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I normally lurk in the guitar forum but headed over here. I am interested in buying an inexpensive synthesizer and wantoed to learn more. I play a little guitar and sing a little and always wanted to play synth/piano but never got around to it. I have been experimenting a little with GarageBand on my mac and thought a synth could be fun and could help with my musical knowledge too. Guitarists aren't always known for being strong on music theory :D


Thanks, and is there somewhere I should look for info on lower-end keyboards?

still a noob!
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  • 2 months later...

So, I've been lurking around here for a while and just saw this thread. Good idea to put intros here so that others can go back and actually find it!


Anyway, to be brief, I'm a non-pro playing now in a 'light' jazz quad. I am also hooked up with a classic rock band for fun. I grew up on rock both playing keys and bass. I have played on and off through the years and was playing bass in rock and blues bands until I bought a B3 this year - that changed everything and shifted my focus back to keys.


Currently own the B3/122 that I've wanted since Vanilla Fudge was popular (B3 circa 1964, Leslie circs 1968). That rig stays in the house though since it is 'minty'. Road gear is Fantom S, A-37 Controller, S08.


Love the forum - lots of interesting topics and great people. Informative AND entertaining.

Hammond B3, Leslie 122 - is there anything else?
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Hi, my name is Daniel and I discovered the KC while researching options for my anticipated keyboard purchase sometime next year. I live in Melbourne, Australia and it turns out I'm only just out of the cradle at 18 years old.


My first (and only) keyboard is a Roland HP-900 digital piano which I've had since I started playing piano at 5. I only started getting into jazz/rock keyboards a year or so ago, and due to my unfortunate lack of funds was forced to use Garageband on my iBook as a sound module for my Roland. Luckily I only jam with a few friends occasionally so the lack of MIDI functionality in Garageband isn't too much of a problem.


Hopefully next year I'll be the proud owner of a Roland Fantom X8 - assuming they don't come out with anything more suited to my purposes at Winter NAMM - and this acquisition will be greatly expedited if I get a scholarship at the end of the year. It's a long shot, but I'm hoping!


So anyway, I love these forums, they're incredibly informative and have so far taught me almost everything I know about electronic keyboards - admittedly not much much at this point, but I'm getting there. Thanks for listening and I hope to see you around in the future.

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Well since I'm new to this forum I better introduce myself properly.


I'm an 23 year old man called Nils, which earns his money for living (and gear) working in the security business. But I spend most of my spare time playing or listening to music. During the years I've played Drums, guitars and a lots of keyboards, and I sang in a garage rock band as well. It's called Arthur. All guys in the band are familymembers. But when my brother got a son and I got a job we've trapped down to zero activity. But everyone is into music in other ways. Now I play a lot in my church, with a worship team. It was when I joined my church I really got into keyboards. Was introduced to a huge expensive Kurzveil thingy(big and monstrous thing). But after a year or to I began to get my own gear and started off with an Korg Trion LE.


I got better and better and last winter I played with my team at a big youth conference which my church hosted and we played for 3000 people. My biggest moment on a stage...


I got my first eletric guitar 15 years old. Haven't done so much live playing with guitar until this last year when I've started playing guitar in church aswell. So now I'm trying to recrute a new keyboard player so that I can focus on guitar which I really love to play as well. So I guess I like playing both instruments the same.

So here is my list its not so big. but anyway:




Korg Triton Le 61, Novation KS5. An odd organ thingy called Magnus-organ. This one is not in tune. So i cant use it live. Think that it might be a german instrument, but I don't know. I also have a Petrof Upright piano at home, not easy to carry around for gigs.



Epiphone Les Paul Standard with a Dimarzio paf pro in the bridge position.

Fender Japan Jazzmaster 62' reissue.

Morgan Acostic (dont know the name)

and a classical guitar which is hangin on the wall at home.



Vox AD50VT valvetronics


Effects (mostly stomp boxes)

Danelectro Daddy O, Line 6 Echo Park, Dunlop Crybaby.


Other stuff.

An Korg electribe EM-1 drum machine, a lots of harmoicas and flutes and rythmical things spreaded around in drawers and closets.


