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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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It's true that the officiating was less than stellar last night, but I think the poor calls most likely averaged out. For example, remember the obvious pass interference that wasn't called against Miami, the non-call that gave the Dolphins back the ball and then the lead? The Steelers would have had great field position and probably at least 3 points from that drive.


I agree that Pittsburgh benefitted from a bad call with a touchdown instead of first and goal; and while they most likely would have scored anyway, it wasn't assured. Woulda, shoulda, coulda it's a shame when fans have to play the "what if" game to figure out what the results would have been if the officiating had been better.


Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Culpepper... man, sometimes I still see the old Daunte. But then (like the 4th quarter) I think his best days may be about two years behind himi, and they might not be coming back.

Daunte Culpepper just isn't Daunte Culpepper without Randy Moss and vice versa. Man, I miss that combo except when they played against Green Bay. ;)


Complaints aside, it sure is great to have football season back! :thu:





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How 'bout them Steelers? :D


Even I wasn't expecting a 3 TD performance by Charlie Batch. BUT, if my Steelers are any good, they have to compete with or without Big Ben. I think we're going to miss Randle L this season. I don't know if we have another player that can step up and made a couple of big plays on offense like him.


Miami's coach was too sheepish when it came to throwing the challenge flag. He waited on the replay to be sure and it cost him. Miller was out of bounds. But then there was the non-call interference on Miami earlier in the game that would have made a difference. Steelers D stepped up in the 4th quarter. The biggest thing that hurt Miami was the lack of a running game. When you HAVE to put the ball up.....bad things happen.


Mike T.

(Black and Gold 'til I'm dead and cold.)

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

I had that same feeling about Chris Simms. Tampa only brought him in because he was Phil's son. They would never actually let him play, right?


And now here he is as our starting QB. :eek::mad::cry:

Damn, I hate it when I am right.

Baltimore 27 - Tampa 0


Chris Simms

3 interceptions

3 passes batted down at the line of scrimmage (a problem with him)

Numerous passes behind his receivers

General "deer in the headlights" play all game long.

The Bucs are doomed. :cry:


So far DB is leading the way in the Pick-Em pool with 9 points. Good selections Dave :thu:


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

So far DB is leading the way in the Pick-Em pool with 9 points. Good selections Dave :thu:

F$#&in' Dallas!!!


...and I know Dave's JAX pick was really just a "I HATE THE COWBOYS!!! pick.


Stupid Cowboys.

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ugh, Manning bowl was a good game. I feel a bit robbed by that offensive pass interference call against Tim Carter.


Giants have the toughest schedule in the league this year, and that rating considers the Eagles to be a BAD team based on last years TO-addled, Donovan-less aberration. They need every win thay can scrape out, and I felt really good about their chances before that bogus call.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by antimatter:

Yeah, the Carter call was BS, as was one of the calls against Burress in the first half.

The better team lost.

Giants did their share to lose it, esp. by dropping what would have been not 1 not 2 but 3 drive killing interceptions, but...


Antimatter's dead on about one of the drive killing penalities against Burress too, but it's the Carter call that I'll hold on to. It was the difference between 1st and 10 on the 30 (with a ground game that had been chewing the colts up all night) and 3rd and 13 on the 9.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

Damn, I hate it when I am right.

Baltimore 27 - Tampa 0

I feel your pain, Steve.


Chicago 26 - Green Bay 0




Addendum: I just found out this was Brett Favre's first ever shutout.





YOu know why I icked GB in the pool, Geoff? Because I heard some silly prognosticator on ESPN radio predict that the Bears are wildly overrated coming into this year and will only win 6 or 7 games, and I thought it was therefore worth going against the popular grain and seeing if I could score one of those really good pool wins.


ha ha.


Sorry, man. There's problems in GB and I for one wouldn't mind seeing Favre go to the first contender to lose a starting QB, as much for the Packers' sake as for Brett's. This whole saga has gone on to long.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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This is my first post here, visiting from the Guitar Forum.


The Giants looked great last night ....until the last few minutes.....it was like the "old" Giants showed up to finish the game. Regardless of the bogus interference call,Eli made a bad mistake tossing that ball up for grabs. Also, they really mismanaged the clock. I thought they should have spkiked the ball at the :07 point, composed themselves, then taken a shot for a long play.


