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Your irony is the irony of many. Indecisiveness, indecision, lack of purpose, no definitive goals, no master plan, etc...


Read Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.


I`m 32, read the book when I was 26, wished I read it earlier. It has taken me 6 years to get where I am now and I`m still about half way there so...


Anyway, now you know. Go get it!



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I hope no one else here tells you how good and talented you are and that you are and gives you a nice pat on the back and tells you it's gonna be ok. That's not gonna help. You have spent quite a bit of time here talking about the same thing. Why keep talking about it? What do you expect anyone to say? And if you what everyone is gonna say, then why make another thread about it? On a previous post you were curious about the tsunami victims. You lack insiration,man. You have a net to fall into if you don't make it across the tight rope. Lose the net. Learn how to survive on your own. Go volunteer over in South Asia for a bit. If you do not come back insired then you have no soul.
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I hope no one else here tells you how good and talented you are and that you are and gives you a nice pat on the back and tells you it's gonna be ok. That's not gonna help. You have spent quite a bit of time here talking about the same thing. Why keep talking about it? What do you expect anyone to say?
That about sums it up for this thread. Nothing to see here.


Keep it moving folks... :wave:

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I prefer not repeating the same mistakes over and over, whether that's my mistakes or someone else's. If I can get that from someone with insight and wisdom in person or from a book, great. I'd prefer in person, but if I can't have a one-on-one chat with Thich Naht Hanh or someone else, I'll settle for their book.
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Originally posted by Phait:


Never quoted a dash before. Cool.


Hey loser! Read a book, man! Listen to more music! Go take in the arts! Smoke more herb! Nature! Get with the program! And for God's sake, get laid man! :D


Too bad I couldn't see the original post. :D

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I'm not sure who said it. But there is a quote that says "the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people, is that successful people are willing to ask for help"


Noone does it all on their own. Do you think that Bill Gates got to where he is today without asking for anyone's help? Hell no!


Nursers, It's cool that you reccommended a Milton Erickson book. I have a bunch of NLP books, mainly by Richard Bandler and John Grindler. I remember you said before that you have worked in counseling for a number of years. Actually, I think Milton Erickson grew up on a farm in Wisconsin.

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I know Phait took the original thread off because several of us kind of got on him for posting the same thread that he has posted in the past. Phait- I`m sorry that you were offended or whatever to take your original post of this thread.


Basically for those who came after the original post was edited/deleted, Phait was mentioning how he has difficulty finishing projects and how he feels he lacks discipline. Several of us commented that this was a familiar theme of his. Whatever...the point is we have ALL found ourselves in that position.


Fortunately there are simple steps to take but they are not easy.


Set Goals.

Why must these goals be reached? A strong why is more important than a how.

Take Action.

Evaluate if your actions are getting you closer or further to your goals. If you are further than change your plan.

Repeat cylce.


This is in a nutshell what most self help gurus preach. I also recommend Tony Robbins. Yeah he is now on the level of appearing in movies but the truth is his techniques which are adaptations of others self help gurus work and he is fun to listen to and you know what, it worked for me.

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I don't understand why he posted in the first place. He even said he knew what the response would be. If that's the case, why post anything? That's why I said what I originally said. If you are going to air your dirty laundy in public, you should be prepared to listen to people's advise and input regardless if you agree with it or not.
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Originally posted by Ernest Buckley:

Basically for those who came after the original post was edited/deleted, Phait was mentioning how he has difficulty finishing projects and how he feels he lacks discipline.

Oh... Then he definitely wants the 'Seven Habits' book.


Do what I did, Phait. Get it on audio CD. Then you can listen to it while you are doing other things.


Here, you can read the condensed summary version if you want.



By the way. People sometimes equate this book with the "Awaken your inner millionare" genre of 'self-help' books.

That is NOT what this book is about at all. The principles can be applied to business, but that's simply because they are great principles.


It's a book about good character, and reaching one's potential in whatever they do. Any artist would get as much -or more- out of this book than a business person.


Actually, I need to sit down and read it again myself.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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I decided today not to pursue graphic design.


I hate the elitism and snobbishness in the community. I was going to just go with my gut and design how I wanted to, but I am bound to experience such bullshit in the field if I were to make a career out of it.


See the fucking great thing about music is it's emotional and I have yet to experience such elitism here in the music community or any music related community -- because it's based on EMOTION. Design and all that bullshit is all about fitting the mold. Fuck 'em.


It has hit me, the 20's suck worse than any of my other years. Well, off to the drone jobs for me.

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Originally posted by Phait:

I decided today not to pursue graphic design........... It has hit me, the 20's suck worse than any of my other years. Well, off to the drone jobs for me.

Both of my kids are in their 20's and I tell them now what I told them since they were very little children.


"If you think life sucks; you are right. If you think life is great; you are right.


Now which approach is more likely to get you where you want to be?"


The only thing in this entire world that is under you direct control is the grey matter between your ears! If you learn how to manage your mind you will learn how to manage your life.


We all struggle. I am almost 50, and I regularly hit bumps; in my creativity, my relationships, my life. Thats what life is; how you deal with the bumps in the road.


In the words of the late great mythologist Joseph Campbell; "Follow you bliss..... and find a path with heart."


Find something in this world that excites you and pursue it with all of your heart.


What have you got to lose; other than your misery? :idea:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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To Phait or anyone else reading this post.


I am not saying that it is easy; because it is not. It is however a simple truth, and the sooner we take resposibility for our thinking and our actions the quicker we will find our dreams/goals happening.





"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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