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Kurz PC2x and RD-300sx


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Hi Crazykeys. Welcome to the Keyboard Corner. You are in good company. Most of us here are somewhat crazy too. :freak:;)


My vote is for the Kurzweil PC2X. I have one. I think the pianos are great. The best in the whole wide world for a hardware synth.


But what do I know? Mine is but one opinion. Others will follow (don't listen to them). ;)


Seriously, my advice is to take a pair of headphones... some good ones that you've used for awhile and have become familiar with their sound... Audition the pianos, strings, and organs of both keyboards. I use piano programs more than any other, so the quality of that sound is most important in my decision.


But don't listen to anyone else, it's your hard-earned credit bill.


Buy what sounds best to your ears and what feels best to your fingers.


Heck, my PC2X is PURPLE! :eek: I bought it anyway. :rolleyes::)


Good luck.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Are you comparing two new pianos? I ask because those two models are not generally seen in the same price range new. Price-wise the PC2X would compare with the RD700X and the PC1X would compare with the RD300X.


In any case, I have only fooled around a bit with the new Rolands and have never sat them next to the Kurz models, but I can say that I am very pleased with the (many) pianos and strings on my PC2X (with both expansion boards) in jazz, rock, and chamber music settings. The organs (I'm presuming you mean Hammond) are the weakest of the three groups you've mentioned; they're just OK. B3 organ mode is nicely laid out, but the Leslie sim is weak IMHO and you can't channel the organ voices to separate outputs (like you can on a K2600) to take advantage of a real rotary speaker or better sim. I use the Kurz organ voices regularly, but it sure wouldn't take much to talk me into one of the dedicated clonewheel keyboards or modules that either have a better Leslie sim or that I could separately route.




[Edited to add] I read your response to Tom after I posted my comments above. I think you really need to actually sit down at these keyboards and hear them before you make a decision. Rolands sound quite a bit different to me than Kurzweils and it's hard for me to imagine that you will like them equally well. I suspect that you will strongly prefer one over the other.

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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:But what do I know? Mine is but one opinion. Others will follow (don't listen to them). ;)
Hahahha. I love your dedication to the cause, Tom. Promoting excellence in all things musical.

That's what we do here, right? :confused:


Purple? I don't believe I"ve ever seen a picture of the thing. Indulge me, please. :D

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by gangsu:

Purple? I don't believe I"ve ever seen a picture of the thing. Indulge me, please. :D




Purple. :P

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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PC2x is just all around better. Better Midi controller, expandable - the new mellotron voices rock! The keybed feel is better on the pc2x as well. I think the piano sounds as good if not better - get the orchestral expansion board - it is killer.


Only thing is that the pc2x weighs 55 pounds the rd300sx weighs 35.


But if the PC2x is good enough for Paul McCartney it probably is good enough for me.

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Originally posted by RonL:

But if the PC2x is good enough for Paul McCartney it probably is good enough for me.

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Purple. :P

Look at that, it's lovely. But you're putting me on, right? It's not really purple?


What happened? Last time I looked, you were sitting in that chair.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by gangsu:

Look at that, it's lovely. But you're putting me on, right? It's not really purple?


What happened? Last time I looked, you were sitting in that chair.

It's plum. :) Yes... indeed.


The picture to which you are referring is on my website, I believe. Of course, there's the other one with the band's urologist & me. I may also have one of the Judge and me.


Of course, with a judge and a urologist in the band, you can get married and have your tubes tied all in the same weekend. :P


(Sorry for those who've heard that one before.) :rolleyes:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Very cool! I hope everyone realizes that I'm complimenting the PC2X here. I like Kurzweil. You can have fun with a Kurzweil, colouring outside the lines so to speak.


:D I haven't heard that one before, Gas. Thanks for the laugh. ok I gotta go.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by gangsu:

Very cool! I hope everyone realizes that I'm complimenting the PC2X here. I like Kurzweil. You can have fun with a Kurzweil, colouring outside the lines so to speak.



Gangsu, the only thing you said was that its purple/plum color is 'lovely'. :rolleyes:


Then you said something about coloring (that's COLORING - you guys spell it all wrong with yer 'colouring'. Why must you do that?) :freak:


Anyway 'colouring outside the lines so to speak' does not in any way constitute a compliment. You are ridiculing my keyboard in your own semi-sly yet feminine-sounding way. You said nothing about how much BETTER it sounds than your Promega or how much lighter and sleeker it is, thus making it easier to transport. :) Nooooooooo.


Look, I know a compliment when I hear it; and that was no compliment. YOU are simply having your way with me and all the other good folk here on the forum who own a PC2X. We demand an apology. :mad:


And if I don't get it in the next, oh... couple of days, I'm sending SVEN to come and lecture you for 24 hours straight on the importance of sheep to the ecology... or something. :freak::P


Have a nice day.




PS Canadian women... sheesh! :rolleyes:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Hmm my PC2X is black.


I think that the Rd300 lists 64 meg of rom, the stock pc2x comes with 16meg - 12 meg are devoted to the piano sound. you can add two more roms of 16 meg each - and you definitely should - so the total is 48 meg.


