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So what is the DB allowed levels in your little town ??

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I can't help but notice the paper uses the vulgarization "db" -- while that may be acceptable in the hasty interchange of a recording BB, it's hardly appropriate in formal writing. As all of us here, know, the "bel" in "decibel" is in honor of a Mr A. G. Bell (a 19th century inventor of some note. :D ) and is abbreviated "dB."


The philistines.



(Er, isn't that right? If I capitalize "philistines" it would make it a reference to the ancient people, yeah? Hoist by my own petard?)

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55dB! :eek: Some dot matrix printers are a violation, there. "Sorry officer... It was just a . My Jeep tires make more noise than that.


I think LA and Orange County have an 85dB at 50 feet from your vehicle, or something like that. I'm too lazy to hunt it down right now...


"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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in the quaint little village of baghdad, iraq, the newly installed government has passed a quality of life noise ordinance #804b that specifies:


"no car bomb, hand grenade, suicide bomb, rocket launcher or other exploding insurgent device shall exceed a measurable level of 100 dB within city limits." :)


-d. gauss

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I wish my township had something similar...though not as extreme.


Seems like weekends are always filled with the sounds of lawnmowers, wood chippers and chainsaws... :(


It's like tag-team noise pollution some days...as soon as one neighbor stops...another begins!

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I'm not sure what it is ... but I wish it were more enforceable whatever it is. In my residentual neighboorhood, I'm sick and tired of teenagers with these crappy low riding Honda's with loud car exhast that shouldn't even be legal ... speeding up and down my street, back and forth all evening long. You can easily hear it inside the house and down the street. !@#$%^&

Maybe one night I'll do the 'ole potato in the exhast pipe trick ... haven't done that in a while.



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Up in my neck of the woods, we don't have as many 'rodent racers' (the term I use for lowered cars) as we do 'choppers'. They're everywhere up here, the two lane windy roads coupled with the majestic views makes for a great ride....during the weekends, we get a lot of bikers passing through, and I tell ya, a lowered honda with a fart can sounds like a lexus compared to a pack of Harley Davidsons.
0096 2251 2110 8105
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Come to the home of Harley and talk about noise pollution. Here in Milwaukee, especially the east side where I live, any event will bring out the choppers and at the end of the night when they all fire up at once it sounds like heavy artillery.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell
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humm we only allow ONE dB (david Bryce) in this town :D



In sunny Mexico should be around 90dB but really, anyone cares.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

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Originally posted by the stranger:

I was gonna say that normal outside ambient noise is 60 dB. I'm guess nobody mows their grass in this town?

Not many lawns per se...these are very small properties. My friend has the old manual push mower...Electric is allowed, though--but only certain hours.


Remember, you do not own the trees on your property--do not get caught triming a limb without city premission. All changes to a home must be approved with the "correct" paper work >> many have gotten caught for changing a faucet, in their bathroom, without a contractor.


No street lights, stop lights, addresses on home,or fast food > allowed . So you can see, the rules of the noise pollution, would fall in line ~ with the statutes of the city planners.


That's why Clint only has a piano bar @ his hotel. The ex-mayor doesn't want to upset the neighbors!!

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At the local shed (The Tweeter Center, Mansfield MA) it's 95dbA at the console.


Ma Law for autos (targeted at stereos) and motorcycles I believe is somewhere in that same vicinity, or perhaps a bit lower. However it is rarely enforced.


At the Tweeter however it is heavily enforced. You get one warning, after that, it's $10,000 for every 2 second violation. Engineers that blatanly ignore it have been arrested.

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

Analog approach to digital recording.

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Originally posted by where02190:

At the local shed (The Tweeter Center, Mansfield MA) it's 95dbA at the console.


Engineers that blatanly ignore it have been arrested.

that sucks. if i see motorhead there i don't want 95 dB... i want bleeding eardrums and shaken bowels... :)


-d. gauss

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Zele - I always imagined Carmel to be a quaint little town. Not a quaint little Stalag.


If those regulations you mentioned are the law, you no longer live in America. Whoever said, "It's a free country." must not have ever been to Carmel. :rolleyes:


I'm all for reasonable limitations of noise, but my office registers 60dB C-weighted, with the fan from my laser printer 3 ft. away and a closed, glass front door within 6ft. A-weighted it drops below 50dB with spikes in the 50's depending on the traffic outside.


Simply talking at a moderate level spikes A-weighted levels to 56-58dB. (The meter is 2ft. from my mouth. A passing truck just sent it to 57dB.


Do those taking the measurements have any idea how to correctly take measurements, with weighting taken into account. It sounds (no pun intended) like they think they know more about sound than they do.


