farts, and a budget that seemed to leave certain effects incomplete. The HBO series was top notch!


Spiderman was a good movie, and great origin story.. Spiderman 2 was a great action movie. My only peeves with it was the so so CGI of spidey in the suit swinging thru NY in the 1st film.

Also, the connection between Spidey and the girl are lost on me. How many times is going to run from her? Did you actually have to run away from her to meet that police siren at the end of Spidey2? A police siren in the middle of NY??! Lets just forget the love concept and move onto great villians in the 3rd installment.


Lets see, I LOVED Blade. Blade is movie I find you appreciate more after the fact. In retrospect we now see that most of the great effects from The Matrix were 1st done in Blade... Bullet Time & dodging bullets, Jumping from rooftop to rooftop. 21st century Wire-fu. Matrix did it better, but Blade is a very good comic-book movie. Also, Wesley Snipes is probably the only actor that strikes a true comic book hero pose. Blade 2 is okay. And Blade 3 never happened in my mind.


X-Men was good, but it felt like there was a lot missing. Like they were holding back(prolly budget). Good to see the characters onscreen though. X2 was unimpressive, and I liked X3 although others had problems with the handling of Phoenix.


The Hulk, Well to keep it short let me say I LOVED seeig him on the screen moving finally. I always hated the TV show because Hulk was barey able to lift a car, but in the comics he could split the street in half with a thunder-clap. That said, I didn't love the movie, but didn't hate it either. Hulk was too damn big. I wished they'd gotten a different director in hindsight. They're was so much put into the structure of rage and how it unfolds in Bruce Banner, and not much put into the Hulk. Plus that ending with the absorbing(dad) had me ready to walk out of the theater. It just wasn't a Hulk movie. The Hulk needs to be about the Military fighing Hulk with mechs and weird weopons, and a killer arch-villian like Abomination. There's talk the producers are planning a sequel with the hulk that we all wanted to see in the 1st place.


The Punisher I liked, but mostly because I had low expectations going in. Not too familiar w/ the comic. Liked the on the edge of your seat action regarding the fight scenes. Most non-asian fight scene's can't command that.

TROLL . . . ish.
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I'm not a big superhero movie fan myself, although I liked the 2 Spiderman's, and loved Batman Begins.

I've never liked the Superman films at all. I watched a bit of II on TV the other night, and even my 8 year old thought it was lame. :P

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:)Thanx for the heads up on Superman-I'll probably delay or completely forgo seeing it.


Since we're on movies I'll throw in as well. I liked X3, The Punisher, both Spider Mans, Blade1 (the other two not as much!). Daredevil was OK.


I didn't like the Hulk and Fantastic4. I'm getting a little tired of Marvel's formula for spending half or more of the film exploring the origins of a particular character. Seems like lazy writing.


NOW just to jump over to a totally different genre-Did anyone see that George Clooney movie Syriana? I hated it, but after reading several reviews (professional and amateur)it was as if I were intellectually bereft for not appreciating it. :confused:


Since all my keyboard colleagues are smarter than

most:cool:-What did you think of it?!

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Originally posted by Edgar Summers:

NOW just to jump over to a totally different genre-Did anyone see that George Clooney movie Syriana? I hated it, but after reading several reviews (professional and amateur)it was as if I were intellectually bereft for not appreciating it. :confused:


Since all my keyboard colleagues are smarter than

most:cool:-What did you think of it?!

I just saw it.


I thought it was okay. It jumped around a little too much for me, and I thought it was kind of vague in some areas. I didn't hate it, but it didn't slay me, either. I'd give it a C, maybe even a C-.


...but then again, I'm one of those weird folks who doesn't understand why so many people make such a big fuss over Citizen Kane... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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