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Drum fads you're glad are dead...


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That's it! That's tha thang that landed in mah back yard! Ray Bob an' EmmaJean done seen it too!


Oh. :D I was waiting for someone to mention "Tivoli" lights.


I do remember Keith Moon guesting on some show somewhere...he had a clear set of Vistalites (no tint is what I mean) with goldfish swimming in the floor tom. That was bizarre. Don't know what show it was. Ringo was on there too. Came up and cut Keith's tie off with a pair of scissors.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Heh... well personally I never heard a set of Vistalites that didn't sound like crap. They're so cheesy they're almost funny.


john bonham might disagree... :) he also had the solid silver steel kit as well.




um...perhaps having a gong? sorry bonzo!


-d. gauss

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Ooh! Ooh! Speaking of gongs and mullets and other assorted 80s crap - what about dorks with bass drums hanging in the air behind their kits? Like Blas Elias from Slaughter? "This Space For Rent"? And having about twelve other bass drums all around under the kit?


Although, to be fair, a friend told me that the coolest drum solo lick he ever saw at a concert involved a setup like that. He saw Gregg Bissonette playing with David Lee Roth on the "Eat'em and Smile" tour. He said Bissonette ended his solo with a whisper-quiet press roll, which crescendoed into a roar, then he brought in the double bass drums, and took off on a huge roundhouse fill all the way down the multitude of toms he had, spinning around on his throne and continuing the double bass roll on other bass drums as he went around the kit, finally jumping from his largest floor tom up to the hanging bass drums, and back down to a HUGE flam on the snare. The world's biggest 360-degree drum lick. Eighties or not, that sounds pretty damn cool. Of course, it would be dorkus maximus if attempted by a lesser man than Gregg Bissonette.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Haa! That just means you were not cool back in the day
You're right. I'm still not cool. I weep about this daily. I'll be ok... I hear this means I'm emo, so I should be really popular soon.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by d gauss:

Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Heh... well personally I never heard a set of Vistalites that didn't sound like crap. They're so cheesy they're almost funny.


john bonham might disagree... :)
Well he doesn't count, he could've played a freakin paper bag and made it sound good. :P


Yeah some of those giant 80's drum kits were hilarious. I remember recording a guy in some metal band who had a 52 piece kit. It was in the Guinness Book for World's Largest Drum Kit, or something. The drums all had a tiger stripe finish, and he had to be lowered onto his throne with a crane because he was totally surrounded by drums. :D

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Back in '91 my snotty "artcore" band opened for a buncha hairspray rock guys for a few shows. They really liked us, and they were incredibly nice guys. We couldn't have been more poorly matched with them... We were into throwing our guitars at each other, reciting free-verse poetry and making a mess, and they were into teasing their hair, playing pointy guitars and wearing spandex.


But a gig is a gig... So we played with these guys a lot. We always had fun, but I'm pretty sure the people that liked them were a little annoyed with us.


Anyway, since we were the opening act, we had to use their drums... and they were just awful. Huge drum cage. Six bass drums -- four hanging, two on the floor. Toms everywhere. Three remote hi-hats, two snares. More cymbals than a parade... it was crazy. I remember them taking about a half-hour just to set up the drums. Our drummer HATED using that set. He said playing it was like climbing a jungle gym. I felt bad for him, but I couldn't complain much myself... the guitarists used huge Marshall full stacks... I got to play through those without having to lug them around. The bassist had some kinda ridiculous Ampeg rig with 16 speakers...


But our poor drummer was hidden and struggling behind that ludicrous pile of drums. Man, he hated that set. He used to get drunk with the guy who owned the set and try to convince him to ditch some of that stuff... he wouldn't hear of it. He swore all the drums were necessary in order to get "his sound." Our drummer had such a negative reaction to that set that he started cutting his own back more and more just because he was appalled by that jungle gym. At one point, he decided all he needed was one floor tom, a snare, a kick, a hi-hat, a ride and a crash. Our hairspray friend came to see us on a night when we weren't playing with them, and he couldn't believe how few drums were on the stage... I think he was offended.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by Jode:

Wow, Reach. What a poignant haiku in your signature line...

Yeah, I'm a bass player primarily. Just started the drums. That Haiku is one of my greatest fears. ha!

Hey you white boy there

Go play that funky music

"ok...what's it pay?"


first smoke, then silence

your very expensive rig

dies so gracefully

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Originally posted by djarrett:

Alright. I am getting this thread back on track!


Drum Fad that I am glad no longer exists ... black drum heads!

Remember when it was cool to have all black heads on top. After one gig ... they looked like hell!



Hey Dendy .. what's worse than black heads on top? ... Black heads on the bottom!?


