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Super Bowl Predictions?

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by felix:

Doesn't look like Magpel or mzeger are doing real well at this point...

And your picks were... :rolleyes:


NFL in the Empire State (with 2 of 3 teams playing in the Garden State) was a little better than the Lone Star State, don't you think? Even the Bills posted an 8-8 season.


Will someone please inform NY Giants place-kick holder Matt Allen the reason you kick on 3rd down is getting another shot on 4th down when the snap is blown? Then again, it shouldn't have come to needed field goal when they were up by 24.


At least the Sunday games were better than Sat. (the Fiesta Bowl wasn't shabby, either, except for a blown pass-interference call).

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Sorry, mzeger - wasn't meant as a slam at all. I happened to catch the San Francisco / NY game on Sunday, and really enjoyed it (which is saying a lot for someone like me who doesn't watch football).


Amazing comeback for San Francisco, but I really thought that the Giants were going to win on a field goal at the end.


If I'd have submitted picks, I'm sure they would have been WAY off base, and I would have been eliminated before things even got started! :D

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Originally posted by synthetic:

I predict that lift lines will be incredibly short, making it the best ski day of the year.

A friend of mine who doesn't follow sports always goes to the mall on Super Bowl Sunday. He's swears it's the best day of the year to meet chicks. :D


I wouldn't know -- I'm always watching the game.



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Originally posted by Kcbass:

Ok. Did my homework.


Raiders 34

Jets 29

Ahh, Grasshopper - Confucius say you must read thread title before posting. ;)


I'm afraid it would take a bit of a miracle for the Raiders and Jets to meet in the Super Bowl...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Kcbass:

Ok. Did my homework.


Raiders 34

Jets 29

Send Kcbass to Remedial Football 101. Although...this is an interesting prediction for next weekend. :)


However, for the Jets to get 29 points, the most likely scenario would be four touchdowns with a 2-point conversion on one them them. It's a rather improbable point total, but it could happen.


- Jeff

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by dave-G:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by dave-G:

Bucs 20

Raiders 17


overtime :evil:

Oooooh - overtime... :cool:


Has a Superbowl ever gone to OT?


More importantly, can TB even make it to the big show with an offense that's mediocre at best? Two words - Veteran's Stadium. ;):P:evil::D

:D The offense is mediocre, but imho, better than the chamipionship Ravens' offense was, not to mention that Derrick Brooks should score some points too. :P


"Veteran's Stadium"????


one word in return .. . . stoppable, which I'll suppliment with two words: Simeon Rice


Let the games begin!



ps: as to the overtime, this just feels like overtime's year, don't it?



Ok dB, so the two words should have been "Ronde Barber", but I'm a week and an overtime victory away from eerie correctness.





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Originally posted by dave-G:

Ok dB, so the two words should have been "Ronde Barber", but I'm a week and an overtime victory away from eerie correctness.

I'll say...


It's unbelievable how a single play can sometimes swing a whole game (tuck rule), ain't it? ;)


Your Bucs played well, my brother. It seems everyone (including the Eagles ) underestimated them. It won't happen again.


My advanced condolences for your loss on Sunday... :P:D







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Postman:

Raiders 31

Bucs 17

Ahem... I don't think everyone underestimated them, now did they, hmmm?


[This is the only consolation I have now that I have to watch the Raiders win the Superbowl.]

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I don't find the Bucs' win surprising. A couple of weeks of watching their D, and a couple of weeks of Philly's O, strongly suggested that Philly would have a tough time putting up points, without the aid of turnovers and big special teams plays at least.


The Raiders offense was impressive yet again, their defense a bit less so. It should have been a closer game, without the 10 point gift right before the half, but they were good hits. Can't fault the Raiders. They made it happen.


Almost exlusively on the strength of the Barber connection (I'm a Tiki man, of course)...Go Bucs. Actually, I don't much care. I JUST WANT A GOOD, SPINE TINGLING GAME!

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

.... let me add that I don't think I've ever been as psyched for any Super Bowl ever. :thu:

Same Here! We're gonna have ourselves a Super Bowl party! Yeah!


Super Bowl XXXVII, otherwise known as The PIRATE BOWL!!!

http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:IPB2setx9T0C:www.tdl.com/~kids/Raiderslogo.jpg VERSUS http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:Fm4Z6BHC4LsC:www.leon.leon.k12.fl.us/history/Flag.jpg




...Too many sword-bearing swashbucklers for one championship title!!!


May the best pirates win!


....... GO RAIDERS!!!

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

....and (as I just told Dave-G on the phone) let me add that I don't think I've ever been as psyched for any Super Bowl ever. :thu:



So Dave Bryce, tell us all how you are REALLY feeling these days baby?!?! :D
This way, no, wait, that way!
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