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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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As much as I hated it when the Cowboys and Roger Staubach would knock the (L.A.) Rams out of the playoffs almost every year, you had to give credit for being really good.


Football in the 70's was like boxing's heavyweight division in the 70's... a bunch of future legends slugging it out.


Steelers, Cowboys, Dolphins, Vikings, Raiders, etc...

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Originally posted by Magpel:

I can see that you've made significant emotional progress in the offseason, and I want you to know that we all, to a man, support your ongoing recovery. Watching football, however, is clearly in direct conflcit with your treatment goals.

BTW, when are we going to dinner again? That was a lot of fun. Are you coming out west ...ever?


If not, when is the next big NYC audio related trade show? AES is in S.F. this year, so, maybe next October...

You know, I was in Seattle for a week this Summer, and one of the things I was gonna do before I left was check and see if by some longshot you might be visiting there, (you still have family there, right?) but I didn't get it done. If you tell me you were in Seattle the week of August 7-14, I'll be pissed...
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Originally posted by musicalaccents:



Well, during basketball season, the Mavs were low on most members totem pole. Only when they beat San Antonio, then Phoenix, did they become a sexy pick for some of the forum members. I remember those threads pretty distinctly.

Well, exactly. Here was a team that had been having excellent regular seasons with no playoff success to show for it for how long? No one was biased against them, just maintaining a justified "prove it" stance. And they certainly did. That SA series was one of the best in recent memory. Dal should have won the enchilada. But in any case, before this year they had never really been important enough to warrant the kind of hatred people feel for the Cowboys. Now they are. BTW, I am not a Cuban hater. In fact I kind of like him. It is wildly unfair to liken him to little Danny Snyder.


I loathe, LOATHE the Cowboys and always have. There's nothing anyone can do about hatred this deep seated. It's atavistic.


Tuna's my man from way back. But now he is nothing to me...

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Magpel:

No one was biased against them, just maintaining a justified "prove it" stance. And they certainly did. That SA series was one of the best in recent memory. Dal should have won the enchilada.



I loathe, LOATHE the Cowboys and always have. There's nothing anyone can do about hatred this deep seated. It's atavistic.
What he said... :idea::D


As I'm so fond of saying - my three favorite teams are the Raiders, the Eagles, and whoever is playing against the Cowboys. :evil:;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


Dallas sports hater-filled? What makes you say that?

Could be me he's talking about.


I'm harping on my Eagle-luv thru most seasons. I've also been a Dallas hater by (nfc east)nature in years past. I'm also a Parcells lover(doesn't quite sound right), so the Cowboys were growing on me a little..


..then they signed T.O.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Dallas sports hater-filled? What makes you say that?


Or maybe its me, or me too. I grew up in the SF bay area and was one of the few fans who actually liked both the Raiders and the Niners. The Cowboys and Niners had a great rivalry for a while there. Like Jeff I also hated the America's team monicker. I think that's why so many people hated them and enjoyed beating them.


I don't have any bad feelings for other teams though. I'm indifferent to the Mavs and Stars.

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- Rush

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I'll speak for myself regarding musicalaccents's opinion of us as well:


The Dallas Cowboys were once tied for my favorite team with the Los Angeles Rams. Back then, I was a fan of great defenses; and the Dallas Doomsday defense and LA's Fearsome Foursome were among the best. I also had the opportunity to watch Rams and Cowboys games on TV almost every week, because they were as close to local NFL teams as the Phoenix market had at that time, which helped to cement my loyalties.


The Cowboys gradually lost their appeal for me over time. The movie North Dallas Forty tarnished my opinion of Tom Landry, and the Cowboys' choice to dub themselves "America's team" alienated me. Nonetheless, I've never hated the Cowboys; and I'm left with a fond nostalgia for the Cowboys of that era.


As for the Mavericks, I'm not enough of a basketball fan to love or hate them. I am a diehard Suns fan though; and as such, I'm grateful to Dallas for returning Steve Nash to the Phoenix franchise. :D


As for the city of Dallas itself, I haven't spent enough time there to love or hate it. I imagine it's a nice place to live, though.





