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Gear that really kicks ass!!

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For 130 bucks, the oxygen 8 midi controller is really cool. I'm new to midi, and for the price, it gives me a lot of power to tweak parameters in real time. That, along with with the Roland Sound Canvas sc-55 (another good buy) has been keeping me busy lately. I know there is much better gear out there, but the value and power of these 2 pieces, more than meet my needs right now. ... now if I can just find an affordable quality drum module. :cool:
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[quote]Kurzweil K2500XS. After 4 years, I'm still plumbing the depths[/quote]I find the kurzweils pretty lame. And I have a K2500RS! The "VAST" synthesis is far too limited for my tastes... so it's "almost" modular but all the restrictions drive you nuts... like if you want to mix 3 sawtooth oscillators into one resonant filer you cant set the resonance!? Like duh?!? Nord Modular... now THERES a synth. :) /Z
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MusicMan Sterling Bass - I love the variety of sounds from one pickup. Fender Bullet Bass - My first bass, and when put through my... SansAmp Bass DI - ...it sounds pretty awesome. Carvin DC135 - Just strung it with .11s and it sounds sweet. ART SGX2000 - Because of my car and my dog costing me a freakin' fortune this month, I couldn't shell out for the POD I wanted. Found this in my brother's basement. Didn't work, he said take it. One fuse replacement and I have a pretty good selection of guitar sounds. Maybe they aren't quite as good as the POD, but through an amp and speaker cab with celestions, this thing sounds pretty damn good. Drew PS MOTU 2408, 1296 and Digital Performer!!
Andrew Mazzocchi
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After executing a personal "simplification strategy", I do dearly love the sound of my Jimmie Vaughan Strat through my Fender HotRod Deville. Onstage, it seriously slices through the wall o' sound.

One of these days I'm gonna change my evil ways...

one of these days...


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[quote]Originally posted by Gabriel E.: [b]Ken: Those GirlGuitar Brand guitars are sure cool. Is yours formica? How much do they sound like trad Fenders? The only person I know of who uses one (aside from you) is Henry Kaiser but I didn't get to hear it. Freddynl: Closer still, my tele has a hummer in the neck. I'll trade you my 2500 for your 2600. ;) [/b][/quote]Hey Gabriel! Glad you are familiar with them. No, I don't *think* it's formica. I'm really sorry, I must confess that I don't know much about guitars. I saw it hanging on the wall in Westwood Music, made the "mistake" of taking it down and playing with it, and then - and then, couldn't get it out of my head for a week. It was so beautiful, like a work of art. You could hang it on the wall and look at it, it's so wonderful looking, but then to discover that the tone was as beautiful as the guitar was more than I could bear...I broke down and bought it. The owner of Westwood Music, Fred, said that it's sort of like a National guitar. I don't know what that means, exactly, but maybe it means something to you. It's I think hollow on the inside -- it has sustain for days. It has a silver metal exterior that runs around the periphery of the body, but I don't know what the rest of it is made of. It's really well-crafted. It does NOT sound at all like a Fender Stratocaster (recent model that my singer has) at all, in my opinion. I don't know what it sounds like. It sure doesn't sound like my other guitars (Gibson SG, Aria, Seagull, etc.). I'm really sorry, I feel weird having such a beautiful guitar and not knowing more about it. I'll try and find out. All I know is that I love it. Rick Neilson, Elvis Costello, and Jeff "Skunk" Baxter apparently own these as well. I didn't knwo that Henry Kaiser had them. The luthier makes about one a month.
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Definitely, it's my instruments. I think if you're a musician you have the most extensive relationship with the stuff that's in your hands the most. Yeah, I like my MOTU 2408, but my basses wins hands down. After that, it's my various distortion pedals, modulation fx, amp, etc. . . . FYI, basses are: Modulus Bassstar (late 80s P-J thing, main axe); Frender precision fretless with maple neck (1.25" at nut!) and EMG P-J pickups; Ibanez Roadstar II restrung with piccolo strings after it developed a dead spot (first bass). Best, --JES
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Fender Strat,Tele, 65 twin,Fender stuff just knocks me out.And of course the sm57,Indestructable.
jgc2002 is not responsible for damages ,injuries and or death as result of above post.Side effects include nasuea,dizziness,dry mouth,vomiting,blurred vision,nervousness,loss of memory and in extreme cases sexual side effects. www.mp3.com/salt_creek
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A few faves that have been rockin' my world: A.D.A.M. S2-A's. Not cheap. And they don't sound cheap. Best monitors around IMO. I can trust what I'm hearing... and that would be worth three times (or more) what they cost me. Soundelux ELUX 251... about a third the cost of one of my vintage 251's, and dang near indistingushible on disk... a REAL "best buy". Vintech Dual 72 preamp... for $1,350, how can you go wrong? Two Neve 1272's at that price anywhere else just isn't going to happen. Pro Tools... okay, I drank the Kool Aid... but this software is pretty hot.
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Lotsa people say it's overrated bigtime, but I'm gonna stick up for my AKG C414 B-ULS mic. I sing into the damn thing and it sounds like a record. And THAT is sayin' somethin'! I've yet to be disappointed by the freaking thing. Amazing. It looks cool too. Of course, I wish it had been cheaper, but WTF; it's paid for by now (I think). :thu:
None more black.
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hmm... [list] [*]Vox AC30TB w/alnicos [*]t.c. electronic FireworX [*]Little Labs Multi-Z DI [*]WaveMechanics UltraTools [*]Cranesong Flamingo [*]Lexicon NuVerb [*]my soon-to-arrive Eventide Orville :D [/list]
Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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i have a clunky old pentium 3 600 mhz that i record on, edit video on, and manage a website on...i also have an ancient second hand roland jv 1080 that still kicks ass...and recently picked up a used yamaha dtxpress module for $100, and that kicks ass also.... cheap, old and getting the job done = kicking ass!
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Hey, Gabriel, I found a picture of a guitar that looks very similar to mine, made of course by the same person, Mr. Larson from Tucson, Arizona. Mine looks very similar to "Rock and Roll Kanji Girl": http://www.girlbrand.com/index9.htm This is a close-up: http://www.girlbrand.com/r&rkanji.jpg It's even more beautiful in person.
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How about if I just list all my gear again? I'll just leave out the things that I'm not happy with/don't use anymore. My Trace Elliot Bass head rocks. My Arcacia hand made exotic wood fretless has been called "The nicest bass I've ever played" by everyone that ever picked it up. (I need to post a picture of this beauty, it's stunning just to look at.) My MIA Fender Urge(Stu Hamm Model) for when I need some frets. My 198X Hartke 4x10 is great. For guitar I forgot to throw in my VL Sparkle Drive.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Ultravibe: [b]ART SGX2000 - Because of my car and my dog costing me a freakin' fortune this month, I couldn't shell out for the POD I wanted. Found this in my brother's basement. Didn't work, he said take it. One fuse replacement and I have a pretty good selection of guitar sounds. Maybe they aren't quite as good as the POD, but through an amp and speaker cab with celestions, this thing sounds pretty damn good. Drew PS MOTU 2408, 1296 and Digital Performer!![/b][/quote]OH MY GOODNESS, I remember the ART SGX2000!!! Back in the day, I'd keep reading the specs for it in MF catalog but its price was way out of my reach. I finally heard it used by a local band and I figured that would be the holy grail for guitar effects for me. And now, I have forgotten all about it until now. Weird, huh? I would think the SGX2000 still sounds good - it's tube driven! Did your brother have the badass foot controller, too! Lucky man!

