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Your fave?

Dave Bryce

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sorry, just read KARMA keyboard thread so have repeated myself http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif




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my fav at the moment is my newly purchased Yamaha DX11 (£90). It sounds great though my Korg MS2000 (my other fav).

Its a great synth, i think its one of the forgotan synths, Yamaha's first mulittimbral synth, quick edit functions etc.


and the sounds remind me of my first synth a DX100



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I had to scroll through this thread to make sure I didn't already post here like, 9 or 10 months ago! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


My current fave is my Triton pro 76. I found it on Ebay about a year ago. The guy I bought it from was in Phoenix and he had family here in Vegas, so he just drove it up here and I didn't have to mess with shipping or it's potential headaches! I play the stuffin' out of it everyday here at home, then take it to work and beat it up some more. And I'm still nowhere near tired of it yet. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


For sentimental value, it's gotta be my trusty old Korg T3. Why sentimental? Well, it's 10 years old, it's been stolen and recovered, had a hot spot monitor dropped on its keyboard, been packed and unpacked a thousand times, travelled 100,000 miles in the back of trucks and in airplanes, and yet it has NEVER malfunctioned on me! Not once. The keyboard, disc drive, joystick, output jacks, all just fine. Granted, the display's getting a little dim, and I've busted out a few of the M&M buttons, but the old guy just keeps going! And still holds it's own for a lot of sounds. I'll retire it from gig duty once I get an S80, but I doubt I'll ever sell it. I'll just keep it and play it here at home until it dies! Who knows, it may go another 10 years. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Peace all,



This message has been edited by SWBuck1074@aol.com on 09-10-2001 at 06:50 AM



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Ok here's the statistician's report on what the Keyboard Corner thinks are their favorites synths. Based on the responses in this thread......


Top synths with more than one mention - # of mentions


Kurzweil K2000 5

Roland JV1080 4

Moog Modular 4

Moog Minmoog 4

Korg Triton 4

Sequential Prophet VS 3

Alesis Andromeda 3

Yamaha VL1 2

PPG Wave 2

Oberheim Matrix 12 2

Korg Z1 2

Korg Wavestation 2

Korg Trinity 2



Top manufacturers with more than one mention - # of mentions


Korg 13

Moog 11

Yamaha 8

Roland 8

Kurzweil 6

Sequential 5

Oberheim 4

Alesis 3

Ensoniq 3

Arp 2

Kawai 2

Rhodes 2




Types of sound generation - # of mentions


Rom-Based 25

Analog 24

Physical Modelling/VA 10

Sampler 5

Hybrid 5

FM 4

Electromechanical 3

Softsynth 2

Additive 1


I was surprised. What do you think?







PS: I you are curious to know WHY went to the trouble, it is something you can do when your 3 week old can't sleep in the bassinet and you've got her snuggled up to your chest in one of those sling-baby carriers. Not that I would trade this for anything http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Cheers.





This message has been edited by Tusker on 09-10-2001 at 09:21 AM

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Originally posted by SWBuck1074@aol.com:

I had to scroll through this thread to make sure I didn't already post here like, 9 or 10 months ago! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


This is actually the first thread that I started when the forum first opened on October 13th...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Is it my favorite synth I own, or want to own.

My favorite synth I own is my little Yamaha cs1x. It was my first synthesizer and is still fun to play with. It has pretty good virtual analog features. The keys feel very cheap though.

My favorite synth I lust after is difficult to decide on. I am all over the Andromeda, however the cost of one is a serious issue, as well as the questionable Alesis future. I absolutely love the Virus Indigo. There is just something about that keyboard that appeals to me. It also sounds great. I am not much of a technical player, so I don't need that many keys!

I am seriously considering buying a Motif. I really like what I see so far about them. I was saving for a Triton, however I may have to go with the Motif.

Heeeeeere kitty kitty kitty
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Yamaha S80. It does everything I want it too and more. Great piano and EP patches. Love the feel, the sounds are clear and crisp. Just a good all around workhorse. Fits my needs perfectly. Now only if they come out with the rack mount Motif!! Then it might be hard to tell which is my fave!!



Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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Originally posted by tuttorney@hotmail.com:

Yamaha S80. It does everything I want it too and more. Great piano and EP patches. Love the feel, the sounds are clear and crisp.


I LOVE that keyboard, for the same reasons. I keep finding excuses to go to the music store so I can play it. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif It's definitely my next major purchase. Between that and my Triton, I can't imagine needing another keyboard for quite a while. (Okay, maybe a Minimoog Voyager! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif )


Do you have any of the plug-in boards? If so, which one(s) do you like best?


Peace all,




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Originally posted by SWBuck1074@aol.com:

I LOVE that keyboard, for the same reasons. I keep finding excuses to go to the music store so I can play it. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif It's definitely my next major purchase. Between that and my Triton, I can't imagine needing another keyboard for quite a while. (Okay, maybe a Minimoog Voyager! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif )


Do you have any of the plug-in boards? If so, which one(s) do you like best?