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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It will be interesting to see how Branch does in Seattle. This could be a great pickup for them. Considering how they struggled yesterday, this may be what they need. I don't think Ingram is a good #2 receiver, he's more of a #3 receiver to me.


I think the Lions did play with alot of emotion yesterday. Are they going to be good or fade like they did last year. They do play in a crappy division which always helps.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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I often get aggrovated with ESPN, but I do appreciate the 7 PM EST start of Monday night football, followed by a 7PM start of game two for the west coast. Now if they will get rid of those 9:30 PM starts for Kentucky basketball games. I've never understood why they will have Utah vs. New Mexico start at 7 PM EST and then follow it with a Kentucky vs. Florida at 9:30. Hopefully they are learning that working stiffs watch sports. :)



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Geez, man. I've never seen anything quite like that. :(


I suppose the good news is that we may have found the team to bet against every week in the Survival Pool. :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hey, how bout them Chargers dB? :cool:


I feel for you man. The Raiders have never looked worse in their life in my opinion. :eek: And it was only the second time in the Raider's history that they have been shut out on their own turf. The first time was against Denver back in '81. The Raiders had no offense to speak of tonight and the Chargers had a big time sack party on the QB's.


Funny thing.. Art Shell didn't really have a great stint first time around as Head Coach and tonight's showing may be an omen of things to come sorry to say. You can blame it on the players or Quarterback or on injuries, etc. but the real blame unfortunately lies with the man in charge of the team - the Head Coach. The General Manager and the Scouts are to blame also but when heads roll it usually will come down to the head coach first. I wish Art Shell the best and hope he has a better outing next week. But when they play the Chargers again this season my loyality will go to my home team Chargers. It is nonetheless a great rivalry that is always exciting to watch. Except maybe tonight's game. :D

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The Raiders are the worst team in football, bar none. Their offensive line could not possibly be worse if random 14-year-old schoolgirls were substituted for Gallery, Sims, and McQuistan. They have zero run defense. I'd never wanted to throw up as badly from watching a sporting event.


- Jeff

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I didn't get to watch the Raiders/Chargers game, but I did get to watch the San Diego defense tear holes in Green Bay's offensive line in their exhibition match:


Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Tonight, the Chargers looked ready for the season; and the Packers didn't. Brett Favre was a sitting duck in the backfield, and I was relieved that he hadn't been injured by the time they took him out of the game.




Congratulations to San Diego. They were a much better team than their record last year. I'll really be surprised if they don't make the playoffs this year.

Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Oh, and just as a reminder about San Diego being that good: they were the team that ruined the Colts chance of an undefeated season last year (in week 15, beating them 26-17), and most of the Chargers' losses were by a narrow margin only their final two losses were by more than four points.

In other words, watch out for San Diego!


And, in other words, the Raiders may not be as bad as they looked tonight.





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Congrats DB and MidLifeCrisis - Tied for first in the Pick'em with 11 out of 16. After a week like this I feel lucky to be tied for 6th with 9 correct picks. The worst was 7 so it is still a close race.


I notice that no one in the entire Yahoo Pick'em got all 16.



This post edited for speling.

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Oakland needs O-line intervention. I know there are other problems in Oakland, but I think it's time for Art Shell and the staff to think back to thier beginning, and take a grass roots approach to working with the line. Brooks or Walters had about 1 second to get the ball out. Unitas couldn't have worked under those conditions. All is not lost, cause as mentioned the defense is still pretty good. Last night was a matter of how long can a defense last if there on the field all night long.


On the other side, I loved San Diego's new scheme with Wade Phillips. He's always been a fav D. Coordinator for me. If Merriman gets any better, they'll have to make him Illegal.


That Moss penalty was bullshit, plainly said.


** Guys, tell me you don't absolutely LOVE the Nike commercial that features Urlacher, Vick, LT, coach Shula and others as a high school team. I've seen it 50 times, but it still makes me smile!


Urlacher: "We can take 'em". Vick: "Brian get open". Smallish kid to Urlacher: "Is that all you got Urlacher?!".


Loved the 1st commercial as well!

