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Go Sixers!!!!!

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by soapbox:

All right. Dont get me started on those deserters, the Raiders! I cant get behind the Raiders or the Rams (my former favorite team) since they left us on the lurch, and at the same time too!


I never liked the Raiders. The whole time they were here, they threatened to go back to Oakland. Now that theyre there, they keep threatening to come back to L.A. At least the Rams stayed put in the L.A. area for almost fifty years!


Ever since our teams left, Ive been rooting for the Green Bay Packers. I have three good reasons: 1) I first caught Packer fever when I lived in Madison, Wisconsin for 2 1/2 years during the sixties, the Lombardi glory days, 2) They are one of the few franchises that date back to the NFLs inception, and last, but definitely not least, 3) They are owned by the city of Green Bay and will never, ever leave!


It's amazing how many "Packer Backer's" there are in SoCal. I live in San Diego, and the last time the Pack was in town, the cheeseheads practically outnumbered the Bolt fans... Any successful Packer play and the house rocked!


I used to live in Madison and I don't think you can live there without being a Packer Fan! It's in the water!



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Originally posted by soapbox:

All right. Dont get me started on those deserters, the Raiders!




Dude, the universe was out of whack the whole time that the Raiders were in LA...remember the '80s? You know I'm right...


They returned to Oakland, from whence they came in the first place. They were just vacationing in LA, and were nice enough to win a Super Bowl while they were there.


Don't start with me, Geoff - I'm a lot more serious about football than I am about hoops... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


...or at least wait until Fall...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Don't forget... Lakers in 5, especially if they take game 4. Philly has brought it's best, but there's no chance against these Lakers. They will get more and more dialed in each game. Lucky for the Sixers, it'll probably only be two more games. If they were to play 5 more in a row the Lakers would win the last game by 50!
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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:

steadyb posts:

>>I hate to break it to you Curvacious D, but Philly gets no ring this year.

But congrats on the Sixers best game of the season.<<


Philly got the ring tonight, period. LA could win the next 4, and it wouldn't make a dif.






Hey Curvy,



Looks like you may get your wish..."LA could win the next 4"...


Sorry, they don't pass out no rings for "winnin' game one"...





This message has been edited by steadyb on 06-12-2001 at 05:35 AM

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Originally posted by guitplayer:

I used to live in Madison and I don't think you can live there without being a Packer Fan! It's in the water!


LOL! So true!


The same goes for Denver and the Broncos. I used to gig a lot on the road in the early to mid-eighties, and Denver was my band's #1 destination. We usually stayed at a hotel not far from Mile High Stadium. I caught Bronco fever back then from Denver's many enthusiastic fans. It never completely went away...


It was great to see Elway finally get that Super Bowl ring a few years ago, even though it came at the expense of the Packers. Too bad the Rams couldnt have won their Super Bowl while they were still in L.A.


Okay, Ive been expanding the derailment of this thread long enough.


What an exciting series were having! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


This message has been edited by soapbox on 06-12-2001 at 08:19 AM

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

We'll see, wabbit.



You're pretty cocky for someone who was so nervous on Sunday with two minutes to go...overcompensating? Hmmm?






No, just wondering where big talking Curvular Domdelouise went hiding. Dosen't show up much when his team drops two straight.

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Can I have all of your permissions to leave TASCAM early today to watch the game? I'm sure if the overwhelming majority of the music technology fans vote that I would be a happier and more productive individual if I were to see the entire game, how could my boss refuse?




- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

I'm sure if the overwhelming majority of the music technology fans vote that I would be a happier and more productive individual if I were to see the entire game, how could my boss refuse?


- Jeff[/b]


It was a nice try though.



This message has been edited by steadyb on 06-13-2001 at 02:30 PM

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Seems like Philly has "The Answer", but what good does that do ya if you don't know the question? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Philly has to be real disappointed with this game. They just couldn't compete with the level of talent and poise L.A. displayed tonight.

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Philly has to be real disappointed with this game. They just couldn't compete with the level of talent and poise L.A. displayed tonight.


Nope. They sure couldn't.


LA was more focused than they've been this whole series, and the Sixers were just all over the place. LA's D was awesome - they were just bringing pressure from everywhere.


Impressive performance....





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Ahem... as I was saying,


LAKERS IN 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Where is Scurvy Dominatrix hiding??? Come on out and face the music, Curve baby.


Gettin' schooled by the Lakers BIG TIME!!!


The Lakers must be kicking themselves now for giving Philly game one.


Curvely, come out and playeeeaye...

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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:



Steadyb, you lucky I'm not a bettin' man, you punk...

