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Singing Drummers?


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I happen to consider myself one of the very blessed to be able to play (while holding a groove) and sing at the same time. I am often hired to play simply because of this added benefit (it helps that I *can* sing!)Most often I am hired to play and sing backup. (as opposed to singing a lead)


I look at the voice as another limb in my quest for playing independence!


How many of you play and sing at the same time? What are the benefits you find with this? What are some of the rewards that have come your way from this?



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I've sung in bands on and off for years. I find that whether I sing or not is often dependant on the band - some bands don't need or want an extra vocal, and some want stuff that I can't do (I'm not an alto, don't try to make me sing that high). There has been a band or two that I didn't want to be bothered singing with (draw your own conclusions here http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif )


All in all I don't think that singing has really added to the number of gigs I've played, but it has made several gigs better when the band realised that I could help out vocally.


The problem with singing and playing drums is that at the lower level of gigs you usually can't get a monitor, or if you can you're sharing it with the lead vocals and they don't want to hear anything but themselves. Earplugs really help in these situations if you can manage to not play louder to compensate. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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I agree with the Dwarf...I have had to sing as a necessary evil and even realized some success with it. I don't care for singing though...I'd rather groove. We never had the in ear monitors that I think would be really hip when I was doing vocals in bands. Those things look awesome. I bet they could be used as hearing protection on some sort of level as well.


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I was never a dazzling technique wizard on the kit, yet I worked far more often than many of my 'gifted' drummer acquaintances. There were two things I could do well:

a) play the MUSIC, in the pocket. Support the song. Solid time.

b) SING. I am not a singer - no one wants to hear me as a lead singer. But I could improvise appropriate harmonies in whatever key the singer happened to be in, and I wouldn't interject any vibrato.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Yeah I'm with coyote. I love drummers who can sing! It seems to get them that much more into supporting the song and make them that much more a part of the band.


Two of my fave drummers, Stan Lynch and Spyder Davis, sing great high harmonies and it's a blast to watch! I don't know how they do it, it must be so hard to control your breath when you're playing drums, especially as energetically as they do. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif And when you've got both hands and feet going PLUS your mouth... sheesh. My hat is off to ya guys!


Speaking of Spyder Davis, I know you guys have not heard him, and I did a live recording of his band a few weeks ago, which I cannot stop listening to. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif If you would like to check out his fabulous drumming and lovely high harmonies, here are a few MP3's, I should have more up shortly.







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Oh yeah, well that's mostly what this band does - obscure gems from the 60's. "Outside Chance" was originally done by the Turtles and is actually an early composition of Warren Zevon's! And they do quite a few Paul Revere and the Raiders tunes, there are a couple on this recording in fact.



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I know the drummer from Paul Revere and the Raiders.


"Stosh" plays in a polka band now and is on the VFW circuit here in ol' ohio...he lives in Fremont, Ohio and is a great guy. He used to design blow molded parts at the old Fremont Plastics which was recently bought out. I have had lunch with him on several occassions and his favorite sandwhich was always the "Warsaw Eagle". He is retired now and probably plays his drums whenever he wants.

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Shows to go you either how burnt I was or that I didn't keep up on those more obscure album tracks. I thought those were new original tunes written in the 60s style, but either way, cool...




Cool you know the Raiders' drummer! I grew up in the Great Lakes area...a lot of my friends are Polish...and, I've played a few beer tents and Polish weddings in my day. Couldn't see myself doing it forever, though. But whatever makes him happy...if nothing else the food and beer are great!


"A one-a and a two-a and-a everybody POLKA!!!"

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Yeah, I havn't landed the polka gig yet. I tried country once and that was as close as I wanted to get to it. Those good polka drummers are really awesome in their own right I think...a good one is like a Timex. I always thought lots of speed metal tunes reminded me of polka drumming believe it or not. I think I would like to fuse polka with speedmetal...I love this forum-man.
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Felix wrote: "...I love this forum-man."


Drum Talk loves you too! Tell all your drummer friends. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the stuff of life.

As we walk through this mindfield called life ... better to walk in the successful path of others!


I am like you ... I love this technology and the fact that we can all communicate our experiences, trials and errors, successes and failures, and the like!


Makes for a cool community!


Thanks Felix!


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I agree this forum rocks! I wish I could get more of my drummer friends on here, I have told them about it, but they seem reluctant to post for some reason. (hey guys, are any of you listening?)


Anyway, back on the subject of singing drummers, here is a really cool article from Modern Drummer on that very subject, with great tips from Stan Lynch, Levon Helm, Richie Hayward, etc.:





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Levon Helm! You gotta love that guy. Too bad he lost his voice due to, was it throat cancer? Maybe not quite that serious...but, I've heard he can't sing anymore. Gotta admit, I like his movies, too...he always seems perfect for the part they put him in.


(SPEED METAL DRUM BREAK WITH CHAINSAW GUITARS...and an accordion) "I don't want her you can have her she's too fat for me....too too fat for me...too too fat for me..."...but hasn't Weird Al already done that?


Oh, by the way, Lee...if you haven't been over on the guitar forum to joust with LeBlanc lately http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif...my drummer (what a guy!) snagged a vintage Ampeg (1960s vintage 2x12 combo) for me (I owe him, but he didn't want to let it sit 'til I could get there, 'cause it might have been gone). I posted a question about Ampegs for you, being as I know you're an Ampeg Lady...


Oh, and Dendy, sorry for the heresy on your forum of bringing up a guitar topic http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Best singing drummer I ever saw was Pete Rivera, lead singer/drummer/frontman for Rare Earth ("I Just Want to Celebrate", "Get Ready", etc). My band opened for them 20 years ago. His drums - a large-sized clear-red-plexiglass set of Ludwigs - were set up front and center. Powerful vocals, steady R&B drum grooves with a lotta foot - the guy was good. Are they still performing?
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Hey, Fet:

I loved these guys too! That was a time when commercialism had not wrapped its grubby paws around music. The music was heartfelt and raw ... AND GREAT!

Our society has become almost numb to entertainment value as we have bombarded our senses with all sorts of stimulation.


Much of today's youth would not know a great band of musicians if it bit them in the @$$!!!


But I digress. There was something magical about seeing Rare Earth and Pete play behind that Acrolite Red set of Ludwigs.


Would be interesting to find out what he is up to these days.



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