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Studios make a whole lot more money by keeping the coffee coming. Between coffee and a good Dart Board, Studios can rack up many more hours to be billed to the client. Besides it tastes soooooooooooooooooo good :love: I Love it.



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Sometimes I wish I'd never got hooked on coffee but it is yummy and that kick start can be nice in many situations. I had my first cup when I was really young...wanted to be like the adults after church on Sundays...of course back then it was 3-4 sugars a cup. I don't know how my body survived that shit.


Today, one or two cups of joe with a half-teaspoon of honey in the first, the second black...this has become my routine...much safer than speed or coke :)


that said, there are days where I skip the coffee, some people have major withdrawel symptoms, I never have

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My first enjoyable cup of coffee was at the age of 25, a double espresso while meeting with an Italian promoter. Until then I had no use for coffee. That day was my coffee demise. Now it's a couple pots a day of french pressed,freshly ground jet fuel.


Good coffee is as enjoyable as it is uplifting. Bad coffee is just...bad.


Speaking from experience, it's a far better habit than cocaine, and a whole lot less expensive.

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

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Coffee is somewhat of an acquired taste. A straight up poorly brewed cup of 'joe' can be quite nasty - enough to turn one off coffee completely.


In a number of cases, there is just as much caffeine in a cup of java as there is in a can of soda pop (Dr. Pepper comes to mind). If you wish to limit your caffeine intake, try drinking darker roasts of coffee. The more a bean is roasted, the less caffeine it possesses. It's been my experience that no one has nailed a decent tasting cup of decaf, yet.


Yes, some use grotesque amounts of coffee over the course of the day as a means of stimulis. Usually, anymore than 3-4 cups in a twelve hour period could severely affect you sleep and/or digestive system adversly. I'll try and find the link with that info.


I, for one, simply enjoy the taste of a nicely brewed cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It's a bit of warmth to get my body adjusted to the harsh reality of consciousness :freak: , particularly in the dreggs of winter.


Not everyone likes coffee, some find the taste a bit abrassive. This is a sign of a poorly brewed coffee. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the coffee chain Tim Horton's (Canada and NE United States) but they are a great example of the LCD of coffee lovers. It's rare that I'll subject myself to coffee from that crowd.


My best advice is to go easy, try a couple of different coffee houses, varying up the flavours you try. If the "house blend" sucks, go to a different java-pusher. the house blend should be that busniesses main customer fave - if it stinks, chances are the rest of what they have to offer does, too. I speak from experience (Timothy's on Queen's Rd. in downtown St. John's - bleck, I'm glad they closed!)


Other opinions? I suspect Where will be here shortly - IIRC he's a coffee guru.




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Originally posted by ryst:

What's wrong with you coffee drinkers?????

Ab-so-freakin-lutely nothing.


Gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee gimme coffee.


Started drinking tea, actually, before school in junior high. Switched to coffee in high school. I only usually drink one large cup in the AM. If I'm doing something where I'm going to be up late (work, a gig, whatever), I'll have another cup in the late afternoon or early evening.


In fact (slurp), I'm drinking some now. Yay coffee!


- Jeff

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I hear this line so often "I don't like coffee, but I love the smell".


As Spencer said, it's an acquired taste. My parents were coffee drinkers for a long time. The first time they let me try it, I didn't like it either. Just like beer.


But, I remember one time when I was a teenager, trying a coffee flavored ice cream cone, and I loved the flavor. Tried a cup of the real stuff with cream and sugar. That wasn't too bad. I loved it when I traveled, a thermos of hot coffee for the road. Great. Little by little I was becoming an addict. At first, when we'd visit the neighbors, she'd always have coffee when we'd go over to play cards. Started sucking it down like it was going out of style.


Nothing wrong with it. I always wondered why they discourage kids from having it. Sure, it's got caffeine. But kids drink Coke and Mountain Dew...and those probably have just as much if not more.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ever notice how the culture of "connoiseurism" only grows up around stuff that all tastes like crap to the uninitiated? Beer, wine, liquor, tobacco, coffee, caviar . . .


Ever notice how I've started sounding like Andy Rooney?


I probably drink coffee 'cuz it smells really good, and as a kid, all the adults around me seemed to drink it all the time.


