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Do you use all of your gear?


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Most of my stuff gets used at least once a week. And the remainder is there because it HAS been used, and likely will again. The xylohone is a great example. It's there for only one song - but without it, performing that song (Thick As A Brick) is much less effective and not nearly as charming.


IMO the key is to be judicious in what you buy to begin with. If you have keyboards sitting in a closet collecting dust, if you have five Gibson ES-335s, if you have synth modules or effects that have never come out of the box, you need to rethink your entire purchasing mentality/methodology.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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The things that I have that don't get any use at all are backup units for things that I use all the time.


Outside of that, I sell off (upgrade) the things that I no longer use. There are some things that I use seldomly, but they still get use.



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Good point Coyote. Buy right to begin with. For me, "buying cheap" seldom worked. As far as getting rid of things you don't use, it depends on what it is. I hung unto my vintage keys, because 10 years ago or so, no one would give me very much for any of them, so I kept them. Now they're escalating in value. Some accessories, pedals, and low end devices won't go up in value, so if you can anything for them, that's a judgement call. Some gear will always be junk. That's the stuff I avoid at "all cost". :D


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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With softsynths replacing some of my gear the hardware is no longer being used. I have 2 FS1Rs that have been replaced by FM-7 and soon Korg Leagacy will replace my WS A/D. But I'll probably hang on to the hardware units in the event that the software at some point is no longer supported on whatever platform/OS I end up on years from now.
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I have gotten to the point that any of the "modern" gear in my rig is sold if not being used on the gig. I am always flipping some of the gear to get something new and if I don't use it, it hits eBay pretty quickly. I do have a stable of classic gear that stays at home that I would never get rid of, though I don't actively use it every day. Example - my first synth, a careworn Roland JX8P. It is in the flight case that I carried it around in for a decade before I officially retired it from the road. I pull it out of the storage closet a few times a year for fun and actually take it to a few gigs here and there. I also have a Hammond and Leslie rig at home that I do not gig with, but will keep forever.


I keep my gig rig pretty fresh and sell stuff that I don't use.




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I packrat everything. There are some items that are wating for the studio to be built (a falling out with the contractor pushed that back a good year or so), like the old Rhodes, Clav D-6, and Arp String Ensemble. Some of the old modules are mothballed now, like a pair of TX-7's and a Roland P-55 piano module. And there's a KX-88 that needs repairs.


So about 1/3 of my stuff isn't getting used. But I have plans for most of it.



I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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Originally posted by eric:

I have gotten to the point that any of the "modern" gear in my rig is sold if not being used on the gig.

I pretty much agree with this sentiment. I don't have a lot of gear -- an acoustic upright piano, a Nord Electro, a Kurzweil PC2, and a Juno 106 -- and I won't be parting any of it out anytime soon ... UNLESS I decide to flip my most modern stuff, the PC2 and/or Electro. Those are the 2 I use to gig and practice. The piano I won't sell because I like having an acoustic and practice on it all the time. The Juno I never use anymore live, but I did record some pads with it recently. Even if I never used it for the pads, I wouldn't get rid of it, because it's not easily replaced and doesn't really sound/perform like anything new on the market. It has sentimental value cuz it's my first synth, which I bought with my own allowance. :)


I also have a couple of basses and a cheap-ish acoustic guitar and cheap-ish electric. I don't use the guitars at all anymore ... I HAVE used them to record demos and I suspect I will again, so I may as well keep them. I don't play bass right now, but I have one fretted I'd get rid of only for a better one, and then I have my fretless Pedulla MVP, which is a $3500 bass new that I got used for $1000, and it's a dream to play. I won't be selling that.


So I'd say my gear list is pretty lean, considering there are times when I want to record my ideas not just on keys but also the bass and guitar parts.

Original Latin Jazz

CD Baby


"I am not certain how original my contribution to music is as I am obviously an amateur." Patti Smith

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I have no gear that I don't use at least sometimes. it may be six months in between my reaching for a certain guitar, a certain effects box... but I'm glad it's there when I need it.


Some of my gear only gets used live, and some only stays in the studio, so what little duplication that's there is for this purpose.


If I have something I really don't use, i usually give it away to other musicians who will appreciate it.


- Jeff

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My thought is this, if it is sitting around collecting dust, I get rid of it and let someone who will actually use it have a crack at it. I do have some redundant gear, sort of... i have a Korg 01W/pro, and a Wavestation SR. I take the WS SR on the road and leave the 01W at home. I have a QS7.1 and a QSR. The board stays in the studio and the QSR goes with me. So, in that sense, I have more gear than I take. This by no means that it is unused. I use all of my gear in the studio. I just pair down what I take on the road, and try not to take redundant gear. If I have a rackmount that does the same thing as a board I have, I take the rack. It's a matter of space in my vehicle, setup time and stage space. I am still in search of the "perfect" stage setup, and I'm almost there for my application, or at least I think so, and that's what counts, that I do everything that I need to with the gear at hand, without doing the Geoff Downes thing (remember the Asia videos with that insane setup he had?).



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I do make use of every single piece of gear I own, although not always at the same time. :)

I tend to buy complex, expensive stuff and to spend the right amount of time on each instrument - I have thousands of sounds which I've made myself... it's a hard-earned treasure, which is difficult to give up.

I have 12 synthesizers, and on each one of them I have spent countless sleepless nights, whole years of work, in order to know them well. So, I tend to keep synths for a long time. My TG77 still get used, as does my two Wavestations and the Matrix-12. The turnover time in my studio is very slow. :)


At the same time, if I notice that a piece of gear is not getting used, or it's covered by something else, I tend to get rid of it very quickly. I hate to see a musical instrument to sit idle without making any music. :)

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I keep small items, guitars, and mixers, but tend to sell keyboards and other big items. As much as I liked my Juno 60, SCI 6-trak, and Yamaha CP70, I'm happy that someone else is getting good use out of them.


I'm still wondering whether to get rid of my '76 Rhodes or keep it, though. I plan at least one more round of sampling, and someone I know offered me a set of rosewood hammer tips -- the worn rubber on the current tips is the only thing I notice that's degraded over the decades, and rosewood sure would sound great!


The only reason I tend to keep mixers is that they all get used now & then, or loaned to friends -- and they're all pretty much worthless on the resale market anyway.

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... I have spent countless sleepless nights, whole years of work, in order to know them well. So, I tend to keep synths for a long time.
Yep -same here. Thats why I classify 2 kinds of purchases:


1. The upgrades such as Dx7 to DX7IIFD/TX802 to FS1R to FM7 or Wavestation to W A/D to Legacy(soon) usually selling the replaced version eventually. I still retain all my patches from the original DX7 and Wavestation.


2. Non-replaceable such as Memorymoog, Z1, A6 and Voyager. None of these have a newer version(yet) that my current programs can be transfered to.

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I still have a Juno 106 that rarely gets used - but I would not get rid us it - I can tweak up sounds quickly, that would take much longer with my "newer" boards (I did get rid of a Juno 60 - but kept the 106 for the MIDI).


I have a D50 that I havn't used it a few years - I keep thinking of getting rid of it (maybe one of these days).


I have two modules (EMU Proteus 1, Kawai K1r) that I use on occasion for recording - but I certainly could like without them.


If anything I have too many guitars - I make an effort to use eash one every couple of months, but I could easily get by with only a couple.

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