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What if...(hypothetical)

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What if the entire internet went down. I am talking for weeks, months.


First of all, my whole business would come to a screetching halt. The stock market would crash. the economic outlook would be bleak.


I certainly hope that the entire web has so much redundency built into it that it would be virtually impossible for this to ever happen.


Do you save web pages for offline useage?


All these people we know...how would you contact them?? Who would be left behind in the dark?


I have hundreds of contacts.



Power stations. Without them, the web is toast

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Our growing "dependency" a serious concern for many business people and government officials. But I suppose you could try and contact people the "old school" way - with a telephone.
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Hi Ken!


Lets see, if I called directory assistance and asked for "Ken, Eleven shadows, La, Ca. and forgot bbrs (your studio name) do you really think I could reach you?? This is the dependency I am speaking of. The last 7 days, I have been changing computers and all my IM's are off line. I have people worried about me because I have not been there.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Hundreds of thousands of routers and a spiderweb of backbones. It really would not take much to knock it all out.


Awareness...to make sure we don't have this problem nor cost us mulah in the process.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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All the Air Force's ordering, communication, training, forecasting, shipping, allocating, etc, is done over the 'net; if we lost it war would come to a screeching halt...






"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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It wouldn't take much to knock out some of the existing Internet infrastructure in the short term. Long term, however, it's impossible to knock out "the entire Internet." The Internet isn't a centralized network. It was originally conceived in fact NOT to be centralized, so that for example if a country were attacked an enemy couldn't knock out their entire communications network - everything could simply be rerouted through different servers and be on its way.


An individual would have to be somewhat Internet savvy (beyond the average user) to get a connection up and running again after a major outage, but it could be done.

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Originally posted by Bill Roberts:

What if the entire internet went down.

Every man, woman and child would be unplugged, and the Matrix would die...



As would our only chance to see Persephone's boobs.




Some things are worth staying jacked in for...

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Lee is correct - it was designed so that you couldn't easily "take it out", and there are plenty of pathways between various points.


However, there are ways to do some serious damage. We've seen examples of a few of these in the past - worms that slow the net to a crawl, targeted server attacks, etc. Data and commo security are not just concerns for future wars and terrorist attacks, they're concerns for today. Warfighting lesson #1,395: Gain knowledge of enemy objectives, assets and intentions, and deny them access - or give them misinformation about - your intentions, capabilities and objectives. Nothing has really changed much since the days of Sun Tsu as far as that goes - just the technology, and the reliance on it - which means that the Internet IS a potential target.


Data and communications security is a BIG issue, and one that is taken very seriously by the people who have the duty of protecting it and safeguarding it. But it is a big task, and it is possible for someone to do a lot of damage. :(

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It'd take a worldwide power outage to kill the World Wide Web...


However, the Internet would remain. All the important stuff is on battery backup and then backup generators. The level of redundancy is insane and a lot of the mentality in that regard hasn't changed since the Cold War.


Huge electromagnetic storms (solar flares from space, etc) may interfere with data travelling through copper, but not fiber, and on top of that they would only affect one half of the planet at a time.


In a way, i kinda wish the WWW and the Internet would all just quit for about a week. Poetic Justice for those that end their support calls by thanking me with:


"Well, unlike you, i don't get to sit in front of a computer all day. I've got to go do some real work..."


Oh, and btw.... y'all forget what life was like before the intarweb...c'mon now!

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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I think the original intent of the Internet was to have a communications conduit in place in case every OTHER form of communication was taken out. With the way the billions of servers, PC's and hubs are interconnected, any area with power will have access to the Internet- In theory.


Aside from a Global power outage, the only thing that could take out the entire Internet is a really good and pernicious virus or worm. I don't think this possibility was even conceived when the Internet was created, but it certainly seems like a case of "when, not if" at this point.

Yes, there's bass in the caR-R-R-R-R
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Originally posted by mdlestrat:

I have cans and string, Bill-- cans and string.



I'm fearless.





KB Gunn

website: www.visionoutreach.net


....government is a necessary evil, but it is dangerous nonetheless ... somewhat like a drug. Just as a drug that in the proper dosage can save your life, an overdose of government can be fatal.

-Neal Boortz

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One of the biggest threats to the internet is spam - it is being quite effective in slowing down the email process, and it's getting worse. Unless something radical is done in that respect soon, things are going to become unworkable.
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Word. I HATE spam. :mad: Criminal penalties and fines for spamming are the solution IMO... along with the email equiv. of the national "do not call list". The problem is, the spammers will just move offshore to countries without those strict laws. :(
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One other downside to spam... due to the filters we're all running, emails that probably SHOULD get through are oftentimes routed to the "junk mail" folder by the anti-spam filters... which means, occasionally, something we DO want gets tossed out. :mad:


Have I mentioned I HATE spam emails?

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I am more concerned about the increasingly centralized nature and of our food supply chain.

High dependence on gasoline powered transport is just one of several aspects of this.

This does not have anywhere near the inherent redundnacy that the net does.

I find this very spooky.

Check out some tunes here:


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Yes Kendrix, My local grocer says he is only 4 days away from being at zero inventory..should the flow of trucks come to a halt. I find it amazing that a grocery superstore turns the entire food inventory every 4 days.


This was absolutly proven 2 days after the hurricane, when he opened with no power. The place was empty in hours..stripped bare of all food..even frozen.


Spooky indeed.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

One other downside to spam... due to the filters we're all running, emails that probably SHOULD get through are oftentimes routed to the "junk mail" folder by the anti-spam filters... which means, occasionally, something we DO want gets tossed out. :mad:


Have I mentioned I HATE spam emails?

Yep exactly my point. I end up having to trawl my junk email folder daily to make sure something meant for me hasn't been lost. On average I lose 2-3 emails a week this way. I get over 75 spams a day. Bastards.
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Originally posted by Super 8:

Originally posted by Bill Roberts:

What if the entire internet went down.

Every man, woman and child would be unplugged, and the Matrix would die...



As would our only chance to see Persephone's boobs.




Some things are worth staying jacked in for...


I love you, man. Nothing thrills me more than a Matrix reference...except for maybe a picture of her.

She is as beautiful as it gets. :eek:

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I'd feel isolation from the rest of the world... it would be a sad day for all that utilize the web for communications in business or as a means of personal convenience.


Let's hope that it never happens. Although, as Phil mentioned earlier; we have already witnessed a minor dose of what worms can do. Techno warfare is a serious threat to those that depend on the Internet for business.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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