When you first start drinking it, it does give you a bit of a kick. By the time you're really enjoying it for the taste, the buzz is pretty much gone (like cigarettes!), but coffee still wakes me up and gets me goin'. I drink a pot every morning, and that's usually all I drink all day. But I really look forward to it in the morning. Stokes the neurons, and gives me some time to shift from sleep mode to productive mode.


I'll occaisionally try something unusual for variety's sake, but I'm pretty much a basic "Maxwell House/Folgers" kinda guy, and I'll only drink instant in an emergency. I like espresso, and that thick, oily Turkish stuff after dinner on occaision as well, but too much too late in the evening will keep me up at "night." (Which usually puts me into sometime after daybreak.)

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Originally posted by Tedster:

The first time they let me try it, I didn't like it either.

I loved coffee from the first sip, and my kid tries and steals sips from my coffee whenever he can.


I always wondered why they discourage kids from having it. Sure, it's got caffeine. But kids drink Coke and Mountain Dew...and those probably have just as much if not more.
ACK! I don't let my boy get near Coke or especially Dew. Nah, it won't kill him, but he might drive ME insane while bouncing off the walls as a result of the caffeine and sugar combo. Plus, the comedown is a bitch. ;)


Also, stimulants can have an effect toward kids who already have attention span difficulties. I try and keep the Small Weasel away from the caffeine when I can.


- Jeff

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As much as I LOVE coffee...and there was a time when I could knock down at least a dozen cups a day (regular and espresso)...

...when I started developing more and more acid reflux problems, I had to cut way back.

The last few years I was only drinking 3-4 cups a day...and it was not bothering me too much.


Then a few months ago my heart started doing the occasional skip/hop...

...after a few weeks of EKGs, Echocardiograms, Halter monitors and a full-tilt nuclear stress test...

...it all comes back negative...nothing wrong with my heart...

..and then it turns out that even just the 3-4 cups of coffee were cause of the problem.


The damn heart skips just started out of nowhere...and now that I've cut back to only 1 cup of 1/2 reg and 1/2 decaf for my morning start...my heart skips have almost disappeared.

I'm hoping that once it's completely gone...I may be able to sneak another cup or two back into my day, 'cuz I really love the taste of coffee...but for now, I'd doing a lot of herbal teas...which I also really enjoy.


So...all you coffee guzzlers...watch out...eventually, it can fuck up your stomach and your heart...

...but it sure is yummy! :thu:


Hell, seems like everything that's bad for you...tastes good...what the hell is that all about!!! :confused:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by miroslav:

Hell, seems like everything that's bad for...tastes good...what the hell is that all about!!! :confused:

That, to me, is the most profound and conclusive evidence of an afterlife, or heaven, that there is. Only when you consider that everything that's yummy here will kill you. There just HAS to be a heaven, where they'll say:


YOU: "I'd like a piece of celery, please"

ANGEL: "Are you kidding? That crap will kill you. That's for down there on earth. Here, have these triple cheese nachos and then a banana split. That's the only way you can lose weight here".



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Not if you heap in 4 - 5 spoonfuls of sugar like some people do :D:D


I can't say much, I usually stir in 2.5 spoons of sugar into a LARGE coffee - plus a drop of cream (none of this skim milk shit for me, thanks).




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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I like a good expresso or dark roast.

I keep it to one cup in the AM most days and then switch to tea/water.

I really dont like getting wired on it.


What is it about Americans and their watered down coffee? IMHO- American mass market coffee ( Maxweel House, Folgers, etc.. is to "real" coffee as Budweiser/Miller is to real beer)


The entire rest of the world drinks seriously strong/flavorful coffee. Italy, france, turkey, Cuba come to mind. In Japan there are actually restaraunts with "coffee" and " American Coffee" on the menu's.


I grind my own beans and use filtered water- big difference.


Like most things- nothing wrong with it at all - as long as you dont overindulge.

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I didn't drink coffee till I was 20 in the Navy, where after being switched from a normal day shift at a base I had to work from 9 pm to 9 am. I started dozing off uncontrollably around 4 am and the guy I was working for gave me a "lawful order" to either drink the coffee or get written up for disobeying and for the next time I fell asleep. I didn't like the coffee. A couple of weeks later in Sicily to wake up for work after a nights of drinking I drank a shot of espresso chased by a cappocino and was hooked.