My first thread I posted here was on the former, George Massenberg's Pro Recording Forum. I was looking for assistance in writing a noise pollution ordinance that recognized low frequency noise as a separate issue. I could be outside my home and barely hear a car stereo across the street, but the immense amount of bass, while impossible to register close up, was shaking my entire home. Do a search and you'll see all the "helpful" advice Alphajerk gave. :rolleyes: It was my intention to not end up being Draconian, hence my attempt to get input from other engineers, many of whom have more knowledge and experience than me.


IIRC, no one ever offered any real advice on the issue. And this is what happens when you leave it to lay persons to fix these problems. An overbearing statute that doesn't solve the problem, merely penalizes people for running their business with a modicum of decency, who can't possibly live up to the statute.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I live in a VERY quiet residential neihborhood. NO "loud" music of ANY kind after 9 pm. Your neighbors determine what is loud. If they complain you have to just cut the music off. My closest neighbor leaves for work at 530 am and they go to bed about 930pm during the week. So I never play anything above just what I can hear of my KB when I'm practicing after 9pm. On weekends its a little more relaxed, but not much. I try to practice early so not to disturb anyone.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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If there is ever a law proposed that bans bass enhancers in motor vehicles, I'll support it wholeheartedly. That distorted thumping that is inescapable for blocks around the offending vehicle drives me round the bend, particularly now that the warm weather is here and the windows are open. By the way, why is it that the people who like the crappiest music have the loudest, bassiest car stereos?
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Amen to that!!!!! Here the local police have actually as the summer comes on been setting up in the quieter neighborhoods (like mine) with an SPL meter and stopping cars with the getto killer stereos on stun. However I doubt a fine is going to stop them, what's $100 when you got $10K in your car stereo? I say 1 warning, and if they violate again hit the head unit with a stun gun, that'll quiet it down!!!

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

Analog approach to digital recording.

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Amen to that!!!!! Here the local police have actually as the summer comes on been setting up in the quieter neighborhoods (like mine) with an SPL meter and stopping cars with the getto killer stereos on stun. However I doubt a fine is going to stop them, what's $100 when you got $10K in your car stereo? I say 1 warning, and if they violate again hit the head unit with a stun gun, that'll quiet it down!!!

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

Analog approach to digital recording.

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Didn't Clint run for mayor because the powers at the time were giving him a hard time about his restaurant? So he got himself elected and changed the rules to allow his business? I am I remembering that episode correctly?


Carmel is on the ocean. How loud are the waves? Do they intend to fine Mother Nature?


I live just under a mile from an interstate highway. Standing outside of my house, there is a constant white noise, with occasional spikes of semi trucks downshifting. Inside the house, you can't hear it - I can't hear it over my tinnitus anyway (ummm...).


I think these kind of ordinances are silly. I like hearing the kids in my neighborhood playing, and folks doing stuff. Funeral homes are quiet. Streets and neighborhoods should be busy and making sounds.




Specifically as to the Tweeter Center, I think that requirement is to respect the existing property owners who had a concert shed plunked down into their town. I'd be more concerned about the traffic coming through town during the early evening (when little kids are outside doing various activities).

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55 db is just insane (A or C weighted).


I remember once the military got on one of their kicks and had db meters in a club we played on Ft. Knox. They said our band had to be under 85 db. Our drummer tapped his snare and sent the meter way over that. (Remember I said tapped, not smacked)


And yeah, the guy was measuring from on stage right next to the snare. :P

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

[QB] Zele - I always imagined Carmel to be a quaint little town. Not a quaint little Stalag.


If those regulations you mentioned are the law, you no longer live in America. Whoever said, "It's a free country." must not have ever been to Carmel. :rolleyes:

Very strict here still--really closes up at night..no street lights..no stop lights....no lighted signs. Fast Food prohibited...When Clint was mayor we were able to have ice cream, finally.


* I have posted before about this :: The trees are gods ---you don't touch without permssion. A man had damaged one, with his vehicle and was jailed for a short time.

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Wow, Zele. At least that last post tells me Carmel has already been dedicated to peace and quiet. It's not like this comes out of left field.


In fact, I'd suggest that anyone with a complaint really shouldn't be living in Carmel. This isn't like a town that begins insituting overbearing laws where freedom has previously reigned.


I can only say, "More power to ya, Carmel, if that makes your citizens happy."


I get the feeling people have moved there thinking they could have the postcard, quiet town but bend or change the rules when it suits them. I couldn't be a business owner in such a town, but I might feel quite comfortable living in a place like that. (With a vacuum sealed, room within a room for a rehearsal studio, of course. ;) )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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