Well I guess it's a long introduction to me but hey, you want all the details?

Korg Triton LE 61

Novation KS5

Native Instruments B4II


Medion Laptop computer

M-audio Audiophile USB interface.



Fender Japan Jazzmaster 62'reissue

Epiphone Les Paul

Ibanez AS-73


Vox AD50VT

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  • 1 month later...

I've been lurking here for a long time and the "Jones'n in Maine" post prompted me to introduce myself, since I live in western Maine.


My name is Steve and I am 51, been playing rock and blues keyboards for many years in various bands, currently, in Elmore Twist from Portland and Rockhoppers from Boston.


I earn a living as a bank sales rep and travel the entire state of Maine, about 50,000 miles a year.


I've been taking jazz lessons from a cat named Dan Delaney and have been seriously practicing for the first time in my life. My skills have gone from just getting by, to being able to hold my own in most situations.


Gear, always changing,


Roland RD700

Nord Electro 61

Hammond A122/ Leslie 251

Wurlitzer EP200a

Stewart World Amp

Celestion SR1 Speakers

Much more not worth listing


Good to read posts from fellow Mainers !



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Originally posted by b3rocks:

\My name is Steve and I am 51, been playing rock and blues keyboards for many years in various bands, currently, in Elmore Twist from Portland and Rockhoppers from Boston.

Welcome Steve :wave:

Good to have some more Steve's on the forum. We have been overrun by Toms lately.


I gigged a lot in Maine during the 70's. Probably been to every remote bar in the state. Once when I was driving up 95 in a Greyhound bus there was actually a moose on the side of the road who had to look down to see into the window. I'll never forget how huge he was.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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  • 1 month later...

Been lurking for a while on this forum...


I´m 35, I´ve been playing for the last 20 years, some years as a "professional", in the sense of actually making a living doing it. I´m currently running a recording studio, serving local musicians and our local College, where I am employed.


Great forum! Looking forward to participate!


BTW, I´ve posted some pics of my setup in this thread

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Hello everybody,


I, too, have been a lurker for some time, with a post here and there. I figure it's time to formally introduce myself.


My name is Erik Ogden, and I have been playing keyboards for 21 years, and trumpet for 26 years.

I am 36 years old, married, with a 2 1/2 year old girl, who means the world to me!

I currently play keys and trumpet in a blues/R&B/Motown band. I have been in many different kinds of bands throughout the years. I played lead trumpet in several jazz and big bands, keyboards in rock and funk bands, and trumpet in funk and disco bands.

My "day" job (I put this in quotes because I actually work the overnight shift) is a software analyst for our clients overseas. It pays the bills, lets me keep up with the gear and GAS, and I work only 3 nights a week (12 hour shifts).

My current gear is:

Kurzweil K2600X

Yamaha P-70

Rhodes 88 mark II

Yamaha DX-7

Akai AX-80

M-Audio Keystation 88es

Yamaha DTXplorer electronic drum set

Holton ST-308S Maynard Ferguson model trumpet

Yamaha 5A4 super shallow mouthpiece (for all those high notes!)

2 electric guitars that are cheap and worthless (I am still learning how to play)

Ibanez bass guitar

A whole mess of cables


Anyways, I have been enjoying reading all your posts for quite some time now, and hop to contribute every now and then.


And lastly, I LOVE a good beer!


Thanks for reading!



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Hi, my name is Steve. I'm HWP looking for a SWF for a LTR...oh, wait. Wrong forum. I am a gigging guitarist with a passion for keys. I love classic soul / r&b, jazz, melodic pop and the blues. I'm married, have two kids and don't want to even think about my age let alone write it down. Gear includes :


Rhodes (3 suitcases and 1 stage)

Wurlitzer 200A

Korg CX-3

NE2 61

Yamaha S90


The Nord, the Yamaha and one of the Rhodes are soon to be for sale. I have a Tascam 2488 for recording.


And I love Stouts and Porters.

Fender Rhodes (x4) / Wurlitzer 200A / NE3 61 / Motif XS6 / Korg SV-1 73
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Greetings all,


My name is Jack Colburne; 48 years old from Boston. I'm new to this forum, but have played piano about as long as I can remember and have been into elec. keyboards and synth programming for about 25 years or so. Have been out of the business for a while but recently decided that I can't deal with not making music any longer.


