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OT .... continuation of a bizarre episode

Dave Horne

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Every so often I take a look at William Coakley's Perfect Piano forum just to keep him honest. (He has banned me forever from viewing his forum. Of course, being a world class hacker :D , there are always ways around that.)


At any rate, I see postings there from a Marino. What are the odds? I haven't spoken with our Marino, but I would make a very large bet that is not him. (I wonder who could have created him?)


Since there have been a flurry of OT posts here, this certainly can't waste any additional bandwidth ... and you have to admit, WC has given us much entertainment.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by learjeff:

You sure that wasn't "Merino", which is a breed of sheep popular in New Zealand?



Learjeff, you continue to astonish and amaze. :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I've heard that the 'Perfect Piano' is actually the number two sample cd among sheep - worldwide! It's right up there after "Shake yer dags' Very Ethnic Percussion vol.2 :freak: I'm still not sure whether it's morally correct for sheep to post as humans on forums and such... ;)

But seriously, Dave, have you sent Marino a pm? I'm sure he'd be interested in his name used in such an ugly place - I would be.

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Interesting topic.

I never gave much thought to internet monikers before but certain people are well known through their on-line personas.

While there is nothing preventing someone from mimicking someones identity on another related board by using a duplicate moniker, it does raise some serious ethical questions.

Maybe in the future you will be able to purchase a certificate for moniker use much like you purchase a domain name. This would put an end to anonimity as we know it however. You cant have it both ways.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Originally posted by Jessica Tomlinson:

Sorry guys, I don't quite get it... What's so awful about that place? I've never been there, and I'm just a bit curious.

Well, since you asked (ahem), try reading this thread when you have an hour or so to sit back with a nice glass of wine ... link to one of several threads here


Coakley's forum is run very much like the press in China.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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I just re-read that original thread. What a piece of work... :rolleyes:


I'm not as nice as Steve Fortner. On the off-chance Mr. Coakley ever decides to visit us again, he's now gonna find himself banned.


Mrs. Coakley's little boy is definitely not welcome in this neighborhood.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

He has banned me forever from viewing his forum. Of course, being a world class hacker :D , there are always ways around that.

Dave, it's impossible, because on his site you can read :


"Number of posts edited: 0" :rolleyes:

"Number of participants banned: 0" :rolleyes:


"Pirates: Unlike one popular forum where piraters are openly tolerated by editors and admins..." :eek:


Hmmm... Wonder which forum he's referring to. :)

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Guys and girls. Please.

It's my firm intention not to dedicate another minute of my life to dealing with that 'famous sound designer'. Whatever further stupid thing he's done, I just don't care.

Thanks for understanding.

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