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Starting trouble

Dave Bryce

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Posted by dB:


>>>Wanna talk about the Bills? No? Didn't think so...




I always want to talk about the Bills. At Nauseam http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/smoker.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Everybody seems to be so nice to each other.

Still all organs suck.

The DX7 sucks, too. (don't mention the shitty color, the sound is enough)

So called synthesizers with build in samples are even worse. (Kurzweil - the name sounds like a disease, the programs too. Never seen such cheap wheels)

All Rolands suck. (Do I hear a u220, jv880, jv1080, jv2080, xv...??? They all sound alike)

Virtual analogues suck. (They all sound alike, thinny and sharp. Except for the Nordlead. That Nord sounds worse)

Andromeda sucks. (I own a Red one - I want to buy a Blue one too - can't afford it)

I realize I will not win this NanoPiano. Lucky me!

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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Persons (an assumption I know)


For some strange reason (pharmacological addiction? mental incompetance? genetic indisposition?) these flames are lamer than a one legged horse. They seem to belong to one of the following categories:


1. Perverse criticism of the proffered NanoPiano (perhaps the greatest instrument ever constructed, may Mr Alesis's name be forever enshrined along with Stradivarius, Steinway and Casio).


2. Recounting of a string of prepacked abuses cut and pasted from usenet and assembled with the care and attention to detail more commonly associated with the Indonesion Motor Vehicle industry.


3. Rehashing of the mines better than yours arguments, including chestnuts such as Mac vs PC vs TRS80, guitarists vs keyboard s etc


A true flame thrower needs to carefully analyse the underlying psyche of the flamee's, as exposed in their written words and (helpfully) revealed from the "Introductions" thread.


My scientifically valid observations have led to the following conclusions:


The Keyboard Corner participants, as a group


1. Are lazy to the point of being able to rise out of bed in the morning

2. Have rough and gnarled hands as a result of too much self congratulation

3. Exhibit the muscle tone of Pee Wee Herman

4. Don't understand any part of the world around them, and prefer to think that some higher power (God, Satan, Santa Claus, the Energiser Bunny) controls where they left their keys.

5. Have resigned themselves to the fact that their non-existant personal hygiene will shortly render their breath so foul as to offend sewerage inspectors.


In short, to paraphrase Mary Poopins, they are:


Supine, Calloused, Fragile Mystics Expecting Halitosis.

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Originally posted by valkyriesound:

Ya know... I'm glad we're doing all of this for "fun"...


Otherwise, I'd cut off your head for that comment.


Which one??


Sorry, couldn't resist.



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Val: If I have offended, then all I can do is ask forgiveness.


My last post on this subject.




No problem... I was just making sure we were thinking

the same way here.... no offence taken... thanks for the email...


Valky http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

Valkyrie Sound:




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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Which one??


Sorry, couldn't resist.




The one the guy is currently using to think with...


It all depends.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



Valkyrie Sound:




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Originally posted by joegerardi:

For the record: Not one post made by me within any thread that was part of this contest was meant without tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek.


Can someone explain to the foreigner here what the hell this expression means??? tongue firmly planted in cheek?? OK, I'm not that stupid, I figured out the basic meaning by now, but anyone wanna elaborate?? -Rod

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Originally posted by rsaboiasilva@hotmail.com:

Can someone explain to the foreigner here what the hell this expression means??? tongue firmly planted in cheek?? OK, I'm not that stupid, I figured out the basic meaning by now, but anyone wanna elaborate?? -Rod


The meaning is long since lost, but it probably refers to the way your face tenses up when you are trying to keep a straight face while pulling off a joke. You cross your tongue over to one cheek as you try to supress a laugh. My best guess, anyhow.


As you know, the figurative meaning is "jokingly" or "in a manner not to be taken seriously, for entertainment purposes." Example: It took me a minute to realize that the article was done tongue in cheek.

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  • 5 years later...
Originally posted by RABid:

How did we end up with posts form "unregistered" accounts? Is that what happened to the loosers? :o



The original thread is over 5 years old! I would imagine some of the participants have moved on...
Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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Man I couldn't even get through the first page after reading the diatribe of JoeGarardi. That man can spew chunks. I wonder who won?



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by kad:

Originally posted by RABid:

How did we end up with posts form "unregistered" accounts? Is that what happened to the loosers? :o



The original thread is over 5 years old! I would imagine some of the participants have moved on...
But moving on does not make them unregistered.

This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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Nowadays, we don't need a flame thread. It's been replaced by the "Real Men..." threads. The "other" forum has no equivalent to our Real Men threads because they have no Dave Horne.

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Originally posted by RABid:

moving on does not make them unregistered.

Do user accounts expire after a certain interval of inactivity?


Just a guess...

Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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Ahhh, the hypocracy and irony of it all. I do recall being reprimanded once for a clearly faux flaming aimed at stopping flaming.


Yet, I now discover that flaming is encouraged. Perhaps that was what was wrong with my faux flame.

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Originally posted by garrafon:

Yet, I now discover that flaming is encouraged. Perhaps that was what was wrong with my faux flame.

Those of us who have grown to know you know that you really have it in you to truely flame :D


Leave it to Tom to resurrect this thread. :thu:


The real men threads were mild compared to the Smoking blowout and the keytar assult. Fun stuff. We need more controversial topics.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Wow, memories


That was back when I was posting under this login before I reregistered as Geoff Grace.


If I recall correctly, the fun and games eventually got out of hand; and Dave had to delete a few posts. :o


Originally posted by kad:

Originally posted by RABid:

moving on does not make them unregistered.

Do user accounts expire after a certain interval of inactivity?


Just a guess...

Wow, I hope not! :eek:


I'm also curious as to how people become "unregistered." I sure don't want that to happen to my soapbox account!





Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

Originally posted by garrafon:

Yet, I now discover that flaming is encouraged. Perhaps that was what was wrong with my faux flame.

Those of us who have grown to know you know that you really have it in you to truely flame :D
Thanks...it's always nice to have good friends like you....I think. ;) (now, that wasn't a flame, was it?) :D
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Originally posted by Cydonia:

"Jazz pianists also must be able to play extremely difficult, harmonicaly complex music... that nobody wants to listen to." -DirtyRubberDuck



Hey Cydonia, you're the first one to comment! That's me in a nutshell. After I play for my family, they ask, "Can you play some real music now?" ;)

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Originally posted by BluesKeys:

I wonder who won?

I don't remember. I think it was Joe G - that little diatribe on page 1 was definitely the best one...


...or did the nP go to Valky for continuing the flame war (and taking it to new heights) in the immortal trombone thread?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Jazzwee:

Hey Cydonia, you're the first one to comment! That's me in a nutshell. After I play for my family, they ask, "Can you play some real music now?" ;)

Yep, I remember when DirtyRubberDuck said that. I guess there's some truth in what he wrote. ;)
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