Still have most of my gear (I'll always regret selling my Roland MKS-80 and my 22yr old Fender Stratocaster) and have been getting the home studio back together.


David Bryce, you may or may not remember me from the old days at Wurlies in Boston and in the later 90s at Sweetwater Sound (while you were with Alesis)... especially without a face to go by. It's good to see you're around and that your energy level is as over-the-top as ever.


Am currently paying bills doing database and IT work and some teaching.


Current gear:

Kurzweil K2000RS

Kurzweil K2500RS

(2)Rhodes Chromas

Kurzweil MicroPiano

Roland MKS-20 Digital Piano (I still love the electric piano patches)

Roland D-50

Roland R-8 drum machine

Hohner E-7 Clavinet (the one covered in Tolex-type material)

Korg MonoPoly

Yamaha TX-7 module

Roland MPU-101 MIDI-CV Interface

MIDIed LinnDrum

Roland Kbd Controllers

Bunch of outboard gear.

A bag of CEM and/or SSM chips for the modular system I never built.. but will. :)


A friend in Indiana still has the LinnDrum and the MonoPoly... hmmmm... I really should get in touch.


It's good to be back around music people and I look forward to both getting to know the people here and to the exchange of info and ideas.


- Jack

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I'm Nanette from Auburn, Alabama. I work for the natural gas industry, it was not my original career choice. Before that I worked 10 years in broadcasting, though it was fun, it didn't pay the bills.


I play piano in the band at our church. I practice on a Roland EP97 at home but I defintely want to get me a Fantom X8 sometime in the future.


I'm also an aquaholic and enjoy my 30 gal planted rainbowfish tank.

I swear to drunk I'm not God.
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  • 1 month later...
hey my name is chris and im 15 (probably one of the youngest ha) and i just start getting into keyboards, actually i bought a casio ctk-900 yesterday for learning i guess and later on ill get something alot better. for now im just trying to learn how to play and get better. btw i live in NY
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Hello everyone, been lurking here a long time but never really had much to say. This thread seems to be a good place to start though. My name's Steve and I started playing on a Magnus chord organ around the age of 2 or 3. I'm now 46 and keep busy on weekends with a couple of bands. One is a full blown 80's rock band (minus the hair)and the other is of the "kitchen sink" variety where we get to stretch out in a very informal way. I live in Wisconsin with my wife and have three sons. My rig consists of a Yamaha S80 with PLGAN, a FantomXR with SRX07 & Novation A-Station, both controlled by the now ancient Roland A-50. (please keep working!) I've been a Cakewalk abuser ever since it was DOS.

Good weather will find me on a golf course..... humiliating myself.

It's great reading these boards and I've gleened tons of good info and have been quite entertained at times as well.



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This thread just popped up. Never knew it existed until now, so I guess I'll post. I'm from the 'other forum', for no better reason than having discovered it first. Now I'm trying to even out my posting in general between the two.



I've been playing piano since age 4 or 5 (I can't actually remember not playing the piano). Started with classical music, but I got into jazz by discovering a compilation CD in the house around age 7. It was 'All Star Jazz Volume 4' and the first track was Joe Farrell, 'You Just Stepped Out Of A Dream'.


Musical heroes at the moment include My musical heroes include Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, Miles Davis, Theloneous Monk, Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson, Bud Powell, Art Tatum, Joe Zawinul, George Gershwin, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Jack Dejohnette, Renee Rosnes, Dave Brubeck, Dave Weckl, Paul Desmond, Scott Joplin, Jaco Pastorius, Billy Cobham, and MANY others.


Gear? Got a Nordheimer upright at home, which I love. Nothing else yet (except a Yamaha PSR-2000 that I have no use for). Working on a rig, but my decision of what to get keeps changing, so I've realized I have to be totally sure before I make the investment.

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Originally posted by J Colburne:

My name is Jack Colburne; 48 years old from Boston.