The point about connoisseur and things tasting like crap is right on. Coffee tasted like crap to me, but now if I don't drink "Jim's Organic French Roast" Whole Bean that I grind myself each day I feel cheated, and although I didn't use cream in the navy I now must have Welsh Farms Half and Half (no other will do) and unbleached turbinado sugar, and a dash of cinnamon. It ends up like a milk shake when I'm done, but I've been shooting for this cappocino taste (without using my cappocino machine) that I had in one restaurant in Sicily and in another place here in NJ.

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My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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You can get a damn fine cup-a-coffee in Twin Peaks... ;)




I don't drink it either, Ryst. Coffee scares me, the way seem so obsessed with it. Last thing I need is some addiction in my life. Staying away from fast food is hard enough.


I do envy coffee drinkers for their caffine induced rush in the morning. I am NOT a morning person. Back when I was taking meds for ADD, I'd set my alarm for 45 minutes before I wanted to get up. When it went off, I took my adderal. 30 minutes later, I jumped out of bed shouting "GOOD MORNING AMERICA!!!!!". Damn that was great!


But I gradually built up a resistance to Adderall, and so I stopped taking it. I'm drug free now. But I do miss the speed. I'm a lethargic person by nature, speed was good for me.

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Two boiled eggs, on two slices of pre popped toast, and a coffee strong enough to slice!


i make my coffee far too strong (people say).. it came from my experimants at university, when i was trying to make a coffee that tasted "too strong" to me.. but i couoldn't do it. so now i drink a "two parts water to one part ground coffee" in the caffetiere, and that helps me get to work on time!


it helps you type faster too! :D


EDIT: i had to reply here cos i was just taking a sip of coffee when i saw this thread title at the top of the page.

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Originally posted by Dennyf:

Ever notice how the culture of "connoiseurism" only grows up around stuff that all tastes like crap to the uninitiated? Beer, wine, liquor, tobacco, coffee, caviar . . .

Chocolate disproves your theory. ;)


But I hear ya! :D


I don't have coffee very often...perhaps 6 times a year...but when I do, give me the darkest of roasts in a french press, or Turkish, or anything that has some real flavor.


And keep an eye on the water temp if you don't have a machine that takes care of that! :mad:





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I must agree with the folks that talk about the french and arabian roasts. Growing up in the PacNW doesn't give me a license to be a coffee snob, but when you've had a real cup of coffee, it completely makes sense. Just like where02190 said- his first enjoyable cup of coffee. Lots of the preground stuff in the can is "ok". But some specialty roasted beans that you grind yourself? You're starting to get somewhere.


P.S., can any of you notice the difference in taste of Decaf? I know many people who say it tastes the same to them as regular coffee, but to me it's night/day.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by phaeton:

P.S., can any of you notice the difference in taste of Decaf? I know many people who say it tastes the same to them as regular coffee, but to me it's night/day.

Hell, yes. Like I said in my first post, it is my not so humble opinion that no one has nailed a decent tasting cup of decaf. Not even the "Swiss water" crap.


The darker you go, the better the taste. But the second you fall off the edge into decaf, the arse drops right out of the taste.




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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As a side note: I'm currently brewing coffee that someone gave me for Christmas when I get up for breakfast. Truth be told, I can't wait to get rid of the stuff. I haven't had a truly god cup of coffee in a few days - but I know better beans are ahead. :D




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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As a side note: I'm currently brewing coffee that someone gave me for Christmas when I get up for breakfast. Truth be told, I can't wait to get rid of the stuff. I haven't had a truly god cup of coffee in a few days - but I know better beans are ahead.


Is that the Starbuck's "Christmas Blend"? That stuff is awful. Well, i view Starbucks as the McDonald's of the coffee world, but that's another story.


I think that decaf takes away all the bitterness that hides that "rotten peanut" aftertaste. And really, the bitterness in coffee is why i drink it, believe it or not. I drink beer for mostly the same reason.


Btw, Chris_C said it best: "...coffee strong enough to slice". Turn your boiled eggs and toast into a fried egg sandwich and i think we're ready to rock ;)


Oh and btw2... Let's not talk about the combination of Nicotine and Caffeine... that is something i truly miss.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Actually Phaeton, it isn't the SB Christmas blend, just some boring ol' coffee that came with a gift basket. Even starbucks would be a little bit more interesting (I've had both good and horrid Starbucks - with horrid outnumbering the good :evil: )




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

I think I'm gonna start making some triple shots of espresso and down 'em before I start the afternoon package...I'll get it done in half an hour rather than the usual three hours.

Goddamn, the come-down from that would fuck me up for days.... :eek:




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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