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Completely Non-Official Post Your Picture Thread


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This is the only picture I have that has a URL, and its about 5 years old now... I look the same, the hair is just longer....


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  • 3 weeks later...



Not particularly revealing but the only picture i have of me on the PC. This was me on holiday a couple of weeks ago.

Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright here we go. Probably the crappiest photoshop I've done in awhile. I'm in it with my girlfriend and part of my collection. Don't have the red Yamaha or the Flying Dean. Added a Rickenback 325 and a '75 reissue Jazz.



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Look at me, look at me! ! !




pray peace, all love and unity


"There are only two kinds of music; good and bad."

~Duke Ellington~

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OK, my turn I guess.

Well since I just recently started playing Bass again, dont have a pic of me playing one.

In fact the only pic I have is 4 years old.

This pic was taken in Fallon Nevada. a group of us went there to hang out, drink beer, watch anime, drink beer, play games (yea I'm a gamer and a recovering Games Workshop Warhammer 40K addict) and drink more beer. Oh yea, we drank some beer.


This pic was taken at a friends game shop in Fallon and after we were up for, well crap, dont think we slept that weekend :) was great fun. Oh yea, the pic was originally posted at a gamers forum so the "handle" was used so peeps would know who we are. I am the one named "karma" (inside joke) :)



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Originally posted by Bass_god_offspring:

lol, damn Cowbell, you sure do own a lot of nice instruments.


must come from a rich family.



I'm Mexican.

and i am half Latino ,so are u making fun of Mexicans!!!! c'mon homes, wanna get down!!!!


lol, J/k.(though i really am half latino).


but really, at your age, (souther voice)how in Sam Hell do u have so many nice guitars/basses? :freak:




5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Maybe Clatter fans should wear pink wigs to their gigs. :D



There were plenty of colorful wigs at the concert they put on this weekend for the filming of their DVD. Pink,Green,Blue, Yellow, and some of the older ladies were wearing bright red, and bright pink hats.

The little girls all had bright pink streaks in their hair.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Maybe Clatter fans should wear pink wigs to their gigs. :D


Great photo, Ted and Amy! :thu:




She looks great...I, on the other hand, would look a bit like Ronald McDonald with a pink wig.


Photoshop guys, don't even THINK of it. :D


Oh yeah, BTW...Raven, you do look quite a bit like a certain Canadian bass player...he's not your uncle or something by chance...?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Here's me in my rock god persona:



And here's what I look like when I'm not standing under a black light w/clothing on!





"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Originally posted by Tedster:

Photoshop guys, don't even THINK of it. :D

Actually Tedster, you don't look half bad:



Well, I suppose it hides the gray. At least you didn't give me a big round red nose... :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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My mad paint skilz are legendary across the wide world web.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Hey Ted... the red hair looks great.... you'll have to take up the nose with Lug tho... :rolleyes:

Maybe no one will notice since you have a beautiful woman by your side.... :D


If you're referring to Geddy, he's not old enough to be my uncle... :) we're almost the same age....he was born July 29,1953 and I was born July 28, 1949.... we're not related at all...(it would be nice to have at least one famous person in my family.) Plus he plays much better than I do.... :)


Rock on........



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Okay, I'll give it a try.


This is me:



and this is the only picture I have on the computer of me and my bass:


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  • 1 month later...

Well, finally, there's a shot of me playing bass -- imagine that! :eek:


It's from the informal and improvisational entertainment some friends and I provided at the "good riddance" party some other friends had for my family and me before we left Chicagoland. Ain't nuthin' quite like a patio party.


Thanks to 0-9 for hosting the photo for me. :thu:




And, dig, I'm the one w/ the lovely Carvin having his "low end" warmed up by a Super Redhead... :eek:


(Oh yeah, I almost forgot: you can't see them, but there are, like, I dunno, six or seven thousand people there dancing and carousing. ;) )



--Sweet "Spreadin' the Daily Luv" Willie



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Real Life right? In real life, we travel and fish.

When we're home, I play bass - and fish.


http://www.propagandists.com/roadtrip/Fishing/dockfish.jpg Fishing Carabelle, Florida.


http://www.propagandists.com/roadtrip/BoiseGreenbelt/ridealong3.jpg Hauling my son in Idaho. Note the poles attached to his "chariot".


http://www.propagandists.com/roadtrip/boat-fish.jpg Yellowstone, Montana.


http://www.propagandists.com/roadtrip/Fishing/mass-fish-2.jpg Big Sunfish in upstate New York.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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i'd like to post an updated pic of me, as the old one was really bad.




my pic


sorry that i can't post an actual picture, but i don't have a website or anything to post one with. ;)



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Originally posted by Bass_god_offspring:

sorry that i can't post an actual picture, but i don't have a website or anything to post one with. ;) [/QB]


Run, do not walk (figuratively), to


This nice site will host your pics for free, and direct linking is a snap. (eek, a pun!)

This ends this advertisement, which I was not compensated for. But I am a user of the service as well, so I guess I just paid a little bit for my service. So there.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Run, do not walk (figuratively), to


This nice site will host your pics for free, and direct linking is a snap. (eek, a pun!)

This ends this advertisement, which I was not compensated for. But I am a user of the service as well, so I guess I just paid a little bit for my service. So there.





okie, thank you very much. :)


LMAO, this is what is said when i tried to open an account:


Thank you for your interest in joining Photobucket Image Hosting and Online Photo Albums.


Because of the overwhelming response for our free accounts,

new users may register between 10am-2pm and 10pm-2am mst.

:eek: hahaha.



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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