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The Official 2003 NFL Thread!

Geoff Grace

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Welp, I'm disgusted, disgusted by Matt Bryant's kickoff at the end of regulation, but I imagine that for the rest of you this was probably a pretty awesome game to watch.

It was a game of fate. Easy drops by Shockey. Questionable pass interference calls on both sides. A decision to kick with a few ticks left on the clock based on last year's playoff disappointment against San Fran. A lucky ball hop at the two-foot line. A brilliant pass to the sidelines. A clutch 52-yard FG with three seconds left.


If this game had been in a movie, everyone would have called is ridiculous, improbably, downright impossible. Yet, there it was. A game of fate. And fate is clearly on Bill Parcells' side.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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After Monday's night game, it's comforting (though not really) to know that Andy Reid isn't the only coach doing boneheaded things. I thought Parcell's handling of the end of the first half was plain stupid: no timeouts left, a pass thrown to the middle of the field; if not for the penalty they'd have run out of time--of course, with the penalty they were pushed out of easy field goal range. Then, at the end of regulation, the Giants let the clock run down--but not far enough. I understand they wanted a little left in case of a muffed snap, but they left too much.


As for the Eagles, their problems run deep. Except for David Akers (who kicked a career-high 57 yarder on Sun) their special teams went from great last year to mediocre at best this year. They've got injuries big time on defense, which compounds the fact that they lost a couple guys from last year. McNabb has gone backwards, which is exasperated by Coach Reid's lame offense. What's the opposite of tactical genius? Whatever the word, it describes Andy Reid. (If he was a bandleader, he'd draft Jimi Hendrix, and then have him play strictly rhythm guitar--and none of those #9 chords, either.)


And as for the "rumor" of eyesight issues with McNabb? Sorry, don't buy it for a second. In fact, part of his off-season routine includes eye exercises to improve peripheral vision. If anything, I thing McNabb spends the off-season "focusing" on the wrong things. How about practicing his touch? Instead of adding ten pounds of muscle, how about playing catch with his own receivers? Imagine a basketball player who's historically a mediocre free throw shooter, spending his off-season working out with weights, showing up for camp in the best shape of his life--and being an even worse FT shooter than he was before?


And yes, things are getting ugly here in Philly. Their team sucks on both ends, plus special teams, and on top of all that, they're BORING. But the stadium's nice, and isn't that all that really matters?

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Originally posted by thrashole369:

It just goes to show that there is a reason that they play the games. I personally didn't give the cowboys a chance last night. surprise!


I can't wait for monday. All joking aside it will be a good chance to see just how good the Broncos are going to be. I'm sure the Raiders will finally dig up their A game. It is always fun watching two teams that really do not like each other go at it.

Didn't it just fill your heart with joy to see our boys STOMP the Eagles on Sunday? :thu:
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Originally posted by meccajay:

as far as McNabb, he's really taking a beating from Philly fans, but we know he's an MVP level player so it's not quite like running a bum outta town, he's just had his development come to a screeching halt....then go backwards. I don't know why, but I'll tell you the rumor I heard today... It's his eyesight. Somewhere they say his eyesight has gone loopy and he's in need of intense observation to correct the problem. I don;t know if it's true but remember when they discovered Vinny t's colorblind problem years ago thru testing. Whatever it is, I hope he's okay and they fix the problem...if it's true.

Well, to be fair, if the opposing D is Teeing off on the pass every single down, what chance does the guy have? And MacNabb knows this and knows that the whole game is on his shoulders. That's a whole lot of pressure. Every incomplete pass just shakes his confidance that much more. MacNabb plays best when he's having fun, and he's not having fun.


Who knows? Give Duce and Correll 30 rushing touches between them (with 10 or so poundings by Rithie, right up the middle ... ouch!) and those games might have turned out a bit different. Nothing wears down a defence like a dominating running game.


As far as eyesight goes, I hadn't heard those rumours, but it would explain a lot.

I really don't know what to put here.
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And BTW, has anyone ever seen Quincy Carter look at all good before last night? Man, it doesn't take long for the Parcells effect to engage.


BTW, I would say Bledsoe was the most talented QB Parcells ever coached, but Simms was the best.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

And BTW, has anyone ever seen Quincy Carter look at all good before last night? Man, it doesn't take long for the Parcells effect to engage.

QC looked so good Monday. Confindent, accurate and smooth.


When does the Tuna get to coach the Iggles? :love:

I really don't know what to put here.
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Originally posted by Eric Worthington:

Then, at the end of regulation, the Giants let the clock run down--but not far enough. I understand they wanted a little left in case of a muffed snap, but they left too much.


I don't agree. The odds of a team going the lenght of the field and scoring in eleven seconds is very low, probably less than ten percent. Fassel played it correctly, especially given what happened in the playoff game last year with San Fran. The Cowboys executed flawlessly, but on top of that, they had a LOT of luck.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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McNabb has gone backwards, which is exasperated by Coach Reid's lame offense. What's the opposite of tactical genius? Whatever the word, it describes Andy Reid. (If he was a bandleader, he'd draft Jimi Hendrix, and then have him play strictly rhythm guitar--and none of those #9 chords, either.)
Funny how the guy in recent years has been paraded as one of the best coaches in the NFL. Didn't he win coach of the year award a year or two ago?


I haven't watched enough of the Eagels this year or in the recent past to really pass judgement on Reid. But I watched the Tampa game, and to me Philly played about as bad as Tampa played good. The individual performances were poor, but all in all it was a horribly coached game. I can understand a team abandoning the run when they have to play catchup, but no need to do it at the very beginning of the game - the first one of a season no less. And the way he's handled the Buckhalter-Staley thing is beyond screwy.

