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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Sorry to hear about Aaron Rodgers. Glad to see Brett is ok.




My fantasy opponent has Barber and I have Shockey. Shockey outscored Barber by 5 pts but I still lost. :( I was hoping the loss of Toomer would result in Eli rediscovering the weapon he has in Shockey, a freakishly athletic TE with the size to knock over safeties trying to cover him, but it hasn't worked out.


I don't want to get too much into Eli vs. Philip because I'm really happy with our end of that trade, but after Philip threw his latest INT, he was shown immediately consulting with the coaches and fellow players. Eli after a pick was shown standing by himself staring into space. He could really help his cause by simply doing what Philip does after a bad play - go communicate to people and figure out what went wrong, and figure out how not to make the mistake again.


On the Broncos blocking style, Igor had this to say:


He will probably be fined because he accused the refs of letting the Broncos OL get away with holding and cut blocks - the NFL seems to have a low tolerance for criticism of the refs. But I'm glad Igor spoke out.

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Re: ELi, I WISH it were injury related, I WISH it were a growth/development issue, but anybody who watches this team week to week can knows, somehwere deep in his heart, that Eli is simply not accurate. And that can no longer be attribiuted to "getting up to NFL speed," can it?


Yes, he makes bad decisions sometimes; all QBs, esp. young ones do. That does not disturb as much as his habitual inaccuracy. His short passes are often high, more often behind, and almost never does he hit a receiver in stride; almost never does he throw a ball that implies yards-after-catch the way his brother, or Brady, or Kurt Warner in his brief prime, or Troy Aikmen did/do.


Does that mean he can't be a successful NFL QB? No. he can be successful on a good team. Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl, after all, as did Mark Rypien. And Eli has shown some very desirable qualities in terms of pocket awareness, cool head in tight spots, and a pretty decent long ball. He's not a bust.


But I don't think you can be a great QB without great accuracy, and Rivers and Roethy (not to mention Merriman!) are going to be driving this point/stake into the hearts of Giants fans repeatedly for the next decade, if Eli doesn't in fact become an indisputably great QB.


Poor guy, but in a Karmic sense he is reaping what he sowed when he made the arrogant, Danny Ferry-esque declaration that he would not sign with the Chargers if they picked him first.


The Chargers front office does a little dance of gratitude about that every morning, I'm sure.


That was a tough one last night. With my grandma starting at OLB for the Giants and Mary Kate and Ashley at the corners, this offense needs to carry the load. NYG-Jax should by all rights be a 17-13 kind of game, but it wopn;t be so long as we're missing 8 defensive starters.


I am through with this rant.

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The Giants refusal to incorporate Shockey moreso in the game plan is more boneheaded than the Skins refusal to play TJ Duckett. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure whether it is contract incentives or what but these old-thinking coaches need to do a better job of utilizing their playmakers.


Shockey is the receiver equivalent of Brandon Jacobs as a runner--scary! :)


Eli needs to spend more time with his coaches, teammates and big brother in order to get his confidence and game up. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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One of the things I think people aren't mentioning is how many teams are double teaming Shockey and taking him away. Eli probably sees the double teams and looks away from him. Eli has to do a better job of utilizing Carter I think. This will force teams to play more honest defensively against the Giants. Until the Gianst can show an ability to adjust, teams are going to continue to do the same thing. It also helps if Eli hits his receivers when they are open as well.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

In honor of Tomlinson's 100th TD, someone put together this highlight video (warning: its set to "Breaking Me Down" by Soil):



Just taking a moment to gloat over my soon-to-be-championship fantasy team, which features LT, Carson Palmer, Reggie Wayne, and Marques Colston...
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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

One of the things I think people aren't mentioning is how many teams are double teaming Shockey and taking him away.

Yes he gets doubled at times, good recievers do. I recall the Eagles and Bears doubling him at certain times in games, but I really can't recall other teams doing with any regularity. He's open in the 1st half alot. Many times you'll hear the announcers mention this which is when you'll start to pay more attention etc.


As for Eli, yes Eli needs focus, and emotion, and target practice with big bro, but he's far from a lost cause. At this point.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

As for Eli, yes Eli needs focus, and emotion, and target practice with big bro, but he's far from a lost cause. At this point.

Well that's the thing. The single most important stat for understanding why A-Rod gets treated the way he does is this: $250 million. Similary, Eli is always going to be judged against the castle and kingdom that Accorsi gave away to get him.