Peace all,






I don't own any of the PLG Boards for the S 80, although I've demo'ed the Analog and Piano plugs. I really love the piano plug . . . Has some really sweet piano patches, although I already love my std. Piano patches on the S80. It has some Piano/Ep/Pad patches that are really warm and well thought out . . .


It's my absolute fave, but I am now setting my sights on the Motif . . .



Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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Originally posted by tuttorney@hotmail.com:

It's my absolute fave, but I am now setting my sights on the Motif . . .


I don't suppose that means you'd be willing to sell ME your S80, does it? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I live in Las Vegas, but I'd be willing to meet you halfway! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Peace all,




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I've now spent a good deal of time with the Motif, and when the funds are in order, I'll probably be picking up the 6 or the 7 with the AN and VL PLG boards (and the BC3 breath controller). That ought to keep me busy most of the millenium, unless I choose to follow my last remaining alternative (at the moment), which is to pick up an inexpensive VA synth and devote the rest of the resources toward building my gigasampler library.


But, you S80 lovers, doesn't the thought of extensive redundancy concern you a bit? I know the Motif is well differentiated from both the S series and the EX, but it's still AWM2, it's still basically a ROMpler, still going to sound Yamaha. Of course, Dan South, we hear, has 3 Tritons, so maybe there's an argument to be made for consistency. Lots and lots of polyphony there, and if you love and prefer the sound, why switch brands in the name of superficial variety?


I'm not trying to disuade you by any means, just wondering about your thoughts on the matter of sound overlap.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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If you guys get the AN cards for the S80/Motif....


I have a number of patches I can send you from the An1x. There are a few things you can do on the An1x that you can't on the AN cards and vice versa. But most patches can be converted successfully regardless. Perhaps some patch sharing would be in order http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif






PS: (OT) John, I'll be responding to your sine wave sound one of these days. (Sorry for the delay.) My primary computer is allergic to your mp3. I am hoping my laptop will read it. Got to get it setup......




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Originally posted by SWBuck1074@aol.com:

I don't suppose that means you'd be willing to sell ME your S80, does it? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I live in Las Vegas, but I'd be willing to meet you halfway! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Peace all,







I am probably going to hang on to my S80 even if I get the motif, because I will probably get the Motif 7, and not the one with the weighted keys.!!


You can pick up a new S80 for $1200 - $1300. I am sure that a used S80 can be found for half that amount.




This message has been edited by tuttorney@hotmail.com on 09-13-2001 at 05:31 PM

Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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  • 4 months later...

Played the Minimoog, never owned it, damn! What an animal this is! I was reading the things about the Yamaha S80 which brings me to my CS6x. Man, I can make some real bitchin' sounds on that one, fantastic Wurli and clavi too. But my ABSOLUTE FAVE, although it's not a synth, is my 1980 Rhodes 54 electric piano. Even when it's too f**kin' heavy and the keyboard is downright small, I never play my pop and funk gigs without this cute little baby. And it's great for jazz too. I hooked it up with a Line6 POD and a Crybaby bass wah... yummy!


[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Superbobus ]



Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life.

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My Mc-3000 is my favorite. Incredible signal to noise ratio (0/0 excluding key thump). Pumps out 32 KHz MIDI bits with such a pure un-obtrusive stream of warm non-exagerated mids in the low to high bit rate domain (control message 69 being my favorite). Of course when I'm in the mood for sounds, the Memorymoog and Z1 are up near the top.
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  • 1 month later...

Simple, redundant, but true: the Nord Modular.


One of its best most riskiest features though is Rob Hjordik; as long as he's available (along with a few others of his stature, Friday's Child, Wout Blommers, etc.), I learn something new on this instrument frequently. ...Risky because I have no control over whether these people will get sick, disgusted, frustrated, will stay or leave. I stay quiet on the list to help avoid at least some of these possibilities.


The current NM mail-list project seems to be figuring out how to use quantum physics to program a NM for infinite space/time travel. They've made progress. :D



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Vintage Rhodes Chroma. My MiniMoog and MemoryMoog may have sounded a bit better, but keeping them in tune was a continuous battle. The Chroma was by far the most trouble free analog I ever owned. The first time I hit the auto-tune button between songs, it became my rock. The twin levers for pitch and modulation control were great. I was never comfortable trying to use pitch and modulation wheels at the same time, especially when the pitch wheel on the MiniMoog would never return to the exact start point.


Current Nord Modular. I cannot afford the real thing, but for $1500 I have a lot of fun, and learn a lot about sound design. 110 modules and no latency problems or computer crashes. Some others may sound better, but nothing has as much control.



This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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I started working with a Putney VCS-3 and a Mini-Moog years ago.


Now, I have the Korg Karma with EXB001, EXB005 & MOSS boards and Chemistry Vol. 1 set. I will be getting the new OS v. 2.0 and Karma MW when available in May. This is all I need for a workstation/performing keyboard.


I also use a Roland GR-33 guitar synth and I am happy with both units.


Jim Sievers

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