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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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I have to admit, my Chargers just escaped from Seattle.


Rivers had his 2nd bad game in a row. LT was held to zero TDs. Shaun Alexander on the other side tried to take the entire team on his shoulders and nearly succeeded (over 100 yds, 2 TDs).


Fortunately, Vincent Jackson got open deep, late in the game, and Rivers rediscovered enough of his game to get the ball to him for the winning TD.


One more win, and homefield is ours!!!

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Wow, my pickem lead is flat gone. Everything, every swing game, went wrong for me yesterday, down to a bothced extra point in the Den-Cin game.


And the pathetique NYG just flat failed to show up.


I hate to say. I'm not a quick to rage fan and I believe the coaching talent pool is about as deep as the QB talent pool, but...Coughlin must go. This team is an underachieving embarassment with a young QB who is going backwards--not back pedaling but free falling.


So the pickem is wide open. I suppose I stand as good a chance as anyone else...

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Not much makes me happier than seeing Philly beat Dallas...unless it's watching Philly beat Dallas in Dallas. :evil:





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Dave you hit it right. And it wasn't just a win, it was a flat out thumping. Even the Dallas fans can't come up with any excuses for that one. Except for TO's sore widdle pinky.

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Coupla weeks ago, after outcoaching his mentor in embarrassing fashion, Sean Payton looked like a shoo in for coach of the year, and probably still is.


Getting harder to ignore Mangini's year, however, and especially, especially Andy Reid. This is probably Reid's best work to date, which is saying something.


And in Mangini's favor, I think you have to factor in conference strength. With teams the calibre of KC, Cincy, and Jacksonville falling by the wayside, a possible AFC wildcard is a pretty significant accomplishment for a first year coach with a pretty predestrian team that nobody expected more than 4-6 wins from.


An NFC wildcard, as we are about to learn, comes free with every kids Happy Time Meal at Wendy's...



Coupla weeks ago, everyone was saying that in an ordinary year, i.e., a year in which no running back was shattering the record books, Drew Brees was having an indisputably MVP-like season. Then Drews had a couple of more awesome weeks, and I was starting to reverse the equation: in a different year, LT would be a runaway MVP, but Brees is making a legitimate race out of it. His last two weeks ain't be much statistically (but if you watched the NYG game, you saw that his receivers dropped, at minimum, 10 perfect passes in that game. It should have been 45-7.)



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Mags, I'll agree with the consensus that the MVP should be LT. Brees was very close for a while, but LT is playing at such a ridiculous level it's hard not to give it to him.


Coach of the year- Sean Peyton. I say that because the Jets weren't that bad before Mangini. The Jets under Herm seemed worse than they were because Pennington was hurt most of his tenyear. That said, I like Mangini a lot! Next year it wouldn't surprise me if the Jets won the division.


Rook of the year- The popular vote will be Vince, but I say pick just about any name out of a hat! Bush, Marcus McNeil, Jones-Drew, Colston, Devin Hester & Mark Anderson from the Bears. All have had a HUGE impact on there teams.


Most Impactful acquisition- Steve McNair. Brees has the stats and is an MVP candidate, there's no queston about that, but McNair has beaten Brees head to head this year. He's also beaten the Chargers on sheer will and determination. The simple truth is that Steve McNair's presence and leadership has turned the entire AFC North upside down.. Maybe the entire AFC.


Defensive player of the year- Shawne Merriman. 15 sacks and he missed 4 games?!! Sorry Jason Taylor! Honorable mention to Champ Bailey.


..just my takes.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Most Impactful acquisition- Steve McNair. Brees has the stats and is an MVP candidate, there's no queston about that, but McNair has beaten Brees head to head this year. He's also beaten the Chargers on sheer will and determination. The simple truth is that Steve McNair's presence and leadership has turned the entire AFC North upside down.. Maybe the entire AFC.


Honorable mention: Philly signing Garcia as a backup QB. Most people gave up on the Eagles; and here they are beating 3 straight divisional rivals on the road. Hot team.


Mangini and crew deserve extra credit for creating an offense that works with the laser surgeon QB. ;) I'd be totally bewildered if these Jets ever win a Super Bowl with Chad.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

And the pathetique NYG just flat failed to show up.


