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Dave Brown passes away

jeremy c

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I haven't been visiting the forum much in the past several weeks, but this news is no less shocking. Dave has always been an outstanding example of a knowledgeable, passionate musician and an all-around gentleman. My impressions of him are those of a person who wanted to educate musicians of all levels, and treated people the way he would want to be treated. This forum will not be the same without Dave Brown.


And as much as we will miss him for his contributions to the Lowdown, I can only imagine how his family is dealing with this tremendous loss. I know that I appreciate Justin taking the time to communicate this news to Jeremy, and I hope that the Brown family can find some level of comfort in the knowledge that Dave was held in such high esteem in this forum, as I'm sure he was by his students and peers in his local music community. My sincere condolences to Dave's family, and thank you Dave for your time with us.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Man, I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. I just read one of his thoughtful and kind replies yesterday.


JC, please let his family that our thoughts and prayers are with them.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I've just come upon this now, and it will take time for it to sink in. We were about the same age, and he was married just a few months less than me. We used to PM about family from time to time.


He was truly a nice man. He was also a man of faith, who is now slapping a URB in a better place.


God Bless his family.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I'd like to offer my condolences to the Brown family. Without ever meeting Dave, and with a lot of distance between us, I can still state that Dave was a great man with a kind heart who took the time to help anyone in need of assistance, and he has been (and still remains) a great inspiration to us all.


Dave - you will be missed!


-Ville "Pernax" Kankaanpää, Finland

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i usually don't post on these threads. Dave was part of what makes this place better. and he got to see the tigers have a winning season.


i will contribute to a flower fund. it's the very least we could do. ain't no way we can pay him back for all the wisdom he gave to all of us.



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Topic: GK MicroBass combo and NY/NJ LDL luv

posted 12-12-2006 23:51 (EST) by Dave Brown:


"Well, my lovely wife and I sat down about 2 years ago and filed stacks of papers as a nice evening activity.


We found the purchase order with serial number in a folder marked "Insurance" and had lots of settlement stuff there.


So I went down to Kinko's and faxed the stuff. Glad it's outta my hands.


Aren't wives grand?!!!!"


Dave's last post on the LowDown was a kind word about his wife for helping him find the paperwork or his GK Microbass combo. That's class, make no mistake.


Virtually everything I know about URB was taught to me by Dave through this forum. He was helping me make decisions for a possible upright purchase. Dave could always be counted on to share his vast knowledge and well thought out opinions, or give you a quick cyber-kick in the pants if you needed one. He was a big part of what made this forum so great for me.


My sincerest condolences to his family and everyone else who had the honor to know him. We will all sorely miss "the other voice in the head of davebrownbass".


I'm also in for a flower fund.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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I was a member of this forum some years back, and re-registered to post this.


Dave was my private bass instructor throughout high school. He had a major impact on my life, and shared his love of the instrument and the wisdom he found through it with me. I haven't seen him or his family in years, but I've always considered him a good friend, and an invaluable mentor.


My thoughts are with his family, and I hope they find strength in this time.


Thank you Dave. I will miss you and will always remember you.


Grant Skokan-Guinn

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I'm so so sorry and so sad. Dave was such a good man whose ethics and morals seemed unshakeable, always ready to help out any one of us, from newbie to old hand. I wish I'd had a chance to meet him in person but I'm glad that some of us did. I can't imagine this forum without him.


I hope we can provide some support for his friends and family, through our memories of him, his many thousands of posts full of warmth, kindness and generosity, and through donations in memory of him.


RIP Dave.


With great sadness,



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I can't believe this.


My thoughts are with Brown Family at this moment, this is a terrible loss to all who had some sort of contact with him and his work, also a great loss for the Bass world, and music in general.



Rest in peace.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I really don't know what to say, everyone else seems to have been able to express themselves so much better than I feel I can right now.


Although I didn't really know him that well I still feel the loss and want to wish his family all the best in this tragic time.



Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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Dave's posts were always informative and I always thought his opinions were to be taken seriously. Our community is poorer without you Dave. You will be greatly missed.



'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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No one but You (only the good die young) By Queen


A hand above the water

An angel reaching for the sky

Is it raining in heaven -

Do you want us to cry?


And everywhere the broken-hearted

On every lonely avenue

No-one could reach them

No-one but you


One by one

Only the Good die young

They're only flying too close to the sun

And life goes on -

Without you...


Another Tricky Situation

I get the drownin' in the Blues

And I find myself thinkin'

Well - what would you do?


Yes! - it was such an operation

Forever paying every due

Hell, you made a sensation

You found a way through - and


One by one

Only the Good die young

They're only flyin' too close to the sun

We'll remember -



And now the party must be over

I guess we'll never understand

The sense of your leaving

Was in the way it was planned?


And so we dress another table

And raise our glasses one more time

There's a face at the window

And I ain't never, never sayin' goodbye...


One by one

Only the Good die young

They're only flyin' too close to the sun

Cryin' for nothing

Cryin' for no-one

No-one but you




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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This is such a shock. I was on my way to work this morning and I had a quick check of the forum on my cellphone and at first I wanted to think I'd misread or misunderstood.

This will be a different place without Dave. It is rather strange the nature of our online community. Some people you feel you know better than people that you've actually met because of the exchanges that you've had and the time that you've spent reading their posts. I feel I knew Dave a little though I regret I never met him.

I'm driven to go back through his old posts which always contained such a measured, good-natured, intelligent, modest, reasoned response. I posted this only two days ago:


"It's strange in a way that a thread which posed a question that was answered so concisely and eruditely by its first reply (courtesy Dave Brown) has generated so much more discussion."


We all learned so much from him. He was a great guy. He and his family and students are in my thoughts and prayers.



"Friends, remain thankful. Maintain the hope that you'll be a conduit of love for those put in your path." - Dave Brown 11-23-2006


Quote from here



. . . . Edited in later -

I went on this afternoon to use the Search feature, enter Dave Brown in the Public Display Name (leaving the other fields blank) and read some of his old posts. This is well worth doing btw . . . .

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I don't post much although I've been hanging around here for a few years.


And in that time Dave's postings were informative, insightful and wise. But more than that, the decency, humanity, kindness and gentleness of the man shone through in all his words.


I never met him, but the things I learnt from him are priceless to me. Like most of us here, I feel I've lost a friend.


Dave, wherever you are, keep laying it down...



www.talkingstrawberries.com - for rocking' blues, raw and fresh!
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My deepest prayers go out to Dave Brown's family and friends.


I am amazed as how this is affecting me. Insightful and class are two words that come to mind from Dave's post.


If someone will/can set up a paypal, snail address or something I would be humbled to offer some sort of 'return payment' for all of Dave's advice and friendship throughout the forum.



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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In reading the tributes above, it's telling how many have found Dave's words, actions and love of the bass to be inspirational, guiding them to a better understanding and love of their chosen instrument.


That, to me, is Dave's legacy. He'll always be here, passed along in the fingers, heads and hearts of those who were touched by his sometimes quirky genius.


To his family, we share your sorrow, though in a virtual way. Know that you'll always have friends here for support, help or humor.


God rest ye, Merrie Gentleman.


-Tim Engle

New Jersey

Play. Just play.
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I've just read this entire thread. It's very moving to see everyone lament a friend's passing. We didn't have the pleasure of his company on the Guitar Forum, but seeing the outpouring of emotion and respect is the assurance that he touched lives in a positive and memorable way. Rest im peace, Dave.
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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It seems that Dave has reached out in so many ways. His teaching will live on in his students and the people who have read and will read his posts on the forum. He has helped me be a better musician with his insight and information.

Thank you Dave.

Best wishes to the Brown Family.






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