My problem, to reiterate, is that I just don't see too many QBs developing accuracy where there was none before. There's the tools you were born with and there's the skills you acquire. Accuracy seems to me to be more tool than skill. Especially by year #3, by start #40.


I am more than willing to have my mind changed, believe you me. I like the guy generally, and not too many QBs in the league will ever lead a comeback like he did against the Eagles early this year, or against the Broncos last year. He has some special traits.


But there's a reason why Shockey and Burress--both of whom could stand a little maturity--are always showing visible frustration on the field.

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

I wonder if the fact the Phillip Rivers is having success right now and his team is winning factors into the whole Eli mess?

Better believe it's in the conversation most New Yorkers are having right now.


Here in Atlanta, there a similar debate amoung Michael Vick loyalists and the skeptics.. That is that they traded the pick to San Diego to get Vick, when they could have had LT. Vick is struggling, LT is on the HOF express.


Hindsight is..

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

One of the things I think people aren't mentioning is how many teams are double teaming Shockey and taking him away.

Gates also draws double- and even triple-coverage, which is why his production is a bit down this season. But a Gates or a Shockey can't be completely shut down if you use the TE properly - just have him find the soft zones and/or put him in positions where he can use his size to shield the incoming pass from defenders.


As for Eli, I just realized his QB coach is Kevin Gilbride. Gilbride was the Chargers HC for a while and had some terrible interpersonal skills. He looked great with the veteran Mark Brunell running his offense but has been awful in working with young QBs. In SD, he wanted his QBs to go through 20 reads or something like that per play. When your QBs happen to be Ryan Leaf and Craig Whelihan, that is way too much to ask.


Rivers's QB coach is John Ramsdell, who turned Kurt Warner and Mark Bulger into Pro Bowlers in one of the most prolific offenses in recent history. The G-Men need to find a better QB coach.

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Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

Tom Nalen has been fined $25,000 for diving at Igor Olshanky's knees and Igor has been fined $10,000 for retaliating with punches.




No word on suspensions for either player.

The financial penalty should suffice in this case.


Tom didn't get Igor's knees cleanly nor did Igor's 2 piece chicken combo really connect. ;):cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Originally posted by ProfD:

Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

Tom Nalen has been fined $25,000 for diving at Igor Olshanky's knees and Igor has been fined $10,000 for retaliating with punches.




No word on suspensions for either player.

The financial penalty should suffice in this case.


Tom didn't get Igor's knees cleanly nor did Igor's 2 piece chicken combo really connect. ;):cool:

No wonder these guys can go on to have a career in professional wrestling :D

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Here in Atlanta, there a similar debate amoung Michael Vick loyalists and the skeptics.. That is that they traded the pick to San Diego to get Vick, when they could have had LT. Vick is struggling, LT is on the HOF express.


Hindsight is..

And similar thoughts here in Tampa. We gave up three first round draft picks for the right to sign Gruden. Now Chuckie has driven the team into the ground and we have no immediate future with our depleted draft picks.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Eli needs to stop trying to be his brother. He's not a long bomb QB. He's probably more of a Phil Simms style QB, a short pass specialist who thrives in conjunction with a good running game.


Throw it to the tight end. Throw screen passes. Get some play action going. And forget about Burress. He's a prima donna, and he doesn't have the mad skillz of a T.O. or the physical gifts of Randy da Moss. Burress is like A-Rod, he can't deliver in the clutch.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dan South:

Eli needs to stop trying to be his brother. He's not a long bomb QB. He's probably more of a Phil Simms style QB, a short pass specialist who thrives in conjunction with a good running game.


Throw it to the tight end. Throw screen passes. Get some play action going. And forget about Burress. He's a prima donna, and he doesn't have the mad skillz of a T.O. or the physical gifts of Randy da Moss. Burress is like A-Rod, he can't deliver in the clutch.

I agree with your assessment. Unfortunately, in the age of prima donnas with incentive laden contracts, a QB is forced to get them the ball by any means necessary. :rolleyes:


With the Giants running game, awesome TE and decent WR, Eli should be in good shape.


Let's hope the G-Men offensive coaches do a better job of game planning.


I'm a Skins fan but this is the only hope we have for keeping Dallas from running away with the NFC East.


Philly is on IR, done for the season. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Eli needs to stop trying to be his brother. He's not a long bomb QB. He's probably more of a Phil Simms style QB, a short pass specialist who thrives in conjunction with a good running game.


