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OT: Sound off NHL hockey fans!!!


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I am Canadian. Therefore I was told early on in life that I had to love hockey - problem was I didn't. That was a long time ago... Now though - I have come to love it.


I am a big Ottawa Senators (I live in Ottawa) fan, and like Montreal Canadiens. (2 hours away from Ottawa). So far Ottawa is ahead 2-1 in the first round best of 7 games of the playoffs (against Tampa Bay). However Ottawa dominated during season games, so it was expected that they would do well (at least early on).


The surprise comes from Montreal who are so far 2-0 games in the best of 7 against a team ranked much better (Montreal 7th - Carolina 2nd). The 3rd game is on right now and Montreal is ahead 1-0 with 13ish minutes left to play... Go MONTREAL!


I am sorry if you are a Carolina fan.... Still time to switch to the winning team ;)

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Well I grew up as a Ranger fan and they are getting their butts kicked by the Devils and I have lived in Atlanta for 20 years and the Thrashers just missed the playoffs.. Oh well, there is always next year. I think the Devil or the Redwings are going to take the cup this year.
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2-1 Carolina.


However, what the fu?

Koivu leaves the game with a nasty cut to the eye, no penalty against Carolina. Same happens to Carolina, little more than a scrape on the guys chin, and Montreal gets a 4 minute.


What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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I grew up a Bruins fan. I had the pleasure of being a kid during the Orr and Esposite glory days.

Recently I have become a Lightning fan since I have lived in Tampa.

Ottawa seems to have our number, but the fat lady hasnt sung yet.

Good luck to your team Phred.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Don't count the Canes out yet. They played defense tonight.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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I traveled all over the country with my sons who were elite travel players.One year my sons home games were in Detroit in the LIttle Ceasers league,yes, I live near Cincinnati :rolleyes: My youngest was a goalie who was invited for a tryout to the Junior Olympic team in Colarado. I worked all summer delivering pizzas for a second job to raise money for that trip. I played about two times a week and in the mens league. So needless to say we were big fans.


We used to root for the Wings all the time. Now we have the Blue Jackets and I watch every game. The Jackets were really starting to play well, but it was to little to late.


To me there is nothing like the playoffs. The guys play there hearts and souls out. The intensity is awesome.


I am so glad they opened up the game. I used to hate to talk to people who only thought of hockey as fighting on skates :mad: . The hand /eye skills of NHL players is incredible. But unless you have played the game ,its hard to comprehend thier abilitys.


I could have bought a lot of gear for all the ice time and travel I payed for. :P About 6000.oo a year easy.

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The game last night was great. The 'Canes played a good game, as did Montreal... Close, tight, low scoring game.
I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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Tampa was playing their collective asses off at the start of the game, and were leading for a while. It had the makings of a really close game.


I am concerned of the Sens chances in the next round. They have lapses in defence that they can aford to have when Hasek is playing behind them, but can't aford with Emery in nets.

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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:thu: It was the absolute best Sharks game for which I've ever had the pleasure of being in the Tank. But...LOUD!! Yipes....I think I trimmed a few hundred hertz off my ears last night. That, and my voice is completely gone from yelling: MAA-SONNN...MAA-SONNN....MAA-SONNN!!!! :D


Now one more, and hopefully my Wings will pull it out as well.



"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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Red Winger:


Sorry about last night - the improbable actually happened. I'm sorry for the Wings, but being a Western Canuck (heaven forbid not a Canuck fan), I'm a bit partial to the Oilers - having lived there for two years.


Tonight it was my turn to weep - been a Canadien fan since the early sixties, what a shocking way to end. Oh well, now I can concentrate on the Flames. Kind of tough to choose - had the pleasure of watching Iginla and Niedermeyer the elder both play on the team where I once lived (Kamloops Blazers), although not at the same time.




"If you're going through hell, keep going". Winston Churchill.
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I'm a big Avs fan. Have been since they came to Colorado in (what?) 1996. I'm in a state of utter disbelief over how well the Avs played in defeating the Stars. I told everyone who asked that I didn't think the team was going to go anywhere in the playoffs. What do I know?
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Nothing shocking about the Habs defeat. They played very sloppy last night. One thing the series proved is that they made a good choice with Huet, and that they can't play without el kapitain, for some reason.


A l'année prochaine.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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The Wings simply weren't ready for the playoffs. Period.


Can't just blame Manny (Legace, the goalie) for the losses--the whole team wasn't up to the challenge; Edmonton was.


(I watched the series on the CBC--only flipping back to US TV for HDTV views..)



Good luck Edmonton!

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


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