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Dave Brown passes away

jeremy c

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This is the saddest posting I have ever made.


Dave Brown's son, Justin, just sent me this email.


I only met you briefly in California this summer, but I know my father always held you in high regard. This morning my father passed away after an 8 hour procedure trying to repair a full rip in his aorta. My mom has asked

that I let the forum know, but I don't know how. He always really enjoyed the forum and life in general. He was a wonderful man and father. I

appreciate all of the good interaction all of the forum guys gave him. He sure did love that bass. I didn't know who else to let know. Thank you-

Justin Brown

I only knew Dave the way most of us did, through the forum, but I considered him to be a great friend and a wise and thoughtful man whose life was devoted to the bass playing, music, and music education. His son, Justin, has inherited these traits and I wish him the strength to get through this difficult time.


Dave will be sorely missed and my heart goes out to his family and all of his students who will have to find some way to continue without his physical presence.


His influence on this forum has been profound. I know he will be sorely missed around here but he will live on in our hearts.


Rest in peace, Dave.

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I just don't know what to say...



Reading this actually hurt as if I had known him for years as a dear, close friend.


My most sincere condolences to the Brown family. Thank you for loving and supporting a wonderful man who has gained the love, respect and appreciation of a countless number of people around the world through this forum as well as through a well-lived life and a dedication to teaching, most noble of professions.


Dave, you will be missed. Rest in peace my friend. I'll meet you one day in Heaven at God's endless jam session.

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In Pace Requiescat. . . :cry:


The world losing kind, honest, knowledgeable musicians is never a good deal. . .


But death makes angels of us all, gives us wings where once we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws. . .


Best wishes to his family. Keep your chins up!


"When it comes to havin' a good time, nothing beats 'fun'. . ."


-- Stefan Johnson

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What a sad sad day - the internet is a crazy thing, and we can all learn so much from people we never meet face to face.


My condolences to Dave's family and friends. His posts here were insightful and full of experience.


He'll be sorely missed,




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Terribly sad news...


He balanced on that 'fine line' between Teacher and Friend here on the Lowdown....a wonderful, warm presence.


My thoughts go to his family and friends...


We will miss you, Dave - Rest In Peace




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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My condolences to the Brown Family. I hope and pray that they will get the strength they need to get through this difficult time.


He had such knowledge and was so willing to share it. I enjoyed and appreciated his posts here and always felt he had more musical know-how in his little fingernail than I had in my whole body. I read Jeremy's post and it felt like a smack in the gut. A huge loss to this forum. :cry:


Rest In Peace Dave.



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I am so sad to hear about Dave's passing.


I am new to the forum and I really enjoyed reading Dave's posts.


I will be praying for the family, as the loss of a husband/father/friend is one of the most difficult things to go through in life.


Dave, rest in peace!

Thanks, Vic
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When I first joined this Forum, Dave was the first person that I really felt a realtionship with. Maybe because he was a fellow Texan. We always talked about getting together and trying different restaurants. We had many PM's back and forth. I will miss his friendly responses greatly.

My prayers are with his family at this difficult time.

Dave, I will miss you.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I had to read the post a number of times before it sank in. Like Dave, I am a HS orchestra teacher and enjoyed sharing with him that experience. He had great advice adn thoughts to share with all of us. It is amazing how you can get to know someone without ever meeting them in person. A very sad day indeed. Dave's presence on this forum will be missed.
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This is shocking news!


My sincere thoughts go out to Dave Brown's family and friends.


I'm on the other side of the globe, and never met Dave, but felt as though I even knew him to a degree. His thoughtful, gentlemanly and helpful demeanour always shone through here and he'll be sorely missed!



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Wow, what a shock! I will miss him dearly. Like everyone else I have enjoyed his post, always full of wisdom and wit. From the responses here it looks like he's leaving quite a legacy. He has certainly touched many people on this forum and I'm sure in person as well.


My prayers go out to his family and I also hope to participate in a memorial fund.


This has got me really thinking about how much I appreciate the knowledge and comradery of this forum. There are many great people here and I appreciate and thank you all.


Mike Keefer

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Shocking and terrible. Dave was one of the wisest, thoughtful and most helpful presences here.

It is my most fervent hope that his family finds peace and that Dave has gone somewhere far better.

"The other voice" will be missed greatly.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Jeremy, please send all our condolences to Dave's family. Maybe email this thread after everybody's had a chance to post.


Odd how we feel like the people on this forum are good friends, even though most of us have never met. Dave always had good things to add, and he'll be missed.



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It makes no difference to me that I never met DBB in person - it's still a shock to hear something like this, and I feel a real sense of loss.


Dave has been a wise, funny, calm and thoughtful voice on this forum for a long time. I checked my PMs, and found an early exchange with Dave from three and a half years ago ... we had differed on a trivial point in a thread, and touched base afterward to ensure neither had offended the other. As in his posts, he was generous and self-effacing.


Peace to you, brother.

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I am so overwhelmed by this news that I can't adequately express my sense of sadness and loss. I truly feel as though I have lost a member of my own family.


May God grant him peace and be with his family during this difficult time.


You will be sorely missed Dave, Rest in Peace.

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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I like Steve had to read this posting a few times. I don't post that often, but I read every one, and I believe you can tell more about a person from what they write than what they say. I have a perception of how I think people are actually like if I were to meet them in person from reading their posts. I truly believe that Dave really cared about music and the students as well as all of us that he shared his knowledge with.


My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.



How do you sign a computer screen?



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I have been away from these forae for a while, due to issues of an intensely familial nature,

but the news that provoked this post really saddens me.


DB was always there with the lengthy but totally thought out post, quick to offer guidance and reassurance where others might proffer sarcasm and scorn, and was self-effacing to a fault while still managing to impress.


He will be missed in a world already short of those like him.


His family, friends, and students have my thoughts.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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This is absolutely terrible news. I am absolutely shocked to hear this news.


My condolences go out to Dave's family.


Would it be appropriate for the forum to send flowers? If so, I would like to contribute to that as well as any charities or memorial funds.

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My condolences go out to Dave's family and if there is a charity to contribute to please let us know.


He will be missed..he always brought a calming tone to some of those threads that where going astray... very very sad news !!!



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To me, DB's posts were more important that the rest (no offense intended to "the rest"). Smarter, more insightful, and kinder.


I hope to someday be that cool, hope to be as complete of a person.

My sincerest sympathy to his family.



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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