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FORUM CD: Rate "Night is Right"

Dave Bryce

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As many of you know, we are currently in the process of doing another CD compilation of original material submitted by members of this forum.


As with the last original compilation, the entries will be posted for review by all of the members of the forum whether or not they have contributed a piece. With that in mind, please check out "Night is Right" (submitted by Dave Bryce), and tell us what you think!


If the artist of the piece would care to post any notes about the piece in this thread, they should feel free to do so.


Thanks for listening!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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This tune was written based on a lick I came up with on a bass guitar a few years ago. It has been used most recently as a demo for some of my Alesis synth clinics (it was one of the few that my co-worker's could stand to hear more than once ;) ), and has been radically dressed up for this compilation.


Nick D'Virgilio (Spock's Beard, Tears for Fears) and Stu Kimball (Face to Face, Peter Wolf) were kind enough to help me out on drums and guitar respectively...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hey Dave, (welcome back!)


Nice "bondish" :cool: riff with a great feel. (Love that jam throughout the tune!)

Synths - shine. (Too bad, we don't have any Alesis dealer here in Estonia... :( )

Overall sound is full and punchy... Great job!


A question regarding the drums:

Did Nick play them to some already sequenced sketch or to a click (with you playing along)?


And let me guess... the guitar player likes Pink Floyd. Right? :D

I am back.
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Originally posted by Gulliver:

A question regarding the drums:

Did Nick play them to some already sequenced sketch or to a click (with you playing along)?

He played to a fully sequenced part including the rhythm loop (from the Alesis EuroDance QCard) and percussion parts (the bit that sounds like a drum loop with delay and a slow LFO sweeping the filter - those are played in real time, they're not a loop).


Nick and I had been performing this tune during the clinics that we did together for Alesis, so this was basically one take for him...he's very good. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:

The guitar player is ripping throughout and the synth solos are cool...sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.

As many of you can probably tell, the rhythm guitar part that starts the tune off and runs throughout it is a synth part - the real guitar doesn't show up intil the wah-wah line double on the first "chorus", and then again after the breakdown in the middle. The sreamig end lewad is obviously also the Real Thing.


Yeah, we had fun... :D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Gulliver:

So, it's you who likes Pink Floyd, right? ;)

Yup. :thu:


That's a stock guitar program that I wrote for the QS series called "Instant U2" (or "Instant Edge" in earlier revs), but when I wrote the program I was trying to duplicate the "Run Like Hell" sound.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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That's Dave all right, big and loud. :) Great tune, though I wish there was more of the live rhythm guitar in the arrangement. Live instruments add so much to an all-MIDI orchestra. I also thought that the dynamics could change a bit more too, from the intro to the verse. Other than that, cool lick, cool arrangement, cool song, just plain cool.
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Sounds great dB .


I listened to woog man in the jungle today ( I may have misspelled that title ) .


Of all the submissions so far , how many have vocals ? dano

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I liked the tune especially the EP's in the breakdown. Is that a DG or QS EP? Either way, it works really well to give the song a totally different feel in the middle of it.


Nice work on the synths too. I could barely make out the bass parts on my crappy computer speakers so, can't comment on that. Guitarist was great, and the drummer is clearly very good.


Great tune db.



Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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Now, it's a bit cheeky for the moderator to show off, and using professional musicians is so unfair. ;)


But needless to say, it's an excellent song. Did I mention I must have a copy? I trust the CD price will be listed and requests taken.

This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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