Did you grow up in Boston? I am the same age as you and lived in and around Boston until 86. Thought maybe we nay have hung around in the same musical circles in the 70s.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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O.K here we go!!! My name is Fernando and I am from So. Cal. Go Dodgers, Go Kings, Go Clippers and Go Broncos (yeah, I'm still trying to figure that one out also)!!! I am married and a father of a 17 year old daughter.I am a long time guitar player who also plays bass and drums. I recently started playing keyboards. My questions are going to be so basic and stupid to you guys but they're very important to me. I recently posted a question on KSS, and was cussed out by someone with over 3000 posts for being in the wrong section. Needless to say I found a new board.



If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!


I started working full-time (and then some...) for myself about 4mo. ago (producing/mixing/engineering) and that push to make things happen right out of the gate forced me to take some time away from more "recreational" pursuits.


Things are cranking along, though, and I'm booked solid for the next four months with no signs of things abating (knock on wood!).


I'll be sure to come by more now (I owed steadyb a phone call from months ago :( ) and not be a stranger! :thu:


And thanks everyone for the "welcome back" on the Forum Comp. thread!!

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Hello , My name is Jon Pitulej and I am another Australian resident but I live on the other side of the country in Perth. We also have kangaroos jumping around our garden ! My first keyboard ,I purchased for $50 from K.mart when I was 16( I am now 37 ) and I played it through my brothers guitar amp with the overdrive turned up . I now work with 2 tribute shows, 1 blues /soul band and a r&r cover band .

My gear in order of purchase .

Korg DW8000

Hammond XB2 (not working)



Leslie cab (chopped up 145 I think ?)


Yamaha U3 Piano (home use)

New S90es or similar coming soon.

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Hi folks,

Thought I'd better post some info about me rather than hiding behind a pseudo.


My name's Ian Sharrock, and I live in Coppull, Lancashire, England (the same village as Barry Mason, who penned "Delilah" for Sir Tom Jones).

I've been playing keys since I was 9 (I'm now 43). Been in pro touring bands as well as semi pro. My current band is "Firepoint", a classic rock / originals band that plays pubs, clubs & bike rallies.


My gigging gear; Hammond XK2, Novation KSrack, Korg N1R, Roland A33, Roland AX7, Casio FZ1 (x2, one for gigging & one at home).


My home stuff; Yamaha DX5, E-MU PROformance plus, Korg DW8000, Logan Strings Mk2, 2 osc. analogue synth I made back in the early '80s. (electronics training comes in handy for something!).


I'm also a member of the Guild of International Songwriters & Composers and collaborate on other members work.

Gig rig: Motif XF8,Roland A37~laptop,Prophet 08,Yam WX5~VL70m.

Studio: V-Synth GT,Korg DW8000,A33,Blofeld,N1R,KS Rack,too many VSTs

Freefall www.f-music.co.uk

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everybody,

I'm new to the board and the instrument. I played bass in rock bands for several years, but am now in law school so I don't have time to gig. Bass is not much fun by yourself, so I'm trying to learn to play keys. Great fun so far.


I got a 49-key USB m-audio controller an sale, use free vsti's (Mr. Ray, soundfont player with free piano, etc) and it's working out just fine.


I bought a bunch of books, and so far the two from Mark Harrison (Blues Piano and "the Pop Piano Book") are by far the best.


Anyway, there's a nice collection of folks here on the board, and I wanted to say hey.



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Hi to you all!

Dear RealABassPlayer you know that "you're as good as your drummer/bass player". So you may not have so much fun when you walk the bass strings, but, believe me, WE have fun when you play the right way

welcome :D

Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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Hm... I've been kicking around a few months now, but I might as well make an entry here.


Name's Nate Venet, I'm a 26 year old piano player here in Burlington VT (about 1.5 hours from Montreal and 3.5 from Boston). I've been playing for about 15 years, though many (read: most) of those years my commitment to practicing was... less than serious.


These days I tend to be busy playing for musical theatre shows (as well as music directing at a local high school). I suppose I'm a quasi-professional accompanist at this point.


