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....someone order a Steinway?


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...my Steinway M ( :D ) arrived today, and to think I had to sit through school, waiting to come home just to play on it! Ah, it was painful!

But I finally got home, and lemme tell you, the piano is absolutely gorgeous! I had all my books upstairs (the piano's downstairs) and I needed to go get some because I started running out of memorized songs, only I couldn't stop playing long enough to go get any of them! So I just started improvising, just admiring the absolutely beautiful tone. The touch could not be any better, and the bass provides frightening amounts of power. Inspired by all of my new piano's perfection, I began learning the Chopin Bminor sonata, and those very opening chords vibrated in my chest with sheer power.

It also does quite well, as you probably can imagine, with slower, gentler pieces such as a Beethoven Adagio or Chopin nocturne. Specifically, the 2nd movement of the Op. 57 sonata sounded VERY nice, as did the posthumous eminor nocturne of Chopin.

Well, I don't really see how I can possibly go any longer without playing it, so I'll go do just that and stop going on and on here about the new love of my life.... :D

"Bach is ever new"-Glenn Gould
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Damn... congratulations to you, and I'm envious. A great instrument is always so inspiring. Despite all the technological candy there was to marvel over at NAMM, I spent a LOT of time at the Fazioli booth. I've got a Hammond in the house right now that I'm losing a lot of worktime to.


That bad boy will just sound better over time, too. Enjoy.

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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Striker, at the risk of being rude, can you tell us the size of the piano and the approximate cost?


Also, how many Steinways did you play before you zeroed in on the one you bought?


The finest piano I ever played was a Steinway nine footer in a theater. It never got played much and even after ten years, the action was still quite new.


Good luck with your new baby!

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Dave, the M is 5ft 7in and although they now cost around $45K and $50K, we ended up getting one at roughly $33K, brand new. It was a very large sale going on, you see...

Also, I've played on a whole lot of pianos at stores, and the truth is, I didn't realize that I choose the one I got (my parents had actually surprised me with it, after I fell in love with it at the store, the day of the sale).

I also have quite a list of "fine" pianos I've played on, including a brand new D I found in an Albuquerque store, several D's in Steinway Hall, a "Designer" M at Steinway Hall (I think it was designed by Dakota something, I don't remember...it was great), the Frederick Chopin limited edition Bosendorfer, and the Mellenium (sp?) 2 edition Bosendorfer, both found at a local shop (not the same one I got the Steinway at though...).

But now that I have my own M, I have to say that I don't think it could be any better than this!

"Bach is ever new"-Glenn Gould
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Congratulations! Welcome to the Steinway M Club (mine is a beautifully restored '27 satin ebony w/original ivories). Considering how poor an investment most stocks have been the past several years, a fine piano is a decent place to put your money.


That designer you mention is probably Dakota Jackson, who makes furniture. The most stunning "artist designed" Steinway is probably Wendell Castle's 500,000th Steinway. I couldn't find a picture online. The case has no curves and it's signed by 800 Steinway endorsers. Castle lives, works, and teaches in the Rochester area and his work is incredible.

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Ooh, Stryker....You're making all of us JEALOUS!!!


You mentioned Albuquerque. I used to live there and have lots of friends in the instrument/music biz. Where'd you end up getting yours??



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Actually, Rick, I don't live in Albuquerque, and only visited that particular shop once, so I don't remember the name. But there was a brand new D in there that was absolutely amazing! The touch could not have been any better!

Actually, that was several years ago, so that kind of gives you an idea of how long I've been doing this (ie, travelling around to different stores and playing on every piano I can get my hands on).

I ended up buying it from a local Steinway dealer here in Houston called Forshey...to play Bosendorfers you can simply walk from Forshey across a street or two and find "The Piano Store" (no, really, that's the name).

"Bach is ever new"-Glenn Gould
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What was that line of Kevin Kline in "A fish called Wanda" everytime when he hit something with his car? :D

Cool dude! I once played the Chopin Bosendorfer in Harrod's in London and frankly, the Yamaha at the opposite, which was three times cheaper, sounded much better! :confused: I guess either the Bosie was not a great specimen and the Yamaha was one of the lucky ones...

IMO, nothing beats a good Steinway. Too bad I don't have the money for it. This year I'm gonna have my grand, a 100 year old Duysen (Duysen was a pupil of Bechstein), mechanically revamped. New hammerheads, new hammer steels (English?), new errr... other parts (English???).





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