The defense generally played great, but how many times were they going to let Peyton step up and complete a 3rd down pass right up the middle to Harrison?? Answer: way too many.


Yes, the Giants have a tough schedule, but they are at a place now where they should be able to compete with the best teams in the league.

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Yeah those were some bad calls on NY last night.

W3rd. That offensive interference call sucked....but I do understand given the ref's perspective that the fact that the defender fell right after the contact why the call was made.

In all fairness though - no one caused Eli to throw that pick on the next play... :idea:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Guitar55:

This is my first post here, visiting from the Guitar Forum.



Also, they really mismanaged the clock.
Yeah, I thought that could have been handled a lot better as well. :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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:cry: boo f%$#ng hoo... gee whiz, bad calls in a regular season game... what will we ever do???


I'd rather get a couple questionable calls in a regular season game than have a Super Bowl hijacked by the refs like Super Bowl XL.



Go stealers. :rolleyes:

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The Giants Offensive line looked very good last night. Very cohesive on both ruuning and passing ball. If they can maintain this consistency there going to be very difficult for team to play this year. You could say the same thing about the Colts line when they pass blocked. Their running game was horrible.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by steadyb:

:cry: boo f%$#ng hoo... gee whiz, bad calls in a regular season game... what will we ever do???


I'd rather get a couple questionable calls in a regular season game than have a Super Bowl hijacked by the refs like Super Bowl XL.



Go stealers. :rolleyes:

I can see that you've made significant emotional progress in the offseason, and I want you to know that we all, to a man, support your ongoing recovery. Watching football, however, is clearly in direct conflcit with your treatment goals.
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Magpel:

I can see that you've made significant emotional progress in the offseason, and I want you to know that we all, to a man, support your ongoing recovery. Watching football, however, is clearly in direct conflcit with your treatment goals.






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well, despite the Dallas sports hater-filled forum...I'm not going to give in. Dallas lost to a very good team. I would say that Jacksonville is 1B in the AFC. 1A would consist of the Colts, Bengals, Steelers, & Patriots. Anyways, my view on the Cowboys hasn't changed. They are still a second round playoff team in my opinion. Terrell, T.O., and The Player had a nice debut and would of had a rout if Bledsoe would had made the throws. Terry Glenn should have scorched the Jags defense, but Bledsoe was running for his life in the 2nd quarter through the end of the game. It's time for the Italian sensation, Tony Romo, to hail as the next Brett Farve (of the old days). Let's see the DB's find a way to stop our receivers when our quarterback can actually scramble and make plays.

Play only what you hear within...if you hear nothing, play nothing at all

My Gear: Motif; Ensoniq MR-76; Suitcase Rhodes; Earthquake MKII Pedal; DiscomBOBulator; PodXT

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Originally posted by musicalaccents:

Well, despite the Dallas sports hater-filled forum...



Dallas sports hater-filled? What makes you say that?


As someone who grew up in Philly, I do have a fairly intense dislike for the Cowgirls, sure...but I have no problem with any other Dallas teams.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well, during basketball season, the Mavs were low on most members totem pole. Only when they beat San Antonio, then Phoenix, did they become a sexy pick for some of the forum members. I remember those threads pretty distinctly.

Play only what you hear within...if you hear nothing, play nothing at all

My Gear: Motif; Ensoniq MR-76; Suitcase Rhodes; Earthquake MKII Pedal; DiscomBOBulator; PodXT

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I like some Dallas teams. I'd like the Mavs a lot if not for Mark Cuban. I've just always disliked the Cowboys for the "America's Team" self-moniker. So I'm not a fan.


But in other news, something to make steadyb less depressed:


Seahawks deal first-round pick to Pats for Branch


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Magpel:

I can see that you've made significant emotional progress in the offseason, and I want you to know that we all, to a man, support your ongoing recovery. Watching football, however, is clearly in direct conflcit with your treatment goals.

BTW, when are we going to dinner again? That was a lot of fun. Are you coming out west ...ever?


If not, when is the next big NYC audio related trade show? AES is in S.F. this year, so, maybe next October...

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