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Did your dreams come true???

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I'm curious how everyone here got to where you are now. A few questions: Is this how you dreamed your life would be? Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was? Are you still working towards your goals/dreams? Have you given up on your dreams? Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?
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Originally posted by ryst:

Is this how you dreamed your life would be?

I never really dreamed how my life would be.


Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was?
I didn't have an original intent.


Are you still working towards your goals/dreams?
See above.


Have you given up on your dreams?
See above.


Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?
Yeah, pretty much.


My goal, if I've even had one at all, is to survive and have more of a good time than not. I've managed to do that more often than not, and I'm not dead yet.


Some dreams, by the way, get prioritized down the road as you grow older. Like, I dream that I'll be able to afford health insurance for my family soon. Stuff like that.


Strumming a guitar is usually fun, but it's not the basis of my life's aspirations.


- Jeff

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My music's all over the radio here!!! My wife keeps telling me to move it, she wants to dust.


Seriously, for me, life has been a series of dreams and setbacks. Hopefully, in the end, the dreams will outweigh the setbacks...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I am a goal-oriented man.


Sometimes I reach these goals, sometimes not.


When I reach a goal--I set the next one.


No one knows how where their life will lead them--that is what's so cool about living.


Dreams not set into action will remain--just dreams.

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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I have a thing about dreams:


don't have them.


How about goals? Maybe they'll be more incentive to pursue what you want, and you can break them down into more manageable goals until you get to the biggest one - your "dream".


I guess you could say I've had dreams:



- Age 8+: artist, baseball player, cop

- Age 14+: pro mountain bike racer

- Age 16+: F-22 fighter pilot, or AH-64 pilot

- Age 19+: own a webdesign firm with an actual, cushy headquarters/office for the team

- Age 21: write video game music

- Now: live in California by the time I'm 30 with a job I love and financial stability


Alot of my "dreams" didn't go through because I've never had much confidence, and I never have confidence. It's just how I'm built, unfortunately. As a kid, those dreams eventually evolve into different dreams, and aren't so much a confidence issue.


Alot of this exlains why I haven't moved out of home yet, because I haven't ever figured out what I truly wanted, and set out to do it and taken that first step.


This year I'm going to school for Graphic Design. Is design, whether web or graphic - my passion? No, it's not. As creative as I am and as wide a range as I can be creative, I don't have any real passions. But I simply like being creative.


My only real dream, besides meeting my inspirations and dating Drea de Matteo or Penelope Cruz, is financial stability and living somewhere else besides Wisconsin, with a nice dog and my little hobby music/design studio.

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Some of my goals have been way surpassed (like owning a single family detached house at the age of 38) but some are way short (like being alone in said house at the age of 38). I'm trying to apply what I've done in my professional life to my romantic life in hopes of getting similar success. Still trying...

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Originally posted by forceman:

When I reach a goal--I set the next one.


. . .


Dreams not set into action will remain--just dreams.

Well said. :thu:



"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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Originally posted by ryst:

I'm curious how everyone here got to where you are now. A few questions: Is this how you dreamed your life would be?

Not exactly. I've got the house and the decent job, but not the woman or the two children.

Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was?
At 7 or 8 years old, I wanted to be a race car driver. In high-school I wanted to be a gunsmith. :freak: Then a few years ago I went back to learn electronics. I'm a machinist now. I've been doing this most of my working life. It's not a bad profession, but there's a few other things I'd rather be doing. Teaching history would be one of the things I'd like to do more than what I'm doing now, but it wasn't one of my original goals in life.

Are you still working towards your goals/dreams? Have you given up on your dreams?
I haven't given up on my dreams, but they're on the back burner for now.
Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?
I've seen a lot of different places and experienced a lot of different things. Most of what I've seen and done have been good, so... I can't complain, but sometimes I still do. Life's been good to me so far.... :D


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by Rim:

Some of my goals have been way surpassed (like owning a single family detached house at the age of 38) but some are way short (like being alone in said house at the age of 38). I'm trying to apply what I've done in my professional life to my romantic life in hopes of getting similar success. Still trying...

