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Found a nice expression pedal


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My EV-5 died so I went into the local store to buy a new one. Joel showed me a alternative pedal from M-Audio, the EX-P.


Its got a bit more throw than the EV-5 (which I have always felt to be too short) and has an adjustment pot, like the EV-5, and was cheaper (~$40) too so, with the promise I could bring it back if it did not work out, I bought it.


Its great. The rubber on the pedal top is much grippier than that on the EV-5. There are grippy rubber feet on the bottom too - I had no trouble with it slip-sliding away on a wood stage. Felt much more secure under the foot than the EV-5.


Used it on my VK-8 and found it very playable. There's a switch on the bottom to select polarity. It works on Both the Roland and Yamaha gear I have so I think one position or the other will work on anything - so its a universal expression pedal. (The positions are marked "m-audio" and "other" but the m-audio position also works for Roland)


Its still a plastic injection molded pedal, like the EV-5 and unlike the metal FC-7 Yamaha pedal. Won't know how reliable it is for several years (hopefully :) ) but at the price point I think I will get myself a spare. One of these can serve as a spare for both my Roland and Yamaha expression pedals.


Oh - one other minor difference, in case anyone is thinking of getting one over the net and this is important to you, its a straight jack rather than the EV-5's right angle jack. That works better for me but YMMV.


(Note - I am not associated with m-audio in any way, nor do I play their dentist on TV)

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Originally posted by Sven Golly:

Thanks for the tip, Byrdman. One question; how long is the cable?


For those looking for a picture:






(not affiliated with M-Audio either... :) )

About 6 feet. Probably just over.
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Thanks for the info. I bought a Roland EV5 for my ION and I don't like it at all. The travel is way too short, and its either LOUD or off. I set the pot as the instructions said, and I still don't like it. It's to small too. The only good thing about it is its cheap. You get what you pay for.


Where did you buy your pedal?


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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I picked up a Kurzweil expression pedal on ebay, about $25 IIRC. I hoped that based on the name it would be decent. As it turns out, it's a pretty cheap piece of kit. Light plastic, no adjustments, travel is pretty short, and the operation feels rough rather than smooth. A fair amount of value-jitter too, but I think that's blamable on my synth's software. Other than that, it does work fine with my Ensoniq keyboard (for use with NIB4, mostly).


It's the diametric opposite of, for example, an Ernie Ball analog volume pedal. Simple but effective design, rugged as a Mac truck, smooth as a baby's butt, well laid-out, and with the appropriate adjustments.


The m-audio pedal sounds great, so thanks for sharing!


BTW, I can't imagine having any pedals that aren't tied together in a chain and anchored to my stand's legs. Maybe I'm a bit wild with my feet! I just drill little holes and thread a plastic-coated wire through. The wire has loops at each end that go around the feet of my X-stand.

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I really like Yamaha's FC9. Big throw (30 degrees) and will work as an analog, 2-channel volume pedal as well (for when you don't have an expression pedal input). Looks decent too.


Behringer makes a cheap clone of the FC9.



Edit: Oops, you mentioned the FC7 already.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey! I've got an M-Audio EX-P on order myself. Finally found one in canada at www.kellysmusic.ca. Apparently it was shipped April 14. Yahhoooooooo.


Nice to read good things about it.


Even better to know that it will work with the Promega. Thanks DaveMcM! :)

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Hey great, I've been contemplating gettin one of these for my Electro - i also ain't into the ole' EV5 - and now i will. Cheers for the recommendation Byrdman! :thu:


Interesting that we seem to create way more threads slaggin gear off than commending it.

Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?
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I use Roland EV10s. Find 'em occasionally on eBay - full-size pedal, long throw, pot for the max resistance so it works on almost anything. They can slip on the floor, though...
Dasher - don't ask me about those other reindeer, all I can tell you is Comet's in the sink!
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I'm obviously not a real keyboardist, I can't get it to work.

Jack 1 or 2, polarity switch either way, gain control either way, selecting pedal volume on the contr page using the level slider, what am I doing wrong. I have the appropriate section (bass/other for organ) on.

Do I have to turn off the keyboard and start over? Only use the volume pedal alone? I figured I could just unplug one of the other jacks and leave the rest be.

Is there a protocol to follow here?



nice pedal, though. Smooth.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Hi Sue,


Start with the Promega 3 OFF via the main power switch. Plug the EV-P into either Ped 1 or Ped 2 input. Also be sure that your damper pedal is plugged into the Damper pedal input. Then power up the Promega 3.


Just to test things out, use the A1 default preset and press the ON/OFF button in Section 3 to turn on the sound in that section. Press the Controls button in the Edit area and use the > right arrow button to select Ped 1 or Ped 2 depending on where the EV-P is inserted. Once there, the LCD to the left of the Preset buttons should display MIDI controller numbers scrollable via the Level fader in the Effects section. Move that fader all the way up and then come down slowly until you reach EXP (expression). Make sure that Sound Section 3 has the pedal enabled (ON) and the other Sections show OFF. Save the edited Preset to a User Preset. You should have pedal volume control on the sound in Sound Section 3.


FYI - I sent the EV-P back to M-Audio after testing but I think the polarity switch was in the M-Audio position.


