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Completely OT: Food

_Sweet Willie_

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crumpets=English muffins


Back from the Oyster festival, had some great ones both raw with lemon juice and deep fired in Guinness batter, had a range of other seafood including a mixed grill of bream, cod, salmon and bass and some passable lobster as a starter. One night, we decided to go for a different tack and had some excellent belly pork in a perry sauce. The oysters were the thing though - great stuff!


Unfortunately I had some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning and spent most of last night on the can and most of today fasting as my wife tucked into more raw oysters and some stonking fish and chips . . . . bah!

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I don't know how can you eat oysters Phil I tried them once and almost been sick.


I love seafood tho,




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Unfortunately I had some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning


You should have steered clear of that Guiness batter.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Next month, my family's taking a vacation in Walt Disney World. I'm already salivating at the thought of eating my way around the world, especially in EPCOT. The Norwegian smorgasbord and Moroccan restaurant are two of my favorites;...

When we were there in 2003, I got to enjoy the Moroccan restaurant. Talk the the kids working there - they are studying hospitality services (that's my term), but usually have some political connection at home to get them over here. The people I met did a good job of representing their country.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Just watched the film, Ratatouille.


Now I'm looking for a good recipe. Pixar could probably sell a cookbook with recipes from the film.....hey that's a good idea, I'm going to email some friends that work there right now.


I've got "The Star Trek Cookbook", but I can't imagine who would want to come over for dinner if I made some of that stuff.


Gagh, anyone?

Millipede juice?

Klingon bloodwine?

Andorian Ale?

Deep-fried Blue Tashmanian Spiders?


Wow, I'm making myself hungry!

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Oysters you say.


There's really no logic to oysters. Uncooked, lying in sea juice they don't look that attractive. But ... they're gorgeous. Loosen the oyster from the shell, tilt your head back and let the whole experience engulf you. Pure sea in an easy gulp. Don't dilly dally with Tabasco and onions and even horseradish - go for it straight.


You'll wonder what you've been missing all these years.




I think Henry VIII regularly had over 200 oysters in one sitting. He knew a thing or two about hedonism.

"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I am not a fan of raw oysters, however; I could eat fried oysters all day long. I have always been facinated by people who say how good raw owysters are, but most people don't chew them up but just let them slide down the throat. It would seem that all of the taste is the sauce they dip them in.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I am one of those guys that chews them and makes them last as long as possible. That's why I didn't enter the oyster eating competition this weekend.


Fried oyster are wonderful though. The Cantonese do something great with oysters, batter and a chilli-pepper/salt mixture.

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I'd be a bigger fan of the oyster and its shelled brethren if I lived closer to it's natural habitat. And I'd also surf. THat's gotta be cooler than anything.


But what's freaky is that this morning my coffee was excuisite, fragrant, and decidedly above normal. But yet, I did nothing different than my usual routine so have no idea how to reproduce it. What's up with that? THat's freaky.



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I have tried raw oysters, they were O.K. I have tried the smoked oysters in from the can, NOT GOOD IMO seafood should not come from a can.


MY favorite are BBQ oysters with a dab of tabasco or picante or some minced garlic and horseradish sauce.

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...There is absolutly no substitute for old, seasoned cast iron cookware. I have a 10" skillet and a 16 qt. dutch oven that were wedding gifts to my grandparents in 1935. They are perfect...


Yes. I introduced my wife to the joys of cooking in cast iron and happily she's really taken to it. She was disadvantaged as a child, she grew up in Massachusetts...


We have a growing set of cast iron including a big honkin' 18" or 20" skillet for LOTS of scrambled eggs when we have company.



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Yes. I introduced my wife to the joys of cooking in cast iron and happily she's really taken to it. She was disadvantaged as a child, she grew up in Massachusetts...


We have a growing set of cast iron including a big honkin' 18" or 20" skillet for LOTS of scrambled eggs when we have company.


And the perfect weapon for an intruder!


I had eggs with a little tabasco and a nice piece of swordfish (on the grille) this morning... yyuuuuuuummmm! I'll take that over steak any day of the week. Even over green eggs n ham, Sam I am.

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I will never again hurry a chilli - they are always so much better given time to mellow. (Currently eating Tuesday's chilli with jacket potatoes and cheese - tasting much better than it did on Tuesday with rice, when it certainly wasn't bad but was rather sharp in its hotness).



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I just asked because I was not sure, what food you were refering to. In Texas, Chili (or, Chile, Mexican spelling) is a sacred food. Recipes are guarded and not shared with anyone. It is prohibited by state law to put beans into chile. However, if you would like a secret recipe I might be able to help you out.

Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I have been eating it too long, so my opinion may be biased, but peanut-butter and jelly (strawberry or grape) is one of the greatest childhood meals that I still carry on to this day. I have it almost everyday for lunch at work and never get tired of it. Is this sandwich a worldwide phenomenon or just an American thing?



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FOOD! :D WOO!Rite so I saw this topic about food so I think I'll watch it...


I'm a vegetarian so obviously I don't eat meat but I eat that fake meat crap. I have recently been thinking why the hell? Whats the point in the fake meat? It defeats the purpose of it. I've slowly been getting it off of my plate, but sadly I'm not the one who buys the stuff (mummy does :P ) and I told her I don't want it no more, but then she says

But then you'll have nothing on your plate.
But I would have stuff on my plate....I'd have veg.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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