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Another PSA for Musicians--Don't Take it Personal

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Feeling generous this week and probably because it's hot as h8ll outside...here goes another PSA.  Feel free to skip it.😁


Threads come up about gear, music, artists and porn that sparks discussion, criticism, debate, etc. 


Constructive dialog and criticism and healthy debate is fine when it comes to music and art in general. 


However, all porn is bad because nothing good for you will come out of it.🤣


Accept the fact that whether it is an instrument or a style of music or a musician....everything is not for everyone.


We're only entitled to our opinions and whatever we have produced and/or earned.  Everything else..YMMV.


It's OK if something doesn't float your boat. Find a engine or paddle or sail that works.  Same goes for music.


Also, keep in check that inner green monster (jealousy, envy, hate) that rears up whenever someone else is more talented or successful.


I can only imagine that it's a tough pill to swallow when someone has put in 27,836 hours of practicing their craft and all of a sudden...a 12-year old kid shows up playing with an effortless mastery beyond their years and who hasn't lived long enough to practice 10,000 hours.  Don't blame them. 


Regardless of what one chooses to believe...that gift (talent) was bestowed upon those individuals.


If you're going to be jealous or envious...take it up with the Creator of all things. Don't kick a kid.🤣😎

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"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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2 minutes ago, ProfD said:

However, all porn is bad because nothing good for you will come out of it.🤣




Find a ...paddle ...that works.


Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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This is the Internet. If anyone has an opinion which conflicts with my own, that person is obviously wrong. Voicing such an opinion is seen as a personal attack on me, and is an affront to the nature of humanity and reality itself. Such things must not be left unaddressed. 

So if you have the audacity to even suggest to me that the FATAR TP-40M might be slightly more playable than the FATAR TP-40L you’d better be prepared, because I will end you. 

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Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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pointless arguments with strangers on the internet is what we do, eh?

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These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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27 minutes ago, ProfD said:

Brotha @MathOfInsects, using a paddle reads like a painful solution to a delicate matter. 🤣😎


Careful.  Some people are into paddles.  Some will tell you a good paddling makes their day.  Yes, there are those who say a paddle can be a real oar-deal.


Don't go kink-shaming paddles: you might get served.  :)

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My buddy got after me for correcting people on FB groups, but then someone posted something really stupid on his FB post about an airplane sale and he corrected him. I didn't think of the comeback but it should have been, if I am the " Internet Police" and you always get after me for that, than why are you correcting this guy? Hypocrite. 

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This is a forum, so we chat. There’s only so much we can chat about keyboard issues and how to fix them, tips and tricks. There’s no way we can drink beers online. Which is why we sometimes argue. It can be ugly or not. But it’s all good 🙂

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22 hours ago, JamPro said:

Yes, there are those who say a paddle can be a real oar-deal.

Canoe expand on that?

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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21 minutes ago, Threadslayer said:

Canoe expand on that?


Jeez - you know anything you canoe I canoe better.  Because I have a thing for canoes: canoes make me wet.  Canoes are like women: the best ones are hard to get into.  Did you know that sex in a canoe is like American beer - because they are both fucking close to water.  Today I learned that if you out in the water in a canoe and it flips over, you can wear it on your head because it is capsized.


Canoe tell me some good kayak jokes?  Yeah I've been told: I can't have my kayak and eat it too.

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A corollary: there is no best DAW. There's only the DAW that's best for how you need to use a DAW. All those videos about "I used to use DAW X and I switched to DAW Y so now I'm [so happy or so disappointed, depending on the video]" are ridiculous. The only thing that's more ridiculous is people saying the person is wrong for being happy or disappointed, because clearly, DAW Z is better and only idiots would use either DAW X or DAW Y.


Feel free to substitute the word "keyboard" for "DAW." :)

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42 minutes ago, Anderton said:

A corollary: there is no best DAW. There's only the DAW that's best for how you need to use a DAW. All those videos about "I used to use DAW X and I switched to DAW Y so now I'm [so happy or so disappointed, depending on the video]" are ridiculous. The only thing that's more ridiculous is people saying the person is wrong for being happy or disappointed, because clearly, DAW Z is better and only idiots would use either DAW X or DAW Y.


Feel free to substitute the work "keyboard" for "DAW." :)


I agree with the broad sentiment you're sharing, but people expressing these opinions can actually be very valuable for those looking for a DAW (or keyboard) based on our own needs. For example, I brute forced my way through a couple of DAWs when I first started out, not quite knowing what I was looking for at the time but ultimately coming to a wall. After watching some videos of this type, I realized that another DAW's feature set and capabilities were much better equipped to do what I was looking to do, and I have happily made that shift 6 years ago. So I think it's always important to see the perspective of the person sharing, and if their use case aligns with yours.

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2 minutes ago, CHarrell said:

people expressing these opinions can actually be very valuable for those looking for a DAW (or keyboard) based on our own needs


"Can" be is the crucial word here. I just saw a video from someone who switched to Studio One from Logic, but he didn't mention what I consider Studio One's standout feature for songwriting and composition. It's the only DAW with a chord track that works with polyphonic audio, not just MIDI, and it's the main reason Studio One is my primary DAW. Similarly, a DAW may have a fatal flaw for some application that doesn't get mentioned because it doesn't matter for that person's application, but it would matter for you. 