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Adam S3A Monitors Groove Tubes Vipre Mic Pre Neumann M-149 Microphone Soundelux Elux 251 Microphone Sherman Filterbank 2 Mutronics Mutator Kurzweil K2600AES Steinberg Nuendo Moog Memorymoog Yamaha CS-80
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[quote] OH MY GOODNESS, I remember the ART SGX2000!!! Back in the day, I'd keep reading the specs for it in MF catalog but its price was way out of my reach. I finally heard it used by a local band and I figured that would be the holy grail for guitar effects for me. And now, I have forgotten all about it until now. Weird, huh? I would think the SGX2000 still sounds good - it's tube driven! Did your brother have the badass foot controller, too! Lucky man! [/quote]The foot controller was the X-15, which I think he may have, but has no idea where it is. My bro has prolly five guitars that never get played, including one of those original Ibanez 7-strings that Vai endorsed so many years ago... Too much money, no discipline to practice, so shit sits around unused. Another gem was an old ragged-out Marhsall amp. I tagged it as the 4140 Club and Country model from the late 70s, early 80s. One of the only 100 watt combos Marshall made back then, evidently. Totally separate clean and dirty channels (no switching). Anyhow, the new tubes I ordered will be here tomorrow and I get to hear it, finally. This beast has been sitting in his basement for TWELVE YEARS, with him promising he was gonna get around to fixing it up, when I finally convinced him to let me grab it just a few weeks ago... (He's getting married, and I think she wants him to start cleaning out the old junk...) BTW, Anyone know a good source for fuses for an amp like this? I can easily find the 4, 3 and .5 amp fuses for it, but it also has one labeled '100m', which I assume is a .10 amp fuse, and two labeled '6.4', which I have no idea what the hell it is. Thanks for any help. Drew
Andrew Mazzocchi
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For me, my old Carvin Quax-X guitar pre, SM57s, my little Daion acoustic, MBHO mics and an old Realistic 200W PA amp ... I keep dropping it but that thing refuses to die :)
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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I'm not too into recording gear. I dig live instruments. Of all my gear, the Hammond organ is the most kick-ass thing I own. I've played w/ folks who've never had a real Hammond in the band, and almost all of 'em say it makes a huge diff in the sound. And I know it's the organ doing the magic cos I'm not that good at playing it.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I gotta add an old standby that most of you have already retired, trashed, or abused.....but I still have it! The Digitech 256XL.....still alot of "life" left in the old girl. :)
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Starting from rock bottom. 20 year old Ibanez DM1000 delay. I'ts so simple to set up, uncoloured, clean (for most things but struggles a bit on hats because of the pre-emphasis). At the other end of the scale it must be RADAR 24. I had a freelancer in the other day who uses Cubase at home. On his third day of mixing (and a few tidy ups) with RADAR he was overheard to say 'Oh, I love this machine!'. I've saved at least half the cost of the machine in six months by not buying tape and been able to save those magic takes which could have been scrapped because of a small slip. :thu:
It's not a successful climb unless you enjoy the journey
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