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The Official 2003 NFL Thread!

Geoff Grace

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I couldn't believe it when the Jets let Coles go, but it's turning out exactly as I would have predicted.


San Fran needs a lesson in clock management. That game was theirs to win.


The Steelers' offensive line was quite...offensive. Bring back the Bus??? You can't have a passing game if you don't have a running game.


Geriatric Raiders squeak past the Bungles by three.


Jamal Lewis predicts a record shattering day to a friend on the Browns - and then delivers!


Arizona is pathetic. Philly may be worse.


Kordell shows moments of brilliance, just not too many moments.


Carolina is for real.


I'm guessing that two-thirds of the league is 1-1 at the moment. Parity?


Vinny, in defeat, joins an elite list of 40,000+ yards quarterbacks.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Biggus:

This doesn't look like the same team as last year, Bryce, Weasel, et al. I'd be a bit concerned.... :eek::D

Believe me, I am. They really don't seem to have the fire, do they?

Well, GEE, I wouldn't really KNOW if they looked like they had the fire today... BECAUSE I COULDN'T WATCH THE FRIGGIN' GAME!!! :mad: Yes, I had to listen to the Raider game on the radio because it was blacked out here. :mad:


This is why the city of Oakland got it's butt sued off to the tune of $34 million by Davis & Co. :rolleyes: Those seats were guaranteed to be filled when the Raiders returned to Oaktown. Well, the seats aren't filled, the tix are too expensive, and I can't watch the game on TV. :cry:


So, too bad for the Niners that Cedrick Wilson lost his head on that last play... Hey, he was just trying to make a miracle touchdown. :rolleyes: I find it hard to believe that that wasn't discussed in the huddle before the play. "If we make good yardage, down the ball and call time out." That takes three seconds to say. Grrr.


And I've never been a fan of sudden-death OT. It just seems to put too much importance on the coin toss, although I understand statistics refute that claim. And I'm not just complaining because my team lost in sudden-death...


OK, yes I am.



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Originally posted by meccajay:

The Bucs will get beaten, and beaten again, an even a third time, maybe a 4th. :eek:

The prophet has spoken! :thu::D


...But did you expect to start being right so soon? :eek:


Originally posted by Dan South:

I'm guessing that two-thirds of the league is 1-1 at the moment. Parity?

Sure, it could be parity. It could also be early season jitters for some of the stronger teams. For instance, my Packers started 1 - 1 last season (this year too), but they finished 12 - 4.


I like the unpredictability that relative parity can bring, but too much parity equals too many 8 - 8 seasons. I hope it never gets to that point!





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Bunny - I totally agree with you. 1 possession per team is the only fair way to play it. This isn't the frickin' NHL, where scores are few and far between and many, many possessions will go by before someone scores that sudden-death goal.


Too many ugly, unsatisfying games in sudden-death OT in the NFL.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

I just got through that bizarre Bucs-Panthers game. Wow! Three critical blocks, and none seemed to be Grammatica's fault. The Panthers got serious penetration each time.

Word. The inept offensive line on special teams (kicking) plays lost the game. How the hell can Grammatica kick when there's a 300lb guy standing in front of him?

Well, there goes the myth of TB invincibility. At this stage of the season, as in much of last season, they are a suspect offensive team.
First of all, who ties Tampa Bay's "invincibility" to their offense? I mean, the Bucs are not a light-it-up offense, and I think what this game really showed is how very good a defensive team Carolina is.


But I was genuinely surpised by how well Carolina ran the ball againts that vaunted D. I mean, Car has no pass game. There's no mystery surrounding their intentions. Stephen Davis is still a good looking back.
I agree.


Generally speaking, that game sickened me.


And on top of it all, the 163 yards in Buc penalties (all earned calls, except for maybe 1 or 2) should have accounted for 10 points.


Nearly heroic, but sad. Plus, it was the calmest Gruden's ever looked along the sidelines.


