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Update on Father Charged in 2 girl's deaths

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Can we bring back torture..at least for this guy.


I'm a dad of a 10 year old, so this really hits home for me.


Here's a link: WARNING: the description of the murders is graphic and heart wrenching..even by CNN's standards:


Story Here


I don't know what to say about someone like this.


I think I'll spend some extar time tonight with mine.




Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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as with most chicken shits, if you look at his past history his "rage" seems to always be taken out on the defenseless and those weaker than he.


Any wagers on how soon we'll hear about his poor childhood as his defense?


Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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A slow and painful death would be too kind for this maniac. They ought to peel his flesh off and hang him from a stake in the sun where the birds can peck away at his living body until he croaks. Then they should burn the remains as a preliminary for his soul to burn in hell with eternal damnation.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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A slow and painful death would be too kind for this maniac. They ought to peel his flesh off and hang him from a stake in the sun where the birds can peck away at his living body until he croaks. Then they should burn the remains as a preliminary for his soul to burn in hell with eternal damnation.
My idea for these creatures:

Take an idea like Anis and put it on Pay Per View and then sell it for $150.00. Send the proceeds to the families and further research these issues: social makeup, tendencies of these monsters. People like horror flicks, this is a good opportunity to see something Real Life and know he deserved it. You know I wonder sometimes, "What would Jesus do?"


I just find it impossible to find some sort of compassion for this guy and the countless other horror stories we have to hear.

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I agree. And some folks will say all that "It won't bring the girls back" bullshit, but that's not the point. The point is to strike terror into the heart of the murderer, humiliation, pain...panic... have him know what it's like to beg for mercy because he's pissing his pants he's in so much pain...


Why kill him, though? Let him recover for awhile, and do it again for the other girl.


Sigh. I feel better now.


Nahh...on second thought, put him in prison. With Bubba...6'8" 275 lbs of muscle...and with a 13 inch schlong.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I've never been in favour of capital punishment, but read a story like that and I just can't remember why?!?! :cry:


Is there any possible way he could ever be a useful member of society again?? May I suggest organ harvesting. Maybe give him just enough pain killers so he can stay awake to see what's being removed...

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I'm not one to normally have such gruesome thoughts, but this story really creeped me out.


My question is this, why in the world was he even having any sort of contact with his daughter after having been incarcerated for assault on her mother? Don't tell the woman was sick enough to allow this man back into their lives after the psycho was released. It sounded like he was caught up in some sort of parental power pull in stating that the girl was disobeying him. He then punched her in the face, then the other girl got punched for trying to help, and then the daughter pulled a knife..... Sounds to me like maybe he had been allowed to be a part of the family once again and the little girl had taken a knife to protect herself against the beatings.


If this is the case, the mother should be tried right along side of the maniac for child endangerment.


There was one SICKO that I got involved with after my divorce that threatened that I would see my children at the bottom of a well dead while he was holding a knife to my throat. Be it adrenalin (sp?) or whatever that gave me the strength, the guy had me pinned on the bed while sitting on top of me..... I was able to throw him about 4 feet into the dresser. I'll never know what gave me that kind of strength, but it probably saved my life. My kids were sleeping in their bedrooms and I escorted the man out of the house; then changed every lock on the door the following day after keeping watch on the doors the rest of the night.


Later that week he came back pounding on all of my doors trying to get me to let him back in. I refused to answer the doors. I got both of my children and took them into my bedroom with me to keep them by my side. This was at about 2:00 in the morning. When I heard the patio door come out of the tracks, I called the police because I knew that he had entered into the home illegally. After hanging up, the police dept called right back to confirm the make of the guys car.... he lifted the phone extension in the kitchen and while the cops were still on the phone he busted through my bedroom door, jams and all, and attacked me. Fortunately the cops were there in under 3 minutes. I had him arrested on the spot. He would call me from the jail pleading with me to drop the charges, promising to change.... not to let something so minor interfere with our love... :rolleyes:


