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The Official 2003 NFL Thread!

Geoff Grace

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Are you saying myself, Mr. Grace, Mr Weasel, and Mr. LeBlanc don't count as true football fans?



Yeah, I just started this thread out of boredom... :P




Welcome back to the thread steadyb. Your Seahawks look like they actually have a shot this year. Some prognosticators are even picking them to win their division! :eek:





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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by steadyb:

Jack-in-the-Box just called, your "Philly" cheeseseak is ready. :rolleyes:

My what? Ohhhhhh, you mean cheesesteak. Man, don't they teach y'all to spell in the LA schools? ;):P


I go to the Hoagie House in Moorpark for those...I actually very rarely find myself at Jack's...for anything...



BTW...what happened to our "grab a cheesesteak" plans on recording day? Did you and Steve go earlier without me?


Boy, ya think ya know a guy... :rolleyes:;)

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Originally posted by steadyb:

BTW...what happened to our "grab a cheesesteak" plans on recording day? Did you and Steve go earlier without me?


Boy, ya think ya know a guy... :rolleyes:;)

This coming from the guy who wasn't even around for lunch... :rolleyes::D


We actually didn't do it because we got a late start. We'll do cheesesteaks and Sunday Football instead soon. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by berkleeboi:


Are you saying myself, Mr. Grace, Mr Weasel, and Mr. LeBlanc don't count as true football fans?



You're right, man, I didn't mean anything by it.
Hey, don't let those Raider fans intimidate you.


Besides, I predict before the season starts, Jeff the Weasel will punch out Dave the "Cheese-el", injuring him, and putting him out of action for 4-6 weeks.

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Besides, I predict before the season starts, Jeff the Weasel will punch out Dave the "Cheese-el", injuring him, and putting him out of action for 4-6 weeks.

First, I am a Raiders fan. We are a calm and peaceful bunch who spend non-game days picking flowers and playing with puppies and butterflys.


Second, if I was gonna hit someone, it wouldn't be Dave. He's got that large head that looks like it might hurt my fist more than the fist hurt the head.


Third, if I were to go off in a freakish rage, I wouldn't be looking for Raiders fans to hit. Now Seahags fans...that might be worth beating someone on pure principle. :D


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

Third, if I were to go off in a freakish rage, I wouldn't be looking for Raiders fans to hit. Now Seahags fans...that might be worth beating someone on pure principle. :D


- Jeff

Bring it on.
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Originally posted by Dan South:

Romo has found a nice fit for his personality in the Al Davis system.

That's crap. There's no more in-fighting in the Raiders organization than there is in any pro club. And as Callahan said, it's not tolerated.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Uh... what's a prognosticator?

meccajay, you asked for it, you got it: :D


From Merriam-Webster OnLine :

Main Entry: prog·nos·ti·cate

Pronunciation: präg-'näs-t&-"kAt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing

Date: 15th century

1 : to foretell from signs or symptoms : PREDICT


synonym see FORETELL

- prog·nos·ti·ca·tive /-"kA-tiv/ adjective

- prog·nos·ti·ca·tor /-"kA-t&r/ noun






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As the regular season grows nearer... I'm having a very very hard time not mortgaging my house for a new 50" HDTV Plasma.



Oh, mommy... I want it.


And I'm so VERY psyched for the season..


Go Bucs!!!

Go Niners!!

Go Home Equity Line, and HDTV party at my house!





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Originally posted by dave-G:

As the regular season grows nearer... I'm having a very very hard time not mortgaging my house for a new 50" HDTV Plasma.

Oh, mommy... I want it.

Just got me one of them there Samsung DLP TVs.




Looks like plasma, costs a bunch less.


Go Home Equity Line, and HDTV party at my house!

I am SO with you, brother Dave. HDTV is coming to my house in a few weeks for an additional $12 per month on the cable bill.


HDTV football - be still, my heart... :love:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by dave-G:

As the regular season grows nearer... I'm having a very very hard time not mortgaging my house for a new 50" HDTV Plasma.

Oh, mommy... I want it.

Just got me one of them there Samsung DLP TVs.
Ooh!! ... looks good... must research obsessively. :D





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Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

I fixed your TV, Dave...






- Jeff

More photoshop shennanigans?