I hate to say. I'm not a quick to rage fan and I believe the coaching talent pool is about as deep as the QB talent pool, but...Coughlin must go. This team is an underachieving embarassment with a young QB who is going backwards--not back pedaling but free falling.

Well, someone's got to go. The lack of discipline and mistakes seem to be everywhere, so I suppose you have to get rid of the Head coach.

New GM, new coaches, no Tiki...

Things seemed so different just a few months ago.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Originally posted by meccajay:

..just my takes.

Which are always pretty darn well informed.

Thanks for your kinds words! If I didn't suck so bad in the pick 'em pool I could really take this to heart! :)


Also, looking at your Giants this year, did you ever realize how much they have in common with Falcons? Talented rosters, but still seem to be missing something, underachieving QB's, lack of team dicipline, losing to seemingly inferior teams, good coaches that suddenly seem incompetent etc etc.


I'm not a Falcons fan the way you are with NY, but I do have to sit thru our local dreck here on Atlanta television every week. I guess Im wondering who's available that could be good head coach/coordinators for these teams.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Well, who said it was steroids?


Lots of crazy stuff on the banned performance enhancing drugs list. Besides, he had to pass all tests before being allowed to return.




Actually you were right steady(how could I have doubted you?), it appears he was banned for nandrolone which was in one of his supplements and is a steroid.


Merriman suspension

TROLL . . . ish.
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Shawne Merriman failed a steroid test in August, which is what led to his suspension. I have no idea why the NFL waited so long to suspend him.


Merriman reported took 3 tests after that and passed them all. Despite that, it's a shame that all his accomplishments in 2006 will be questioned because of the suspension. Thank you, btw, meccajay!


Has Comeback Player Of The Year been awarded yet? I don't know who deserves it more between Drew Brees coming off his shoulder injury (torn labrum!!!), Carson Palmer coming off his knee injury, or Jeff Garcia whose career looked dead before McNabb got hurt.

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Jason Taylor on the Defensive Player Of Year race and Merriman:




Actually, I don't have a problem with Taylor's statements - he's just telling it like it is. Its because of the steroid question that I think Merriman will not win the award - nobody wants to start a fresh controversy.


However, I think Taylor's team not making the playoffs hurts Taylor's candidacy. Bart Scott, who gets my vote, is on a Ravens defense that is on a roll and he's got some good numbers of his own: 99 tackles, 9.5 sacks, 2 INTs. Better numbers than Ray Lewis.

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Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

Has Comeback Player Of The Year been awarded yet? I don't know who deserves it more between Drew Brees coming off his shoulder injury (torn labrum!!!), Carson Palmer coming off his knee injury, or Jeff Garcia whose career looked dead before McNabb got hurt.

Gotta be Drew. Hell, that's why he ended up on the free agent market!
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Originally posted by antimatter:

New GM, new coaches, no Tiki...

Things seemed so different just a few months ago.

Don't you worry. That's a dream job for whoever walks in. Good QB who just needs some help with mechanics (really, that's all) - a monster Shaun-Alexander-style RB - fast enough to make the edges, big enough to plow through the middle (Jacobs, in case you were wondering) - a franchise-type WR (Plax) - a franchise-type TE (Shockey) - a decent offensive line that just needs some cohesion, a decent defense that just needs some discipline...


Draft day, all you need is to plug some D-Line holes, add depth, and get these guys to buy into your system in the offseason!

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Green Bay still has a shot at the remaining Wildcard spot, but they have to beat the Bears to get to the postseason.


Normally I'd think that Chicago would be an insurmountable obstacle; but having clinched homefield advantage in the playoffs, they have nothing left to play for and they could decide to rest some starters. Even without resting starters, they almost lost to Detroit this week, so I think the Packers have a reasonable shot.


Whatever happens, the Packers seem to be headed in the right direction for a competitive year in 2007. I expected roughly a .500 season this year and Green Bay obliged. Next year, as the young team continues to mature, I expect a winning season -- if Brett Favre doesn't retire.


But this year isn't over yet.



GO PACKERS!!! :thu:







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True, a 4-12 team like last year's Packers is supposed to get an easy schedule the following year, but it didn't work out that way. My understanding is that Green Bay can make the playoffs this year if they finish with an 8-8 record because of the strength of their opponents' win/loss record. In other words, the Packers' schedule was relatively tough by NFC standards this year -- tougher than that of any other remaining team in the Wildcard race. Look at it this way: only two other teams (Detroit and Minnesota) have to play the NFC leading Bears twice in one year; and opponents that looked easy on Green Bay's schedule coming into this year -- like New Orleans and Buffalo -- turned out to be pretty good teams after all.


