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Why Not Oberheim?

Geoff Grace

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Rabid:

The current owners of Moog, ARP and Yamaha have all made deals with developers.

Not necessarily...


No one has gotten (or even asked) permission from Dave Smith to do software knock-offs of any Sequential Circuits products, but that didn't stop NI or Creamware. Both of them just did it without even trying to contact Dave. :rolleyes:

Didn't those trademarks become Yamaha's property after SC's demise? I thought they bought them...

I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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Originally posted by Dreamer:

I am fine, Tom, thanks, and I do hope that my patients can say the same... :confused:

What about you? How is your finger going?

(I was tempted to ask about your sheep, but this is a serious conversation, right?) :freak:

Well Doctor, the surgeon did an excellent job. His skills are beyond repute.


I asked him if he actually had to drill a hole in the bone before inserting the pin. He said that the pin WAS the drill bit and showed me the tapered end after he removed it from my finger... (ouch)


My finger is still improving, though still swollen. The fingernail has grown halfway out and is looking healthy. I have limited range of movement in the final joint, but that is to be expected.


I return to see the surgeon next week when I'll start with physical therapy.


In the meantime, the hedges in front of my house are looking pretty bad. I'm determined not to let this get me down. I intend on investing in some VERY heavy work gloves for future use. Of course, *I* would prefer that there BE no future use. However, my wife has different ideas. :rolleyes:


I do appreciate your concern.




PS I'll tell the sheep you inquired about them as well. ;)

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by learjeff:

There's an OBXA imitation in the Reaktor user library for free download. But it just uses Reaktor filters so won't sound quite like the real thing. Heard good reviews, though. GUI looks just like OBXA (but says OB-Xb).


See this thread at kvraudio for some more, but nothing serious pro quality.

Thanks, Jeff - will do! :thu:


Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

My finger is still improving, though still swollen. The fingernail has grown halfway out and is looking healthy. I have limited range of movement in the final joint, but that is to be expected.


I return to see the surgeon next week when I'll start with physical therapy.

Tom, thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.


Things sound promising! :)





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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

It seems like half of the music software industry has been busy releasing modeled versions of classic synths, ranging from the well known to the more obscure. However, as yet, I'm unaware of a single softsynth that has been modeled on any of Oberheim's classic analogs.


Oberheim was a major player, and a great one at that. So, I have to ask - what gives?





I have emailed Frederic Brun at Arturia several times and we have talked about an Oberheim softsynth. Arturia has always wanted to do one but no one wants to sell them the rights to do one. I told Frederic I would email and snail mail the companies involved and make a case for it as Oberheim is doing nothing as far as synths go. I started with Gibson and was pointed to Viscount. I contacted Viscount and was pointed to Gibson as some company I have never heard of. I collected as many email address from the above companies and wrote an email that stated the letting Arturia develop a OB-Xa or similar softsynth would be a win/win/win situation for all involved.


I got a few polite responses but was told the head of Gibson wants nothing to happen to the Oberheim name and that he was kind of maniacal about it. So unless people start writing in to him via snail mail it is unlikely to change and a true Oberheim soft synth will never happen.


On a good note I now know that Arturia is a really great company that listen to it customers. They will always have my business. :)

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I have an Oberheim Matrix 1000 with the manual. I never obtained the keyboard controller. They tell me that the keyboard controller allowed for other tricks to take place with the assigned patches. I was looking for the keyboard. I wonder if they are still around?


Jazzman :cool:

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I never heard of a keyboard controller for the Matrix 1000. I know that Matrix 6/6R patches transfer back and forth. Maybe that's what they meant. I just recently got a Matrix 6 specifically for editing sounds in my 1000, then export to the 1000 for gigs (I don't need more boards on stage, so I fill up my rack with the sounds I use a lot). Besides, the Matrix 6 has some interesting pedal routing in the sounds that came with it (mine anyway), that make it interesting to play with, and these get exported also.


I could be wrong about the controller for the Matrix 1000, though. Anyone? Bueller?



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I've owned and used a bunch of Oberheims over the years, but never an SEM (though I'd love to have). I would personally vote for an Expander (unlimited voices anyone?) and/or an SEM. I would think that you could work off the Expander to get the OB-X, OB-Xa, OB-1, and OB-8 sounds as well. The Expander had some very cool features tucked back in the second page that made layering patches with other synths very cool.


I loved the sounds, but the handoff from owner to owner was frustrating. Back in '85 I was able to get my OB-8 to crash on demand at one point as well, but Oberheim support (Oberheim was owned by a pair of LA lawyers at the time) wouldn't acknowledge there was a problem.


It's a shame that the owners for the last 20 years couldn't show Tom's instruments the respect they deserved.


[Hey dB - Do you think Tom is going to hang at Dave Smith's NAMM booth again this year? I had a great time talking to him last January.]

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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Nevermind. :rolleyes:


I figured you'd take your time replying to my post since it cut right smack into the middle of your siesta. ;) So I Googled it and found THIS.


Thanks anyway. :)



LOL... damn, Tom, wish I'd seen this post when it was fresh! Sorry, I stopped following this thread, so missed your post. Glad to see you learned something new, and that Google was helpful in doing so. ;):P


Hmmmm... back to my siesta... but first, a cerveza! :thu:




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