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A-ha! I knew that'd get your attention!


No, just kidding. Anyone heard his new song? The entire song is a Rhodes groove w/ bass and drums. Not that I listen to that much pop radio, but I feel like the current trend is more classic Rhodes/Wurly based stuff rather than DX7-ish EP's.

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Originally posted by dabowsa:

....... I feel like the current trend is more classic Rhodes/Wurly based stuff rather than DX7-ish EP's.

Trends are for those who can't create something on their own. :P
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here we go again. I don't understand why people have to flame on pop music? I got a freakin degree in theory and composition and I can appreciate it, so what makes people so far "above" this genre?


my point is this: for everyone who thinks that this stuff is crap, why not just come up with a quick hit or two, make a killing, and then continue making your art music? I mean, none of these guys know ANYTHING about real music, right?


enough with this rant:


I've noticed too that the classic rhodes/wurly/b3 sound is coming back. I don't know if it's a chicken and the egg syndrome, but with the neptunes reliance on "funky sounds," a lot, and I mean A LOT of songs are popping up with this flavor, though mainly in hip hop/rnb pop. Though even in pop-rock, there's a resurgance of the low fi sound. Just look at white stripes and all the garage bands of the past year or so (strokes, vines, hives)...I think the comon thought is that retro is cool again....groovy

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Woah there schmoron...don't be so quick to judge Gulliver, I don't think he deserves your rant/reaction.


G said:


Trends are for those who can't create something on their own.
what about that is slamming pop music? I agree with Gulliver 100% on this...I would have said the same exact thing back when I was making pop music on a regular basis. Actually I'm pretty sure The Neptunes would say the same kind of thing...if you're always trying to follow trends, more often than not you get left behind.


My 2 cents.



all those pop guys are just using Rhodes and other classic instruments now because they're following MY lead. :P;) J/K

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G said:



Trends are for those who can't create something on their own.

what about that is slamming pop music? I agree with Gulliver 100% on this...

I don't know if I can agree 100% with that. With pop music, originality isn't necessarily everything. While that may sound like a slam, it's not meant to be at all. For pop music to succeed, it has to be excellent on some level, whether it's great playing from session musicians, great production, singing, songwriting, or even the kind of quirky originality a novelty song brings. Too much originality, and you may lose your audience. To say that much of Justin Timberlake's audience probably doesn't have a well-developed taste is not to say that his music is bad. In fact, I take nothing away from 'nSync: they sing well, they dance well (i.e., they're quality entertainers), and their songs have personality. But originality is not really their strong suit. So what?

Whatever was the point of the original comment has long been lost, but it's not bad to be aware of the prevailing trends, because you could be called on to play or write something in that style. I myself should be doing a lot better at checking out music I wouldn't otherwise listen to.

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Originally posted by dabowsa:

Not that I listen to that much pop radio, but I feel like the current trend is more classic Rhodes/Wurly based stuff rather than DX7-ish EP's.

Wasn't that the trend in the mid-nineties as well? Jamiroquai, Brand New Heavies, Incognito...

Trends are like waves or something. It's not that trends are for people who can't create of their own. Those are the followers. There are also people who create something that becomes a trend.



Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life.

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Hey Steve, thanks for backing me up! :thu:


Schmoron, there was/is nothing against pop music in my remark. That thought about trends applies to every possible genre, imho. I just let myself to generalize a bit... I listen to A WHOLE LOT of different styles and yet have to find some particular ones that I can't stand.

Well, actually some rap and Russian restaurant songs do their best to annoy the shit out of me.... :D

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Originally posted by tdm71:

That's why this is such a useful place: 6 replies and not one person answered this guy's question.


Everyone loves to throw stones.....

Are you asking for thrity-something replies with only "yes" or "no"? :rolleyes:

Nope, didn't hear it. Most of Timberlake's stuff I don't like, probably becasue of his voice and the overall sound. But the beats they're using are great.



Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life.

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Nice trick Dabowsa. I dashed in here expecting to see blood on the floor, and it's just a kinda mild disagreement. Yeah, he's hot. :D:P


I thought Rhodes was coming back when I heard Sting's rendition of Windmills of your Mind in The Thomas Crown Affair. :thu::thu:



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my point is this: for everyone who thinks that this stuff is crap, why not just come up with a quick hit or two, make a killing, and then continue making your art music? I mean, none of these guys know ANYTHING about real music, right?

Well, that seems to point to the notion that if it's a hit, it must be great music. There is no substantive correlation whatsoever to sales and actual quality. Many teeny boppers just buy what they are fed. That said, there is a reasonble number of pop artists putting out very good stuff (John Mayer pops to mind, as does Norah Jones), but I think we're probably all a little tired of the generic mechanized boy-band pop that Timberlake and his ilk put out. There are lots go great entertainers that put out pablum, but it works for them because they make up for it with charisma, dancing, etc. No shame in that at all, it takes a very special talent to be an engaging entertainer just as it takes special talent to be a great musician. I mean really, how many great players/composers are great to listen to but crappy to watch? Steely Dan puts on a ridiculously boring "stage show", but they are great because of their playing. on the other side, say what you will about Manilow, but he is a connsumate entertainer (though many would say that he also makes great music). Anyway, I'm rambling...


I for one am GLAD that the Rhodeds/Wurly sound is coming back into vogue though; I never left it. I might get popular now, who knows! :D:D



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

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Somehow I know I'm going to come across as an obsessive fan, but I'm not. I just happened to catch SNL this weekend and Justin played the song which I started this thread over. Anyone see it? What shocked me was that HE was playing the Rhodes part!
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That's a cool track. I like the EP cluster chord groove, and my kids really like the call/response thing near the end.


Any account that I have read from someone working with Justin Timberlake say he is incredibly talented and hard-working. He does play instruments, does some writing, and obviously he sings and dances. Which just goes to show you that not all pop stars are talentless - I don't know why the pop-bashing is really necessary.

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When was the last time you heard some original jazz or blues? How about electronic club music? Is hip-hop doing anything new?


I am not shocked that Justin can play dabowsa, he is a natural singer. Most good singers can play if they apply themselves. Music is music. The problem with Justin Timberlake is that he made it big, and that makes him a big target. 40 years ago the Beatles were getting the same ridicule from musicians. I guess we all think that the music we grew up with is great and what our kids listen to sucks.


I have not heard the song yet, but you have me interested.



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Originally posted by felix the scary black cat:

This week's musical guest is Britney Spears. I bet they'll be poking some fun at Justin...

Why did they not have them on at the same time? Hmmmm. Could Britney Spears be Justin Timberladke in drag? Hey. I'm serious. Look how many more records MJ sold when he created his Janet character.



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Originally posted by Rabid:

Look how many more records MJ sold when he created his Janet character.

Now that's funny!


I was actually quite impressed with his voice - silky smooth, great range, very confident. All the boy band stuff sounds over-processed, even live. This was a good chance to actually hear what kind of pipes he's got.

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Originally posted by dabowsa:

Somehow I know I'm going to come across as an obsessive fan, but I'm not. I just happened to catch SNL this weekend and Justin played the song which I started this thread over. Anyone see it? What shocked me was that HE was playing the Rhodes part!

His voice sounded great, but I thought the arrangement was horrible. It may just have been a very poor mixing job.


On the other hand, I thought that was one of the funniest SNLs I've seen in a long time. When he dressed as an omelette and was dissing the bacon and eggs, I nearly spit out my drink. It's obvious that he worked very hard in rehearsals...some guests come off looking like idiots because it's obvious that the cast didn't like them.


I thought he was a talentless boob before (with a great production team), but I won't be ripping on him anymore.

"For instance" is not proof.


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