I'd trust downloading a trial version of a DAW and experiencing it for yourself. That takes all the personal opinion elements out of a decision, except for your own. "Luke, trust your feelings..." As the OP says...


On 7/19/2024 at 11:45 AM, ProfD said:

Accept the fact that whether it is an instrument or a style of music or a musician....everything is not for everyone.


We're only entitled to our opinions and whatever we have produced and/or earned.  Everything else..YMMV.


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5 hours ago, JamPro said:

Jeez - you know anything you canoe I canoe better.  Because I have a thing for canoes: canoes make me wet.  Canoes are like women: the best ones are hard to get into.  Did you know that sex in a canoe is like American beer - because they are both fucking close to water.  Today I learned that if you out in the water in a canoe and it flips over, you can wear it on your head because it is capsized.


How dare you make me laugh at such wretched drivel?? :saber: 😝

"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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3 hours ago, CHarrell said:

... I brute forced my way through a couple of DAWs when I first started out, not quite knowing what I was looking for at the time but ultimately coming to a wall. After watching some videos of this type, I realized that another DAW's feature set and capabilities were much better equipped to do what I was looking to do, and I have happily made that shift 6 years ago.


I won't pointlessly bad-mouth my first DAW, but it was quirky and uninviting in the extreme, over time. My new Mac crapped out until Apple ultimately replaced it with a newer and far better model. I moaned about the change toasting my music apps and they gave me a huge break on Logic 8. It came at a fortunate time in the program's evolution, where IMO, it became less mechanical, somehow. Maybe its the general fluidity of the OS, but I began skinning my $#@! knees less often and enjoying my work more.


An added benefit is being able to understand why Studio One or Live would suit a different mindset. Useful crossover info & techniques crop up at unusual moments. I often encounter that one added bit of information that makes my day. That's part of what makes KC so useful.  

"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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15 hours ago, CyberGene said:

...There’s only so much we can chat about keyboard issues...

I have no problem chatting about harmony or production techniques for hours. Too bad no one else seems to share that level of nerdy obsession online. 😃

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3 hours ago, AROIOS said:

I have no problem chatting about harmony or production techniques for hours. Too bad no one else seems to share that level of nerdy obsession online.


C'mon over to SSS for production techniques. We often discuss that kind of thing. I just started a topic about "Inside-Out" Mixing.

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On 7/20/2024 at 11:49 AM, Anderton said:

A corollary: there is no best DAW. There's only the DAW that's best for how you need to use a DAW. All those videos about "I used to use DAW X and I switched to DAW Y so now I'm [so happy or so disappointed, depending on the video]" are ridiculous. The only thing that's more ridiculous is people saying the person is wrong for being happy or disappointed, because clearly, DAW Z is better and only idiots would use either DAW X or DAW Y.


Feel free to substitute the word "keyboard" for "DAW." :)

Oh. No, there is a best DAW. It is Reaper.

Best developers in the game = best DAW.

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I am happy that so many disagree with the truth I hold because at the end of the day you are all my competition and there is only so many gigs.  We should rejoice when others are wrong… not correct them. 😀

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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21 hours ago, AROIOS said:

I have no problem chatting about harmony or production techniques for hours. Too bad no one else seems to share that level of nerdy obsession online...

As if that solves the lack of knowledge and craft...

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After some number of years believing in the concept of "the best" digital piano, I had a sudden realization that there are infinite variations of acoustic piano, and any individual will prefer one over another for all sorts of factors. Action, tone, color, dimensions, provenance, style, marketing ... personal preference is just that, personal. 

When talking about gear, I will share the things I like and don't like with as much context about my arbitrary desires as I can. Then it's up to other people to decide how much of my opinion they find relevant. :)

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1 hour ago, BluMunk said:

After some number of years believing in the concept of "the best" digital piano, I had a sudden realization that there are infinite variations of acoustic piano, and any individual will prefer one over another for all sorts of factors. Action, tone, color, dimensions, provenance, style, marketing ... personal preference is just that, personal. 

That is the eye opening reality.😉


Regardless of marketing and hype and specs, there is no universal *best* when it comes to gear. 


Also, it doesn't matter that a manufacturer or product has a huge contingent of fans either. 


The kazoo, er, KB instrument that everyone else plays still may not work for you...personally.😁😎



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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On 7/19/2024 at 1:20 PM, El Lobo said:

pointless arguments with strangers on the internet is what we do, eh?

That's what keeps this forum alive and kicking. ;)


Hardware: Nord Stage4, Korg Kronos 2, Novation Summit

Software: Cantabile 3, Halion Sonic 3 and assorted VST plug-ins.

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As a mental/behavioral health provider for over 25 years, I’ve worked with many challenging populations. I learned very early on to QTIP. I’ve been yelled at, cussed at, spit at, had things thrown at me, and have been hit, kicked, and bit. This place is a walk in the park! :laugh:

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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I know myself, I couldn't handle that.  

Over time I've gotten off social media and most forums.  The only ones I stay on are ones like this, with moderation that don't allow personal attacks.  I also tend to use the ignore feature on forums though not this one, so far :)  Just like I use the ignore function in real life.

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