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Today, my daughter became a bass player

Mark Zeger

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I bought her a Blue Agave Fender MIM Jazz for her birthday. We surprised her with it today. I haven't bought the combo amp yet but she'll probably end up with the used SWR WM15. She's making do with a small Peavey practice amp that I had in storage.


(Actually, the bass is for more reason than her birthday. Over the past 6 months, she participated in 2 NY State juried performances on trumpet and receive scores of 96 and 97 out of 100 scale. So I agreed that she could start another instrument.)


I've been hearing her noodling around on it all day. I'll get her a method book next week. Until then, I've showed her the first position notes across the fretboard but, mostly, she's just having fun playing by ear.


Earlier tonight, she tells me to come hear her play something: "Dum-dum-dum-dukka-dum-dum...Under Pressure". :cool:


Then she asks me "Dad, in the morning can we go over ii-V-Is?"


My teenage daughter wants to play ii-V-Is?!?




I love being a Dad.

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that is awesome man!


...how old is she? ;););)


just kidding, hope her chops dont end up blowing you away!

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Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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You might wonder how she first learned about ii-V-I.


The big Maroon 5 hit "All I Need (Sunday Morning)" is just ii-V-I throughout. One day when she was listening to it, I took her to the piano and explained ii-V-I.


Next stop, walking "All The Things You Are". :D

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Hey man,


I'de like to offer my congrats as well, getting into bass earlier is one of my bigger regrets, like the guys said above to have a supportive parent is pricless, of late my dad has been pushing me to really make a go of my music and that would have been completly unheard of about a year ago


Best of luck man

Play it once it's a mistake, play it twice and its Jazz
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Awesome. It is amazing that a teenager would get serious enough about something like this to commit time and energy. You must be doing something right Mark!


I have been suggesting piano lessons to my 8 year old in sideways hope of getting a keyboardist some day but he too wants to play bass. *sigh*

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Mark - Congratulations! You have succeeded in your fatherly duties. Alas, my two beautiful daughters have become a guitarist and a drummer. (Where have I failed?) :D
Push the button Frank.
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Congrats!!! I wish I had an influence like you.


Wow another trumpet to bass player.. I once asked about this but I was told there was no connection...


If she can pick up a bit of the keys too (and if she doesn't already, probably will, thanks to you) she'll be a force to be reconed with. Just remember, it's pride that hits you when your children surpass you.. You have a wealth of knowledge, I suggest that you start working on a 2 bass band...


BTW.. when I think Blue Agave, I think Tequilla.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Very cool Mark!


I have two boys, one just turned four and figured out how to blow a sax rather than sing through it. He can't even hold the horn, it's a tenor, but that's just reason to get an alto that he can start learning sooner. Maybe his little brother will go for the bass.

- Matt W.
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I'm another trumpet/bass player! My dad and brother both play trumpet to boot, but I'm the first to delve into the rhythm section. I played drums in my early years for a while. Congrats on such an astute daughter, it's become rare to see young people truly into playing music.

"If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table."

-Mitch Hedberg

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Originally posted by Mark Zeger:

Next stop, walking "All The Things You Are". :D

I have to interject here, that song is my favorite, most fun-est song to play on. :D
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Looks like you are building your own family band. Congrats on her musical moves !!


She still has to do NYSSMA at the all-state level. You can tell her I said that, because of course she doesn't!


After the II-V-I, get her your basic 12-bar blues and show her how many songs in how many genres use it.


Best to you guys!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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That's awesome to hear. I'm hoping someday, one of my 3 kids will show an interest in music. My daughter bangs away on the old piano, so maybe there's hope. Cherish the moment, doesn't get better than that right now! :)
" I'm only wearing black until they make something darker!"
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Originally posted by ATM:

Nothing like a musical family.

What's cool is that soon after my oldest took up trumpet 4 years ago, I started studying it again.


Then, my middle daughter started playing French horn a year ago. She got a perfect score on her first NYSMMA performance a month ago.


My youngest is a year away from starting an instrument, but she has already made a choice: TUBA. Seriously. She's already tried playing one and she can. I encouraged her to try trombone because it affords more different playing opportunities. Also, tuba parts can be dull. Painfully dull. But, she's sold on playing tuba.


In a few years, we'll have an in-house brass quartet.

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Originally posted by Mark Zeger:

My youngest is a year away from starting an instrument, but she has already made a choice: TUBA. Seriously. She's already tried playing one and she can. I encouraged her to try trombone because it affords more different playing opportunities. Also, tuba parts can be dull. Painfully dull. But, she's sold on playing tuba.

My band teacher would love her... she plays tuba as her primary instrument. And as I am usually forced to read tuba music in school band, I can attest to the fact that not... much... happens.... I counted up one of our pieces, we have 94 bars of rest and 20 of playing.


I was lucky to be born into a musical family - my mom is a singing teacher. I was always surrounded by music, but never forced to do lessons. I seem to have turned out alright - I've always been in love with music.

SWR Amps: Amplify your furniture! Errr.... future.
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Originally posted by Mark Zeger:

... I encouraged her to try trombone because it affords more different playing opportunities. Also, tuba parts can be dull. Painfully dull. But, she's sold on playing tuba.


In a few years, we'll have an in-house brass quartet.

My daughter played trombone in elem school band for two years before discovering Girls' Softball and Hoops. That's OK - she's very good at both, and still wants my old 'Ray. We had a lot of fun practicing together.


...and she reads better than I do! I tell her my eyesight is going away at this age - she says "You just don't practice enough!"


I musta done something right - and it sounds like you have too.


Congrats Mark!




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Mark, that's great!


My friend's niece played violin in school, and is now picking up guitar. I've been doing all I can to encourage her; I think it's great when kids (or anyone, for that matter, but especially kids) get interested in guitar or bass. I feel like I've got to do my part to "further the cause"...

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~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Let me relate a true story that will help to point out how fortunate you are: My then 7th grade daughter was first clarinet at her Jr. High. She dropped band because she wanted to play in the jazz band and the %^& music teacher told her no, because "There are no clarinets in jazz." :(





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I wonder if Marcus Miller's school music teacher told him there were no bass clarinets in jazz?


I almost made that mistake with my middle daughter, the French horn player. She asked me if she could play horn in jazz ensemble when she goes to middle school next year. I tried to explain to her that there weren't typically French horn parts written for that level of jazz ensemble.


Then, I played her some Miles with Gil Evans, pointed out the French horns and that made her happy.


There's an ensemble at the Eastman School of Music here called a "studio orchestra". It's the Eastman Jazz Ensemble augmented by a small string section, some woodwinds, French horns and tuba. It's the type of group you might hear backing a singer recording jazz standards. It's a great opportunity for violin, French horn, and other "classical focused" students to play in a jazz setting. Sounds absolutely amazing.

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