Props to a very solid looking Carolina team (notably their defense and special teams). That was eye-opening.


Let the wound-licking and firing-up begin.




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Wheee! what an enjoyable weekend.The raiders sure dodged a bullet. Be happy that Corey Dillon didn't play the whole game because before he got hurt the raiders had no answer for him. There were a few questionable calls in this one too but they favored the home team heavily.


Love them Broncos. Portis and Plummer go out and Buerlien and Anderson just keep the wins coming. At least we get to play the geezers next week.


Jamal Lewis looked awesome.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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Dave-g, hasn't the line coming out of Bucs fans' mouths been: "...and Gruden doesn't even have his offense in place yet!" meaning they'll soon have an O as formidable as their D, and thus follows the invincibility argument. Why are owm Jeff K., a smart football man, came up just shy of predicutung an undefeated season for them!


But of all the reasons to be concerned, I'd say the success of the Panthers' power running game is the biggest.


And you are certainly right: Carolina is officially a top-tier defensive team. Of course, as an NYG fan, I knew what they were getting in John Fox. He's a great coach.

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Raiders 23, Bengals 20.


Did the Raiders have a little trouble with those big, mean Bungles? Let's see, the Broncos beat the Bungles 30 to 10 on the road and the Raiders sqeak by at home with a late field goal? Is there any reason even to play next Monday night? Personally I've moved the circle on the calendar to week 5. I think the Broncos can safely look past their next game. :evil:


[And so it begins...]

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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Originally posted by meccajay:

The Bucs will get beaten, and beaten again, an even a third time, maybe a 4th. :eek:

The prophet has spoken! :thu::D


...But did you expect to start being right so soon? :eek:


While Im certainly no prophet, I did kinda expect it... Saw them play each other last year the same way when Carolina had no running backs, and damn if Carolina wasn't due.


Here some prophetic spillage from me last week about WHO could beat the Bucs-


"Those are the surprizes....last year it was the Saints, this year- My bet, Charlotte will sting them once, and maybe Dungy's Colts(he built them)."


The Colts could most certainly do it too.

TROLL . . . ish.
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~While Im in false-prophet mode, Lets see how my other predictions about post week 1 NFL shaped up


The Eagles will finally get that 1st down, and score an actual touchdown. (Check)


McNair will get hurt(already has a swollen knee). (Check...Indy, we'll see you soon, real soon.)


The Raiders will be able to complete to Rice, Porter & Brown with reckless abandon. (hold)


Brett Favre won't be one of the lowest rated QB's.(Check)


Ray Lewis will find out how to make a tackle.(Check)


The Pats will start winning big games. (Check)


The Redskins will start losing them. (hold)


The Rams will figure out that Marshall Faulk is standing right behind the Quarterback. (Check)


The Bills won't go 16-0. (Hold)


The Bucs will get beaten, and beaten again, an even a third time, maybe a 4th. :eek: (Yepper)


Suddenly one day, Jeff Blake to Anquan Bolden will stop looking like Montana to Rice. (Double check)


Pam Oliver pics & quicktime clips will start randomly showing up in the thread. :D (Hold)


Ok, meager predictions yes, but Im in tune early this year.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Magpel:

Why are owm Jeff K., a smart football man, came up just shy of predicutung an undefeated season for them!

Yup...but I'm also a little proud of this prognostication of mine...


"I will say that Carolina, although I've gone with the odds and picked Tampa, just may give the supposedly indefatigable Bucs a run for their money."


That's back on page 20, under my picks.


Speaking of my picks, of the 15 games played thus far this week, I am an unimpressive 8-7, likely to be 9-7 after tonight's beating of Dallas, bringing my season thus far to 17-15. Damn parity! ;)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Ignatius Riley:

I really look forward to tonights game!

Because of Tuna being back in New York? Because of Shockey's "homo" statement? Because you think it'll just be a good game? All good reasons.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Postman:

Is there any reason even to play next Monday night?