Beg to differ with half of what you say. I agree wholeheartedly that Eli is not Peyton, but I think the long ball is the best part of Eli's game. It's the short, timing, and crossing routes that he is egregiously inaccurate on, and that Peyton is preternaturally accurate on. Eli's pretty good at airing it out and letting Burress go fetch. But in terms of a sustainable possession, short passing game, it just ain't happening.


He consistently frustrates recievers by throwing short passes behind them, and endangers them by throwing high.

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3 Big games yesterday and not a single commentary?


WTG Joey on his triumphant return to Detroit! And BOO on Matt Millen for his classless "introduction" of the Miami players.


For those that aren't aware - the PA guy announced all the Miami offensive starters by number - except Joey - just so the crowd would boo him specifically.


How that guy still has a job is beyond me.

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

3 Big games yesterday and not a single commentary?


WTG Joey on his triumphant return to Detroit! And BOO on Matt Millen for his classless "introduction" of the Miami players.


For those that aren't aware - the PA guy announced all the Miami offensive starters by number - except Joey - just so the crowd would boo him specifically.


How that guy still has a job is beyond me.

I have some damn commentary. I only watched two games. Was supposed to have the NFL network added and when I went to check it, they failed to add it. No KC vs. Denver. Dammit I wanted my NFL yesterday. :mad::mad: I did get it today after I called and complained. Ok my bitching is over now to the games.


Miami embarrased Detriot at home. Must have been great for Joey considering even now they still Blame him for their bad season this year.


Dallas won :mad::mad: I heard they cheated and everyone failed a drug test. I heard Tony Romo was on so much juice, he should have been legally dead. :D Now I feel better.


Seriously since the games weren't close it was kind of ho hum for me.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Quote by Dan South:


Throw it to the tight end. Throw screen passes. Get some play action going. And forget about Burress. He's a prima donna, and he doesn't have the mad skillz of a T.O. or the physical gifts of Randy da Moss. Burress is like A-Rod, he can't deliver in the clutch.



Well said Dan. What's more, Burress is not a team player. Like TO, he's only interested in himself. The Steelers didn't even make him an offer when his original contract expired. He's a selfish a..hole.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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I never realized how much Keenan McCardell means to the San Diego offense. You can see how the Raiders are defending the Chargers without him. They have no respect for the Charger passing game. They have 8-9 men in the box on almost every play with a safety going with Gates, almost acting like a spy.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Wow. the refs did everything they could to try to rob the Pats today. I have never seen so many one sided calls in one game. Obvious face masking and pass interference goes uncalled against the Bears. Then 3 phantom pass interference penalties. The final injustice is they didn't even bother to review the Corey Dillon fumble. Guess no bother to look since it may have revealed he was down by contact.

Luckily justice prevailed. I was waiting for them to throw the flag on the final interception. Good thing he was 5 feet away from the receiver. I did see the ref with his hand on the flag getting ready to throw it.

The final score should have been more like 40-0.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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I was at a party and in very high spirits today. Otherwise, that utterly embarrassing Giants collapse might have really hurt. It will catch up tomorrow.


With most of the other NFC wildcard contenders losing and losing and losing, The Giants are still in the middle of the playoff hunt. In fact they're still in, as of today, with Carolina as the other. Everyone else--Philly, Atl., St. Louis, SF, Minn--is 5-6


NYG's remaining schedule is tougher than most though. Plus, they suck.


And look at the AFC: a 10-1, two 9-2s, an 8-3, and two 7-4s. Now THAT's a conference.

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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

Wow. the refs did everything they could to try to rob the Pats today. I have never seen so many one sided calls in one game. Obvious face masking and pass interference goes uncalled against the Bears. Then 3 phantom pass interference penalties. The final injustice is they didn't even bother to review the Corey Dillon fumble. Guess no bother to look since it may have revealed he was down by contact.

Luckily justice prevailed. I was waiting for them to throw the flag on the final interception. Good thing he was 5 feet away from the receiver. I did see the ref with his hand on the flag getting ready to throw it.

The final score should have been more like 40-0.

I concur, and I saw only the last quarter-and-a-half of the game.


Great performance by the Pats, against 15 men on the field for the Bears...

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Looooonnnng weekend of football! some highlights and lowlights.


Dallas/Tampa- Yeah it was lowly Tampa Bay, but the Cowboys put a whippin on 'em. What can you say about Romo, the man is on a tear. I'm looking forward to seeing him against good teams.