I'm still harboring dreams of rockstardom (or playing for a pit on Broadway), and have an 80s cover band in which I play and sing (we're still not quite ready for gigging, after over a year of on-and-off practicing, but we have a hell of a good time, and are fairly talented).


For a while I played in/orchestrated for a small jazz combo doing French cabaret/jazz tunes with a French singer (Yves Montand, Jacques Brel, Claude Nougaro, Edith Piaf, etc etc), managed to record an album that we were all mostly happy with, and managed to make some progress locally/regionally, but disagreements amongst members caused us to disband.


Er, yeah. Basically, I'm only sort of talented, but a good 'listener,' and people seem to like me and like working with me, so I get a fair amount of work.


I also taught music technology at the high school level for a year, which was a lot of fun. I'm definitely a kind of gear head, but finances keep my actual gear experience to a minimum.


There's the story. Oh, also, during the day and my free time I work for a company here doing web design (and also work free-lance, though I don't have that many clients at the moment).

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I registered a few months ago, but then somehow forgot about this forum - been active in a few others.


Seems that most everyone so far has produced an age - well I took my first piano lesson in September of 1946 - not a typo. So I've been in love with pianos for what - 60 years? Yes, I remember the war (WWII).


Don't play classical anymore and never could get into jazz. Roger Williams, Carmen Cavallero, Liberace, and Peter Nero were my heroes, which leaves me in the "pop" vein. I self-arrange solo piano using melody and harmony lines.


Have owned a Yamaha G2E, but moved into a condo and the size and noise became a liablilty. Presently have a Roland KR7, which also produces bass and rhythm tracks if required.


By profession I was a structural engineer (am semi-retired), both with consulting firms and self-employed (as at present).


I use an Athlon Dual Core 64x2-4200 and EMU 1820M with Powertracks Pro Audio (the one everybody laughs at because it only costs $49US, therefore it can't be any good).


My name is Glenn, and I should have used that moniker instead of PN. Other forums see me as Glenn K.


Maybe the moderator will let me change my name.



Glenn K

"If you're going through hell, keep going". Winston Churchill.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've been avoiding this forum in favor of the other MP forums because I don't consider myself a keyboard guy.


However, I just finished taking a music technology class in which we used an Alesis QS7 along with Digital Performer and Finale. So I still don't consider myself proficient on keys, but I have been smitten with the whole MIDI/sample library setup.


I've been using computers to synthesize my original compositions since the early '80s, before standards like MIDI were widespread. It's much more fun for me to use the modern technology.


My idols on keys are mostly jazz and fusion players, like Chick Corea, Ahmad Jamal, Duke Ellington, Art Tatum, Scott Joplin (ok, he's ragtime, you got me ;) ), etc. I'm also a fan of "classical music" , used in the broad, common sense. Of course Mozart and Beethoven, but also Liszt. (I can't say I'm an expert on all of the composers and their works, but I'm still learning.) I grew up with what is now classic rock, so I'm also your typical Billy Joel, Elton John and Gregg Allman fan. I like what I've heard so far from the newer players, too, like Alicia Keys and Norah Jones. Unfortunately I don't play or compose nearly as well as they do (or did). :P


I've seen at least a few of you KC-ers around the other forums and you seem like decent enough folk. :wave:


My primary instrument is electric bass guitar, but I consider myself more of a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter/composer these days.

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Hey, my name is Ken.


I play keyboards in a rock band called Nectarphonic and record music (occasionally) as Eleven Shadows. This is when I am not playing guitar. www.nectarphonic.com


I use an XP-50 for gigging. I chose it because it's the lightest of my keyboards.


I may replace this with a Nord that gets really good Rhodes and organ and piano sounds.


I mostly participate in the NBA threads, although I have dropped in from time to time. I have also appeared on one of the compilations. No, I don't remember which one.


Other keyboards or modules:

MS-20 (whhhhrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaawwwwwrrrrrrrrrr!!)

Emu Proteus III (World Music)



Baldwin grand piano (anyone wanna buy it?)

Korg DSS-1 sampler/synthesizer tank

Kawai K-3


I run a studio called Blueberry Buddha. It's primarily for myself, but I record other bands and stuff because it's creative and they love the sound that they get here because I don't suck.


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