:D but dude... you do still owe me a weasel in a Bucs uniform for last year's spanking. :D


In the meantime, later on that same channel on the TV you fixed....

http://superj.com/al-didnt-get-a-billion.jpg and http://superj.com/romo-contrite.jpg


Aah... might as well just stay tuned for more of this:








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LOL at Dave-G!


Dude, I swear I did the Weasel/Bucs thing immediately after the horrible, horrible event of last year (i.e. the Super Bowl). But I trust you. hell, I may have done it and never posted it. And if the file was on a hard drive on my TASCAM Mac, it's long gone by now.


Anyway, I never, ever welsh on a bet, so a little later today I'll give you your Weasel Buc...though I don't know if you'll want it when you get it. :D


- Jeff

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Originally posted by meccajay:

7 days........


Thursday, September 4th

New York Jets at Washington

(ABC) 9:00 PM (ET)


Sunday, September 7th

Oakland at Tennessee

(ESPN) 8:30 PM (ET)


Monday, September 8th

Tampa Bay at Philadelphia

(ABC) 9:00 PM (ET)



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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Sunday, September 7th

Oakland at Tennessee

(ESPN) 8:30 PM (ET)

I hope the team that shows up for that game ain't the same team playing against Dallas tonight. :eek:


The Raiders look like they did in the Super Bowl. No rhythm, no life. I'm bummin'...yeah, I know it's preseason 'n all, but I really don't like what I'm seeing...


...or, more specifically, what I'm not seeing. :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Preseason or not, it's tough to watch your favorite team get creamed by your least favorite team. It helps at times like this to remember that not only are coaches experimenting with the roster right now but they're also trying out new plays as well. Therefore, even when the first team is on the field, they may not be running their best plays.


The regular season is when teams only put their best players and plays on the field, not before. That's why it's possible to be a loser in preseason and go on to win the Super Bowl. I don't know if the Raiders will win the big game this year, but I know they'll look better when the real games begin than they do tonight! :thu:





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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Sunday, September 7th

Oakland at Tennessee

(ESPN) 8:30 PM (ET)

I hope the team that shows up for that game ain't the same team playing against Dallas tonight. :eek:


The Raiders look like they did in the Super Bowl. No rhythm, no life. I'm bummin'...yeah, I know it's preseason 'n all, but I really don't like what I'm seeing...


...or, more specifically, what I'm not seeing. :rolleyes:



Not to fear, as Geoff said they will ratchet things up a few hundred notches come next weekend. No way my Titan's get off that easy...be a real good game I bet.


btw, how did Fargus look last night?

TROLL . . . ish.
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It was about as bad a game as I've seen the Raiders play. Forget the fact that Tuna played his starters for three quaters while Callahan only had the real Raiders in for 15 plays...it was just ugly.


But, as has been mentioned, reality is about to kick into high gear. :thu:


And guess what? I'M ABOUT TO PICK MY FIRST WEEK FOR THE SUICIDE POOL! WHOOO-HOO! Well, as soon as I research and agonize and actually decide who to pick. :)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by meccajay:



no one noticed fargas last night? Y'know, huggie-bear Jr...

He had a couple nice spin-and-run moves off line of scrimmage, but no big yardage. He also didn't seem to have great blocking. he did have the first touchdown, a two-yard burst-through. Guy is strong...dudes bouncing off him.


Again, no excuses, but like the broadcasters said, it was obvious that Dallas had really pulled out the playbook and prepared for the meaningless game, while the Raiders have been focusing 100% on Tennessee. Still, the Cowboys are 0-7 lifetime against the Raiders (regular season), so I'm not terribly concerned. ;)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:


Thursday, September 4th

New York Jets at Washington

(ABC) 9:00 PM (ET)


Sunday, September 7th

Oakland at Tennessee

(ESPN) 8:30 PM (ET)


Monday, September 8th

Tampa Bay at Philadelphia

(ABC) 9:00 PM (ET)



LA Members: Yankee Doodles anyone? :)


It would be fun to hang out together and watch an opening week game. I've been discussing this via PMs with flyscots, and he seems interested. Dave, Jeff, steadyb, Steve, anyone else, what do you think? Are you up for hanging out for one of the games above next week? Post below.





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