I just bought 2 Ebony Pinstripe 22" bass drum heads for a set I'm merging with another into a kind of 'super set'. (GC Memorial Day sale - $5 - Brand new.) WHAT WAS I THINKING?? Especially since the 20-inchers for the companion set are white. I bought the Ebonys for the deep tone, but "duh". .... (now where's that extra white spray paint?)


I don't know if they're dead but one thing I never had any use for were drummer's gloves. Any of you guys use 'em? They were so fashionable once I even saw them used in church on slow, soft songs. (Wonder how early rock greats ever got along without them? :rolleyes: ) I can't recall drummers using them in the last 10 rock videos I've watched.


They once had no fingers -- I looked today and lo and behold: fingered drummer's gloves! -- as in this Zildjian ad . Check out the hard sell copy. Excess inventory maybe?


http://www.samedaymusic.com/media/fit,100by150/quality,65/ZDJXDGL.jpg Zildjian Drummer's Gloves (Large)


shipping $5



I know what you're thinking, "I can't feel it if I wear a glove," but we all know that's just a myth. The new Zildjian gloves are made of tight-fitting leather to ensure you get grip without a loss of control. Do you want to lose your stick in a fan's eye just because you didn't want to play it safe?

Peace and Love
-- Music has miracle potential --
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Originally posted by djarrett:

Alright. I am getting this thread back on track!


Drum Fad that I am glad no longer exists ... black drum heads!

Remember when it was cool to have all black heads on top. After one gig ... they looked like hell!



Shit, you mean I'm not cool??? :confused: and I have a gig tomorrow night too.




At least they're only on the bottom heads! :thu:



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Originally posted by BILLEVANS:




The guitar troll turns up on the drum forum. How about that.


"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Just cruising by..... and you guys have a good one going here.


Well, I saw that awesome Ibanez Jemm777 (the pink Vai Guitar, for those who don't know) and I had to chip in. Iknow, I know, it got really crazy in those days (I'm recovered, Thank God...) but I betcha the green ones would fetch some dough in an auction...yuck.


How about drum cages!!!!

All hard rocking drummers playing inside Tweety the bird's home!!! Ha!


My favorite?

Stryper's Robert Sweet (I think it is) and his cage made of chain!!! Or was it Queensryche???

Who cares, it seems pretty ridiculous now.


Honorable mention:

Tommy Lee girating inside that tumbling thing. Really wish they had a video showing him throwing up after a ride in it.


Love you all...

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I gotta agree. Drum Cages were pretty out there. That was the day ... BIG HAIR ... BIG DRUMSETS! (the 1980's for you young folk!)


And to think, ... I used to schlep around one of those cages! Had to buy a van to haul all my gear. Couldn't use the band truck to haul stuff, as there would have not been room for the rest of the PA gear!!



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Yes, I remember drum cages. Wasn't that a good idea turned BAD? I mean, the racks were SUPPOSED to make things easier... In stead of all these stands that had to be set up and positioned, you just set up your rack and everything was in the right place.


But then Racks became cages -thanks Tama!


I had a friend who was in a Heavy Metal band back in 1986-87. He inherited a bunch of money and bought a huge double bass kit, all new cymbals, and a CAGE. He told me it took him about 3 HOURS to set that whole drumset up by himself! I had to look at him in disbelief and amazement. I think at some point he actually got to play his kit, but I would have any energy left after that!


Of course the guitarists were no better! I saw them at a festival once, and they must have had 6 laney cabinets stacked 3-on-3 PER SIDE -so 12 total! Then I walked behind the band stage and couldn't help noticing that they were ALL EMPTY... :D

I guess it's about showmanship! They certainly weren't lacking for bombshell babes to hang on them. So, I dunno... Maybe it was all worth it?

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Originally posted by Super 8:

I guess it's about showmanship! They certainly weren't lacking for bombshell babes to hang on them. So, I dunno... Maybe it was all worth it?

That entirely depends on whether bombshell babes are really all they're cracked up to be. ;)
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Originally posted by GT3:

Hey , Fibes drums are cool! I can't believe someone dissed all of the models!

I couldn't agree more.


Some people like to get a little 'snooty' about their drum preferences (Lee!). And if she expects me to believe that crap about her never having a drummer with a mullet, I got a bridge to sell her. ;)

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Come on, Lee:

EVERY drummer had a mullet at one time or another!


Hey, Super 8 ... see your from Loves Park. You do any drumming ... or watching of the Phantom Regiment?


Drum Fads that I am glad to see gone ... Melodic Toms. (cardboard boxes).


Had there place in time, but whew ... glad that is over.



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Oh, the Phanton Reg have quite the reputation. However, I've never been THAT kind of drummer. I recall having an interest in getting involved as a cadet when I was a kid, but then the music teach at my grade school started offering free guitar lessons -so that ended that.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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