That said, Kurzweil used some crazy compression scheme cause those 12 megs of pianos are killer.

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Originally posted by CrazyKeys:

One thing that is annoying me.. is the fact that the RD300sx has 4x the ROM memory on PC2x.. isnt it a big diference or bullshit?

Well? Do you want a straight answer or my usual, long-winded one?


OK, good choice...


First and foremost are the quality of the sounds you are buying. If they don't ring your bell, push your buttons, bang your box, blow your skirt up, etc. then you've wasted your money. It's quality. QUALITY.


Not quantity. :rolleyes:


I think many, if not most, folks will agree with me on this one without the pain of my elaborating on and on about this for days. And you know I can.


Secondly (was there a firstly?), various manufacturers use different techniques for compressing their sounds before they stuff 'em in ROM. Therefore one guy can say you're getting a Gigabyte of ROM data while another says you're only getting half that. Which one is better?


Why the purple one, of course. ;)


No. The answer to the question above is simply this: Which keyboard offers the best quality in the sounds you really want? In the other sounds - the ones that are less important to you - which keyboard offers the best quality in the sounds you really want. (Is there an echo here?)


Ya know why? Wanna know why? I'll tell ya why. It's simply because if you're really after more sounds, you'll probably end up getting them from a software-based solution these days. In other words, go for the bread and butter sounds you know that you'll need for live performance: piano, Rhodes, Wurly, B3, Clav, strings, horns, etc. These are pretty much covered in any top tier instrument. Find the keyboard that does these sounds well. If you need additional sounds for a recording project (for instance), go for soft synths.



Now, if you'd rather hear my long-winded answer, you can PM me and I'll do my best. :P



Good luck CrazyKeys.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Quote Gas

First and foremost are the quality of the sounds you are buying. If they don't ring your bell, push your buttons, bang your box, blow your skirt up, etc. then you've wasted your money. It's quality. QUALITY.


Not quantity.


My sentiments exactly Tom. Same with beer Quality over Quantity. I am A snob beer man and have been before the onslaught of Micro Brews.


Back on Subject

CrazyKeys, you need to understand that no matter how much memory or tweeking you can do you will always run into limits.


I had the PC2x on the top of my list except that I could not find a local dealer to by one through. I drove 4 hrs just to play one and put it beside the RD700 (the RD700sx & RD300sx were not out yet) and the Yamaha S90 and the PC2x was the best overall piano sound, best strings, and wonderful vox sounds. I have since played the RD300sx and was not impressed with the piano's.


I'd say the PC2x is going to give you more as a performance keyboard.


Good luck



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by pursuitboy:


is that a Digitech DSP-128 in your rack?

...or am I just glad to see you? :D


Yup. I've got some old stuff there. The DSP-128 has been upgraded but alas, it's still old as dirt. However, I only use it live to add a touch of reverb to vocals. Most of the time I just use it for its pretty lights. People love that. ;)


I originally bought it when I was using a Fender Rhodes, DX7 and/or my Kurzweil 1000PX rack. All of them needed a bit of reverb and/or chorus.


Since I've never needed the unit for critial applications (the PC2X has built-in effects that put the DSP-128 to shame, as you know), I've never bothered spending the money updating it. (I bought a nice keyboard bench instead.) ;)


Other stuff that now lives in my rack include a DOD stereo EQ. Again, nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done.


I have an Alesis 3630 compressor that I bought because Jeff the Weasel (forum member) used to write ads for Alesis. The ad sold me. It's not reputed to be a great-sounding compressor. But, I don't use it anyway. Since this picture was made (at a gig on the beach) I've taken the compressor out of the rack to lighten the load.


The Hafler XL-280 amp is sweet. Not a lot of power, but it uses MOSFET transistors in the output section. They're supposed to have the distortion characteristics of tubes (more even-order harmonics than odd when it clips). All I know is that it sounds great all the damn time. What more could I ask? Well, more power... So, I found another one just like it. If I need to bridge the outputs of them both, I've got two amps with greater than 300+ watts into 8 ohms at my kinky disposal. It's enough for the parties I play and such.


The Hafler plays into a couple of EAW FR153 speakers. They're 3-way beauties that sound so smooth you would think I stole 'em from a high-end stereo showroom. Mids and highs are soooo silky... just like buttah. :)


I've got all this stuff because I never know if I'll have to share bandwidth with a vocalist, guitars, or percussion. My dream is to pare down my life and make things simple... playing jazz gigs with the keyboard & the JBL EON along with a guy on drums & another on acoustic bass.


So yes pursuitboy, that IS a DSP-128 in my rack.


Aren'tcha glad ya asked? :freak::P


Take care of yourself.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Look, I know a compliment when I hear it; and that was no compliment. YOU are simply having your way with me and all the other good folk here on the forum who own a PC2X. We demand an apology. :mad:

American men. :bor: Always bragging about big purple. Quality over quantity, my ***.


Feel better now? :cool:

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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