Of course. To bring your Horsies back to the reality of being the mediocre team that you are, with Griese II (that'd be Plummer) showing his stuff, or lack thereof.


So far, your schedule has been typical of a team that didn't make the playoffs last year. Speaking of the playoffs, the last time you won one of those games was with some guy named Elway, right? Facing the Raiders will be your first real challenge this year. Good luck, little Horsies! :D


- Jeff

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Well, obviously, as the KC's NYG fan, this is a big night for me.


All I want is the win, but, frankly, the more humiliating the better.


The Giants may be starting 3 rookies on the O line. Next to Favre, Kerry Collins has the longest streak of consecutive QB starts in the NFL. This offensiv eline might test that record.

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For some reason I don't see tonights game as that exciting.. I don't know why but nothing grabs me....not the hype......not the Tuna or the game matchups. Tuna played the Falcons last week, and through adversity and success he kinda just stared into space on the sidelines. Not the Tuna I remember. Anyway I think he'll get boo'ed by the fans. Shockey...so what?


The game itself looks average cause I don't see Quincy having time to get the ball to Joey Galloway or Terry Glen. I could be wrong, I hope I am.

TROLL . . . ish.
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I hate Cedrick Wilson. :mad:


Okay - I got it out of my system. However the 49ers made some inexcusable mistakes that combined to cost them the game.


2nd Quarter they had the Rams stuck in their end of the field the entire quarter and only put up 3 point.


Jeff Chandler - how can you kick a field goal out of bounds? Even if Wilson had downed the ball in the closing seconds - there is no guarantee that Chandler could kick a 43 yard FG, and his kick-offs sucked all day. He even blew a squib kick - but it turned in the 9ers favor. Too bad they couldn't capitalize.


Remarkable performance from a patch work O-Line. 3 Starters were out the whole game, and Ron Stone came out for 1 series, and they only gave up 1 sack and we ran the ball for 148 yards. But rookie false start penalties also hurt us - crowd noise was also a factor.


Penalties also hurt us on defense, extending 2nd half drives for the Rams. Zack Bronsen's pass interference on 3rd and 17 was plain stupid. $ times we gave them 1st downs on 3rd down penalties in the 2nd half.


On the whole though, the 49ers played well enough to show that last weeks pasting of Da Bears was not an aberation. The NFC West is going to be wide open between the 49ers, Seahawkes and Rams.

Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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SFOracle- All in all I'd say the 49ers are about 150% better than I'd thought they'd be considering... I wouldn't be too upset about that one game. Hell, look at my Titan's yesterday :freak::mad: after that meltdown, for some reason I'm not upset, not really. Like Tuna says, it's a marathon, not a sprint! ;)


Geoff- Oh what a difference a game makes.


Jamal Lewis- You sir did the most amazing thing I'd ever seen in sports yesterday!!! No, not the almost 300 yards on Cleveland, no not that, but the fact that you said you would do it --BEFORE THE GAME!


That kicks so much ass it ain't funny! I'd never heard of that before. It wasn't Babe pointing to the fence and hitting a homer over that same fence, it wasn't Broadway Joe predicting a win...then winning. It was something much bigger, and much bolder than that. Something that had to be done, not in one play, or a general win/loss scenerio, but something you had to accomplish over and over again, play after play with 11 men after you....specifically after YOU! At any time there could have been injury, there could have been a high/low from a pissed-off Clev defense, there could have been a 29 carries for 45 yards kinda day, there could have been a Cleveland rout, and coach who decided to abandon the run in the second half... Any number of things, but for some reason you predicted it, then rose above anything and everything else...and set an NFL RECORD.


AFTER you said you'd do it!


Hats off to you Jamal.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Geoff- Oh what a difference a game makes.