Bears/Pats- I saw this game, but I dunno what it is I saw. That was the sloppiest most rediculous game in ages. 9 turnovers?!! 5 by the Pats and 4 by N.E. Because most of those turnovers were in the other teams red zone, there's no way to know what it was we saw. Would the Bears have scored, would the Pats? Who would have won? Both teams seemed to move the ball at ease, then turn it over...a mess. Oh well, The Pats preserve a home win, and the Bears lose only one game in a 3 game road trip. Not bad.


Falcons/Saints- Drew Brees is a beast! Vick and co are in deep trouble!


Giants/Titans- Lets all say what we know, the Giants got up big, got lazy and played prevent for 3 quarters. Total meltdown combined with Eli's errors are why they lost. Having said all that. You just gotta give Vince Young major props for that win. 24 straight points. The Giants mistakes didn't give Vince those points, he went out and earned them by capitalizing on those mistakes. Every last one of them! Vince is coming of age nicely.


Ravens/Steelers- Um, the Ravens are good, nuff said.


Colts/Eagles- Colts back in stride. Eagles spinning out of control. As an Eagles fan, I need just one thing.. Falcons backup Matt Schaub in Green & White next year!!


Raiders/Chargers- Didn't see a lot of that game, but I did notice 2 things; The 1st is that LT is amazing. The 2nd is that the Raiders were ripped off on that call. It was a shame because I like Mike Carey as an official, but that was an unholy call!


-Here's something to contemplate, there's gonna be a ton of mostly veteran free agent QB's avail next year. Bledsoe, Schaub, Brad Johnson, Plummer, Chis Simms, Leftwich etc.. Who goes where?

TROLL . . . ish.
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Funny thing. Yahoo has this little Fantasy "Who's Hot, Who's Not" callout on their NFL page, this week focusing on QBs over the last 3 weeks. The hots are all dead on.


Palmer (Whoa! Looks like Carson is feeling comfortable again)

Brees (avg 419 ypg over three weeks. 'Nuff said)

Romo (yeah, whatevah)


...But the "Not" list leads with Sage Rosenfals, who's key stat for making the list is an avg of 3 yards per game over the last three weeks. Wait...doesn't that mean he's not playing? Well, I guess anyone on the bench is by definition not hot. And maybe this is in recognition that no football player with the name Sage can ever be truly hot.


The other two QBs in the not column, BTW, are Eli and Charlie Frye, both good choices.

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

I never realized how much Keenan McCardell means to the San Diego offense. You can see how the Raiders are defending the Chargers without him. They have no respect for the Charger passing game. They have 8-9 men in the box on almost every play with a safety going with Gates, almost acting like a spy.

That's pretty much how every opponent defends against the Chargers. The Raiders just happened to have a better-than-usual defensive game plan and good enough personnel to execute it. Yes, Keenan has been a great mentor to the younger WRs and leads by example. Other contributing factors to the less than typical (for the Chargers) offensive performance:


- Left Guard Kris Dielman out for the game. Dielman excels both in pass protection and run blocking and is a critical component of our power run formation.


- Receivers dropping balls. Even Gates had a drop.


- Philip Rivers having an off-day. Overthrew guys, threw off his back foot, etc.


Yes, I admit we got away with Vincent Jackson's silly play that was ruled an illegal forward pass. The kid obviously still has a lot of learning to do - like if you fall to the ground, with possession, and nobody touches you, don't throw the ball away because the play isn't dead! Ironically, it was the Raiders who killed the Chargers with the Holy Roller play, in which Ken Stabler fumbled the ball forward and it was rolled all the way to end zone and recovered for a touchdown.


The Pats-Bears game was on the screen right next to the Chargers-Raiders. From what I saw, it was a sloppy game for both sides.


Dallas suddenly looks like a Superbowl team. Romo is a better QB than Grossman at this point.


I understand the Bears' special teams coach may be on the market in 2007. Man, I'd love to sign this guy to the Chargers. The Bears ST is just off the hook this year.


Thanksgiving Week was awesome for the Chargers. They beat Denver in their house, then watch Denver lose just 4 days later to the Chiefs.


The Bills looked pretty good, offensively in dispatching the up-and-down Jaguars. They looked good enough to cause concern, as my Chargers are travelling to Buffalo next weekend. You don't know what you'll get from JP Losman, but they've always had the good WR corps. We are still banged up defensively, but we'll get a healthy Shawne Merriman back for this game. Before we can dream of a Chargers-Saints Superbowl (just because we'd love to see Brees play his old team), we need to take care of the Bills.

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