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I was thinking . . . . .


What would happen if I removed the tone generator modules from a number of Hammond organs and mixed them together so they all sounded from a single key press? I'd have to mix each note separately, but then the amp, speakers, etc could be common. I'd also have to wire each tone generator to a common switch for each key.



But imagine the SOUND!! Huge, Huge, SOUND!!


Hmm, that would mean separate startup motors and drive motors for each tone-generator too. The beast would probably weigh over 1000 lb.


But imagine the SOUND!! Huge, Huge, SOUND!!


Anybody ever heard of anybody trying this?



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Originally posted by DirtyRubberDuck:

I was thinking . . . . .


What would happen if I removed the tone generator modules from a number of Hammond organs and mixed them together so they all sounded from a single key press? I'd have to mix each note separately, but then the amp, speakers, etc could be common. I'd also have to wire each tone generator to a common switch for each key.



But imagine the SOUND!! Huge, Huge, SOUND!!


Hmm, that would mean separate startup motors and drive motors for each tone-generator too. The beast would probably weigh over 1000 lb.


But imagine the SOUND!! Huge, Huge, SOUND!!


Anybody ever heard of anybody trying this?



I want some of his drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Gotta be some GOOOOOD shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward." Daffy Duck
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The bottom 4 manuals for traditional organs would be (as in, each manual controls a different set of pipes in a different location) bottom to top:


echo - small set of pipes in the opposite end of the church from the main organs, for echo effects


choir - softer accompaniment stops and some soft solo reeds. This organ is also sometimes located away from the main ranks.


great - the main sets of diapason pipes, the signature voice of the organ, plus a full set of flutes and maybe some ensemble reeds. For a traditional organ, these pipes should not be enclosed.


swell - secondary diapason pipes, secondary flutes, some string stops, several ensemble reeds. Enclosed in a box with shutters for expression control.


For an organ with only 3 manuals, omit the echo organ.


The extra manuals up top on a large organ typically have more exotic voicings, including bombastic solo reeds.


Moe (former pipe organ major)




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