Best Regards,




P.S. I just finished the Promega Series Overview Video. This video will be available on the Promega 2 and 3 pages of our website. It should be uploaded later today of this evening. :) I do cover setting a CC pedal up for volume control, and Wah Wah if you are so inclined to add a Cry Baby to your Fazioli. :D Sacrilege!

Wm. David McMahan

I Play, Therefore I Am


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Hi Dave, Thanks for taking the time to write out specific instructions. I appreciate that. I conclude I must have a faulty pedal. Nine times out of ten, the keyboard does not recognize that it's plugged in. And even on the odd chance it registers long enough to assign a control, still nothing. The pedal controls zip. It can't be this complicated. Guess I'll be requesting a replacement.
"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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OK, guys anyone know which expression pedal will work with Andromeda. I have EV-5 and it bloddy doesnt work at all, in addition to already mnetioned short throw problems on other boards etc.


also, i've made it to work when input into filter control on OBXA, but it changes the filter cuttof to little. My friend tried it with his JP4, same thing. anyone have a clue what kind of pedal do i need here?



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  • 3 months later...

hopefully this will bump this up and someone will see it... i've been recommended here from the harmony central forum...


i've been looking for some affordable expression pedals for my guitar effects pedals, and i've come accross the m-audio ex-p, but it's hard to find some real info on it... so i'm wondering, is this kind of expression pedal, designed for midi control, just a passive device: just a resistor?


that's all i need, to be able to plug it into a trem or phase pedal and take over the place of the speed pots in the pedals


is that what these expression pedals are? and then does the knob on the side adjust the maximum amount of resistance/minimum volume ?



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I just got a volume/expression pedal free with a keyboard. It's pretty cheap anyway and works great with Roland boards and has a switch for other makes.


It's a BESPECO VM18L. I think the guys at the store said it's made by the same company that make the EV-5 for Roland. It's half the price of the EV-5 (in UK)

Nord Electro 3

Roland JV-90

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The knob on the side adds a variable amount of series resistance to give a minimum volume reading. This keeps it from going to 0.


Most all of the pedals are the same. I really haven't had any problems with any volume pedal. Some I like more than others, but they all function.

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Thanks for the info on the M-audio pedal. I too have the Roland EV5 and don't like it. It has a spot about midway that just sputters and cuts in and out. I like setting it midway so that when I crank a lead I just punch it to the floor and I know it won't be too loud.


I see a new pedal in my future.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by tunakdude:

hopefully this will bump this up and someone will see it... i've been recommended here from the harmony central forum...


i've been looking for some affordable expression pedals for my guitar effects pedals, and i've come accross the m-audio ex-p, but it's hard to find some real info on it... so i'm wondering, is this kind of expression pedal, designed for midi control, just a passive device: just a resistor?


that's all i need, to be able to plug it into a trem or phase pedal and take over the place of the speed pots in the pedals


Don't know anything about guitar control pedals. This one has a TRS connector. The sleeve is ground and the tip and ring are either voltage in or (pot) wiper out. There is a switch on the unit to swap which is which (that's the polarity thing).


So it won't work just as a resistor (because if you plug it into a TS connector, the wiper connector will tend to be intermittently connected to the ground - it could work but it will tend to be flaky).


The way synths generally work is to sense the voltage of the wiper and then turn it into a midi message.

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Originally posted by tunakdude:

hopefully this will bump this up and someone will see it... i've been recommended here from the harmony central forum...


i've been looking for some affordable expression pedals for my guitar effects pedals, and i've come accross the m-audio ex-p, but it's hard to find some real info on it... so i'm wondering, is this kind of expression pedal, designed for midi control, just a passive device: just a resistor?


that's all i need, to be able to plug it into a trem or phase pedal and take over the place of the speed pots in the pedals


is that what these expression pedals are? and then does the knob on the side adjust the maximum amount of resistance/minimum volume ?



If I'm understanding your question correctly, then yes -- an expression pedal will do the trick. But your effect pedal will need to have a jack for an expression pedal.


Personally, I've tried a bunch of them and I really like the Yamaha FC-7. It doesn't have adjustable polarity, though. I use some stereo breakout cables to reverse the polarity for my Nord Electro.



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  • 6 months later...



I found this thread a couple of weeks ago, while I was looking for ideal expression pedals for my VK-8. I was at the time using a borrowed EV-5, which for its retail price was shockingly bad and offered no real control other than very loud or very quiet. The VK-8 user manual recommended the EV-7, which at £150 was out of the question.


After reading this thread and seeing how cheap and effective the EX-P apparently was, I ordered one immediately. Now I've been using it for a couple of weeks, I can happily confirm others' findings that it's an excellent pedal with great expressive control! The travel is noticeably better than that of the EV-5, and the swell is much smoother and more controllable.


I heartily recommend this pedal to anyone with a Hammond clone looking for a cheap alternative to the manufacturers' (expensive) recommendations.

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+1 for the M-Audio EXP. I found it about a year ago and have been very satisfied using it with my Electro. Can't be beat for the price!
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Mixsynth, welcome to the forum.


It is refreshing to have someone use the search function of this wonderful place before posting a question that has been answered before.


There are many here that will commend you for that.


Good Job :thu:



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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