I know how you feel. I've got my own house, which I live alone in, but I'm 29. :D I think I'm just getting by sometimes, but then I see someone that's a lot worse off than me, and I thank God for what I've got.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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How about I think about this one and get back to you.


I feel pretty comfortable, now, after a period of stress. And that's nice... but it's a bit like banging your head against the wall and then congratulating yourself on stopping... if you know what I mean.



Back when I was young enough to dream -- I never thought I'd live this long.





PS... I was hoping this thread was about the NAMM show or something.

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Oh... and with regard to the dreams I did have when I was young: be careful what you dream.




PPS... I shouldn't make it sound so dark. Hell, I'm sitting here watching a windy sunset, seagulls flying by, the rooftops below my window just dropping into shadow , my cat lolling on the table, looking out the window along with me. This is okay. :)

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I'd like to do more recording or play larger places with my band or do more traveling...essentially, do what I am doing already but more of it.
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Originally posted by ryst:

Is this how you dreamed your life would be?

I have been playing since age 6. I studied Industrial Engineering, Psychology and a Master degree in Business Administration. I had a different life plan, which I tried to get going together with my music.


Then... 5 years ago everything changed.


Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was?
No. It's way better and keeps getting better all the time.


I'm a musician and a music technologist. I make a living of that and I'm pretty happy with that.



Are you still working towards your goals/dreams?


I'm one of those who had a second chance. I guess there will be NO a third one, so I'm doing my best right now.



Have you given up on your dreams?


Of course you have to prioritize sometimes. My mother's health and my 7 years-old son are in the top, then there's my music. Fortunately, both of them love my way of living so no serious re-arrangements have been done to my plans.



Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?
Absolutely :)


I was a magazines reader. Now I have been honored on writing for some of my favorite mags for more than a couple of times and run my own and freelance for several others.


I was a follower... now I have several students and people listening to what I say.


Music and technology were my hobbies. Now they're my passion and I make a living of them.


I'm divorced and have had several interesting mates after that... I love my son and Mom is happy with his son being a musician.


Can it get better?

Of course.


... But NOT knowing what comes next, makes Life worth to live.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Originally posted by ryst:

Is this how you dreamed your life would be?


I'm short one yacht, one pair of speedos, and several attentive babes.


I always wanted to live like Hef. :cool:


Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was?

Vocationally, nothing has gone the way I intended it to go.


College was always an uphill climb. I'm a 'hands-on' person. I like to watch, and then try it myself. College is reading books and taking tests. I get restless just thinking about it.....although I enjoyed some of the lectures.


One month after my first child was born, I was laid-off from a company I really enjoyed working for.

Later, when our original plans for childcare basically fell through, my wife asked if I would consider being a 'stay-at-home-Dad'. This was a MAJOR SHIFT in my career goals.


So being a 'stay-at-home-Dad' is what I have done for close to four years now -aside from a few small side projects here and there. It has been frustrating because my career goals have had to be shelved for a while. But it has also been highly rewarding, because I love my kids, I love being a Dad, and I enjoy spending time with them.


I talk to 'stay-at-home-Mom's', and they always tell me about how this is what they always wanted. This is NOT what I wanted...but I'm very happy to have it.


It makes me fearful when I think about the future where I will be re-entering the workforce, after having been out of it for so long. I don't think it will be like picking up where I left off.


And now my wife is talking about going back to law school, which means when I do re-enter the workforce, my income alone will need to be enough to support my family. I'm not sure how that is going to work.


I do not handle set-backs well. It was the source of issues I had with depression -which I'm finally over.

I've had to learn to stop looking at things in terms of 'success' and 'failure', and just start seeing everything as an experience from which I can learn something.


And that means to me that even though I am worried about the future, it's okay to move toward it. I think we'll be alright. If we continue moving in the direction we want to go, something is going to happen. Ultimately where we end up will probably not look like the vision we had when we started. But that's okay. I think we'll end up where we need to be.


"You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes well you just might find

You get what you need"


Are you still working towards your goals/dreams? Have you given up on your dreams?