I didn't back down and the courts issued a dual no contact order against the man. The Clay County courts issued an ex`parte and the Jackson County courts issued a no contact order. Within a day after his release the guy was parked outside the front of my home. I called the police and the lady dispatcher asked me if I had a safe house that I could go to. During trial, I had told the judge where the guy had threatened to kill me and that he had stated, "all it takes is 5 minutes and I don't know a cop alive that will respond to a call in 5 minutes".... When the judge ask the guy if he had said it, the guy replied, "I probably did, I was pretty drunk at the time"


The police dispatcher that I spoke with about the violation of two no contact orders told me not to take any threat the man had ever rendered towards me for granted. Upon her recommendation of finding a safe house, I sold my home and moved out. The guy tracked me down... so the next move I made was without a trace. I switched locations with my employer, bought a different car, and purchased a home all at the same time.


The woman knew this man was a psycho, why was she even allowing contact with her daughter.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Bl00dy hell Ani, what would it take for him to get locked up?!?! Don't answer that, I don't really want to know!!!


I suggested pain killers just so he would remain concsious throughout the process. More seriously tho, I find all of the blood-thirsty punishments distasteful (much as he deserves to suffer every one of them). Thinking about it as detachedly as possible, clearly this wretched creature should never see the light of day again, so to serve a life in prison would waste an awful lot of money that could be spent on helping victims of these crimes, someone trying to make something useful of their life, anything would really be a better use of the money than on keeping this waste of skin alive.


If a warning needs to be made to anyone else (and I don't think it does, there is something seriously wrong with anyone who does this, they aren't going to weigh up the consequences first), then lock him in a deep hole and leave him there, don't even spend money on the injection....


I agree with you about the Mother tho, what the hell happened there. Hs there been any statement from her???

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I usually just avoid these things but saw it in the news today and a summary. Alot of these grusome murders happen after someone missed a dose of some psychotropic drug they've been prescribed. Maybe not this case, that we know-of yet, but it happens frequently.


Not to make this political, or to make excuses for a sick homicidal freak, but how many little girls have the bombs in Iraq killed lately? I voted my conscience and lost, so much for a humanitarian majority.


It's all bad when the weak and defenseless die by the hand of another with the advantage. There was another mass murder in California, a whole family including kids, when will it end? Maybe when the world ends, "man" has a very dark side that may very well destroy everything eventually.

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I think a lot of people would like to see the one's responsible for the deaths in Iraq suffer the same fates outlined here, there is just more argument over who that actually is...
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You know I wonder sometimes, "What would Jesus do?"QUOTE]


Light fuse and get away. :)


Everything in my theology (so far), says that Jesus would starkly confront the guy with his actions, and then offer forgiveness and the chance for repentance, because:


A) He's God, and able to love like that, and


B) We're all just as bad as this guy, compared to A. This guy isn't any more or less desperately in need of Grace as any of us.


Jesus wasn't nailed to a cross for the purpose of making mean people nice, but to make dead people alive. All the exquisite tortures we can think of visiting upon this dude were willingly suffered by Jesus, so that those who believe in Him would have their just punishment both given and removed.


You did ask, you know. :)

Grace, Peace, V, and Hz,



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Yes, Yes, Yes.... guys; I know that vengeance is in the hands of God. If I didn't believe that and was the type of person to retaliate for the wrongs that have been done to me; there would be a few missing people never to be heard of again. Fact is, I do believe in God and the Salvation of Christ.... sometimes news like this just gets the best of my senses. I would never ever act in such a manner, nor would I truly condone the torture. Although, I am not opposed to the death penalty by lethal injection when a person is proven guilty without a shadow of a doubt.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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...and I'm not in favor of war... The innocent lives lost at war, for all that sacrifice, are disturbing. The powers that be should be the ones set out on an island away from all humanity and allowed to fight their own wars.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Another way to look at-it without the religious connotations, is that this guy lost his stuggle with the "beast". And maybe that beast (primeval animal) is inside all of us, so, maybe it's just better not to apply that same logic to the situation by letting the beast take some control of you.


Look at it like a virus, then you can see that when this kind-of thing happens it awakens the beast inside of you and it's best to avoid getting too emotionally involved, so as to avoid "it" in your own life, maybe?