F?ck that. You ain't so steady now, beeeeeooootch!

Yeah, I know, it hurts. I play like that. Y'all shouldn't have gotten your moderator so fired up that he'd get me over here. Maybe y'all will mind your muthaf*ckin' manners next time, son.


curvedominant...live from Illadelphia




Hey man,

Haven't heard much flappin out of you lately.

But the Lakers are sure the f?ck steady now, beeeeeooootch! ...maybe y'all will mind your muthaf*ckin' manners next time, son.




This message has been edited by steadyb on 06-14-2001 at 02:00 AM

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce :

Okay, I have decided that this forum is way too well behaved.


Being a native Philadelphian, I just love a good scrap. I've done my best to start a few good flame wars, but it always ends up fizzling; and, as the moderator, there's only so far that I can go.


What do you think now? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Guess we just had to get the right topic!


Actually, I am totally diggin' this thread...nothin' like a sporting event to start a good flame, ay?


Go Raiders! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I guess you can't call a game 5 win a sweep, but I can't imagine how Philly can win on Friday night against the supreme domination of my sweet Lakes!


Interesting that even though Kobe had an off night, they were still able to perform an outright spanking on the Sixers. See, when Iverson is off, the Sixers are toast. But the Lakes are so well-rounded (Horry, Fisher, Grant, Lue, Shaw, and so on) that they can dominate with or without their "stars" Shaq and Kobe.




- Jeff

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I don't like sports... but just like Dave Bryce loves his SIXERS because they are from Philly, I am a die hard fan of Los Tiburones Rojos del Veracruz, the Soccer team of my natal state, Veracruz, Mexico, team which is back in the major league of Mexican Soccer...


They play like shxt and I'm afraid theu will never win a championship, but hey, the party every sunday at the Stadium is fantastic... ya know, brazilian-alike "batucada" drums, bikini babes... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


¡¡¡Arriba Los Tiburones!!!




P.S. Sixers will WIN next game... but LAKERS in six ...

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Guess we just had to get the right topic!



Actually, I am totally diggin' this thread...nothin' like a sporting event to start a good flame, ay?




Hey Dave,

Whatever happened to your trash talkin' Philly homeboy, Cowardly Curved Spineless Domino???



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Originally posted by steadyb:

Hey Dave,

Whatever happened to your trash talkin' Philly homeboy, Cowardly Curved Spineless Domino???




Steady, Steady, your taunts are bordering on obsession now! Psycholakersfan.com. Easy now. This is not behavior befitting of a true repeat champion. Take it from a Yankees fan. If you want to be a circumstantial affiliate and supporter of a sports dynasty, act like a

circumstantial affiliate and supporter of a sports dynasty. Just smile tolerantly and confidentally when the rabid fans of inferior franchises make their feverish, deluded predictions, and say mollifying things, like:


"Boy, differences of opinion sure are the spice of life, don't you think?"




"Hey man, I really respect and admire your devotion to your team. With fans like you, this team is going to be competitive for a good long while. They are already a most formidable opponent."




"That's why they play the games.," etc.


Believe me, this kind of patronizing equanimity is THE SUREST way to induce psychosis in your enemies. Smile Jesus' smile, Steady, knowing that you can not be harmed by the petty taunts and assaults of the unhappy and unblessed. Nurture your inner Kobe. It will serve you well.


And when you've won 4 in 5 years, then you can start hanging with the yanks fans.




Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Magpel:

Smile Jesus' smile, Steady, knowing that you can not be harmed by the petty taunts and assaults of the unhappy and unblessed.


Wow...I'm trying to picture the hybrid steadyb/Jesus guy. Nope, not working for me. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Just smile tolerantly and confidentally when the rabid fans of inferior franchises make their feverish, deluded predictions, and say mollifying things, like:


"Boy, differences of opinion sure are the spice of life, don't you think?"




"Hey man, I really respect and admire your devotion to your team. With fans like you, this team is going to be competitive for a good long while. They are already a most formidable opponent."




"Philly Sucks!!!" etc.



And when you've won 4 in 5 years, then you can start hanging with the yanks fans.







The Yankees!!! Talk about buying a pennant!!! The Sixers are done, and the Yankees haven't been cool since Reggie Jackson (or the Roger Maris/Mickey Mantle era, really).



Go Mariners!!! Go Lakers!!! The west coast rules.



This message has been edited by steadyb on 06-14-2001 at 04:17 PM

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Watch I walk my talk:


Originally posted by steadyb:

The Yankees!!! Talk about buying a pennant!!! The Sixers are done, and the Yankees haven't been cool since Reggie Jackson (or the Roger Maris/Mickey Mantle era, really).