Oh, absolutely.

Some of my ambitions have had to take a back seat to other things which are more important, however.


My musical goals are not advancing the way I'd like them to right now. I have other commitments which take a lot of time and mental energy. But I still have a few musical things I'm doing, so in the future hopfully there will be more happening in the music department.


Music has always been my first vocation....whether it pays anything or not. Everything else is just a day job. ;)


Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?
That's an interesting question.

I remember sitting there on my 31st birthday with my head in my hands, weeping that I had ever been born. I was in the deepest pit of depression I had ever experienced. It was the absolute worst time of my life. Even contemplating that day is still enough to put tears in my eyes. I cannot even begin to describe the depth of my emotion.


And now I sit here seven years later. Yeah, the career thing hasn't gone the way I wanted it. Few things have turned out the way I had planned them to go. And yet, I have a wonderful woman who, for some strange reason, loves me more than I seem able to understand. We've had two wonderful children together -a boy and a girl- who have brought out the best and the worst of me, and who light up my life. I cannot put into words how much they mean to me. I live in a decent house in a nice area, close to most of the things that are important to me.

I need to lose some weight and floss better, but I am a fairly active guy and pretty healthy, and I'm not dying of cancer. I'm not addicted to smokes, drink, or drugs. My family is healthy too. You can't put a price on health, and most people take it for granted until they start to lose it.

We're all going to die of something eventually, it's just a matter of when. Time is a non-renewable resource...every moment is a gift.


Has it all gone the way I thought it would? No!

Are there things I'd like to see different? Yeah!


But I'd say I have a great deal to be thankfull for and satisfied about. Life is a journey, not a destination.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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When I was a kid I listened to music all the time. I have a massive record collection by the time I was 17.

All I wanted was a big asssed PA System so I could listen to bands real loud all the time. I ended up with one - I hated loading those heavy boxes and racks. I ended up owning a studio totally by accident. That was 20 years ago and here I am still hitting the record button.

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Originally posted by ryst:

I'm curious how everyone here got to where you are now. A few questions: Is this how you dreamed your life would be? Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was? Are you still working towards your goals/dreams? Have you given up on your dreams? Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?

I can honestly state that not one single thing I dreamed about for my life as come to pass.....


The only thing that turned out they way I thought was my talent and skill as a musicain/songwriter...Everything else has turned out in ways I could never have anticipated.


Hind site is 20/20 and I see what I shoulda/coulda done but no matter. I'm happy and I make the best of things.


I have always made a living at music and I'm still after some updated goals that I feel I will attain that will ensure I'm able to always make my living from music on my terms. That's really all I hope for now.


The up side is that my life has taken turns in directions that I could never have anticipated when I was young. Many of these have been very positive, so you take the good with the bad.


My main regret is that I haven't found a mate to share my life with. I thought I would have a big happy family by now and it would have undoubtedly changed my goals and perspective. I'm still young though at 34 so ya never know!

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Originally posted by ryst:

Is this how you dreamed your life would be?

Pretty much, yes: lovely wife, 3 boys (2 in college already), $1.5m home with a drive-around driveway, Corvette, 1-ton truck, woodshop, ham radio shack, awesome studio setup..... :)


Whatever you are doing for a living now, is it what your original intent was?


Yes. I chose electronic engineering as a career over music on the advice of a poor uncle who is a professional violinist. Electronics has been good to me.


Are you still working towards your goals/dreams?


Yes. I have always set personal goals, and acheived them. My next goal is to retire with $5m or more in the bank by the time I'm 55 (I'm 48 in August). Check back with me in 7 years to see how things are progressing...


Have you given up on your dreams?


Dreams? I dream about work and often find solutions to problems in them. I can remember most of my dreams. I dream in color and can direct my dreams to some extent. However, dreams are not the same as goals, as others have pointed out above. I am very goal driven.


Are you satisfied with what your life has turned out to be so far?


Yep. No complaints except medical ones (diabetes), but those were pre-determined by my genes.


What about you Ryst? Answer your own survey if you don't mind....



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