Yeah, meccajay, I'm glad you were right about that too! ;) Of course, I'd like to see Green Bay win against a stronger team than Detroit; but I'm sure that will happen. The real test will be to see if they can beat the defending Super Bowl champions during the following regular season, as they have done during the last two years with Baltimore and New England. Considering that its been awhile since the Pack have beaten the Bucs in Tampa Bay, I have a feeling that Green Bay will return home with a loss on that one; but we'll see ... Maybe they're due a victory there! :cool:


Oh, and excellent point about Jamal Lewis' prediction before his record! Now that's impressive!





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Even Jamaal seemed shocked. I think his "prediction" was just your average session of ripping on your buddy... "Dude, I'm gonna set a record against you, you suck so bad."


Then he actually did it. Whoa! I'm sure he's tripping out this morning more than any of us! :)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Postman:

Raiders 23, Bengals 20.


Did the Raiders have a little trouble with those big, mean Bungles? Let's see, the Broncos beat the Bungles 30 to 10 on the road and the Raiders sqeak by at home with a late field goal? Is there any reason even to play next Monday night? Personally I've moved the circle on the calendar to week 5. I think the Broncos can safely look past their next game. :evil:


[And so it begins...]

Yep. Mmmm-hmmm...


Well, I'm guessing Denver should be favored going into the game. Personally, I think Denver should definitely look past their next game... :D


The cool part is - if the Broncos win, no one will be that surprised. However, if the Raiders win, everyone will be laughing at Denver. Myself included. :evil:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Wow, didnt expect the big, bad raiders to just sneak by the bungles.....at HOME!

Well, and so it starts........

How bout our boy PLUMMER? Looked pretty good huh?


When Jake becomes comfortable in the offense, we will be a playoff calibre team.....MARK IT DOWN BABY! Matter of fact....the Broncos will most likely win the west....*sigh* how things change.


Get ready guys, gonna be a long freakin season for some (poor poor gannon).

Ya know, he actually seems to be a nice guy, since he's been pimping Pizza Hut. He could end up delivering pizzas by the time the seasons over.....Hee hee.

We're gonna have alot of fun this season!



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Wow, I had no idea that weasels are so quick!

Hiya Jeff, You cant tell me that you're not worried. The Broncos defense is waaay better that last year...ie; Dillon and Tomlison.

OMG! I cant wait. Trevor is coming for your old man! Porter is still hurt right?


Its hard for me to fathom the raiders just sneaking by the bungles at home! OMG. If thats not a harbinger of things to come, then I dont know what is. ;)

Like I said earlier, you're schedule isnt getting any easier. If or...I mean WHEN you guys fall to the Broncos (27-13) on Monday, your season will be effectively over. Sorry, but true.


Shawnie B (my new nic) :D

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Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

I have no doubt in my mind: the Raiders will win a week from tonight.


- Jeff

Really? Ok, Jeff, then I have no doubt you'll be changing your pick in survivor pool? Huh? C'mon, Raider Boy. What're ya? Chicken? Bawk, bawk, bawk, becaw!


Oh, that's right, it's all about purple with you.


* * * * *


I do so love this rivalry.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Well, I'm guessing Denver should be favored going into the game. Personally, I think Denver should definitely look past their next game... :D


The cool part is - if the Broncos win, no one will be that surprised. However, if the Raiders win, everyone will be laughing at Denver. Myself included. :evil:



Yeah, ok, nice try. I'm not buying this "We're just poor, little, down-trodden AFC Champions" crap. If the Broncos win, no one will be that surprised. :rolleyes: Face it, Bucko, if the Broncos win there'll be some serious celebrating on this side of the Rockies... and a barge load of sewage heading for San Francisco bay. :evil:
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Originally posted by Postman:

Oh, that's right, it's all about purple with you.

Like I'm taking advice from the one guy who got bounced from the pool this week. :D


I do so love this rivalry.
Me too. Seems that my teams in my two favorite sports (NFL and NHL) have their big rivalries with Colorado.


- Jeff

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