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Drum Solos -- Self Indulgent?


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I'm not sure what is the most self indulgent drum solo that has ever been recorded. My own stuff I guess; I read/write/play music a helluva lot more than I listen to it these days. And when I listen I'm really not into drum oriented music. I am working on a drum solo at the moment by the way...I'm notating the whole thing except in the sections that say "frenzy"....


I don't have a lotta great recorded solos-but I have been to a shit load of clinics- I've seen all the big guys with all the technique but they don't move me like my fav guys do.


I can tell you some of my favs:

Vinnie Appice -Live Evil *Vinnie might know 10 fills*

Tommy Aldridge -Black Oak Arkansas Live (or something like that)

Billy Cobham -"The Best of Billy" (or something like that) I got for a buck but disappeared. I'm a big fan of his snare work and overall feel.


Sorry to digress-

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DJ, do you mean on record? I dunno, because I don't tend to listen to the types of drummers who go off into self indulgent drum solo hell. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Mind you, I think drum solos are really cool if done well - namely if they stay more or less in the groove and retain some musicality. I listen to a lot of drum-only world music like Kodo. And I've seen STOMP 4 times. But I'd say that was different from the stereotypical dude behind the kit showing off all his chops. No reason that a trap soloist can't take a cue from some of these other guys, though, who obviously actually have a compositional structure to their drum music even if there is plenty of room for improvisation.


I did go to see Van Halen once in the Sammy days, and Alex did a drum solo that made me want to fall asleep. It was a sobering reminder of why I don't appreciate all those "chophead" drummers. Then again, I'm a guitar player and I never liked noodler/wanker guitar players either! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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I'm not really into solos, unless you are going to see a virtuoso or a clinic, that's another story.


In every band I've been in they generally have given me the option and I just say no thanks.


I used to be in a band that had a guitar solo in every song.............one day we rearranged one and left out the solo and the lead guitarist said "but where will the solo go" the rest of us looked at each other and then him and said...... "well maybe we won't have one" .........stunned silence.........to him it was a part of how you put a song together.............that band didn't last long. The other guitarist (the rhythm guitarist) was awesome, huge feel.


Sorry, lost my mind for a moment.





This message has been edited by Brenton Trott on 04-05-2001 at 07:33 PM



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Wipeout! HAHAHA..




We were playing a club the other night and some drunk lady staggers up and we all go "Uh oh". She looks right at Doug (the drummer) and says, "Do you all know 'Wipeout'"? Doug looks her square in the eye totally deadpan and said "Never heard it"...she got a little belligerent, but we swore up one side and down the other that none of us had ever heard that song. She finally staggered off back to her table. The alcohol had killed off a few too many of her brain cells, I reckon.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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  • 1 month later...

We used to not put Wipeout in the setlist since it was almost guaranteed to be a request. We'd do two verses then segue into "Hanky Panky". I had no problem giving folks what they wanted at those kinda gigs -it's what you're being PAID TO DO!


Originally posted by djarrett:

>The alcohol had killed off a few too many of her brain cells, I reckon.<

She obviously had two brain cells ... and one of them was waving bye-bye to the other one!

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Hey, Coyote:

That is cool.

I played with a group once and we did Elvis' "Poke Salet Annie" and segued into Metallica! It always drove the crowd wild!

You do what you got to do!


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I don't mind Neil's solos. I also like Barriemore Barlow's from Jethro Tull's "Bursting Out - Live". In general I like drum solos though so I may be biased. I can, however, name the worst drum solo I ever heard. Chad Wackerman with Frank Zappa in '82. Chad was playing a kit with acoustic bass and snare and Simmons toms. For most of the solo he played with one hand on the kit and the other running through the presets on the Simmons. Impressive that he could do so much with two feet and one hand, boring as hell. Any time the sounds take precendence over the feel, you lose me. I've heard better (more musical) solos from the demo mode on many machines.




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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Indulgent yes, but at least it was musical. It had structure and even melodic content. Totally different experience than say, Tommy Lee just swinging his sticks in all directions and happening to land on a drum or a cymbal.


Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:

Neil Peart's drum solo on the "All the World's a Stage" album is horribly self-indulgent...well maybe not self-indulgent he was giving the fans what they wanted to hear but it really was over the top and not interesting enough to sit through more than once.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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them's fightin' words!


I am a big Neil fan...that's a great rock solo for the time. My friend got one of Neil's sticks after a concert one time. It was a 747 (he played them backwards) and it was shredded. Neil is such a great rock drummer. I love the guy...it has been hard for me to try and shake off the influence he had over me during my initial formative years.

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Awwwwright..FINE http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.


I liked the solo too...but the wood block, cowbell stuff got a little boring for me. I've heard much more interesting drum solos since...from Neil even....I just thought that particular solo was a bit long and didn't bring a whole lot to the table.



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Hmmm...I'm not gonna bash anyone - instead how about a solo that was great? I always liked the Steve Smith solo on Journey's Captured, and the solo he played during Journey's Escape tour has probably my all-time favorite double bass grooves.


In common, both solos played within the melody structure, awesome technique, a beginning, a middle climax, and an end finale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know, it's funny sounding going back to it now.


Did anyone see Portnoy on the cover of last months sam ash flyer...he had the cheesiest male sexist shirt that he got from hot topic...It said Dick's Male Escort Service or something like that....too tacky.


He lost points with me...being someone endorsed and emulated as he is and wearing a wanna be rocker shirt like that playing in a fusion band???? Or am I just getting old? Maybe it's a marketing thing...HE PLAYS SABIANS BY THE WAY BOYS AND GIRLS lol.

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Dendy said...


>>>WIPE-OUT. An insult request for a drummer!


Yeah, but the people that request it wouldn't know DeJohnette if he hit 'em over the head with a 7A (or whatever he uses). These bozos actually believe they're doing the drummer a favor!!!


What amazes me is that that song was recorded 40 years ago and kids, KIDS come up and request it! Where the heck did they ever hear it???


Recently we had some drunk (REEEEAAAAALLY drunk) 50 or 60 something lady come up and request it. Our drummer flatly stated (with a straight face, no less) that he'd never heard it! The drunk lady stopped, gave him the evil eye, staggered a bit, made a gesture that said "to hell with you, then" and staggered back to her seat. It was all we could do to keep from pissing ourselves laughing...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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