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

And, in other words, the Raiders may not be as bad as they looked tonight.

You're right. They could really surprise me and get up to 3-13.


It's just embarrassing. At least they could have kicked a figgie on that final drive. 27-3 would have felt so much better than 27-0. I think they didn't send in Janikowski on purpose. left it up to Walter to throw a TD (granted, he nearly did).


But that goose egg hurts. It hurts me... it's gotta hurt the team. If I were a player, I'd be embarrassed to wear a Raiders uni right now.


Just for laughs, I'm going to meander over to the Raiders forums now and see how bad it is over there. Wish me luck; I might not make it back.


- Jeff

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Oh yeah, it's ugly over at raidersfans.net.


(Giggling) But there are some serious optimists there too...


- Game ball to Lechler!

- I loved the spunk Fargas showed runnin at the end of the game

- We're one game out of first in the division!


All true, all true. But most of it was filled with gloom, with people already calling for Shell and his entire staff to be fired, Gallery to be fired, Brooks to be fired, and so on.


- Jeff

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The Raider nation is not a happy nation right now. I couldn't believe how bad they looked. They looked out of sync. What frustrated me most was the apparent lack of adjustments they made. Brooks kept dropping back to his 7 step drop. Why not have him roll out or try some misdirection stuff. Baltimore next week so it doesn't get easier :(

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- Rush

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Originally posted by keynote:

The Raiders have never looked worse in their life in my opinion. :eek:

Agreed. I said the same thing last night. :(


Funny thing.. Art Shell didn't really have a great stint first time around as Head Coach and tonight's showing may be an omen of things to come sorry to say.
I've been wondering that ever since he was named. I thought he was a terrible coach last time he had the reins of the team, and wasn't sure what that asshole...umm, I mean Al Davis...was thinking when he rehired him.


His trademark stoicism annoyed the crap out of me last night.


Originally posted by Griffinator:

I wouldn't say zero run defense. They did a fabulous job against one of the best RB's in the game all 3rd quarter.


The Oakland defense played their hearts out tonight, and the O-Line did nothing to support them.

W3rd. The D did an excellent job...in the beginning of the second half...until their collective spirits kinda gave out. Fully understandable, IMO.


That was undoubtedly one of the worst performances I have ever seen by an O line. Those guys should all be fined.


It got to the point where the people with whom I was watching the game and I were betting on how many sacks SD was going to get on each Oakland possession. :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Raiders fans


Yes the problem is Art Shell, yes the problem is the O-line, yes the problem is Brooks, yes the problem is coaching, yes!!


Thing is though, even if you fix these problems. You still have a problem. That is Al Davis. I heard a raiders fan on the radio mention that things won't change until Davis has either moved on or passes on.


The reason is he's too involved and meddlesome and happens to be way past his prime.. Until someone else takes over, gets a great GM, and then they go out and hire a Gruden, John Fox, or a Marvin Lewis, then things are gonna be pretty much one version or another of the same thing that's been going on for years. Things are out of your hands, so meanwhile try to go for the short term fix. The O-Line. Fix that, and you can still squeeze out a season.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Thing is though, even if you fix these problems. You still have a problem. That is Al Davis. I heard a raiders fan on the radio mention that thing won't change until Davis has either moved on or passes on.


The reason is he's too involved and meddlesome and happens to be way past his prime..

Boy, do I agree with that. :mad:


As far as Brooks though - it's really kinda hard to tell how much of a problem he is if he doesn't have a pocket to work out of, wouldn'cha say? Andrew Walter didn't fare much better, did he?


Sigh....oh, well. Go Philly! :cool::D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well, we lost our season opener (Skins) :rolleyes:


I still believe my Skins are going to whoop Dallas next week!


I will always root against Dallas unless they become my mandatory Suvivor Pool pick. :mad::P


The Giants running game (Barber & Jacobs) makes me extremely nervous. Jacobs is going to be a beast. :eek:


The Eagles look "healthy" again with cats returning from injuries and... ;) They will be fine if Stallworth doesn't revert to form (dropping passes) :)


Overall, the NFC East is going to be a slug-fest. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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