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Originally posted by johnnie red:

Funny how the guy in recent years has been paraded as one of the best coaches in the NFL. Didn't he win coach of the year award a year or two ago?


The Eagles previous coach, Ray Rhodes, won Coach of the Year, then proceeded to reveal himself over the next few seasons to be a complete fraud. Over his head.


A head coach has a lot of duties, and Reid does some of them real well--and based on that, people give him accolades. But when it comes to play-calling, adjusting during the game, and making the best use of his players, he's so far been terrible.


But you get away with a lot when your defense and special teams keeps winning you games. You win 13-10 and no one worries about your anemic offense.

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Originally posted by Sylver:

Originally posted by meccajay:

As far as eyesight goes, I hadn't heard those rumours, but it would explain a lot.

Only if you believe McNabb had vision problems last year, too. Here's a quote from today's Philly Daily News:


Yet last year he was 22nd in the league in completion percentage (.584) and 23rd in yards per attempt (6.34).


Last year, before he got hurt, he had poor back-to-back-to-back performances against the Bucs, the Giants and the Bears that were almost as ugly as the last 2 weeks. Completed just 50 percent of his passes. Threw just one touchdown. Averaged just 5.37 yards per attempt.


The difference last year was that the Eagles managed to win all three of those games because they had a stingy defense that could carry them when their quarterback was in a funk. Without Brian Dawkins and Bobby Taylor, that's no longer the case.


What makes it doubly disturbing is that he's not attempting very long passes, and he still can't hit the receivers!


People around the league have anointed McNabb with the title "Great Quarterback" before he had earned it. Great potential, yes, but he's never sustained anything. Last year's Eagles won five games without him even being in there.

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On the Eagles tip, I never wish injury on any player, but after Brian Dawkins ended Ike Hilliard's season last year with a flagrantly, criminally dirty hit, well, I've got little sympathy for this supposed "good guy." Reap what you sow, baby.
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Didn;t mean to make such a big deal about the eyesight thing. It was Peter King, or John Clayton or one of those NFL anylists mouthing off as to what they thought could be the problem...They were speculating about all the same things weve mentioned here, then they added the eyesight thing.


The way it was worded was something like "Ive even heard one rumor coming out of Philly about Donovan having some vision problems due to blah blah blah......"

TROLL . . . ish.
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Ok, 2 weeks in, who's ready to start picking which of the 2-game hot teams will stay hot? Who's the Cinderella story this year? Buffalo obviously means business. Carolina and Kansas City will likely level off a bit, but remain threatening teams, and will vie for at least a wild-card spot.. Seattle might stick around, while Minnesota and Washington will come back to Earth a bit.





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Originally posted by dave-G:

Ok, 2 weeks in, who's ready to start picking which of the 2-game hot teams will stay hot? Who's the Cinderella story this year? Buffalo obviously means business. Carolina and Kansas City will likely level off a bit, but remain threatening teams, and will vie for at least a wild-card spot.. Seattle might stick around, while Minnesota and Washington will come back to Earth a bit.



Minnesota wins there division.


How's that for sticking my neck out.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by dave-G:

Ok, 2 weeks in, who's ready to start picking which of the 2-game hot teams will stay hot?

If I had to pick two contenders in this bunch to stay strong all season, it would be Buffalo and KC.


Washington, Seattle, Carolina and Minnesota will level out pretty quickly here.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Originally posted by dave-G:

Ok, 2 weeks in, who's ready to start picking which of the 2-game hot teams will stay hot? Who's the Cinderella story this year? Buffalo obviously means business. Carolina and Kansas City will likely level off a bit, but remain threatening teams, and will vie for at least a wild-card spot.. Seattle might stick around, while Minnesota and Washington will come back to Earth a bit.



Minnesota wins there division.


How's that for sticking my neck out.

I'll stick mine out further.


Minnesota wins their division by week 13.

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Originally posted by Boggs:

Speaking of Buffalo, any predictions on this coming Sunday in Miami? I predict it is gonna be REEEEEAALLLLLLL physical! That is as much as I can predict on that game... :) Boggs

Ok, just for fun, I'll say that the Bills D holds Ricky to 70 yrds.


Takeo Spikes vs Rickey Williams....wow! :D;):eek::thu:

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Griffinator:

Funny, I don't see a post by Mr. Wow :eek::freak::D

Very funny...


He's actually calling himself PORK CHOP right now...he was going by STUPID 'til recently...


Hey, Wow - what's with the rapid ID shifts? :confused:





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Originally posted by Griffinator:

Originally posted by meccajay:

Originally posted by dave-G:

Ok, 2 weeks in, who's ready to start picking which of the 2-game hot teams will stay hot? Who's the Cinderella story this year? Buffalo obviously means business. Carolina and Kansas City will likely level off a bit, but remain threatening teams, and will vie for at least a wild-card spot.. Seattle might stick around, while Minnesota and Washington will come back to Earth a bit.



Minnesota wins there division.


How's that for sticking my neck out.

I'll stick mine out further.


Minnesota wins their division by week 13.

I dunno Scott. You may be getting into giraffe territory with that one! :D


Either the Vikings are going to have to go virtually undefeated, or the Packers are going to have to generate at best a mediocre record for a week 13 Minnesota clinch.


I'm not going to say it can't happen, but I'd say it's a stretch considering that Green Bay went 12 - 4 in both 2002 and in 2001, and the Vikings went 6 - 10 in 2002 and 5 - 11 in 2001. I'm ready to concede that it'll be a tighter race this year though; and if the Packers lose their division to anyone, I hope it's the Vikings...





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