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KC mp3 page going bye-bye...grumble grumble...

Dave Bryce

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On January 31st, all basic pages on mp3.com will be reduced down to the last three songs downloaded there. This means that all of our original music from our compilations will no longer be available at this site.


If anyone who doesn't have the CDs is interested in hearing/downloading these tunes, you've pretty much got until Friday...


Here they are...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thanks for the heads-up Dave. I didn't know all this good stuff was on MP3.com. I spent some time and downloaded it all, including all the web pages with the info on them. I will enjoy listening to it over the next few days.


If the copyright owners want to, and agree, I could host the whole lot on one of my domains (e.g. streamall.com ) for at least the forseeable future.


Your command is my wish. :)



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I second the IUMA choice. However, unless time permits, I don't see why you'd have to repost all the tunes from the previous volumes. We enjoyed them for years and I know how tedious it can be to upload. Maybe just look forward to posting Volume 5 and beyond. Even though it's covers, I've found that so long as you clearly state "Not for Commercial Use" by the cover tune, the webmasters don't mind. It's a pretty cool website, no spam, no need to log-in, and no fee.



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Does someone else wanna move them? I sure don't...


I had to individually enter all the data for each one of those - it may have been the most tedious part of doing the compilations, and frankly I have neither the time nor the inclination to do it again...sorry, just being honest...


If one of you wants to volunteer, you have my blessing to do so.








:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

I'll do it Dave. Have the "Keyboard Corner" name nailed down and am uploading the first song as I type. It'll take a few days, on and off. I'll post a new thread when it's all up and running.

Dude -


You rock! :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I may rock, but unfortunately IUMA.com does not :(


I can't find a way to add information on a song by song basis, so there's apparently no way to credit each song individually. To top that, they have a limit of 12 songs per account....so that pretty much hoarks the idea of having all the old archives up on IUMA. They do have the concept of albums - you can have 3 of them, each with 12 songs max (I think) - so that's no good either....


Any ideas on how to proceed?



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I could host several tracks, also. And a web page with info and links to all the MP3 files.


I don't have an entry, but I've listened to a lot of these, and I sure appreciate the songs, and the efforts involved. I would love to be involved with preserving these projects.


[i apologize if I've overstepped my bounds.]


Good work, guys! I hope we can preserve this online MP3 catalog.

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Originally posted by Llarion:

dB? The offer still stands...

Hmmm...let's chat, Phil.


If you'd be good enough to email your phone number to my adam-audio account - I'll give you a ring later today.


Domo, dude. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hi dBunny/Ian, let's see what Dave 'n' Phil can cook up. I checked my disc allocation with my hosting service - although I have 10 domains each with 30MB of space, they don't seem to want to let me amortize that space and use a hunk of it on just one of the domains....so I could only host a few of the songs too (maybe 8 of them)....


If Phil can get the whole shebang up on one website, then I could just make the keyboardcorner.iuma.com page link to that.


Dave/Phil - what's the story?




(amortize isn't the correct word....but I can't think what is right now....you get my drift, right?)

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Good news!


Thanks to Phil "Llarion" Traynor, Volume 4 has been resurrected.


It can now be found here .


There are still a few tunes that I need to upload, and I have to resize the cover to get it to upload, but that should happen within 24 hours.


If this works out, we may be able to save volumes 1 and 2 as well.


Once again - thanks Phil! You rock! :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thanks guys!


I'll go in and spiff up the aesthetics of the site... But, since my bandwidth is very limited, I have to ask each of the contributors for a favor:


If you don't already have an mp3 of your song, go snare it from the site. Convert it to 24kbps mono, and go in and upload it to the site. There is a place in the admin area to add a lofi stream for each song. Personal message me from the board (from your profile) with your email and what song you did, and I'll give you the login/password information.


We'll be able to set this up so that the CD will be available for purchase on the site on-demand... :)



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Llarion:

If you don't already have an mp3 of your song, go snare it from the site. Convert it to 24kbps mono, and go in and upload it to the site. There is a place in the admin area to add a lofi stream for each song. Personal message me from the board (from your profile) with your email and what song you did, and I'll give you the login/password information.

Nevermind - I did 'em all at once. Batch converted the whole lot in Spark, and sent 'em up the line. :D


It just made sense - after all, I already have copies of all of them. ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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...well, maybe not all of them...


Two of them won't upload. Paul III's tune "The Dream", and (oddly enough) Phil's tune "Dewpoint". They seem to go through the process successfully, they just won't show up. I've tried them three times...even tried reconverting them. No clue. The rest of them are done.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

...well, maybe not all of them...


Two of them won't upload. Paul III's tune "The Dream", and (oddly enough) Phil's tune "Dewpoint". They seem to go through the process successfully, they just won't show up. I've tried them three times...even tried reconverting them. No clue. The rest of them are done.





I'll go try my version...



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Okay, that's fixed now.


Participants: If you have web hosting space, make a picture to represent your song. It must be 70x70 pixels. Plop it on your webhost, email me the url for the location of the icon, and I'll add it to your song on the site. Also, if you have any accompanying verbiage you'd like in the song description send that along too. If you have no place to host your icon (C'mon, where are you calling your avatars from?), send me the icon and I'll host it.



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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