Go Mariners!!! Go Lakers!!! The west coast rules.



This message has been edited by steadyb on 06-14-2001 at 04:17 PM


Boy, SteadyB, different opinions sure are the spice of life, don't you think. Those Mariners, I gotta hand it to 'em. Why, they might win 120 games this year! Ichiro, great story. And Edgar just keeps on hitting and hitting. Jeez, I sure hope my yanks are ready for 'em in September.


Now here's what I *could* have said.


Every chamionship team is a *bought* team, esp. in baseball, and the yanks less so than most. Rivera, Jeter, Williams, Posada, Pettite,and now Soriano, all Yankee farm products. O'neil, yeah that was a *Blockbuster* steal when they traded Roberto Kelly for him back in '90. I'm sure you cursed under your breath and said "damn it the rich just get richer." Never mind that O'neil was PLATOON outfielder in Cincinati and Kelly was a one time all star. Brosius? Any team in the league could have had him for a song. He was washed up, hitting 150 with no power. Oakland had had it with him. I'm sure the day we signed Brosius you ripped your hair out and screamed, "Damn it! Something must be done! Revenue Sharing! Revenue Sharing! The time has come! The Yanks just signed SCOTT BROSIUS! Heaven forbid!" Knoblauch and Clemens were established stars, but we gave up real value for them. I don't know about other Yankees fans but I'd take back Eric Milton in a heartbeat. And Tino! Oh I'm sure you Mariners fans would take him back if you COULD AFFORD IT! Let the yanks have that no good Olerud.


Still the "bought team" chant persists. Ask Peter Angelo how easy it is to buy a world series. Ask the Dodgers. The only bought chamionship I've seen is the Marlins, and I only know that 'cause they sold it the next.


And, Steady, this is baseball, a sport in which the VERY BEST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE has a winning percentage on par with a 10-6 football team, or a 50-32 basketball team. It's almost f*&^king arbitray who wins to begin with. Then, they add another level to the playoffs, making this clearly the most difficult championship to win with the possible exception of NCAA hoops. And you know as well as I why the Yanks have these rings: grit, heart, perserverance, an incredible tradition of clutch performance, and THE GREATEST POST SEASON CLOSER IN THE HISTORY OF THE GAME. It's obvious to anyone capable of objectivity that this Yankee team is not a bought team--it's a great team, a historically great team with NO SUPERSTARS. In the Sosa/McGwire slugfest a few years ago, please do remember that Tino led the Yankees with 28 home runs. No mvps, no rbi or hr and batting average champs, no Cy Youngs. Not one in the last five years. Clemens is the only hall of famer on the squad, and he's a relatively recent addition.


And I like that Mariner squad. But show some class, huh? And least keep quiet in the presence of greatness. No one will remember your whining, only our rings.


Your, Magpel

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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posted by steadyb:


>>Hey Dave,

Whatever happened to your trash talkin' Philly homeboy, Cowardly Curved Spineless Domino???<<


>>Where is Scurvy Dominatrix hiding??? Come on out and face the music, Curve baby.<<


The playoffs aren't over yet, SpasticB. That's your new name. SpasticB. Get used to it.


Face the music? I am the music. I get quarterly checks from ASCAP. Who the f*ck are you? I haven't seen you contribute jack-sh*t to pro-audio issues here. This thread was started in fun, and David brought me here to contribute to that fun. Some of us have better things to do than to get obsessed with big $$$ advertising-backed sport entertainment events. You obviously do not.


I'll tell ya what, little man. If you're such a f*cking hotshot, we all KNOW that you'll be in NYC for the AES meeting in September. I will be there, too. You and I will face off in an alley by the Javitz Center, and you can call me some of those names to my face, and we'll see what your face looks like after we leave that alley. You can afford the airfare to NYC, right? This is a pro-audio forum, after all.


Or are you only a tough guy in cyberspace, little man?


Sorry, David, and y'all, but once in awhile somebody's gotta stomp on the cockroaches.


To all you TRUE Lakers fans: ya got a team this year, no doubt about it. We got one too. It's all good. F*ck the dumb sh*t - we all got work to do. The important thing is that we set the example with results. When my next CD comes out in the fall, it will stand or fall on its merits, not on hype. Y'all can take away any lessons ya want from watching the NBA, or the NFL, or the World Cup, or whatever. You can trash-talk your way to Palookaville, or you can produce. Don't follow someone else's bad example. We are all in this sh*t together, if we are in it at all. The worst thing that can happen is what SpasticB has done: let off-topic issues create divisions between us. Let's learn from this.




This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 06-15-2001 at 04:01 AM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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