Hey, Keyboard Freak:
I feel your pain! I too play for a very large church ( an 8000+ member Baptist) in Nashville. This place is a huge as an arena and we have the very best technology in the world with two sound guys ... and *STILL* the drums are complained about.
I am actually on tympani or percussion most of the time and the guy playing set feels like he has to play with #2 pencils!!
I do not think you offended Felix ... the thing is, we drummers are blamed for the volume level offense all the time, when truly ... (dare I say this!?!) it is the other musicians inability to listen and their selfish need to hear primarily themselves! Felix is correct about listening in a circle ... blending ... NOT competing for the volume!
This would solve a huge amount of your problems. Chances are that adjusting the overall volume down would produce a better product for the listener as well.
Yet I digress. The issue is a drum shield. May I suggest you check out all the options. I will do some checking with my industry buds to find out about a cheaper alternative for you regarding plexiglass. Do not think that this will solve the problem completely or give the drummer free will to wail after you have on! We have one in front and in the back of our set at church as well as acoustic foam on the lower 2/3rds of the plexiglass inside the walls! And we still get complaints.
Might I also suggest you check out auralex max-walls as well. Go to www.auralex.com. There is a thread posted in this forum regarding their drum platfoam as well.
The bottom line is this. There is more than one approach to solving this problem, but you guys as the musicians that are serving the Lord with your talent (as a ministry) should not have to dig into your own pockets to find the solution. If folks in the congregation are complaining. Let them fund the solution!!
Once I have more plexiglass answers ... I will post again!