So I don't think that the Packers will have a tougher schedule next year -- that is unless they have the same misfortune as they did this year of facing opponents that looked easy before the season started but who turned out to be tough after all. Furthermore, Green Bay has the youngest squad overall in the league this year. It's rare for a team like that not get better with age and experience.


Put those two conditions together -- a similar schedule and a young, but more experienced, team -- and I'll stick with my prediction. :thu:





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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

But this year isn't over yet.

Geoff for the record I'll say I'd LOVE to see Brett somehow make the playoffs, be rejuvinated and rip the NFC apart!! It would really make the end of the season so much fun. Not to mention a perfect final hurrah for one of the all-time greats! :thu:
TROLL . . . ish.
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There are really only two games that can be adjusted to make a team's schedule easier or harder. The other 14 are set in stone, according to the divisional rotation system. 6 of those are one's own divisional opponents, 4 are from the opposing conference division (Packers and NFC North take on AFC West in 2007), 4 are from another division within the same conference. BTW, Geoff, I see the Chargers get to play your Packers at Lambeau Field. We got pasted 42-10 last time we went there but that was about a decade ago. Hopefully we can give you guys a better game this tmime. :)


That's why I didn't make much of the Chargers "toughest schedule" in 2005. There was no conspiracy - we had our 6 AFC West games, 4 NFC East games, and 4 AFC East games - 14 opponents we were guaranteed to get. The remaining opponents were one from the AFC South, one from the AFC North. I guess you could say the choice of opponent from those remaining two divisions (Indy and Pitt) made our schedule tougher.

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Defensive player of the year- Shawne Merriman. 15 sacks and he missed 4 games?!! Sorry Jason Taylor! Honorable mention to Champ Bailey.

Here, I gotta disagree. Champ Bailey is the only true "shutdown" corner in the league. One way or another, if you throw it to his side of the field, you're going to regret it! To what degree you regret it is the only question.


That, to me, is a true game-changing defensive player. 69 tackles, 12 assists, 9 interceptions, and 11 passes defensed - those are ridiculous numbers for a corner.


Yeah, Merriman has gaudy sack numbers, which is all well and good - but I'll take 9 picks and 11 PD's in 15 games over 15 sacks in 11 games any time. At the end of the day, just the 9 picks made more of a difference to my team. Especially when the offense is as bad as Denver's has been this year...

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

But this year isn't over yet.

Geoff for the record I'll say I'd LOVE to see Brett somehow make the playoffs, be rejuvinated and rip the NFC apart!! It would really make the end of the season so much fun. Not to mention a perfect final hurrah for one of the all-time greats! :thu:
Thanks, meccajay! :cool:


In return, I'd like to say how satisfying it's been to watch Steve McNair's success with Baltimore. I only wish he could have led the Titans back to the playoffs this year instead of the Ravens, but what a great way to remind Tennessee of what they lost!


Steve's also one of the all-time greats, and his reputation has only been enhanced this year! :thu:


Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

There are really only two games that can be adjusted to make a team's schedule easier or harder. The other 14 are set in stone, according to the divisional rotation system. 6 of those are one's own divisional opponents, 4 are from the opposing conference division (Packers and NFC North take on AFC West in 2007), 4 are from another division within the same conference. BTW, Geoff, I see the Chargers get to play your Packers at Lambeau Field. We got pasted 42-10 last time we went there but that was about a decade ago. Hopefully we can give you guys a better game this tmime. :)

A decade ago, the Packers were Super Bowl champions. Now, I think we'll be lucky to give you a good game next year. At this point, no team has my respect more than the Chargers.


I didn't realize that the NFC North was already taking on the AFC West again. Didn't that just happen two or three years ago? Well then, I guess it does look like my Packers will have a tougher year in 2007 than I expected. Nonetheless, I still believe they'll improve, although their record may not reflect it as much.





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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

I didn't realize that the NFC North was already taking on the AFC West again. Didn't that just happen two or three years ago?

Yep. In 2003. You went through the other AFC divisions in '04, '05, and '06, and now you're back to the West in '07. ;)
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