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Dendy...you're right on the money...


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Sorry for bringing this over onto your forum...but, with regards to the debate going on on Craig's forum...you're right on. Amazingly right on. Uncannily right on.


I'll shut up and go to bed now. Sorry.




Oh, nylon tips or wood tips??? Just had to get a drum thing in, so I'm not completely off topic....

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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No, but whether they like it or not, your posts are forcing them to think. How can anyone possibly discredit the merits of a life well lived??? And, it's quite refreshing to hear a professional musician with a viewpoint that doesn't mouth the usual rhetoric.


There has to be an absolute truth somewhere. Some lowest common denominator. The problems we face seem to be the result of "relative truths".

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

No, but whether they like it or not, your posts are forcing them to think.


Not really. It's pretty much the same stuff I hear from a lot of people. It's rhetoric just as much as the "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" philosophy is rhetoric. I don't think either one has much thought behind it.


There has to be an absolute truth somewhere. Some lowest common denominator. The problems we face seem to be the result of "relative truths".


I think there are just as many problems caused by people who think there is an "absolute truth" (a lot of dictators have that problem http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif). There are many ways to screw up your life, and there are also many ways to live a good life. That's what a lot of people seem to have trouble accepting.


You say you can't discredit the merits of a life well lived. I agree. However, I feel I've lived very well myself, but I do not belong to an organized religion and neither do my parents, I grew up in a bad urban environment, I was exposed to sex, drugs, teen pregnancy, violent TV shows, real violence, and all the rest. I also dropped out of high school. However, I have never committed violence or wanted to, enjoyed violent movies or TV, had a substance problem, etc.


If you really want to think, think about THAT! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif




This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 06-29-2001 at 01:07 PM

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Hey Lee:

I disagree. Many folks just waltz through life thinking that life is hung on happenstance.

Now, you have missed the point regarding religion being brought into the equation.

Due to my travels, job, etc. I rarely participate in organized religion ... and Lord knows that I know more corrupt folks in churches than I do outside of church.

The point is that you surround yourself with positive enfluences ... be it the right crowd, music, parents, reading ... whatever.


I bring religion into my comments because there is a source for me *personally* to draw strength from. You may draw your strength from a fountain of water you sit by every morning. I did not come down on you for that! AND if you do draw strenght from that fountain ... it is working for you as evidenced by your life and the way you live it. At least you believe in something ... yourself, ... your music, ... your guitar... something!


It is these guys that have *NO* beliefs that worry me. With nothing to ground yourself to, ... your head is filled with nothing. Then you think it ok for your kids to watch Real Sex, or South Park, or listen to Emenim!


Then the moment your kid grows up and ends up abusing his wife ... or in prison for something ... you scratch your head and say ... "where did I go wrong!?"


My parents both worked full time. My dad worked a minimum of 70 hours a week. He still made time for me. He raised me right. He had the sense to involve me in music and then support me in the process.


None of this was ever meant to come across as a holier than thou attitude. No one is saying I live better than you live. If you are living wrong ... chances are ... you know it and just don't want to accept the responsibility to change. The biggest point on the other thread is that if you had freinds that were to hold you accountable for your wrong deeds, perhaps if more folks would speak out against wrong ... then the world would start to take a turn. It has taken us the last 30 years (as I see it) to create this mess. It will probably take the next 60 to change it!


LOL ... LEE!


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Lee said...


>>I think there are just as many problems caused by people who think there is an "absolute truth" (a lot of dictators have that problem ).


The problem isn't that some people think there's an absolute truth...the problem is that some people think that THEY'RE the absolute truth. Perhaps we're all blind to it, but it's there nonetheless. One day, we'll all know for sure. If that knowledge is defined by lack of knowledge, i.e., "I'm dead and have ceased to exist" (not that you could acknowledge that if you ceased to exist)...then that in its own weird way will be knowledge.


Our friend Rickenbokker acknowledged a near-death experience in one of his posts. If these are more than hallucinatory, it would point to the existence of something beyond this life.


And, as for thinking, any input from anyone makes me think (some more than others). Thought is stimulating, even (perhaps especially) if it's a different viewpoint than my own.


Waiting patiently for more input... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Dendy said...


>>>It is these guys that have *NO* beliefs that worry me. With nothing to ground yourself to, ... your head is filled with nothing.


Precisely. If humans are no more than animals, and we're all going to just die and that's the end, then all of life's noble pursuits have no meaning. For me, the very notion of a "noble pursuit" indicates that there has to be a higher purpose to which we are called. If death is the end, we may as well apply the same "survival of the fittest" laws which rule the animal kingdom. Then there is no "good" or "evil"...no absolute truth.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I'm staying away from this debate because I really just don't have the time it needs.


I disagree with some of the points DJ's made but I also agree with most of them.


I just want to say you have to believe in yourself and the people closest to you (family, friends).


...Parents have to change the examples they set not the media.


Oh and, Southpark is not a threat to ANYONE...all kids 13 to 15 years old talk like that and always have.


That's all I'm going to say, I really don't have the time to discuss the meat of the argument...maybe next week http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.



My son is going to change the world...I'm worried for him but I have to have faith that he'll be ok.




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-29-2001 at 06:50 PM

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Cool Steve.


I mentioned on the other thread that sometimes when you forbid a kid to watch or listen to something, in a lot of cases the forbidden fruit is far more attractive.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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