Of course, if the guy was on some mind altering drug that would give him tranquility, I think some of those drugs are hallucinogenic compounds and when they miss a dose they suddenly see the world as a total hell on earth and they go insane.


As far as fighting terrorists with fighter jets laden with bombs and missiles, or apache helicopters blowing everything in sight away, it just doesn't seem rational, too many people whom aren't terrorists are killed and maimed, it's just plain crazy. I can't imagine the terror the Iraqi's feel as they see everything around them being destroyed, loved-ones killed, it's genocide, it's absolutely horrifying.

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May I suggest organ harvesting. Maybe give him just enough pain killers so he can stay awake to see what's being removed...
No pain killers. Let him feel it.


You know I thought that last night I was just feeling pissed off about this and that I was being unusually violent in thoughts but this is still bothering and I still feel the same.


I cannot imagine how the families cope with such tragedy. My thoughts go out to them.

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My thoughts go to the family too, but why did they let this violent piece of garbage back into their lives after threatening a family member, and after chasing neighbors with a chainsaw? The writing was on the wall with this guy, he had rage issues. Anybody that brandishes a chainsaw against another human being needs to be locked up longer than 3-4 years. How could the girl's grandfather defend this guy as a victim (before he confessed)?
"Politics are like sports, where all the teams suck"
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This is incomprehensible. Two young lives snuffed out by a monster, regardless of why it happened.


If this is a case of mental or emotional diminished capacity, why? Could he not afford his meds? Did he refuse to take them? Either way, I don't believe I could separate the man's actions from their causes if this were my family.


Originally posted by pseudonym:

...Not to make this political, or to make excuses for a sick homicidal freak, but how many little girls have the bombs in Iraq killed lately? I voted my conscience and lost, so much for a humanitarian majority...

Baloney! You did make this political and it was intentional. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Take it to the political forum. :rolleyes:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Danny M:

You know I wonder sometimes, "What would Jesus do?"QUOTE]


Light fuse and get away. :)


Everything in my theology (so far), says that Jesus would starkly confront the guy with his actions, and then offer forgiveness and the chance for repentance, because:


A) He's God, and able to love like that, and


B) We're all just as bad as this guy, compared to A. This guy isn't any more or less desperately in need of Grace as any of us.


Jesus wasn't nailed to a cross for the purpose of making mean people nice, but to make dead people alive. All the exquisite tortures we can think of visiting upon this dude were willingly suffered by Jesus, so that those who believe in Him would have their just punishment both given and removed.


You did ask, you know. :)

I Agree 100 %


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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Hobbs and his father-in-law had searched through the night along with police for the girls, who disappeared on a Mother's Day bike ride.


Hollabaugh said he was with Hobbs at dawn when they spotted a child's bicycle in the bushes part way down a wooded ravine. Minutes later, he said Hobbs was screaming that he had found the girls' bodies.



(AP) Arthur Hollabaugh, the grandfather of Laura Hobbs, 8, who was found slain Monday, May 9, 2005, in...

Full Image



"I went and I seen them from a distance," Hollabaugh said. "It was clear they were laying there."


Both girls had been stabbed multiple times and appeared to have died from their wounds around midnight, the county coroner said. Authorities said no weapons were found at the scene Monday, and the coroner said the girls did not appear to have been sexually assaulted.


Hollabaugh said police searched the home where Hobbs was living with the family and took measurements of the grandfather's shoe soles.

Obviously Hobbs had been allowed to move back in with the family after his release from prison in Texas. CRAZY, just absolutely insane!!!


And yeah, what's up with the Grandfather defending Psycho as someone mentioned earlier??? I notice that he went out on the trail with Hobbs in the search to find the girls.


I know there are hundreds and thousands of people that get murdered each year, and then there's war zones which have merciless mass slayings daily, but I guess this one hit home with me after experiencing what I did with the aforementioned sicko. I was truly scared enough to completely alter my entire life to ensure the safety of myself and my children. Why this family opened their doors up to this man is entirely beyond me. I wonder how the mother feels... I wonder how the grandfather feels after having defended the guy.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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